McC wrote:Grasscutter wrote:My apologies for bringing it up without the non-canon label. I didn't realize that Tales was part of the Infinities line.
S'cool, not to worry. I'm mostly getting irritated with Rommie's distorted view of canon policy. You weren't in the wrong at all to bring it up -- I didn't even know it existed, for instance. While I don't think it ends up having any ultimate bearing on the discussion, it's still a cool talking point, so don't feel bad.
Thanks McC.
Going back to some of the other points of the original post, I haven't been able to figure out why Mace didn't display the capabilities he has in the cartoons in AoTC. The only possibility I can offer is perhaps it was a matter of experience. Keep in mind that this is PURE SPECULATION, and if anybody has a better explanation I'm open to it.
Even Masters are capable of growing and learning. Think about it -- before AoTC, we have never seen a scenario on screen where Jedi had to face a large military force in open combat. Much of the Jedi's strength in combat comes from his/her/its ability to focus their Force power. Mace may not have been used to dealing with that many opponents in that type of setting. Keep in mind that Jedi were never meant to be soldiers, and I doubt that large-scale military tactics are part of their standard training. By the time of the cartoon, however, he has likely been in numerous such engagements and is able to focus in large-scale combat better.
The official site's explanation for the first season's apparent Mace-wankery, where he single-handedly takes down an entire Droid Army on his own, is that the story is told from the point of view of the young boy. Thus, "slight" exagerations may have been present =).
I really liked that episode though. Not because Mace is presented as this unbeatable bad-ass (as cool as that is), but because he demonstrates some very creative uses of the Force in combat. That's one of the things I really like about the Clone Wars cartoons. While he probably didn't take the whole army down by himself, I can see many of the offensive manuevers he performs existing within the established Jedi power levels. If you can exert enough force to lift an X-Wing out of a swamp, I'm betting you can crush an SBD head or throw small chunks of metal hard and fast enough to pierce droid armor. Though Shaak-Ti tying Grievous's cape to the train is probably my favorite cartoon Force moment -- subtle and damn effective.
Come to think of it, how many Droidekas does it take to equal the weight of an X-Wing?
I think the "Force Fu" is styilzed and exagerated in the cartoon, but it does make sense to me. If I'm forced into a situation where I have to go hand to hand, and I have TK powers that I can use to enhance my hand to hand skills, you damn well better believe I'm going to use them.
Why doesn't Mace just throw the Battledroids around all the time, you ask? Plenty of possibile reasons, and again these are all pure speculation. Might not have thought of it -- Force pushing might take prep-time or heavy concentration, and the Battledroids got too close. Maybe Mace saw that pushing that particular droid would leave him open to incoming fire and it was better to get up close and personal. Maybe Mace LIKES going hand to hand, and it helps him channel the Force more effectively.