Why not?Gorefiend wrote:Aye, I agree they can easily have the energy and weapon power output of several smaller ships and give a good fight to several standard warships, but it’s still not likely that they can go head to head against 1000 warships at the same time.
The point of the vignettes are generic examples of the advantage of large ships. Nitting they ain't Execs don't help. Since you don't seem to be contesting that base point, I accept your concession
Despite those supposed difficulties, it still easily defeated Mon Remonda. In fact, Zsinj running was quite un-understandable. Even with half his shield strength lost and Razor's Kiss destroyed, he had more than enough power to finish.Yes I always licked that fight, it shows very well why super ships like the Iron Fist have quit some trouble in battle, because of firings arcs and them just being very large targets. The Iron Fist takes beatings from several sides by vessels that are far less powerful then she is, but they are many of them and she cant concentrate all firepower at one single target, while the rebel fleet can concentrate its entire firepower against one single ships.
The correct movie answer is about 17.6, and it is repeated in the new ITW:OT (finally). The idea is that these sodding WEG SOBs were supposed to do the research. They have access to secret papers that we could only dream about, and they watch the same movie we do! It was sloppy research that created the mess in the first place, and that's why WEG is blasted.The eu these days makes the ssd 12,8kms long (or so starwars.com says). The thing is, not only west end game has the same weapon and armament stats for the ssd, starwars.com lists them as well, as do wizards of the coast (though there is a typo on their site making the ssd 12,0 km) and most other eu sources. I am just wondering why everyone keeps going back to blaming weg they just made the best of what they were told to do, like anyone else, I would blame lucasfilms for not giving them the 12,8 (or 17,6 as some claim) right away.
Understand this: You don't need secret access to be able to scale from the film correctly.
WoTC is blasted for 12.8km because it is little more than a lame attempt to appease fans while not admitting they are wrong, thus getting the worst of both worlds. The WEG-stickers wonder why they changed the 5-mile length (for them, a problem didn't exist until the change to 12.

Actually, most just try to ignore the 12.8km ship. A ship that has precisely the same armament as the 5-miler while being 3 miles longer is just too dumb for even the EU-people to contemplate. I suppose they did that to try not to break the continuity, but all it does is make the fix even dumber.As eu replaces itself over older sources we have to assume the ssd in x-wing were all meant to be 12,8km (as far as I recall the standing eu length for the ssd). The problem for me with making the ssd much stronger (not just larger) in hinsight would be the fact that the tactics in x-wing would not have worked, but that’s just mho.
What happened to your previous position on the matter, about the EU replacing itself?Is was being sarcastic anyway, I never said that a ship like the ven does not have the capacity to hold that much, if it is supposed to stays in continuity and they better give a good reason why it is given such a over the top fighter load compared to all later ships.
Who cares whether you can build a ten km monster if by building 10 1-km nibblers you can beat it?who in the star wars galaxy beside the empire had the ability to build something like it? It’s not like the rebellion had it’s own kuat drive yards. It scared the enemies of the empire pretty well as far as we know and that’s what it is build for
IP would have done better to mention the firepower. With the new estimates, the Executor is 20 times more expensive with about 78x (5000TLs to 64) the firepower. The Death Star's firepower is definitely worth more than 20 Sector Groups, which put together won't generate even 1E32J (the order of magnitude range required for a minimal blow-up).Sure it’s cheaper to build in bulk, the problem seems to be, that you don’t get any real improvements in fighting abilities beyond a certain size
Probably, it is resource limits. There are quite a large range of ships that are above 2km in any case. As an aside, the Executor's hyperdrive (if you believe the official stats) is a "Class 2", which is equivalent to that of the ISD-I.Its not as absurd as you might think, their must be a reason why warships normally don’t get much longer then ~ 1,5-2 km, most likely either because it does not make tactical sense, or economic. The DS also seems to requires a huge hyperspace drive to propel it a long at a very slow speed compared to it’s size
The DS is ultimately a spaceship, since it moves, though a very large one. Basically, you take the DS's size and known firepower, then scale it down to the ISD.
Good, so there are other types.Vengeance is called a super star destroyer variant build by kdy.
Actually, the author could have drawn a triangle and be more convincing it was the Executor. In the DE itself, it was classified as a "Super Star Destroyer" (thus showing once again the uselessness of the moniker), and shown in enough detail a scaling was possible!Allegiance should most likely be a ssd like the executor, but the guy drawing dark empire should be beaten to death anyway. The dark empire sourcebook just calls it a commando ship, so know one really knows.
And where there is no reason to think they misdrew, you take it as truth. Next.Admiral Giel's command ship? Same problem as with starships in comics in general, either they are not supposed to be a normal ship, or the artists are just very bad at drawing.
For all its flaws, it is still one of the few non-minimalist pieces of EU work, and should be respected for it.I second the complaining about dark empire, it should never have been made