Anakin vs Anakin

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Anakin or Anakin?

Solo doesn't even break a sweat.
Solo wins. Barely
Skywalker just wins.
You don't knoww the power of the darkside! (Skywalker totally pwns the Solo wimp)
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Anakin vs Anakin

Post by Crazedwraith »

Anakin Solo just proir to the SbS mission ends up by act-of-the-living-force fighting Anakin Skywalker just prior to AotC.

Each just has their lightsaber and force skills for weaponry.
If they're each going fll on for the kill who walks away? And how many limbs to they have left?
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Post by BringerOfLight »

I've never read the later Star Wars novels, just how powerful is Solo?
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Post by Lord Revan »

I have to say that I don't know enough of the Adult Anakin Solo to make jugdement, but there's gonna a lot whining and lost limbs (member of Skywalker family line seem to be better at losing limbs then taking them of though)
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Post by YT300000 »

Star By Star Spoilers:

How did Anakin die again? I forgot... :oops:
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Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

I think he suffered a pretty bad wound or something, but from what I remember, he was using so much force power that he was eating himself alive, burning himself up, or however it goes.
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Post by The Original Nex »

Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:I think he suffered a pretty bad wound or something, but from what I remember, he was using so much force power that he was eating himself alive, burning himself up, or however it goes.
That and he got half a dozen Amphistaffs in the gut.
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Post by YT300000 »

Ah. In that case, my vote goes to Skywalker. He did very well against Dooku, and should be able to hold his own against Solo, who is likely far less powerful than Skywalker was.

EDIT: clarified
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Post by Praxis »

Just prior to Star by Star? Anakin displayed some incredible power with the force, considering he was able to move into a CROWD of about a hundred Vong warriors and rip through them with such lightning speed that they weren't able to kill him until he had killed so many that it allowed a dozen other jedi to escape completely unharmed AND at the same time he was fighting he was tossing thermal detonators at Nom Anor with the force.

It was to the point he was literally GLOWING with force power.

And he did all that even though he had already been fatally wounded earlier.

If we're talking about Anakin Solo at that level, at that moment before he died, he can take Anakin Skywalker.

If we're talking about Anakin Solo at his normal levels, I think he's more skilled than Anakin Skywalker but Anakin Skywalker has more raw power.

If it's AOTC Anakin Skywalker where Dooku pwns him, Skywalker loses, barely.
If it's ROTS Anakin Skywalker, which apparently is able to take on Dooku judging from the trailer for both the movie and the game, then Solo loses, barely.

The reason I'm using Dooku as a benchmark is because the Clone Wars cartoon shows that Dooku is a better lightsaber duelist than GREVIOUS (who takes out 6 Jedi at once), and he was actually able to stalemate Yoda.
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Post by Gunhead »

Solo swipes Skywalkers left arm off.

Solo: "Now stand aside, worthy adversary."
Skywalker: "'Tis but a scratch."
Solo: " A scratch? Your arm's off!"
Skywalker: "No, it isn't."
Solo: "Well, what's that, then?"
Skywalker: "I've had worse"
Solo: "You liar!"
Skywalker: "Come on, you pansy!"

Solo cuts Skywalkers right arm off.

Solo: "Victory is mine!"
Skywalker: " Hah!" [kick] "Come on then."
Solo: "What?"
Skywalker: "Have at you!" [kick]
Solo: " Eh. You are indeed brave, Skywalker, but the fight is mine."
Skywalker: " Oh, had enough, eh?"
Solo: " Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left."
Skywalker: " Yes, I have."
Solo: "Look!"
Skywalker: " Just a flesh wound." [Kick]
Solo: " Look, stop that."
Skywalker: " Chicken!" [Kick!] "Chickenn!"
Solo: " Look, I'll have your leg." [Kick!] "Right!"

Solo cuts of Skywalkers right leg.

Skywalker: "Right I'll do you for that."
Solo: "What are you going to do? Bleed on me?"
Skywalker: "I'm invincible"
Solo: "You're a loonie"
Skywalker: "The dark side always triumphs. Have at you! Come on, then."

Solo cuts off Skywalkers last leg.

Skywalker: " Oh? All right, we'll call it a draw."
Solo: "Come Padme" (Well he IS the son of Solo after all :wink: )
Skywalker: " Oh. Oh, I see. Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!"

Skywalker fries Solo with Dark side lightning.

And this is how Anakin Skywalker ended up as a cyborg. So now you know.


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Post by Vicious »

Solo right before SbS? Damn. I'd say Solo would win by sheer power. As to the most powerful, I've always read it as Anakin Skywalke < Luke Skywalker < Anakin Solo (up until he dies, that is).

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Re: Anakin vs Anakin

Post by Dorsk 81 »

Solo just before the mission to Myrkr and Skywalker just before AotC? Solo wins.

Solo just before Myrkr and Skywalker just before RotS? Skywalker wins.

By Myrkr, Solo is as powerful as he'll ever be, unless you wanna count the fight with the hundreds of Vong, but he's pretty much already dead at that point because using the Force to that extent killed him, even if the Amphistaff wound hadn't been fatal, he'd still be dead because all his cells were bursting, etc, etc.
Before AotC, Skywalker still has a ways to go before his power peaks, by RotS, he's pretty much peaked, hence him now being able to take Dooku, killing all the Jedi in the temple, etc.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Solo's Force glow was a special case, and we don't even know if that would occur against Skywalker. I just don't see any of the Solo's taking it.

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Post by Mr. T »

Never read much of the EU, but from what I've heard of Solo, I would probably say Skywalker wins pretty easily. It was stated afterall in AOTC that Anakin could rival Yoda in swordmanship.
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Post by Praxis »

Gunhead wrote: Skywalker fries Solo with Dark side lightning.

And this is how Anakin Skywalker ended up as a cyborg. So now you know.


Where does the lightning come from? He has no hands.
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Post by Civil War Man »

Praxis wrote:
Gunhead wrote: Skywalker fries Solo with Dark side lightning.

And this is how Anakin Skywalker ended up as a cyborg. So now you know.


Where does the lightning come from? He has no hands.
Watch Braveheart. You'll know.

Anyway, I voted for Skywalker. Dark Jedi are allowed to use dirty tricks in their fighting, and even when Skywalker was one of the good guys I'd consider him a Dark Jedi.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Mr. T wrote:Never read much of the EU, but from what I've heard of Solo, I would probably say Skywalker wins pretty easily. It was stated afterall in AOTC that Anakin could rival Yoda in swordmanship.
No it's stated Anakin thinks he rivals Yoda. In reality Yoda would pwn his whiney ass.
EpII AotC wrote:Obi-Wan: If you practised your saber technique as much as your wit you'd rival master Yoda as a swordsman.

Anakin: I thought I already did.

Obi-Wan: Only in your mind my very young a apprentice.
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Post by Praxis »

Mr. T wrote:Never read much of the EU, but from what I've heard of Solo, I would probably say Skywalker wins pretty easily. It was stated afterall in AOTC that Anakin could rival Yoda in swordmanship.
Anakin: "I could take Yoda any day!!!"

*Dooku pwns Anakin effortlessly*

*Yoda pwns Dooku*

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