Well, Bib Fortuna is an alien species and he didn't seem to have any trouble mind tricking him a few moments before he tried it on Jabba.Gorefiend wrote:Yes, they are of course, but only in the way they actually work in the rpg (I think it’s something like +6 rescue roll for the Hutt, if someone tries to use the force to screw with his/her mind, at least in the wotc rpg ), it doesn’t however mean that they are not force resistant to a degree.RPG = Game mechanics
The fact that Hutts were an Alien species semmed to have made it even harder for Luke to trick Jabba, or their strange brain structure might in fact be the reason for their force resistance. ;]
The question is, why would he be any more familiar with Twi'Leks than Hutts. They're both supposedly natives of Tatooine, his home planet.Jedi often seem to have trouble getting into the minds of races they don’t know, anyway. I don’t have the quotes at hand, but I think Luke has trouble reading and influencing Alien minds in the Thrawn Trilogy (when the Rodian and Barbel were getting at each other during a bar fight, if I am not completely mistaken), and somewhere in the Bakura Novel as well (with the lizards ;] ).
The whole "this race is immune to mind tricks" strikes me as being too much like a Trek brain bug of each race being a one noter, etc.
But then again, its not unprecedented in the EU in general and Lucas's portrayal of Watto certainly is interpretable that way. Jabba doesn't say "What, you think you're some kinda Jedi talking to me like that? I'm a Hutt! Mind Tricks won't work on me! Only chains around my neck!" I always assumed that Jabba was just a strong willed mofo, and that was that.
Okay, so much for that idea.Jaina Solo in one of the NJO novels actually uses a force trick on a Toydarian (with quite some effort and only to get him to set a false set of jump coordinates), so it really does not seem to be a immunity, but just a resistance.
Otherwise you'd think that Palpy would either start recruiting these Force Proof aliens to do his dirty work, or try to wipe them out to nullify their advantage.