ROTS plot summary from the comic- Spoilers

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ROTS plot summary from the comic- Spoilers

Post by Vympel »

Taken from the comic:

1. The film stars with the Battle of Coruscant. The CIS has attacked Coruscant under the leadership of Count Dooku and General Grievous, and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine. A Republic fleet arrives to prevent the CIS fleet from escaping with their captive, while Anakin and Obi-Wan fly a pair of Eta-2 Actis Jedi Interceptors to rescue Palpatine from the Invisible Hand.

2. During the flight to the enemy flagship, Obi-Wan calls an ARC-170 squadron, led by "Odd Ball" (a Clone name) to run interference. They take casualties and Anakin attempts to break off and assist, but Obi-Wan prevents him since it isn't part of the mission.

3. Obi-Wan's fighter is then struck by a pair of missiles which releases "Buzz Droids", which start to take his fighter apart by landing on it and ripping it to shreds. Anakin attempts to shoot them off, but Obi-Wan orders him to stop. Obi-Wan's controls fail.

4. Anakin orders him to head for the hangar of the Separatist flagship. Obi-Wan comments that the shields are up. Anakin disables the hangar shields by shooting a structure next to the open hangar with his laser cannons.

What? That doesn't make any sense.

5. Obi-Wan safely crashes in the hangar, Anakin lands his fighter as well. Battle ensues with battle droids. Obi-Wan comments that he "senses a trap". A Magna Droid (General Grievous' bodyguard) tells them that "we've been waiting for you"- confirming same.

That this was a trap may explain the ease with which Obi-Wan landed in the hangar

6. Shielded Droidekas open fire on them. They cut their way through the floor and enter a level filled with fuel. Super Battle Droids jump in after them. They find an escape vent. Anakin does ... erm ... something with his lightsabre that causes an explosion on the other side after they make it through an escape vent. The scene really doesn't make much sense.

Which would explain why the entire sequence is known to be cut from the film, most likely.

7. They come upon the Chancellor, shackled to a chair in a room with a panoramic view of the space battle outside. Count Dooku appears from another entrance, with battle droids accompanying him. He jumps down and ignites his lightsabre, with witty commentary.

8. Obi-Wan engages the battle droids while Anakin fights Count Dooku. After Obi-Wan deals with the battle droids, he joins the fight. Dooku quickly eliminates him with a force push. Anakin force pushes him in return. Dooku comments on Anakin's power and anger and why he isn't using them. Palpatine starts acting like the Emperor we know from ROTJ, giving Anakin instructions. Anakin cuts off Dooku's hand, picks up his lightsabre, and beheads him at Palpatine's urging. Palpatine congratulates him, saying he was too dangerous to live.

Needless to say, in the film Anakin cuts off both Dooku's hands. Furthermore, the novelization's description is probably superior in accuracy- in it, Dooku appears with two Super Battle Droids, who stand guard during the duel. As Dooku is getting overwhelmed by Obi-Wan and Anakin together, he orders them to open fire. Obi-Wan quickyl dispatches them, and he is then knocked out of the fight by Dooku

9. The ship is now falling out of orbit. Anakin goes to pick up Obi-Wan, Palpatine tells Anakin to leave him, but Anakin will have none of it. Obi-Wan wakes up. They decide to head to the bridge and see if they can find an escape pod. They are trapped in a "ray shield" and forced to surrender to a horde of Magna Droids, Droidekas, Super and normal Battle Droids.

Huh? Ray shields can't trap ...

10. They are taken to the bridge where General Grievous gloats over them. He has taken both their lightsabres. Obi-Wan force pulls his lightsabre from Grievous' grasp, cuts his shackles, and starts killing Battle Droids. Anakin does the same.

R2 creates a distraction to allow Obi-Wan to retreive his lightsabre in the film

11. General Grievous' crewman reports that the ship is falling out of orbit, all "aft control cells" are dead, and that the ship is breaking up. Odd, since Palpatine knew this well before.

Surely the crewman isn't reporting this for the first time?

Anyway, Grievous smashes the bridge window with a thrown Magna Droid staff, uses a grappling hook to leap out, and then runs along the hull to the escape pods, getting away. He launches all the other pods as well.

12. Though it is not shown, one can presume the ship emergency bulkheads close around the broken window. Anakin tries to guide the ship down to a safe crash landing. At this point in the comic, R2 appears, and assists Anakin in crash landing the ship by opening all hatches, extending all flaps and drag fins.

I guess the Recusant-class ships are designed for planet fall

13. Fire ships arrive to cool off the hull of the ship, as the heat shields of the ship are lost. The ship breaks in half. The ship crash lands on a Coruscant runway.

14. Mace Windu and Clonetroopers are waiting for them in a gunship. Anakin reports he killed Count Dooku, while Grievous escaped. Windu suggets that with their leader dead, it may be time to sue for peace. Palpatine says that's nonsense, and with General Grievous still alive, their ability to wage war has never been stronger. Windu resolves himself to eliminating Grievous.

15. Palpatine goes to receive the congratulations from his political friends for surviving his ordeal. Anakin goes with him. Obi-Wan prefers to go back to the Jedi Temple on the gunship. Bail Organa congratulates Anakin and hopes that this will be another step in ending the war and Palpatine's "draconian security measures". Anakin expresses his doubts. Padme appears and greets Anakin etc. Missed you, unbearable, yada yada yada, btw I'm pregnant. Anakin says it's wonderful.

16. Cut to Utapau. Grievous gets off what I think is a Trade Federation shuttle (seen in TPM and AOTC)- and meets with the Separatist Council (the guys from AOTC). He tells them to go to the Mustafar system in the Outer Rim, where they will be safe. Grievous then confers with Darth Sidious. He confirms he's sent the Separatist leaders there, and Sidious notes that the Jedi will exhaust their resources looking for Grievous and will not be informed of his whereabouts until "we" are ready. Grievous asks about the loss of Count Dooku- Sidious calls his death a necessary loss and that he will "soon have a new apprentice ... one younger- and more powerful."

17. Anakin wakes up from a dream where he sees Padme die in childbirth. Padme also wakes up and they have a scene reminiscent of the scene where Anakin is at the balcony on Naboo thinking about his mother. Padme thinks the baby will mean the Queen of Naboo will prevent her from serving in the Senate (why?) while if it is revealed Anakin was the father, he'll be expelled from the Jedi. She asks if Obi-Wan could help. Anakin reminds her that he's part of the Council, and that she shouldn't tell him anything. "Our baby is a blessing, not a problem."

18. Obi-Wan, Mace and Yoda have a sit in (as Mace and Yoda did in AOTC) and discuss their suspicions that Palpatine is under the influence of the unrevealed Sith Lord- the "dark side of the Force" surrounds him. They also note he's moving to take control of the Jedi. Obi-Wan refers to a "shifting" of the Force that they can all feel. Obi-Wan speculates that the war is part of a plot by the Sith to take over the Republic. Yoda calls it speculation outright and says that they need proof before taking it "to the council". Windu says that if Palpatine does not sue for peace after Grievous is eliminated, he must be removed from office.

19. Obi-Wan meets up with Anakin in the temple. Obi-Wan notes that the Senate is voting for more executive powers to go to the Chancellor. Anakin approves. Obi-Wan tellls Anakin that Palpatine has requested his presence, but won't say why. He tells him to beware of Palpatine. Anakin is skeptical and doesn't see the reason for "all this mistrust".

Obi-Wan tells Anakin "the force grows dark" and that "we all feel it".

20. Anakin meets with Palpatine. Palpatine tells him that the Senate is "calling on him" to take control of the Jedi- so that they will report to him personally, not the Senate. This is because the Senate is too "unfocused" to conduct a war. Palpatine strokes Anakin's ego. Eventually, Palpatine tells him he's appointing him to be his personal representative on the Council.

21. Padme, Mon Mothma and Bail Organa have a pow-wow about Palpatine. In essence "we can't let a thousand years of democracy dissapear without a fight". They're putting together "an organization".

22. Anakin comes before the Council. You are on this Council, we do not grant you the rank of Master. Etc. Ki-Adi-Mundi reports no sign of Grievous via hologram. Droid Landing on Kashyyk. Yoda will go. Anakin must stay with Palpatine. Obi-Wan will try and find Grievous.

23. After, Anakin complains of the great insult of being allowed on the Council without being granted Master rank. Obi-Wan comments on Anakin speaking of jealousy and pride. He tries to tell him it is a great honour since he is so young. Obi-Wan comments that he's in a delicate situation, which Anakin translates into "divided loyalties". At this point, Obi-Wan tells him that the Council wants him to report on the Chancellor's dealings. That's treason, etc- its against the Republic, the Jedi and a friend. *That* is what is out of place to Anakin, not Palpatine's behavior.

24. Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace confer as troops load onto what I assume to be an Acclamator. Obi-Wan tells them Anakin is unenthused about his assignment. Yoda comments on his anger and pride. Mace says its a dangerous move, and that he doesn't trust Anakin. Obi-Wan says that Anakin will not let him down, and that he never has.

This may have been moved to the scene on the gunship seen in the trailer

25. Padme and Anakin talk about his appointment, the percieved insult, Padme tests the waters by commenting that they may be "on the wrong side" and that the Republic has become the evil they've been trying to destroy. Anakin gets mad and says that she's starting to sound like a Seperatist. Padme asks him to get Palpatine to stop the war. Anakin refuses- he's no one's errand boy. Scene ends with them embracing.

26. Galaxies Opera House scene. Palpatine has invited Anakin. Palpatine tells Anakin that the Jedi are trying to take control of the Republic and are planning to betray him- and that Anakin knows this. Palpatine reveals that he knows they want him to spy for them. Anakin assures him the Jedi use their power for good. Palpatine dismisses that as being merely a point of view, and goes on at length about the Sith. He tells him "the tragedy of Darth Plagueis", the Sith Lord who found a way to use the midi-chlorians to create life, to keep those he cared about alive. Possible to learn this power etc? Not from a Jedi.

27. Obi-Wan goes to see Padme. Obi-Wan tells her of his difficult position and that his stres is "more than that"- he knows they're in love. Obi-Wan is called away to go to Utapau to find Grievous.

28. Anakin and Obi-Wan have a happy parting nearby a landed Venator SD- Anakin apologizes to Obi-Wan for his behavior.

29. Anakin and Padme talk again. Anakin feels the presence of Obi-Wan in the apartment, knowing he's been there. He asks Padme if he knows, angrily. Padme comments on his moodyness. Anakin denies it, saying he feels conflicted and lost, and mentions his growing power and the possibility that he might keep Padme safe from dying. Padme dismisses it, saying he could keep her safe just as he is.

30. Utapau. Obi-Wan takes his Eta-2 down to the planet and meets with Tion Medon. Tion Medon reveals that Grievous is here, with thousands of battle droids. Obi-Wan tells him to find shelter and prepare any warriors they have.

31. Back on Coruscant, the Jedi Council receives a report from a Clonetrooper informing them of the news. Mace gives Anakin an important assignment- to tell Palpatine that Grievous has been found, watch his reactions closely, and attempt to discover through them what the Chancellors true intentions are.

23. On Utapua, Obi-Wan mind tricks someone into getting him a ride with some sort of lizard creature, answers to the name of Boga. Obi-Wan does. He almost immediately comes upon General Grievous, who appears to have just gotten off his wheel-bike.

I suspect in the film this will be much different

They fight. Grievous uses four sabres. Grievous reveals Dooku himself trained him in "your Jedi arts". Obi-Wan quickly destroys all four of his sabres. Grievous takes up a Magna Droid staff and knocks Obi-Wan's sabre from his grasp. Obi-Wan charges him as Grievous attempts to pull his blaster, and then knocks his blaster away. Grievous throws him back. Obi-Wan force pulls Grievous blaster, and shoots him repeatedly just as Grievous was about to ram the staff through him. Grievous is dead.

24. Anakin tells Palpatine the news. Palpatine knows why the Jedi sent him there. Palpatine drops the bomb, tells him to break through the fog of lies the Jedi are feeding him, and to learn the true nature of the Force. Anakin asks how he knows anything about that, Palpatine reveals his master told him. Anakin ignites his lightsabre and is about to kill him for being a Sith Lord. Palpatine talks him down- keep safe from death, power greater than you can imagine, the Jedi don't trust you, they'll destroy you, I need your help to restore peace to the galaxy, etc. Anakin says he's going to turn him over to the Jedi Council. Palpatine says fine, he'll wait right there.

25. Obi-Wan tells his troops to send the message to Coruscant that Grievous is dead.

26. Anakin tells Mace Windu that Palpatine is Sidious, just as Mace is about to go to tell Palpatine that Grievous is dead and to relinquish his power. Anakin tries to go with Mace, but Mace tells him to stay back and meditate, sensing much conflict within him.

27. Windu's posse enters Palpatine's chambers. Fight ensues. Two are killed instantly, Kit Fisto lasts a bit longer and then gets beheaded. Windu and Palpatine fight alone. Back at the temple, Anakin resolves to "not let Padme die" and leaves.

28. Windu succeeds in knocking Palpatine's lightsabre away, but Palpatine unleashes force lightning, which Mace blocks. Both call to him for assistance. Palpatine's face turns to the face we know from ROTJ, he collapses. Windu tells him that they must finish him before he "kills us all". Anakin insists he must be kept alive- Windu disagrees. He goes to kill Sidious, but Anakin cuts his arm off. Palpatine immediatley springs up and blows him out of the window to his death. Palpatine makes his final sales pitch, Anakin accepts, becomes Darth Vader. He orders him to go to the Jedi Temple, do what must be done, show no mercy, and then go to Mustafar.

29. Order 66 is executed.

On Mygeeto, Commander Bacarra shoots Ki-Adi-Mundi after saying "General ..."

On Felucia, Aayla Secura asks Commander Bly if he thinks it got quiet all of a sudden because of droids. Bly responds "No" as he shoots her in the back. The rest of his ARC Troopers fill her with blaster holes on the ground.

Elsewhere on Felcuia, Barris Ofee is blown apart from behind by AT-TE fire.

On Utapau, Obi-Wan's Clonetroopers (who are still fighting droid forces) attack Obi-Wan and kill Boga, whoose carcass, along with Obi-Wan, go hurtling to the bottom of the sink-hole.

On Kashyyk, Clonetroopers surround Luminara Undulli and shoot her.

Quinlan Vos is blown off of his Juggernaut by the fire of another Juggernaut.

Yoda is attacked by Clonetroopers but fights them off with the aid of the Wookies.

30. Bail Organa takes his speeder to the burning Jedi Temple. He asks the Clonetroopers what's going on. They tell him there's been a Rebellion. No one is allowed entry to the temple. A Jedi youngling bursts out of the Temple, deflecting Clonetrooper fire. He is quickly cut down. Bail takes his cue and pisses off real fast.

31. Vader goes to Padme to make sure she is safe. He tells her that the Jedi are traitors, that there are those in the Senate who are traitors. Vader assures her that she will be safe because she is with him. He tells her he's going to Mustafar to end the war. Padme says she wants to leave with him, go someplace else where they and the child will be safe. Vader insists that place is right where they are, there's a New Order, he'll soon be able to protect her from anything.

32. Bail Organa is on the Tantive IV, which is landed on Coruscant. Captain Antilles has gotten hold of a Jedi homing beacon.

33. On Kashyyk, Yoda blasts off in a Wookie escape pod, thanking Chewbacca and Tarrful for their assistance.

34. Obi-Wan makes it to General Grievous' fighter and escapes Utapau. Obi-Wan calls out to any Jedi over the comm system, he receives Bail Organa. He rendezvous with the Tantive IV somewhere in space. Yoda is also there when he arrives. They confer. Obi-Wan and Yoda decide they have to go back to Coruscant to turn off the Jedi "come home" signal, so that anymore Jedi won't be killed.

35. On Mustafar, Anakin gets out of his Eta-2, ordering R2 to stay with the ship. Darth Sidious is conferring with the CIS council. They have shut down their droid armies, everything is going according to plan. Sidious asks if his new apprentice, Darth Vader, has arrived. Yes, he has. Good, he'll "take care of you". Vader kills the lot of them over their pleads for mercy.

36. Palpatine & Co. in the Senate. Empire is announced, to massive applause. Bail Organa and Padme are both there.

37. Yoda and Obi-Wan make their way through the Temple, and recalibrate the code to drive any surviving Jedi away. They take the opportunity to check the security systems. They see Anakin/Vader killing Jedi, and conferring with Darth Sidious. Yoda says the Sith must be destroyed. Obi-Wan refuses to kill Anakin, instead saying he should go kill the Emperor. Yoda notes Sidious is too powerful for him. Yoda persuades him to go after Anakin.

38. Obi-Wan goes to visit Padme. Obi-Wan notes that "the Sith now rule the galaxy as they did before the Republic". Obi-Wan reveals Anakin has one over to the Sith, Padme refuses to believe it. Padme doesn't tell him. Obi-Wan reveals he knows Anakin is the father. Padme goes to her ship to Mustafar. Obi-Wan sneaks on board? Or comes with her? The comic is unclear. Probably the former.

39. In the Chancellors's office in the Senate Arena, Yoda confronts Sidious. They fight.

40. Padme arrives on Mustafar. Vader asks her what she's doing there, Padme is overjoyed to see him and tells him what Obi-Wan told her. Vader is enraged- tells her that Obi-Wan is trying to turn her against him, he's become more poweful than any Jedi, he can protect her. She says she doesn't want his power or protection, just his love. Vader says love won't save her, only his power will. He's brought peace to the Republic, he's more powerful than Palpatine, he can overthrow him, and she and he can rule the galaxy together and make it the way they want it to be.

Padme can't believe what she's hearing, Obi-Wan is right. Vader gets more enraged. She says she doesnt' know him anymore. Vader says its because of Obi-Wan, she's with him. He starts choking her. Obi-Wan calls on Vader to let her go. Vader asks what they've been up to. Again he screams to him to let her go. Vader force pushes her away, and after some dialogue (if you're not with me, you're my enemy! etc) fight starts.

41. Yoda and Sidious continue to fight. Among other things, Sidious says:

You will not stop me! Darth Vader will be come more powerful than either of us!.

Yoda says his faith in Vader is misplaced and that Obi-Wan will destroy him. They keep fighting.

42. Back on Mustafar, 3P0 and R2 carry Padme into her ship. Fight continues of course.

43. Yoda escapes. Sidious orders his Coruscant Shocktroopers to find him. He orders his shuttle ready for immediate take-off- he sense Lord Vader is in danger.

44. Bail Organa picks up Yoda. Yoda has failed.

45. Fight goes on and on until Vader gets his legs and left arm cut off in a picture that isn't really clear. Vader is sliding down a sandbank next to a lava river with his cybernetic arm. He calls out to Obi-Wan (bizarre). Obi-Wan says:

You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them! You were my brother, Anakin. I love you- but I won't help you.

We see Vader's glove over his cybernetic arm start to burn as Vader sceams "I hate you!"

Obi-Wan leaves on Padme's ship.

Palpatine arrives with Shocktroopers, and finds Vader, still alive. He orders a medical capsule immediately.

46. On Polis Massa, an asteroid base, Yoda speaks to Qui-Gon's ghost, though he can't be seen in the comic. With his help, Yoda will be able to merge with the force "at will". The ability to defy death can be achieved- but never by a Sith. Obi-Wan arrives with Padme. Bail Organa is there. Padme has twins- they're the last hope. Padme then dies, her last words being that there's good still in him.

Yoda orders that her body be sent to Naboo- and made to look still pregnant. The children should be split up. Bail will take Leia, Obi-Wan will deliver Luke to the Lars', the closest thing to family they have. Until "the time is right", he and Obi-Wan will disappear. In the meantime, Yoda has training for Obi-Wan- from Qui-Gon.

Bail places he droids under Captain Antilles care. C-3P0's memory is erased.

47. On Coruscant, the construction is finished. Vader lives. "Where's Padme?" Vader asks. She's dead, and you killed her is the reply- to paraphrase. Vader loses it, and destroys the entire room with the Force. Palpatine is laughing.

48. Dagobah: Yoda inspecs his new home.

Space: Sidious, Vader and Tarkin inspect the construction of a moonlet sized battle station

Alderaan: Bail and his wife play with Leia.

Tatooine: Obi-Wan hands Luke over to the Lars.
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Post by Gorefiend »

I guess the Recusant-class ships are designed for planet fall
I though the Invisible Hand was a Providence Class vessel.
Source: ... lay.worlds
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Post by Vympel »

Yeah the Rescuant must be the most common type of Separatist vessel we see in all the space battle pictures (apart from the Trade Federation Battle Ships)- the ROTS:ICS associates them with the Commerce Guild.
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Post by Spartan »

24. Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace confer as troops load onto what I assume to be an Acclamator. Obi-Wan tells them Anakin is unenthused about his assignment. Yoda comments on his anger and pride. Mace says its a dangerous move, and that he doesn't trust Anakin. Obi-Wan says that Anakin will not let him down, and that he never has.

I beleve the ship inquestion was a Venator star destroyer, actually. Note the distinctive double bridge structure, notched hull, and prominent republic red stripe.
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Post by 000 »

He's referring to an earlier scene, when Yoda, Windu, and Kenobi are talking. The ship behind them looks far too small to be a Venator. The scene you're referring to is later on, when Skywalker and Kenobi are having a conversation. The vehicle there is definitely a Venator.

Does anyone want to try and guess the types of star destroyers seen around the death star at the end? I'm hoping they're Victorys, but it's hard to tell from the painting. They could just as easily be Venators or even Imperators (which would hopefully mean that that scene is a jump ahead in time).
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Post by Spartan »

Your right, I was thinking of a different image. Looking at the image in question it still must be a Venator. As according to the novelization its the star destroyer Vigilance.
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Post by Techno_Union »

I suppose one of the major things I have a problem with is the ray shielding deal. If the scene is in the movie then it will be a very big problem... unless they say "energy" shield, which can then be rationalized.
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Post by Vympel »

Techno_Union wrote:I suppose one of the major things I have a problem with is the ray shielding deal. If the scene is in the movie then it will be a very big problem... unless they say "energy" shield, which can then be rationalized.
Why is it a "very big problem"- at best, it means some ray shields can stop physical objects, or, alternatively, Obi-Wan was just wrong and it was a particle shield.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Even ray shields are harmful (even fatal) if you walk into the damn things...

CoPL shows that even personal ray shields can seriously fuck people up if they come into physical contact with them.
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Post by Techno_Union »

Yeah sorry about that; I posted before I saw the reply concerning the ray shield in the Ep. III spoiler thread that explained it. :oops:
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Post by Old Plympto »

Vympel wrote:Elsewhere on Felcuia, Barris Ofee is blown apart from behind by AT-TE fire.
:cry: :cry:
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Man, that fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan must take forever. I learned form DarkStar's page that hyperdrives take a long time to get from one system to another, and that it would take a SW ship a long time to even get out of a planet's atmosphere! :lol:
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Post by Vympel »

Master of Ossus wrote:Man, that fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan must take forever. I learned form DarkStar's page that hyperdrives take a long time to get from one system to another, and that it would take a SW ship a long time to even get out of a planet's atmosphere! :lol:
ROFLMAO!!! He'll seriously say that, I bet you. I remember on when people were attacking his absurd "the Rebel fleet arrived at Endor on another day" that if that meant that Luke Vader and Palaptine were chatting for days, then that's what happened.

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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I was generally unimpresses with the comic adaptation, to be honest. It was way too abbreviated and progresses much too rapidly. Plus the artwork was rather blah...
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Post by 000 »

I didn't much care for it either. The novel is simply amazing though. I just finished listening to it, and I'm sure it will be even better when I get to read it.

About the ray shields... in the novel as "ray shield" is holding back lava on Mustafar. Anakin wrecks it, and the lava is all let out. So... make of that what you will.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Listen to the novel? You mean there's an audio version? Where can I download it?
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Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Vympel »

Erm .... places. It's a legitimate product, so erm ... we can't ... tell you. Yeah.
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Post by Gandalf »

He tells him "the tragedy of Darth Plagueis", the Sith Lord who found a way to use the midi-chlorians to create life, to keep those he cared about alive.
Have we found Anakin's father? Or at least a better origin?
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

"I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."
- George Carlin
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Vympel wrote:
Techno_Union wrote:I suppose one of the major things I have a problem with is the ray shielding deal. If the scene is in the movie then it will be a very big problem... unless they say "energy" shield, which can then be rationalized.
Why is it a "very big problem"- at best, it means some ray shields can stop physical objects, or, alternatively, Obi-Wan was just wrong and it was a particle shield.
maybe it was a ray shield powerful enough to vaporize lava. :P
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Gandalf wrote:
He tells him "the tragedy of Darth Plagueis", the Sith Lord who found a way to use the midi-chlorians to create life, to keep those he cared about alive.
Have we found Anakin's father? Or at least a better origin?
Or he's just lying. Sidious/Palpatine HAS been known to lie on occasion I believe.
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Post by Gorefiend »

maybe it was a ray shield powerful enough to vaporize lava.
Maybe it is just an old name tag, like turbolaser, which really aren’t lasers.
Have we found Anakin's father? Or at least a better origin?

I still think it was a slaver and Shimi just did not want to talk about it. :wink:
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Post by Gandalf »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
He tells him "the tragedy of Darth Plagueis", the Sith Lord who found a way to use the midi-chlorians to create life, to keep those he cared about alive.
Have we found Anakin's father? Or at least a better origin?
Or he's just lying. Sidious/Palpatine HAS been known to lie on occasion I believe.
Fair enough. Something about it just seems very set up.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

"I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."
- George Carlin
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Gandalf wrote:
Connor MacLeod wrote:
Gandalf wrote: Have we found Anakin's father? Or at least a better origin?
Or he's just lying. Sidious/Palpatine HAS been known to lie on occasion I believe.
Fair enough. Something about it just seems very set up.
The implication would seem to be that Anakin was a Sith Creation, yes. Although I suspect the underlying message is that even the Sith are tools of the Force itself (something like "The Sith think they were fooling the Jedi with their prophecy by creating Anakin, but in reality they were serving its own ends in bringing balance to the Force... or some other goofiness like that.)
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Spanky The Dolphin
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Bah, I prefer the standard version. Not more of this excess plotting BS.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
Connor MacLeod wrote: Or he's just lying. Sidious/Palpatine HAS been known to lie on occasion I believe.
Fair enough. Something about it just seems very set up.
The implication would seem to be that Anakin was a Sith Creation, yes. Although I suspect the underlying message is that even the Sith are tools of the Force itself (something like "The Sith think they were fooling the Jedi with their prophecy by creating Anakin, but in reality they were serving its own ends in bringing balance to the Force... or some other goofiness like that.)
Dammit man, NO! :P

Let's not give Georgie Boy any ideas...Let's just have...he was birthed by the strange talking jelly fish within us :) .

As for the least the art is better then most of Dark Horse's stuff.

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all

Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
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