Ghost Rider wrote:I'm doubting horniness comes into play.
Might come slightly into play more during the sparring than if a weird naked lady started charging you yelling, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" (Granted, the Handmaiden does tell your character, "Do not hold back, or I'll hurt you.")
There is the Echani culture to take into account on the Handmaiden's side, though. Kreia tells your character to consider what would happen if he were to defeat her in all the spars ("If she were to surrender herself completely to you," I believe is the wording she uses). The stereotypical Echani are considered to be of a warrior culture (though not as mercenary as the stereotypical Mandalorian nor as bloodthirsty as the Iridorian, not to be confused with the Iridonian Zabrak, from the first KOTOR). Combat to them is considered to be an ultimate form of expression, a much truer method of communication than verbal or written language, and one that is much harder to lie with (people tending to be more aggressive against people they hate, less with people they like, etc).
Basically, as I mentioned at the beginning, if you put yourself in the position of the Jedi, you
might have a harder time concentrating when you spar with something you are attracted to (especially if the attraction is reciprocated), but not necessarily if belligerent naked women are quite obviously trying to kill you.