New Clone Wars Shorts (Spoilers if not seen yet)

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New Clone Wars Shorts (Spoilers if not seen yet)

Post by DarkSilver »

Tonight Cartoon Network unvielded the new "Star Wars: Clone Wars" episodes, this time in 15 minute increments.

**** Spoiler Warning: do not read beyond this point if you have not seen the episode, and do not want it synopised***

I have to say, I was held from the opening to the end, the scene with the Clone Troopers, the deployment over the SBD army, even to the assault against Grevious was just awesome, and the end, with Anakin's Knighting, most killer.

What was your thoughts? Let us discuss these events....
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Post by Xon »

The firing turbolasers underwater and causing utterly no heating effects of the water was amusing :lol:
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Post by Techno_Union »

I especially liked the knighting ceremony... though it was a tad creep not being able to see the Council member's faces when their lightsabers were up. :D

Overall, the Grevious fight was pretty good... damn he's powerful! :shock:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

When are they going to air them all together? I'd rather watch something with adequate length and not fifteen minutes at a time.
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Post by Darksider »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:When are they going to air them all together? I'd rather watch something with adequate length and not fifteen minutes at a time.

during Toonami.

They're airing them instead of the usual Titans-JLU-Megas lineup
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Post by Firefox »

They're on every night this week at 7 p.m. ET. Don't feel too bad, though, as I missed the first ten minutes of tonight's episode.
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Post by Caius »

This is in the States right? I'll have to go find out when they are playing in Canada.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

Grievous rocks and apperantly smacked down Ki-adi to.

Anyway judging by what the ARCs say then that would mean that K'Kruhk is indeed dead (the sw databank just mentions him being wounded) wouldn't it?

If so that's 3, possibly 4 kills (depending on whether or not he killed the jedi leading the taskforce himself or just had that double-wise assload of droids he had do it).
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Post by President Sharky »

Despite what it may look like, K'Kruhk does survive the encounter on Hypori. He is, however, left for dead and goes into a Whipid hibernation trance because of his injuries. He shows up on numerous occaisions later on in the Star Wars: Republic comics, where he is also nearly killed several times.
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Post by VT-16 »

Judging by how ch 20 and 21 were made, I´d say Grievous killed both General Barrek and K'Kruhk. You see K'Kruhk´s body on the ground and Grievous picking up his lightsabre, after the gunship left. This, coupled with the lifesigns scanning showing only three lifeforms (Aayla, Shaak-Ti and Ki-Adi) pretty much says he´s dead. I´d say the CW fact-files on the OS are wrong on this (not that they are perfect elsewhere...)

Wonder why it didn´t pick up Grievous, though? Maybe he´s too mechanical...

Saw ch. 22 as well (the UK got them both). Bit disjointed, but with some nice scenes and a set-up for the next chapter. (Even a slight reference to Anakin and Asajj´s final duel.)

We get cameos from ARC-170s, Venators, AT-RTs, a small Juggernaut-like vehicle, dozens of Trade Fed. cruisers (like Grievous´ ship) and tri-droids. There´s a scene with some Republic laser batteries as well. (Three or four barrels per gun.)

Several battlefields and populations being subjugated to Separatist rule, Dooku training Grievous in ligthsabre-combat and Sidious preparing them for a "final operation".

Lastly, Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to a remote planet, where Grievous is said to be hiding. They encounter a giant monster, Anakin kills it, and they face natives who are apparantly angry that they´ve interferred with their hunt ot something. Either way, it´s to be continued....
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Post by Cej4096 »

Did anyone else see a brown Cylon in the crowd on Coruscant?
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Post by Wild Karrde »

Cej4096 wrote:Did anyone else see a brown Cylon in the crowd on Coruscant?
Yep. :lol:
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Re: New Clone Wars Shorts (Spoilers if not seen yet)

Post by Dorsk 81 »

DarkSilver wrote:I have to say, I was held from the opening to the end, the scene with the Clone Troopers, the deployment over the SBD army, even to the assault against Grevious was just awesome, and the end, with Anakin's Knighting, most killer.

What was your thoughts? Let us discuss these events....
You only saw up to Anakin being Knighted? :?

On Toonami in the UK we got Chapter 21 which was what you described and Chapter 22 Which was pretty much about Anakin owning stuff, his and Obis relationship appearing to have improved dramaticly, the two of them liberating a planet and then going off to find Grevious. <-- Spoilers for 22.
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Post by Meest »

Is it just me or the Padme/Anakin romance done better in this series than the movie heh. Some stuff again was ridiculous and some I felt they just didn't put the time into (the detail when things are draw at range is just horrible).

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Post by Lone_Prodigy »

Holy crap, it's the attack of those silvery-colored blob-men from Earthbound on the SNES!
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Post by Praxis »

Where to watch it in a few days:

On the day after their air you can DL the episodes there.
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Post by President Sharky »

Only if you live in the United States. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by Dillon »

Does anyone know if they're going to be airing on Teletoon?
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Post by Dorsk 81 »

Chapter 23 just finished here in the UK on Toonami and.... damn. :shock:

Spoiler warnning because I don't think it'll air in the US till tomorrow.

Anyone who said Mace Windu isn't as powerful as he's shown to be in Chapter 13 is proven wrong, again in Chapter 23 he goes hand to hand with SBDs as they invade Coruscant, after using a Droid Starfighter to slash at other Droid fighters. Yoda also shows quite a bit of his power, sending hundreds of Droidekas into the air to collide with the new droid fighters and making a few Trade Fed landing ships crash into each other. Palpatine also gets a visitor in his office, Grevious crashes in through the window as Shaakti and some other Jedi are trying to get him to saftey, and Anakin goes to face some sort of trial (still not really sure what though). Best of the 3 new chapters by far!
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Post by Darksider »

Judging from the Ch. 3 spoilers, It looks like they've gone into great detail to keep it consistant with Labryinth of Evil.

I'm not sure if Anakin's Knighthood matches up with the events in Jedi Trial though. I'll have to watch the episode again.
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Post by Caius »

observer_20000 wrote:Does anyone know if they're going to be airing on Teletoon?
closest thing to an air time I found on teletoon was in april but I think that was for the first chapters 1-20 or so. I might have misread.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Dorsk 81 wrote:Chapter 23 just finished here in the UK on Toonami and.... damn. :shock:

Spoiler warnning because I don't think it'll air in the US till tomorrow.

Anyone who said Mace Windu isn't as powerful as he's shown to be in Chapter 13 is proven wrong, again in Chapter 23 he goes hand to hand with SBDs as they invade Coruscant, after using a Droid Starfighter to slash at other Droid fighters. Yoda also shows quite a bit of his power, sending hundreds of Droidekas into the air to collide with the new droid fighters and making a few Trade Fed landing ships crash into each other. Palpatine also gets a visitor in his office, Grevious crashes in through the window as Shaakti and some other Jedi are trying to get him to saftey, and Anakin goes to face some sort of trial (still not really sure what though). Best of the 3 new chapters by far!
:D I just watched that to. Just sat down think it was 5 min thing it turn out to be half an hour. Just my luck toonami happens to be the quest channel this month...

ALos you forgot the badassness that is....

Dooku's training session with Grevious. Dooku handles him with very little problems. And spouts some nice sith philosphy at the same time
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Post by Praxis »

Chapter 21 is up online!
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Post by Praxis »

The direct link if its choppy within the web page (I had all kinds of problems);

It opens with real player but the source file is a .mov. Any ideas how to extract it? I want to save it on my HD.
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Post by Firefox »

I got to see chapter 22 this evening. It looks like the Venators are being used to replace the Acclamator in its ground assault/support role. Kind of interesting to see a SD capable of planetary landing, but irks me a little, since I pictured it as a space superiority capship beforehand.
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