Not enough space. The ISD, though longer and overall wider, has less interior space than a Venator.Gorefiend wrote:100 posts*does his happy dance* thx necronlord ^^" would have taken me until weekend without you.
btw. your right the sw db does not list the fighter number for the ssd, thought it did, must be from some other source i had in my head.
Well there must be some reason why an isd carries only 72 fighters and a smaller older ship has 420. Maybe they kept blowing up when hit at certain spots because fighter fuel tanks went up, or in fact the fighters themselves etc.I will add that it's possible, maybe even likely, that the TIE fighter is simply a better and higher preformance machine than the V wing and other Clone Wars era fighters, and as such requires more space to keep it operation. Or that the methods used of storing so many fighters aboard the Venator were found to e unsafe for implementation abord later Imperial Vessels, something not without real world preceedent IIRC.
I mean all those fighters have to take up a whole lot of space, not to mention all the supplies and support crew they need. So something critical to fighter operations will be hit pretty often.
-The ISD has engines which are predoninantly internal, VenSDs have engines which are predoninantly external.
-The ISD has a HUGE primary reactor, so large that it requires a ventral bulb, the VenSD does not have a bulb, so its reactor is smaller.
-If WEG sources are to be believed, the ISD has 37,000 crew, not including fighter crew and troops. VenSDs have a crew of 7,500.
Take all this into perspective, and the Venator potentially can hold far more fighters than an ISD.