The Matrix Online

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Castrate Chardok
No! Wait! I meant circumsize!
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Damn...too late...
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maybe we can...reattach it...
No we can't...
But....Chardok is only castrated if he BELIEVES he's castrated
*Slap* don't be a buffoon! He's obviously an agent of the system.
Pfft. Maybe YOU are.
Oh, go to hell.
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The Matrix Online

Post by Chardok »

I have preordered it.

It shall come tomorrow.

I will let you guys know how deep the rabbithole goes...if it goes at all... If baby jesus cries there shall be much rejoicing. but I already know how it will go... I've...always known...Pardon me while I eat a cookie.
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Post by Rye »

I preordered it yesterday, it'll come out next month over here. WoW STILL hasn't arrived, though.
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Post by Vympel »

I'll take the blue pill, thanks. That Ctrl-Alt-Del Online comic was a classic.
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Post by wautd »

Not interested in the game (thank M: Revolutions for that)
nice poll tough :D
Last edited by wautd on 2005-03-21 10:17am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DarkSilver »

I'm not touching it

you can try reattaching it yourself if your want, but I don't think it'll work anymore.

As for Matrix online, I'm not touching that either. I didn't like the last 2 Matrix movies, and I'm not drawn into the Matrix world like I was with Ultima enough to go ahead and pay to play Matrix.
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Post by Joe »

The clip I saw of it on TechTV looked absolutely terrible. No thanks.

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Post by Lord Pounder »

I'm warry of it. I've played to many overhyped MMO's on their release date only to be stung by buggy unfinisished pieces of shite.
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Post by xtashinatorx »

I'm kind of disgusted they even thought of continuing the series? Can't they just slip silently into the night? The last two movies were atrocious, and Enter the Matrix was nothing but a piece of buffalo shit that ran in my PS2. When will they give it up?
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Post by Elheru Aran »

xtashinatorx wrote: When will they give it up?
When people grow a brain cell or two.

That said, I think it's a fun concept (that of being plugged in, having a virtual world play around you); to a degree we already have that with the Internet and all (Evercrack, WoW anybody?). Unfortunately the Wankowskis butchered the whole thing with their shite philosophy and godawful writing. I'd prefer an Equilibrium game more... or a Grammatron Cleric mod! :D
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

How they ended the beta was cool. But I remain uninterested.
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Post by Star-Blighter »

Blue. Pill.

Oh, and castrate Chardok. :P
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Post by Utsanomiko »

I've already got a good MMO, thanks.

How'd they end the beta? I didn't know it was already coming out; last I heard the game was buggy as hell.
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Post by Losonti Tokash »

Utsanomiko wrote:I've already got a good MMO, thanks.

How'd they end the beta? I didn't know it was already coming out; last I heard the game was buggy as hell.
All out war in the Matrix ended by a reboot by the machines, featuring cameos by the movie characters and hordes of players fighting agents in an attempt to stop them from killing some other poor bastard.
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Post by White Haven »

Yeah, that did have style. Whole Matrix turned into a warzone, then started to crash...and finally absorbed everyone into a giant flesh-ball before flatlining.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Brick walls started popping up, preventing you to get into places, Agents attacked people without provocation, shouting "The truce is over!", the sky turned red and was filled with watching eyes... posters and billboards read things like "Jack out now, or discomfort will be extreme" and "You are no longer welcome"... exit terminals were rigged with a virus that set you on fire, which means that anyone trying to join after a certain point was set ablaze upon entry. Finally, there was a bizzare message from the Machines, and all the avatars of PCs collapsed in on themselves in a very painful fashion.
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Post by Assassin X »

The game is fun but what a waiste of money playing games online. $$$ :shock:
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Post by Losonti Tokash »

Assassin X wrote:The game is fun but what a waiste of money playing games online. $$$ :shock:
I suppose that you have some other idea for how to pay the costs associated with keeping the damn thing running 24/7?
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Post by InnocentBystander »

My brother has been playing the beta for a good long time. The world seems rather... empty and the combat down right foolish... at least compared to WoW.
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Post by Assassin X »

Losonti Tokash wrote:
Assassin X wrote:The game is fun but what a waiste of money playing games online. $$$ :shock:
I suppose that you have some other idea for how to pay the costs associated with keeping the damn thing running 24/7?
Hey if you want to waiste money paying for a game where you do the same thing over and over for the rest of your life thats your choice :-) I dont care how much a server cost. So people life have real issues like clothes, food..etc :lol:

Anyways...whats with the bashing of the game? I think most people dont like simply because they see its based on the Matrix and they assume it sucks. Then there are those who see a video and their like "OMG that suxors". At least i actually tried the game before making statements about something i havent tried.

It wasa fun but like i said $$$.
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Post by Losonti Tokash »

Assassin X wrote:
Losonti Tokash wrote:
Assassin X wrote:The game is fun but what a waiste of money playing games online. $$$ :shock:
I suppose that you have some other idea for how to pay the costs associated with keeping the damn thing running 24/7?
Hey if you want to waiste money paying for a game where you do the same thing over and over for the rest of your life thats your choice :-) I dont care how much a server cost. So people life have real issues like clothes, food..etc :lol:

Anyways...whats with the bashing of the game? I think most people dont like simply because they see its based on the Matrix and they assume it sucks. Then there are those who see a video and their like "OMG that suxors". At least i actually tried the game before making statements about something i havent tried.

It wasa fun but like i said $$$.
Meh. I don't think that $15 a month is such a big deal, but I don't have many other bills to pay yet.

From what I've seen, it's an awesome game. Unfortunately, I've only logged about 30 minutes of gametime since my computer, despite meeting the requirements, can't run the damn thing.
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