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Post by Marcao »

Sabai Territory
Sabai System, Sabai

”I am still not one hundred percent convinced that this was the best deal we could have gotten out of the situation Marrik.” There was a slight pause before the voice continued. “This entire deal of having Corsair ships supplementing patrols near our space is a bit hard to swallow. We had interstellar support, the Corsairs had to agree with whatever terms we offered them or face a coalition ready to expel them from Stuart space.”

Acheron Marrik Vestal listened closely to what his guest had to say, he had known the man opposite him for years. It was that friendship that had allowed him to rise to his current position. Still, sometimes he let his passion get in the way of the obvious “Which is why you are not my secretary of state.” Before his opposite could speak in protest, he raised his right hand in a gesture of silence. Once this gesture was heeded, he continued. “Honestly, you have done an excellent job in defense and I have no complaints in that regard. However, you are missing the big picture.”

He watched his opposite for a moment waiting to see if there was any reaction at all, there was a hint of wounded pride as his words registered both those were soothed once he spoke of the quality of his work. “We have been friends for a long time, and I pay careful attention to everything you have to say. However, in this particular matter a hard line approach would have been counter productive. Firstly, the Corsairs have long memories. There are times that for diplomacy to work, all involved have to swallow some of their pride. We outmaneuvered the Corsairs, and with interstellar support they knew they could not win. However, I did not feel it was necessary or prudent to irk them any longer. They agreed to withdraw from Stuart space peacefully and let the issue fall, that all by itself demanded a return in kind. The widening of the so called “western pact” was a logical offering to them.”

“I agree that admitting them to the western pact has its advantages, but Corsair ships patrolling our space? Do you not think that it may be construed as a weakness?”

The Acheron shook his head. “I am not particularly interested in what those outside our society think of this matter. The Indashani made such deals with the Black Alliance in the past, and every bit of data I possess suggests that they proved to be economical and effective. Consider that the cost of hiring the Corsair ships to patrol our space is competitive with keeping our own warships doing such duties. Consider that it can be argued that no nation in the galaxy knows pirate tactics and methodology as the Corsair republic does. The hiring of the Corsair ships is a sound investment, and it further eases tensions between our nations. They swallowed their pride by withdrawing with nothing to gain from Stuart space; we swallow ours by hiring some of their ships and thus making their coffers a bit more robust for the future.”

There was a pause as the Acheron’s guest considered before he replied. “and the future of the Corsair Republic is of interest to us.”

The Acheron rolled his shoulders for a moment. “The Corsair are quite possibly the strongest nation with real roots to our area of space. Their navy is a match for any single nation in existence so far, if the data we possess is to be believed. As such, with the threat of Entente aggression expanding I would prefer to have the Corsairs on our side at best, neutral at worst. It is part of the reason why I believe this is the best option which was available to us. The Corsair ships will allow us to cluster our own naval forces more effectively since the patrol obligations will be shared.”

“I see. Speaking of our forces, the fifth fleet is still on schedule for its construction. The name of the dreadnought has been chosen.”

The Acheron paused for a moment and smiled. “That is good to hear, what name was chosen?”

SNS Black Baron.”

“I like it.”

Karis Territory
Nilina System

The Nilina system was not one of the core worlds of the Karis. It was a fringe system, possessing a relative small amount of population. It was a system that had been designated as one adequate for exploitation and relatively little else. The vast majority of Karis population resided in stations and various mining outposts. Karis technology was adequate for the tasks, but their tools still lacked in the capability and sophistication of those utilized by more technologically advanced and economically capable nations.

The actions of the UTR in particular had sent a chill through many smaller national governments throughout the galaxy. While Terran News could claim all they wished that the attack on the Klingon nation was justified in order to “secure the southern border of the UTR” the relative ease at which the invasion took place cast doubts as to what threat if any the Klingon had ever posed to the UTR. Even now, millions of UTR troops occupied dozens of Klingon worlds. These occupations were not without incident, the Klingon warrior mystique was embedded into the essence of their culture and resistance direct or indirect existed within many of the conquered worlds. Nonetheless, the might of the UTR was such that its hold on Klingon worlds would likely never fade away.

The Karis had entered into negotiations with the Sabai for many reasons, chief among them being their reputation as the inheritors of the Indashani and their military capabilities. The exact treaties which had been signed where as of yet not fully disclosed. Although over the last few days, it appeared to many analysts that the Karis had gained greater access to Sabai military technology and munitions. The Karis were not the only nation interested in such access, although if other nations would gain the same concessions and privileges as the Karis remained questionable.

At the edge of the system, twenty four space-time breaches occurred each representing the arrival of a Sabai bulk freighter. The Sabai ships were designed for one thing alone, the transport of large amount of goods from one place to another. Their arrival was unexpected, considering that Nilina was not a central point within the Karis territory. Nonetheless, Nilina STC allowed them to proceed and a small but capable escort of Karis warships took position on the edges of the convoy.

The Sabai convoy arrived on its destination forty seven minutes after its arrival in system, high powered scanners concentrating on the target below before arrangements were made and Sabai displacers began their work. Each bulk transport carried with it several Sabai built autofacs for the establishment of the first autofac complex outside of Sabai territory. It would not be the last.
Last edited by Marcao on 2005-03-22 11:56am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Marcao »

Western Space

With the situation in Stuart Space dealt with, the fourth fleet was free to return back to its fleet base in Sabai territory. Unfortunately, this was not what command had in mind. As the fourth fleet travelled via hyperspace back towards Sabai territory, it received new orders. The entire force of one hundred and thirty one warships altered its course, moving past Sabai territory and heading southward.

As the fleet moved, its commanding officer considered the new orders. The orders were to arrive on location and hold, suggesting that they were there purely to take a "wait and see" approach. The exact reasons as to why the entire fourth fleet was necessary for this endauvor was not immediate clear, although after some thinking the commanding officer felt that the true reasons for the fleet's deployment had been ascertained. If all things went well, the fourth fleet would be back home before long. If not...

Western Space

The Sabai exploration ship moved at a brisk pace through its designated area. It was not a warship, although its sensor suite was powerful and highly optimized for the task at hand. It had been the decision of the Stuart and Sabai governments, that it was in their interest to develop a hyperlane linking both nations. It would allow for a secure trade route offering unparalleled speed to and from both nations. Furthermore, it would allow military forces from one nation to come to the aid of the other at the fastest speed possible.

The Sabai government had placed a high priority on the forging of this hyperlane, and had devoted more than adequate resources for the task at hand. Nonetheless, the distances involved were significant and it would time for the hyperlane to be properly scouted. It was an indication however that the ties between the Stuart Corporation and Sabai nation were strengthening.
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Post by Kyle »

General Transmission
From: Gorn Provisional Leadership Council
To: All Major Governments and News Organizations

People of the Galaxy. My name is Hettmiz, and I am the Chairman of the Provisional Leadership Council. I ams ending this message to every major news organization in the galaxy as well as to the governments of all the nations that have signed the Osiris Statement and Fenris Resolution. The old guard has been flooding space with there cries for help and assistance, as well as with there propaganda. Our Council has been lax in explaining to the nations of the galaxy of what we stand for and why we acted.

No longer. Our Council calls itself the Provisional Leadership Council, and this name was chosen for a very specific reason. No matter how the old guard tries to paint this, this was not a military coup. Admiral Fresstan, was our chairman but with his death in the battle over Gorn Prime I am the new leader of the Council. Fresstan and I had been friends for years, he was no power seeking dictator. He was an idealist, like myself and the other members of our Council.

The powers of the Galaxy have called for a Summit on Deneb. I and my fellow COuncil members welcome this Summit. We will tell the galaxy at alrge what are plans for the future are and why we had to move against the old guard. But first I will tell of all you what the goals of our Council are.

Our First Tenet, is the abolition of the practice of life long terms for council members. We instead intend for all council members to serve five year terms, with a three term maximium.

The Second Tenet, is to make the High Council responsible to the people again by allowing our nation to directly elect the members of the High Council.

Our Third Tenet, is that the Speaker of the High Council will no longer be chosen by the High Council but will be directly elected by the people of the Gorn Federation.

The Fourth Tenet, states that we will remove the voting requirements, instead allowing all citizens of twenty five cycles of age or greater to be an eligible voter.

The Fifth and final Tenet our Council is that the councils will no longer have the power to over ride the decision of the voting populace and refuse to seat a freely elected member of the council.

We do not see anything terrifying in these Tenants and I doubt many of you will either. I have campaigned for thses ideals for decades. I have beena rrested twice for my views, and I was refused a seat on the Planetary Council of Gorn Theta for my "radical and destabilizing opinions." This is what the so called Loyalist Council is opposing, a free nation for all Gorn Citizens.

Chairman of the Gorn Provisional Leadership Council.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Sabai Territory, Templar Church

Sir Kurik rolled his broad shoulders trying to get his formal tunic to sit right. He stood outside the grand building about to be decitated by the clerics of the embessy staff, he was waiting for the guest to arrive.

"Nervious?" Asked the towering figure behind him. Kurik turned to face the Wensai Rabbi, he had been told it was strange that an alien race would embrace a human faith the way the bovine-like Wensai had embraced Judaism. But Kurik had never seen that way.

"A bit, I'm not used to dealing with folk who have no belief in the divine... It is a bit unsettling at times and much harder than dealing with someone who just has a different belief in his nature than me. Add in the events of the South, have you seen anything so brazen? That UTR puppet just now, mouthing palatiudes like that..." Kurik sighed.

"It is test that is to be sure. However the Lord does not send test we cannot overcome if we just stand firm." The rabbi counseled has the basin of holy water was set up. The basin was made of brass, with gold and silver engravings of symbols of the 3 different faiths, it rested on 3 solid legs each of which had prayers craved into them. Each leg held a prayer from a different faith. With a nod of his horned head he excused himself to go pray over the water, adding his blessing to them. Has he moved over his 8ft balk towered over the human priest and iman.

Inside the structure scented candles were lit, spreading smells through the rooms. Bells began to toll and the islamic call to prayer began to sound, the people of the Templar Realm gathered in front of the main gate awaiting for it's ceromonal opening and the begining of the ritual.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Assorted delegates, lords, nest-brothers, and heroes.

The true, honorable, and elected Gorn government presents these terms:

1. The property and other voting requirements will be maintained, with the stipulation that those citizens who have completed a sufficient amount of civil or military service will be awarded fill enfranchisement. General suffrage clears the way for the tyranny of the masses, and the honorable Gorn nation will not be sidled with the Human ideal of "egalitariansim," when it is clear to one and all that not all individuals are equal.

2. A Citizen's Council will be established, consisting of elected enfranchised citizens, with each province electing a number of Councilmen porportional to it's population. Each councilman will serve a term of five years, with a limit of consecutive terms.

3. This Council will stand side by side with the High Council. Powers of legislation will lay in the hands of the Citizen's Council, while executive power will remain in the hands of the High Council.

4. Judicial Power will lie in the hand of officials selected by the High Council and ratified by the Citizen's Council, who will form a High Court.

5. The Speaker of the High Council will be elected by popular vote, but must come from the ranks of the High Council.

Elections for the Citizen's Council will be held immediately.

Finally, upon the establishment of the Government and the election of all officials, the traitor Isstvan, who has broken his nest-word and betrayed his fellow warriors, will be turned to the High Court for trial under charges of sedition, conspiracy against the government, and treason.


FROM: Sabine Erfurter, Secretaire D'etat de la Commonwealth Trois-Sols
TO: ERTC, ACIN, Entente, Gorn Federation, Fenari Resolution
SUBJ: Quadrapartite Commission


The current Gorn situation strikes the government of the Three Suns Commonwealth as being a most dangerous one, which must be undertaken with the utmost care. We are pleased by the adherance of both sides in this revolt to the concepts of democracy, but also realise the dangers any election might engender. Therefor, we call for the creation of a quadrapartite commission, consisting of members of the ERTC, ACIN Affiliation, Quadruple Entente, and Fenris Resolution, to oversee any future Gorn elections and ensure that any changes in the power structure go smoothly, without foreign interference.

History has shown the dangers of unregulated governmental reconstruction. The end of the Bretagne hegemony in the state of Palestien is known by all readers of classical literature- A millenia of war was spawned when the international bodies refused to oversee the end of the Mandates, leading to the famed Thousand Year Hatred between the juden and arabs. This same situation must be avoided in the Gorn Federation.

This is a position from which the Commonwealth cannot back down. We strongly urge our brother-nations in the ERTC and ACIN affiliation to support us on this, as without it, the future of the Gorn Federation as an independent nation is strongly suspect.


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Marcao »

Sabai territory, Templar Church

Ana Rosario Yu had taken great strides in preparing for the dedication of the formerly Indashani structure to the care of the Templar. She had dressed in a manner that she felt was appropriate for her witnessing of the proceedings, tapping into a great deal of the knowledge which her people currently possessed about the Knight Templar and their practices. Due to the fact that Indas was quite secure, she did not feel the need to have any bodyguard present during the proceedings. If anything, their presence might be construed as an insult to her hosts.

She walked out of the Sabai Diplomatic Directorate and immediately moved within the confines of an anti-grav limo which covered the distance between her home office and the Templar church in a mere seven and a half minutes. The limousine parked in an adequate location and its passenger exited promptly. Ana Rosario Yu walked calmly towards the entrance of the church, her eyes catching the presence of Sir Kurik before her approach was altered in order to approach the Templar giant.

She bowed for a moment before her head tilted up and back slightly in order to properly make eye contact with the Templar representative. “Sir Kurik, I am honored to be present during these ceremonies.” Her words were quite sincere and did not possess any sort of discernable duplicity. She was dressed primarily in black, her ornaments considerable without being extravagant and her hair was held in an intricate pattern utilizing half a dozen adorned holding pins.

After she had been shown as to what location had been chosen for her, she settled to watch and see as the proceedings took place. Her eyes took particular care to notice every aspect of the proceedings, committing as much of it to memory as possible. The religious nature of the Templar was at odds with the beliefs of the vast majority of the Sabai. It was their belief that while many phenomena existed, such as magic and telepathy that there was no underlining higher power pulling invisible strings allowing for these. Nonetheless, the beliefs and cultures of others had to be properly respected if the Sabai expected that their own were to be as well.

She doubted that the Templar had anything to offer her that would change her mind about the presence of the divine. Nonetheless, she kept an open mind on the topic. The Sabai were not without fault, not even the Indashani had been so bold as to claim their own infallibility.
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Post by SirNitram »

The political shiftings in the galaxy demanded attention, and, one way or another, the Corsairs were sliding back into place to remain attentive. Fleets now slid through the inky darkness of the Waste, their engines finding purchase on the distorted spacetime and dragging the bulks of their vessels onwards.

It was ironic, really. For all the terror they inspired, the Corsair Republic and Black Alliance, once cemented in a region, made the rate of actual piracy fall like a freelancing pirate who just got a permacrete pair of boots fitted and was taking a little swim. It was, after all, very bad for business to try extorting a 'protection fee' if the merchants weren't actually protected; that summoned government forces. So it was that, even as Guild of Privateers representatives were negotiating their fees with the local corporations, the fleets of the Alliance were landing boots-first on pirate strongholds in the region.

Life in the Galactic West was always unusual...
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by Thirdfain »

School of the Art of War
Fenari Freeholds


The human looked quite reedy and small, in comparison with his students- a hundred Fenari, massive, snarling beasts- who sat in around his center podium in a vast circle, each one sitting cross-legged on the padded floor of the lecture hall. The gentleman was dressed in a simple suit in the Desjardins style, a far cry from the loincloths and tattoos of the Fenari soldiers surrounding him. The students were promising officer candidates from across the Freehold, who hoped to one day serve their Packs and the Freehold on the field of battle.

"It brings me honor to present Sous-Legate Adam von Shokoku, ret., on loan from the War College of the Commonwealth on Jacob's Landing. Mr. von Shukoku has written a number of dissertations on modern ground combat and the tools of warfare employed by the modern army, specifically in regards to ground-to-space defense. Open your ears and minds, for the wisdom of others is a gift not lightly given."

The master of ceremonies, clad in flowing robes, banged the podium once. A chorus of muted snarls, Fenari applause, filled the room for a moment as the human stepped up to the podium and began.

Perhaps the largest problems faced by today’s soldier is the prevelence of weapons of mass destruction. Some have said that the modern military is incapable of maneuver warfare- after all, any column can be annihilated in a matter of picoseconds by a lone destroyer in high orbit. This problem has lead to the development of a variety of air defense techniques- ground-to-space point defense weapons, theatre shields, the assortment of ECM techniques which help conceal units in the field. The techniques for air defense are divided into two basic types- Distributed or Focused. Focused Air Defense- FAD- is based on the theatre shield. Modern construction techniques allow a defender to bury generators capable of holding off orbital bombardment for hours or days deep into the planet’s crust, and place beneath that shield fortified gun positions, sensor arrays, and battle computers capable of holding off gun and missile barrages from even the largest capital ships. An example of this is the system set up in the Gorn Federation, where a central fortress in the capital provided air defense for an entire continent.
FAD can even be deployed by an invading army. Specialised landing ships can act as FAD in a pinch, using their integral shield generators and systems to erect an umbrella over a beachhead. The problems with this are none the less myriad. Any sort of FAD powerful enough to hold out for more than a handful of hours requires either extremely expensive, massive landing ships- of capital size themselves- or plenty of preparation time, to dig crust boreholes and erect theater shields and defense complexes. An invading army rarely has time for such luxuries as extended construction projects. FAD fortresses are also very easy to locate, and will certainly come under conventional attack. Specialized FAD craft for an invading army are, essentially, a luxury for the most wealthy nations, who can afford to devote capital ship slips to the project.
Distributed Air Defense, or DAD, is a beast of another color entirely. DAD systems, like the Commonwealth’s ICIIS or the Nowy Krakowsian VENTI, use literally thousands of individual vehicles and prefabricated static sites to provide an effective air defense network capable of shooting down anything from aerospace fighters to warship-launched missiles. DAD relies on three pillars to be effective. First, DAD relies on the unwillingness of the enemy to conduct general bombardments- DAD can always be defeated simply by bombing the entirety of the theatre into the ground. Second, DAD relies on mobility. DAD components must be capable of “shoot-and-scoot” actions. Thirdly, DAD relies on effective and modern ECM and stealth systems- an enemy who’s sensors are too advanced to be fooled can not be stopped from annihilating the DAD components with precision strikes. When these three requirements have been met, DAD comes into it’s own . A DAD network is extremely mobile- it’s static sites are expendable and easy to set up and take down, and most of it’s firepower is mounted on vehicles. Effective DAD is easy for an invading army to establish with almost no set-up time. Finally, DAD is cheap- even fairly poor nations can afford mobile C&C vehicles, anti-missile platforms, and EW vehicle fleets. Communications between DAD elements is of course important, but as long as conventional supremacy is maintained in the area around the DAD platforms, command networks are easy to establish.
The implications are obvious. DAD is most effective for an offensive force, while FAD is more effective for a defensive force, especially when cost must be taken in to account, as it must for most nations outside of the Quadruple Entente. Those nations developing offensive forces will field larger and more complex DAD networks, and it is likely that some battles will be decided by the quality of DAD equipment alone."


The Three Suns Commonwealth sends military advisors and staff officers to the Fenari Freeholds, for the purpose of modernizing and rebuilding the Pack military. In exchange, the Commonwealth will be recieving tariff reductions through the Fenris node- an advantage which will be extended to ERTC members.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by White Haven »

Deep Space, Aquarian Union

Six freighters and their two destroyer escorts slam to a halt at the edge of an interdictor's field, shedding flashes of light and other, more exotic emissions as the tremendous energies exerted by their hyperdrives dissipates. Shields glimmer to life around the light escorts as their crews race to battle-stations, but the quartet of mismatched raider destroyers clearly has the two equally-crude destroyers overmatched. All eight ships turn to flee towards the edges of the field, but the lumbering superfreighters are far too slow and unwieldy to clear the field's area of effect before being overhauled. The escorts themselves could make it...but that would defeat their purpose in the first place. A transmission crackles from the lead raider.

Code: Select all

Superfreighers, in the Union? Somebody's got more money than brains...heave to and prepare to be boarded, and we'll make sure your stay with us is...entertaining.
The convoy continues to run, ignoring the pirate transmission, several warning shots belching from raider destroyers....but abruptly, it's no longer alone. A single battlecruiser explodes into normal space just outside of the interdictor's limits, translating down out of hyperspace in a vortex of white light. The sleek-lined warship is in far better condition than any of the craft on either side of the confrontation, and of a far different design. A hail of close-range energy and mass-driver fire slashes at the three lone missiles, picking them out of space with contemptuous ease. The pursuing raiders, of course, are paying little attention to such niceties; after a brief few seconds of shock they begin desperately deccelerating, but just as their prey had been trapped, now they, too are entirely too close to the massed batteries of SCSS Courage.

SCSS Courage, Bridge

"They're too close to the convoy, can't risk them trying to hold them hostage. Tactical, engage at will." Senior Captain Aldridge snaps from her command chair, leaning forewards and watching the holo-tank intently.

The response from the tactical officer is an enthusiastic, "Yes Ma'am!" followed by the click of a depressed button. A pre-plotted fire plan springs into effect, turrets adjusting to match plots, and opening fire.

Sympathy for pirates is a rare commodity in the Sixth Cruiser Squadron.

Deep Space, Aquarian Union

Blinding energy releases wrack the space around the suddenly-outgunned quartet, antimatter and matter meeting in dozens of points all around them as Courage's guns open up, creating such a overload of EM radiation that sensor performance degrades in and around the doomed ships. Shields aboard the four shoddy destroyers last anywhere from half a second to a surprising second and a half on the lead craft. Armor is simply irrelevant, as the followup salvos simply lack a matter component. Instead, double the number of particle accelerators fling lances of antiparticles at exposed hulls. Hull-plating that had begin to soften and run like wax under the storm of the first salvo simply ceases to exist under the second. The only 'wreckage' left after the third is a rough sphere of radiation expanding outwards at the speed of light. Shortly after the wave-front passes the convoy, a transmission comes through in the clear from the battlecruiser.

Code: Select all

Sorry to cut it so close, Ranstire Control. Thanks for keeping such a close formation, it made our job easier. We'll continue to shadow you to your destination.
And with that, the battlecruiser gates back up into hyperspace, vanishing from the perception of normal-space sensors.

Aquarian Union

Similar scenes play out several times in the area of the Sixth Cruiser-pacified region of the Union; Sixth-sponsored superfreighters, the first seen in the Union for decades, at the least, shadowed by Sixth warships in a bid to jump-start commerce in the region. The message sent to the region's raiders is equally-effective: Don't fuck with me, smartasses.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

Fiction!: The Final War (Bolo/Lovecraft) (Ch 7 9/15/11), Living (D&D, Complete)Image
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Post by Thirdfain »

Ambrosian Guard Legion XXVI
Commonwealth Army Training Camp
Aquarius Station


-:Cavalry Company. Code Victoria, repeat, Code Victoria.:-

Awwwwww, Fuck.

Legionnaire Primaire Argus Dupont reacted with a speed literally programmed into him. His armor leapt into the air, pseudofiber muscles contracting and then releasing, hurling the quarter-ton of equipment into which his body was wired a full six feet into the air. He was ready, legs braced at precisely the correct angles. If they weren't properly placed, the jumpjets might tear his body in half as they went off- assuming the failsafes didn't just cut them off, dumping him to the ground in a broken mess of expensive components and acute embarrasment. In the time it would take him to get re-situated, the incoming artillary barrage that Code Victoria warned about would slam into the position, probably killing him inside his comparatively lightly armored Cavalry powersuit.

He could feel the glands at the base of his neck pulsing as they flooded his system with combat drugs.

The angle was correct. Telltales winked green as the giant's punt landed on his lower body. Argus leapt into the air on twin globes of light as the jumpjets hurled him into the sky.

-:LZ hot. Code is Venom-3.:-

The orders hit his brain at the speed of light, assimilating out from the C3 implant in his cortex. Time was not a commodity a Cavalryman could waste thinking, wondering as to why the staging-point he'd been jumping to was fortified by the enemy. Argus was already reacting, ordering his suit to prep for a Venom-3. A hot landing on a fortified enemy. As fraterne EW-man, his job at this point was to ensure that the other four men of his fraterne didn't find their flight interrupted by a SAM or a computer-controlled AA gun. Decoys were spewing from the magazine strapped to his back. Telltales winked across his HUD.

He didn't need to tell his team-mates. The facts rippled through the C3 net on tightbeam, and Milla and Kale were already letting lose ARMs at the targetting radars which his EW suite had picked up tracking the decoys.

He didn't even have time to curse- their efforts hadn't been completely successful. Kale and Sander were both caught in the sudden storm of incoming fire.

Mourning was not an option. The flight was over, and the C3 had already outlined a half-dozen targets. Agrus let lose a soundless yell as his breaking thrusters exploded against his chest.

Argus hit the ground running. His flashgun cracked twice, hurling two enemy infantry-men to the ground. A soldier held a rifle at her hip, about to fire the underslung sundergun- a single-shot antiarmor plasma weapon at point-blank range. Argus didn't even need to think about the motion, as he brought his arm about in a swift and sudden motion, pivoting out of the way on one foot as the bayonet snapped out from it's housing in his suit's forearm as it laid the presumptious groundpounder low. The plasma blast ripped a great rent in the ground a handful of feet away, triggered by spasming fingers.

New data flooded his mind, and his drug-sharpened mind processed it at incredible speed. Argus moved at a powered run, chamaelon armor shifting constantly. The bunker's firing slit was facing away from him, and the satchel charge he hurled landed with perfect accuracy, sliding into the pressed earth structure.

-:Code Smith! Code Smith!:-

Argus moved again, not even waiting to watch the fireworks. His body went through the take-off motions precisely- he'd done this a thousand times, and the boosters and conditioning would not allow failure. Ack-ack was light on the way out, and only one member of his century was dropped. The enemy position that had been on the primary staging point was a shambles after only a handful of seconds.

Argus hit dirt at the secondary staging point. The two survivors in his fraterne landed with him, and his implants winked as the decurion informed him of the positions of the rest of the Century as they landed in a defensive formation. His combat electronics scanned the terrain for signs of trouble, his weapon was at the ready.

-: OK, ladies and gentlemen. Code Ixnay, repeat, Code Ixnay to all units. Exercise is over. Return to base for debriefing.:-

Argus shook his head. If the boosters hadn't supressed it, he'd be sweating like a dog. Losing nearly half the fraterne to AA that light, even it was so unexpected, was not going to get him any brownie points. Sighing under his breath, he fell in as they began the march back to base. They'd been on exercise on this godforsaken rock for almost a month now, and it was getting on everyone's nerves. A deployment this big, so close to all the action the other ERTC folks were unloading in the AU... Argus just wanted some real action, not these goddamn exercises all day long. Just some real action....


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Post by InnocentBystander »

Thirdfain wrote:FROM: Sabine Erfurter, Secretaire D'etat de la Commonwealth Trois-Sols
TO: ERTC, ACIN, Entente, Gorn Federation, Fenari Resolution
SUBJ: Quadrapartite Commission


The current Gorn situation strikes the government of the Three Suns Commonwealth as being a most dangerous one, which must be undertaken with the utmost care. We are pleased by the adherance of both sides in this revolt to the concepts of democracy, but also realise the dangers any election might engender. Therefor, we call for the creation of a quadrapartite commission, consisting of members of the ERTC, ACIN Affiliation, Quadruple Entente, and Fenris Resolution, to oversee any future Gorn elections and ensure that any changes in the power structure go smoothly, without foreign interference.

History has shown the dangers of unregulated governmental reconstruction. The end of the Bretagne hegemony in the state of Palestien is known by all readers of classical literature- A millenia of war was spawned when the international bodies refused to oversee the end of the Mandates, leading to the famed Thousand Year Hatred between the juden and arabs. This same situation must be avoided in the Gorn Federation.

This is a position from which the Commonwealth cannot back down. We strongly urge our brother-nations in the ERTC and ACIN affiliation to support us on this, as without it, the future of the Gorn Federation as an independent nation is strongly suspect.

From: Blue Order Parish of ACIN Affairs
TO: ERTC, ACIN, Entente, Gorn Federation, Fenari Resolution
CC: Sabai, Sparata Confedracy, UVP
SUBJ: RE: Quadrapartite Commission

The Very Revered Mother Helena Sabrinaria, speaking on behalf of the ACIN, believes that the stability of Gorn is of key concern, both for the people of Gorn, and greater galactic commerce. Keeping a watchful eye over the creation of the new Gorn government is an excellent idea, and the ACIN will support this Comission. Peace and order within the galaxy are of paramount concern; Gorn, a major hub within the great galatic commerce lanes, simply cannot be allowed to fall into barberism and war. The Blue Order commends the Three Suns Commonwealth for it's wisdom and acumen in the matters related to the Gorn, and has faith that the other nations of this galaxy will show the same good judgment to help oversee the creation of this new Gorn government.
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Post by Thirdfain »

FROM: Sabine Erfurter, Secretaire d'Etat de la Commonwealth Trois-Sols
TO: Comission of the Eastern Rim Trading Compact
SUBJ: ERTC Enforcement Standardization Bill


"The Eastern Rim Trading Compact has proven to be an effective anti-piracy and force projection force. The last few months have proved to the people of the Commonwealth of the advantages of the ERTC, and has brought our military forces into close co-operation with those of our friends and allies in the Compact.

This developement of relations and increased co-operation has lead the Commonwealth to believe that further improvements to relations between ERTC members is of paramount importance. Therefor, the Commonwealth moves that the ERTC members join hands in co-operation, especially where our militaries are concerned.

We place the following bill before the Trade Commission:"

ERTC Software Standardization Project

A new Division of the ERTC will be established, headed by a multilateral commission subordinate to the Trade Commission. This organization, the ERTC Munitions Division will be concerned with the creation of ERTC standardized combat software. Under the Munitions Division, teams will work to prepare a comprehensive combat software package aimed at allowing improved co-operation amongst ERTC member military forces. The package will specifically be related to target tracking, C3 networking, point defense co-ordination, early warning systems, and remote missile guidance packages. This project will aim to create software packages to be gradually implemented in all ERTC member militaries, at a rate to be determined by the Munitions Division.

Future objectives of the ERTC Munitions Division will include the developement of new standardized munitions. Projects to take precedent will be a Joint Guided Attack Missile (Standard,) a Joint Guided Attack Missile (Hyperspace), a Joint Point Attack Munition (fighter-launched,) and a Joint Interception Munition, (Point Defense.)

The Three Suns Commonwealth places this bill before the Trade Commission, and votes "Aye."


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:FROM: Sabine Erfurter, Secretaire d'Etat de la Commonwealth Trois-Sols
TO: Comission of the Eastern Rim Trading Compact
SUBJ: ERTC Enforcement Standardization Bill


"The Eastern Rim Trading Compact has proven to be an effective anti-piracy and force projection force. The last few months have proved to the people of the Commonwealth of the advantages of the ERTC, and has brought our military forces into close co-operation with those of our friends and allies in the Compact.

This developement of relations and increased co-operation has lead the Commonwealth to believe that further improvements to relations between ERTC members is of paramount importance. Therefor, the Commonwealth moves that the ERTC members join hands in co-operation, especially where our militaries are concerned.

We place the following bill before the Trade Commission:"

ERTC Software Standardization Project

A new Division of the ERTC will be established, headed by a multilateral commission subordinate to the Trade Commission. This organization, the ERTC Munitions Division will be concerned with the creation of ERTC standardized combat software. Under the Munitions Division, teams will work to prepare a comprehensive combat software package aimed at allowing improved co-operation amongst ERTC member military forces. The package will specifically be related to target tracking, C3 networking, point defense co-ordination, early warning systems, and remote missile guidance packages. This project will aim to create software packages to be gradually implemented in all ERTC member militaries, at a rate to be determined by the Munitions Division.

Future objectives of the ERTC Munitions Division will include the developement of new standardized munitions. Projects to take precedent will be a Joint Guided Attack Missile (Standard,) a Joint Guided Attack Missile (Hyperspace), a Joint Point Attack Munition (fighter-launched,) and a Joint Interception Munition, (Point Defense.)

The Three Suns Commonwealth places this bill before the Trade Commission, and votes "Aye."

[OOC: Software? That ain't software, bub. :P ]

The Republic of Nashtar votes aye.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by White Haven »

Thirdfain wrote:FROM: Sabine Erfurter, Secretaire d'Etat de la Commonwealth Trois-Sols
TO: Comission of the Eastern Rim Trading Compact
SUBJ: ERTC Enforcement Standardization Bill



We place the following bill before the Trade Commission:"

ERTC Software Standardization Project


The Three Suns Commonwealth places this bill before the Trade Commission, and votes "Aye."

FROM: Admiral Cyrus Alwin, Senior Foreign Outreach Officer, Sixth Cruiser Squadron


RE: ERTC Enforcement Standardization Bill

The Sixth Cruiser votes aye, on the condition that standardization be nonbinding if the final products are unsatisfactory to any member nations.

Message Ends.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

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Post by Thirdfain »

SHIPLOG:: CNS Lioness RampantBC-00213
IDENTNO:: 189,231
DATE:: 2/14/273AF


Sous-Admiral Allen Jeffreyson cut a neat figure in his Commonwealth Provincal Fleet uniform. A well-built Jacobin, he was handsome in the traditional Anglo/Hispano/Asiastic bent common in those from Jacob's Landing- the quintessential poster boy for the American ethnic planet. He, and Battlecruiser Squadron Alpha, had been chosen to spearhead the expeditionary force sent to join the 3rd Battle Squadron of the Sixth Cruiser Squadron.

His co-worker, the captain of the "Astraea"-class Battlecruiser Lioness Rampant from which Allen flew his flag, lacked his fresh-faced handsomeness. Captain de Vessaile Illya von Tassigny was from the orbital habs over Desjardins, and her ebon features were pinched in a way which belied her competence. They sat together in the cramped pinnace, making their way to the flagship of the 3rd. Formal dinners between officers were a Commonwealth tradition, and as BatCruRon Alpha would be serving under the men and women of the 3rd on ERTC duty, it had been decided that such a meeting would provide an excellent precursor to their coming duties.

Illya seemed tense. She turned to her CO. "Allen, I'm not sure how I feel about serving under these foreigners. Certainly, they've proven their bona fides, but why didn't Command just send us for joint duty?"

Allen shook his head. "The ERTC is important to the Commonwealth, you know that. The Provinces are vast, and with so much of the Federal budget going to keeping them intact, we can't afford to police the space-ways adequately without the Trade Commission. That means we'll have to work closely with these people. I've dealt with the Admiral a time or two. A good officer. I have no doubt this mission will be a success, with minimal casualties." He paused. "Besides, we've got to hurry the time-table. With all the trouble back home, the sooner we finish this off, the better."

Illya nodded. "I suppose. It's a thrice-damned mess with the Gorn, I should have known the Earthers wouldn't be willing to keep out of our backyard."

<<Vice-Admiral, we are docking with the Squadrone vessel.>>

A minute later, Allen stepped out into the Battleship's hanger. Illya stood at his side, and a pair of Marines in battle-armor, their chameleon paint turned to dress white emblazoned with the Sword and Suns, flanked them. The honor guard's cut down heavy weapons were raised in salute to the Squadrone delegation.

The Commonwealth officer bowed. He spoke Anglic, which was close enough to English for the Squaddrones.
"Sous-Admiral Allen Jeffreyson reporting for duty, sir!"


Forces attached to 3rd Battle Squadron:

BatCruRon Alpha
CO: Sous-Admiral Allen Jeffreyson
2 “Astraea” class BC (CNS Lioness Rampant (flag), CNS Battle of Ambrose)
2 “Tisiphone” class CLG
6 “Hesperia-IV” class FFE
3 “Aegle” class FF
2 “Clymene” class DDG

BatCruRon Gamma]
CO: Sous-Admiral Mae von Stettin
2 “Astraea” class BC (CNS Winged Victory (flag), CNS Swordsman)
2 “Tisiphone” class CLG
6 “Hesperia-IV” class FFE
3 “Aegle” class FF
2 “Clymene” class DDG

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Ace Pace »

Somewhere, floating between the stars


"Sir, we finshed repairing all damage, and several ships we ordered from the Imperium are here after all ship-worthyness trials."

"Good, set them to the Array battlegroup and we shall be on our way, set course for the outer borders of the Republic of Nashtar"

An hour later

The Hub jumps out, leaving only garbage in its wake...
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Post by Nephtys »

Somewhere near a hyperlane on the eastern rim...

The group of dark crimson ships dashed at peak performance, swerving and changing vector every few seconds. Like scattering insects, they moved without coordination or any set order. The four angular darts weaved frantically until a paired lance of brilliant light strikes a glancing blow to the lead ship of the pack, an explosion rocking the side of the ship and crushing the weak shields protecting it in a single blast. The dazed and stunned captain of the doomed ship turns his head downwards towards his own visual display, catching a glimpse of what had hit and damaged what was once a capable commerce raider. It was a heavenly and graceful battlecruiser, white with energy weapons constantly firing. The display clearly showed its hull markings, the letters SCSS Purity appearing for only a split second when his attention was turned away. Before any curse could be muttered, a second follow-up volley of paired beams strikes the ship, shattering the vessel in the unmistakable signature of an antimatter explosion. The three survivor ships redouble their efforts to elude their pursuers, brilliant lances streaking out left and right as they weave to avoid the fate of their lead ship.

The three survivors pull ahead, distancing themselves from the powerful form of the Majestic class battlecruiser... escape almost assured now that their superior acceleration had time to increase the gap. Or it would have been... from their destination vector, a small group of starships decelerates from several self-contained tachyon bubbles. These vessels are different than their pursuer. Six of the nine ships are boxy, cube-like vessels with large engines mounted on their rear elements, without doubt transports of some sort. The other three are a different story. The lead ship is painted in dazzling white and blue. Upon it's hull in black lettering read 'EFS Oreithyia'. It's massive size and sleek construction equals the pursuing Battlecruiser. The other two ships are lesser vessels, clearly warships also. The fleeing raiders swerve again to avoid this new wall of ships before them, changing thrust to attempt to kill their momentum.

Aboard the Oreithyia, her captain remains standing over her command station, watching the holographic representation of the system before her. Assessing the situation, she turns her attention to these raiders, who are familiar.

"Exec, open a broad channel." she states with a look towards the direction of a dark man, dressed in the same polymer jumpsuit as her. The uniform is slightly baggy and thick, with thin white gloves upon each hand, sealed to the metal wrist links. It is marked by a few pockets upon the chest and side. A glint of light passes from near his neck, where a chrome-silver collar is built onto the suit itself, clearly for use in sealing a helmet on. He nods wordlessly and types in a few keys, relaying commands to the communications center. The dark-haired and stern woman remains waiting, watching the other battlecruiser close in on her ship, the raiders, and her convoy. A green light appears on her console, and she clears her throat.

"This is Captain Irina Rhys, Elysian Deep Space Fleet. To Maw Belt raiders, surrender your ships immediately for your previous attack on our group, power down your engines and prepare for boarding." she says, eyes then affixed on the representation of the Purity, a ship unfamiliar to her. "Unknown ship, these pirates are wanted for their attacks on our shipping for the last few months. Thank you most graciously for bringing them to us." she remarks, folding her arms smugly, her gaze affixed on the display.

The two surviving raiders remain silent, one halting it's momentum. Surrender apparently was on it's captain's mind. Flight was on the other's. Rhys snaps her head to her tactical officer, her shortly cropped black swaying back. Her voice is calm and confident. "Gunny, Have Xaser turrets two through six lay down fire across that frigate's aft quadrant."

Her ship responds in moments, a few of the great vessel's turrets adjusting, aligning with the fleeing raider. A single streak of brilliant azure erupts from each barrel, shredding clean through the aft quarter of the ship... causing it's acceleration to cease following brief explosions. The Gunnery officer smiles and turns his head back to the captain. "Confirm engine shutdown, ma'am."

Captain Irina Rhys's brow furrows. One problem down... her eyes turn to the display of the SCS battlecruiser once again. One more to go…
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Post by White Haven »

Rendevous point, Hyperspace

The last elements of the Third Battle Squadron ghost to a relative halt alongside the First, drives straining against the constant, shifting tides of hyperspace to maintain a cohesive group. Betwen the two Sixth squadrons, a larger assortment of vessels on loan from the Three Suns Commonwealth rests, shifting about as navigators unaccusomed to the rigors of true hyperspace navigation struggle to keep station. Shuttles and larger, armed pinnaces spit from several vessels as the last ships arrive, converging on the portside landing bay of a sleek-lined batlecruiser at the heart of the First Battle Squadron.

SCSS Honor, Boat Bay

The two shuttlecraft from the Three Suns flagships are easily dwarfed by the armed Marine pinnaces that fill the bay; not a single smaller craft can be seen anywhere in the hangar. While an honor guard of armored Marines is present, little formality is attached to any of the arrivals, Sixth or Three Suns. After exchanging permissions to board and taking a salute from the waiting Marine officer, each visitor is ushered off by Vice Admiral Mandraki's flag lieutenant, to a nearby conference room. Vice Admiral Elyssa Mandraki, the senior uniformed officer in an active fleet command position and the third-ranked officer in the Sixth Cruiser Squadron, stands waiting. As Colonel Mondesi straggles in, hurrying to catch up to the earlier arrivals, she waves the attendees to chairs around the table.

"I'm sorry to pull you all away from your preparations, but I wanted to have a brief sit-down meeting to make sure we were all on the same page. Additionally, I'd like to welcome Sous-Admiral Allen Jeffreyson and Sous-Admiral Mae von Stettin, on loan to us along with their squadrons for the operation. To start with, please review the force allocations for each strike..."

And since I'm going to type each blasted strike, screw the whole transcript of the meeting.

Antaris System

Sometimes brute force works.

Hyperspace gates open in a cluster at the outskirts of the system, disgorging the ships of the First Battle Squadron into normal space. Fighters storm out of the gates alongside their carriers, pre-launched in hyperspace, and wing out in a wide CAP umbrella, but they're not going to be doing the real killing today. That honor is reserved for the battle-line itself, short though it may be. The small formation reefs about in a sharp turn, escorts and patrolling interceptors skittering away from the broadsides of their larger First Battle Squadron 's missile tubes speak in anger. Over a hundred missiles scream free of their launch systems and accelerate to near-c velocity, followed by a second salvo, and another, and another, as every launcher goes to maximum fire-rate. The initial salvos aren't even properly targetted, but as they near the inner system, hypercom signals update their fire-control solutions, sending the missiles into terminal attack maneuvers before some of the defending vessels are even fully cleared for action.

The first salvo of missiles from the encroaching force vanishes in a corona of antimatter hellfire, wreathing the world's ageing planetary shield in light and radiation. The shield is far too strong to fall to such a bombardment, but the cobbled-together defense platforms hazing its orbital shells, as well as the orbital commsat network are another story. The 95 percent of the orbital hardware is either melted, disabled by the massive pulse of radiation. The followup salvos, however, are both more precisely targetted and carry altogether different warheads. A forest-fire of detonating warheads flickers across the void, short of the four aging battleships holding orbit over this, the strongest bastion of defense left on the Sixth's strike list, and bomb-pumped energy weapons begin to flay shields and shatter armor.

As the battleships start to stagger in orbit, a transmission blasts out across the system, boosted by pre-launched repeater drones:

Code: Select all

Vice Admiral Mandraki, Sixth Cruiser. I stop firing when you surrender, or when nothing in the inner system is capable of movement. Your choice, your time limit should be obvious.
The exchange isn't all one-sided; counterfire sweeps across the system towards the intruding battlegroup...slower missiles, with less capable warheads and as the engagement proceeds, fewer and fewer launches. With an unbroken chain of missile salvos racing inwards, the group ceases its bombardment and turns its attention to the belated countefire finally reaching it. Searing bursts of antimatter annihilation spall the void as broadside energy weapons open fire, clawing great, gaping holes out of the incoming swarm of missiles. Countermissiles and point-defense beams flick out as the range falls, backed up by intercept fighters. The remaining missiles break through layered defensed, reduced to a small fraction of their original potency, and waste themselves against intact, fully-powered screens. The battleship Typhoon begins to fall behind the formation, arcing outwards from the system's primary and drawing the concentrated fire of the defenders after her. Between the destruction of the hostile long-range missile ships, the widening point-defense envelope provided by the maneuvering, and the rising tide of surrender transmissions, the battle is over before Typhoon's shields fail completely.

Code: Select all

All ships, stand down and prepare to be boarded. Planetary defenses will be lowered before we reach orbit or I will lower them myself. Any resistance will be met with force.
>Vice Admiral Elyssa Mandraki, CO, First Battle Squadron
-SCSS Warlock, Warspite-B-class battleship, Commodore Michelle Jackson
-SCSS Battleaxe, Warspite-B-class battleship, Rear Admiral Monica Winters
-SCSS Typhoon, Greylight-B-class battleship, Commodore Alan Morgen
-SCSS Honor, Majestic-B-class battlecruiser, Senior Captain Gregory Atlas <Flagship>
-SCSS Courage, Majestic-B-class battlecruiser, Senior Captain Jessica Aldridge
-SCSS Pinnacle, North Star-class escort carrier, Commander Devon Warlow
-SCSS Snowfox, North Star-class escort carrier, Commander Trevor MacGregor
-SCSS Tranquility, North Star-class escort carrier, Commander Sarah Walters
-3x Dagger-class boarding craft, Major Arnold T. Pants

Akitaris And Myrthalis Systems

<The two battles are coordinated VERY closely in time and use almost-indentical forces. As I'm not going to write two of nearly the same thing, this applies to both attacks. They take place shortly after the strike on Antaris.>

Gates flash into being in the midst of the system, not close enough to engage the defenders with energy weapons, but not at the same standoff range that the Antaris force attempted. Sixth ships lead the way out of the gates, followed by a more numerous group of Three Suns warships, spreading out into a screening formation. Missiles streak free of launch tubes, a far thinner bombardment due quite simply to the lack of missile-heavy Warspites and Majestics in the battlegroup's order of battle. As before the first few salvos spend themselves against the planetary shield, requiring four full launches to do what a single massed wall of missiles had accomplished from the First. Missiles begin to crash into defending warships, a scattered mix of warhead types detonating against intact shields. As the first counter-fire arrives, the combined force begins to fall back towards the system's outer reaches, drawing many of the defenders after their retreat in the hopes of taking a damaged front-line warship as a prize.

That was the last thing they wanted to attempt.

Consternation flashes through the corsair comm networks as another set of gates opens upwards into hyperspace, disgorging ten vessels into their world's lower atmosphere. Attack pinnaces spill from hangar bays on the landing craft, five of them grounding heavily on the perimeters of major military basis and the planetary capitol. The other five, the heavy assault ships, begin flaying ground positions, rockets, gauss cannons, freefall bombs, napalm, and full-scale warship railguns ripping through defenses with contemptuous ease. At the same time, armor units (everything from powered to tracked to aerial) swarm from the landed transports, quickly wresting control of several key facilities with the aid of massive aerial fire-support. In short order, the defending vessels are presented with a choice: Stand down and accept an amnesty, or flee and be placed on the Sixth Cruiser Squadron's 'Shoot on Sight' registry. After a brief demonstration of the Sixth's control of the planetary shield, many of the ships break for the hyper limit, while others power down and await boarding. The largest of the fleeing ships are interepted by the force's single Greylight-B battleship...after which there is no wreckage.

Akitaris Force

>Elements of Third Battle Squadon, Rear Admiral Julian Hallmeyer
-SCSS Crimson Dawn, Greylight-B-class battleship, Commodore Christopher Stevens <Flagship>
-SCSS Hailstorm, North Star-class escort carrier, Commander Veronica Kell
1x Dagger-class boarding craft, Major Allan Rigby

>Elements of First Battle Squadron
-SCSS Mjolnir, Godhand-B-class heavy cruiser, Captain Maria Thelassen
-SCSS Pendragon, Pegasus-class light cruiser, Captain Justin Hawkins
-SCSS Avalon, Pegasus-class light cruiser, Captain Marcus Illirus

BatCruRon Gamma]
CO: Sous-Admiral Mae von Stettin
2 “Astraea” class BC (CNS Winged Victory (flag), CNS Swordsman)
2 “Tisiphone” class CLG
6 “Hesperia-IV” class FFE
3 “Aegle” class FF
2 “Clymene” class DDG

>2nd Marine Expeditiary Force, Colonel Raphael Mondesi
-5x Dirk-class landing craft
-5x Thunder-class surface gunships

Myrthalis Force

>Elements of Third Battle Squadron, Commodore Marianne Tern
-SCSS Tsunami, Greylight-B-class battleship, Commodore Marianne Tern <Flagship>
-SCSS Kellen, Godhand-B-class heavy cruiser, Captain Victor Evans
-SCSS Perseus, Pegasus-class light cruiser, Captain Percival Denby
-SCSS Triad, Pegasus-class light cruiser, Captain Esmerelda Trace
-SCSS Lightray, North Star-class escort carrier, Commander Kristen Hall
-1x Dagger-class boarding craft, Major Zachary Allen

>BatCruRon Alpha, Three Suns Commonwealth
CO: Sous-Admiral Allen Jeffreyson
2 “Astraea” class BC (CNS Lioness Rampant (flag), CNS Battle of Ambrose)
2 “Tisiphone” class CLG
6 “Hesperia-IV” class FFE
3 “Aegle” class FF
2 “Clymene” class DDG

>1st Marine Expeditiary Force, Colonel Andrew Carson
-5x Dirk-class landing craft
-5x Thunder-class surface gunships
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

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Post by White Haven »

FROM: Vice Admiral Elyssa Mandraki, CO, First Battle Squadron

TO: Admiral Wallace Allanby, Deputy CO, Sixth Cruiser Squadron

RE: Operation Unification

Operationa Unification successful. Several warships damaged, but were able to escape to hyperspace before reaching critical levels. Detailed loss files attached. Sixth Cruiser's assigned portion of the Union has been secured, pending reports from recon into the minor systems in the area.

Message Ends.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

Fiction!: The Final War (Bolo/Lovecraft) (Ch 7 9/15/11), Living (D&D, Complete)Image
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Post by Marcao »

Sabai Territory

The Sabai economic capabilities were exactly what were expected for a nation of its size. This industrial capacity was now being exploited to its fullest in order to satisfy the growing needs of the Sabai armed forces. The formation of the fifth fleet was swallowing up a significant amount of resources, Sabai ground forces were being expanded, civilian and military infrastructures overhauled and that did not even touch Sabai ventures that were not domestic in nature.

The Karis were not the sole local power in the western rim that was gorging itself upon Sabai military hardware. It was however, the most obvious nation of all in doing so. The Karis had recently received a number of Sabai built naval assets in order to boost their forces in that area. It was believed by many that a second order of such assets had been placed although Karis and Sabai sources neither denied nor confirmed these allegations.

The situation to the galactic south seemed to be in the process of being dealt with, the demands of the so called Gorn Provisional Leadership Council met with a counter proposal from the TSC. Public opinion as to whose view point the Sabai should support remained divided, although the latest polls suggested that the TSC view point held a narrow lead over their rivals. No one liked the idea of a military coup being recognized as the will of the people, and the quick and timely intervention of the UTR forces along with the dismal timing of the Gorn leadership’s decision to complain about the treatment of the Klingon had arisen many suspicions within and without the Sabai leadership.

Irregardless, of the current situation the naked aggression of the UTR had opened quite a few doors. The entente had always been feared due to its might, but that was no surprise. The Klingon invasion and the subsequent Gorn fiasco had breathed new life into the Sabai export infrastructure, particularly in military fields. The neighboring nations had always been concerned as to what possible aspirations the Sabai nation may have possessed. With the possibility of the entente knocking on their doors however, those fears had given away to pragmatism.

Sabai intelligence had inserted more agents into the neighboring nations over the last month, than any other time in the last two decades. Ruling parties and factions that had been neutral to the Sabai at best had suddenly gone out of their way to gain access to Sabai military goods. The profits of these sales were considerable and were the driving force behind a booming economy. The Sabai ruling council was skillfully the current interstellar situation to their benefit, and while most of the funds could be accounted for a great deal of wealth was “disappearing.”

The few people high enough to notice the discrepancies did what they could to unravel the mystery but all met with failure. It was believed that the missing funds were being moved into discretionary funds available only to the Acheron himself. The theory made sense; the Acheron was known to exert a great deal of control over all aspects of his government. The truth however, was still in the dark. Most were not willing to try and press their luck further, others were not.

Sabai Territory

Sabai technology was dissimilar from most even though the results it achieved were in line with galactic standards. Since the exodus of the Indashani, the Sabai had adapted several aspects of Indashani technology and incorporated them into their own. Nonetheless, there were technologies and capabilities that still eluded them. Sabai displacer technology was well understood and refined. It was fully functional capable of transporting matter via hyperspace. It did not however have the range of other similar technologies, most notably the displacers employed by the former Black Alliance.

The Sabai had spent billions of credits into research and development into technologies it deemed in need of improvement or promising. So far, a means of extending the range of their displacer systems had eluded their grasp. That was about to change. The breakthrough occurred in one of the state universities. The theory behind the range extension surprised many in the scientific community, weaving together four relatively new findings into a cohesive whole. The new theory energized the scientific community privy to the information and work on a new prototype displacer began immediately.

The genius behind the theory which made displacer extension possible became an instant star of the scientific community. She took the accolades in stride, modestly pointing out that she had only weaved the existing theories together. As a result, she could hardly be held responsible for their discovery and that at best, she was guilty of only seeing a possibility and acting upon a hunch. Many of her colleagues found her modesty charming, but the truth was somewhere in between.

Sabai Territory

”Is this information accurate?”

“You are reading it aren't you? See the seal on the bottom left?”

”Yes, the Acheron himself. Damn, I did not think we would be doing anything like this with so little warning.”

”Little warning? Have you been paying attention to the news?”

“The entente is flexing its muscles; at least the UTR is anyway. That hardly constitutes an immediate threat. If anyone should be worried it’s the south and maybe the east, although the ERTC is looking strong.”

”Yeah, the ERTC looks very capable and that may mean that we here may get some unwanted attention.”

“We got the Stuarts, and the ACIN don’t we?”

”The Stuarts we have sure, they owe us after the fourth ran up to their backyard when they had those problems with the Corsairs. The ACIN agenda is less well known and not nearly as solid, they may help us to keep our trade going but other than that. I don’t know. The point is that we have to be extra vigilant.”

“I can understand vigilance, but these things are not exactly designed with defense in mind.”

“I know, but orders are orders.”

”Yeah. Let’s get to work; we have to activate 1-10 from their standby mode. Afterwards, it’s out of our hands.”
Last edited by Marcao on 2005-04-07 03:13am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by consequences »

Klingon Occupied Territory
The situation was, to say the least, chaotic. Interruption of normal shipping, and the rapid departure of a large portion of the normal transport elements that dealt with Klingon worlds had opened up a vast field of opportunity. It was possible for an honest freighter to make a small fortune now if they played their cards right, and the amount of money available for the dishonest was enough to draw them from under every rock in the galaxy. The situation might have stabilised, if it weren't for the diversion of UTR forces to the Gorn.

In addition to this, vast portions of the galaxy had become much more unhealthy for the usually omnipresent pirate scum. The entire Eastern Rim had become a no mans land for the would-be buccaneers, and the news that the Black Alliance had returned only made it more important to find greener pastures.

So the fact that the UTR had taken custody of a large area of space, spreading their numbers thinner was encouraging. That there were an untold number of ships, many of which had no business being there, and wouldn't call for help if you payed them, attempting to quietly ply their trade there, made it practically a sure thing to relocate operations into the area. That a close ally of the Black Alliance's most bitter enemy was in charge of the region was just the icing on the cake.

If more than the ususal rumor mill was encouraging this trend, it certainly wasn't an obvious thing.


Well away from Klingon Occupied Territory
A seedy spaceport bar on a backwater world

Commodore Kortoth eyed the individual in front of him suspiciously, as befitted a long-time successful pirate. The Commodore had a solid, if not spectacular career as a criminal behind him, supported by his meticulous care in planning operations, his ruthless willingness to cut losses, a self-acknowledged share of good luck, a number of judicious assassinations, and the quiet support of certain members of the Klingon Empire. He claimed direct male line descent from Captain and Dahar Master Kor, but this was widely known to be complete bullshit. It would have amused him greatly to discover that he was in fact a direct descendant of the almost as legendary captain Klag.

The fact that whoever this person represented had pinpointed his group's favorite haunt was disturbing, especially as care had been taken to never bring any of the group's offensive ships into the system proper. Still, he was willing to hear them out, as the loss of the patronage from back home would make life difficult, if it wasn't replaced somehow. Besides, with dozens of his crew spread through the bar, any confrontation could only go his way.

"Its very simple. We just want you to move your hunting ground back to the old homestead. You do this, and we won't be forced to run you down, and wipe out your friends in Mygal, Robesi, and Zrr!rtt. If you choose to move any materials that you may salvage back through us, we'll payout at your normal fence's rate, with a bonus for any intelligence on Entente forces and deployments."

Kortoth winced internally as each planet was named, but maintained an admirable poker face. "And what guarantee do I have that this isn't a trap?"

"Absolutely none." The human replied cheerfully, "But as a little friendly advice, I'd say you should keep a closer eye on your people. The goon winning the drinking contest is carrying a quite nice pulse transmitter, and you wouldn't want your dealings here to be compromised, would you?"

Kortoth growled a command to his second, who headed into the back. Moments later, the lights shorted out, along with everything electronic in the bar. After the lights came back up, no one particularly noticed or cared about the erstwhile drinking champion's disappearance. A few minutes passed, then the second came back into the bar, and whispered briefly into Kortoth's ear. Kortoth nodded waving him away impatiently, and moments later, the sound of a muffled energy dicharge filtered through the door.

"So, you have done us a favor, the least we can do is consider your offer"

The man smiled, sliding across a pad, " A list of discreet messages you can leave if you want to make contact. Don't worry, we'll be able to find you. He smiled, and left quietly.

Kortoth's second came back in, muttering to his commander "No idea who Branok was really sent by, the transmitter was high quality, but built out of shelf components, and sanitised. I'd say Black Alliance, except we're still breathing, and the same goes for the Sixth Cruiser Squadron and ratcats. Past that, its anyone's guess. You gonna go for it boss?"

"What else can we do, they can find us, and they know our friends. We'll figure a way to wiggle out and get clear once we move out from under their crosshairs."
Elsewhere on the planet

"Right, get Shana out of there as soon as the Razored Fists move on. Do we have any idea who 'Branok' was really working for?"

"No clue, but whoever they were, they were professional enough not to have a transmitter on them while on the job. For all we know, Branok was one of us, and the bosses gave him up to add depth to the mission cover."

"Oh well, if he couldn't take a joke, he shouldn't have joined."
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Post by Cabwi Desco »

Republican Space
GHA Desco surveyed the emptyness of space around him, somewhat pensive, but he knew thats what holographic meditation units did, simulate the near empty infinity of space
"computer deactivate hologram"
as the scene shifted back to his main quarters he activated his comm system and keyed it to the bridge
"Yes Admiral Desco?"
"Raise the Republican Expeditionary Force, something is brewing in eastern space. I want an In-depth report of everything that happens out there."
"Aye sir, I'm getting Commodore Trevmin on the Comm. I'll patch you through."
Quite quickly the lean yet stern form of Commodore Trevmin appeared on his screen.
"Commodore, it's been far too long."
There was a false enthusiasm in his voice
"Indeed it has Grand High Admiral"
The same tone was evident in the commodores voice as well.
"Well, enough pleasantries lets get down to your new orders."
"New orders sir?"
"Yes, you are to lead a Expeditionary Force of 30 Corvettes, A Light Carrier and 2 cruisers into eastern space and do two things."
"And they are?"
"First you will head there and find one of our damaged recon satelites and figure out what damaged it then find who or what was resposible for this vandalism, you are not authorized to use lethal force in this investigation except in an extreme circumstance"
"Sir, why do i feel there is more to this than finding a satellite?"
"I havent gotten to the second part yet, just listen. After all the business with the satellite is taken care of I want you to find out what is the source of the political unrest in that area of space, also bring me any information that seems out of the ordinary no matter how seemingly worthless. During this phase you are authorized to use lethal force only in defense, we AREN'T at war thus we dont want to start one, but if someone comes looking for trouble, I dont want to lose the entire force to some bastard looking for another kill and then starting a war."
The urgency in his voice was certain, no fuck ups.
"Aye sir, I'll launch the force immediately"
"Remember this commodore, you do well on this mission and you might make Admiral, I might even let you sit on the Admiralty Council, with the rest of the councils approval of course, but also remember this, you screw up and I'll have you piloting garbage scows till you hair falls out. Desco Out."

Republican Expeditonary Force
-Light Carrier, ANS Thuringen, Commodore Trevmin
-Cruiser, ANS Togrovian, Captain Rhutis
-Cruiser, ANS Solemvium, Brevet Captain Soldare
-Corvettes CR 45-75
irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Encyclopaedia Galactica,
297th Edition
"Deneb Accords and the Gorn Crisis"
Author: Dr. Elsa van Nostrand
9/7/328 AF


... the first month of negotiations saw the debate center almost entirely on the Provisional and Loyalist Gorn governments, both of whom engaged in heated argument over the establishment of a revised Gorn constitution. The Loyalists were unwilling to accept general suffrage, and the Provisional government was unwilling to budge on that issue, which many of it's highest officers saw as the whole point of the revolution.

The Provisional government believed that it's support from the Entente combined with it's democratic goals and control of the majority of the military gave it the support of the Gorn public. Meanwhile, the Loyalist government was sure that it's hardline stance against the UTR gave it the high ground in regard to popular opinion. The UTR was at that time tremendously unpopular with the Gorn populace for it's aggressive foreign policy, and some saw the Provisional government as a UTR shill. Time would tell whether or not this difference in opinion would provve strong enough to throw the Gorn people into either camp.

At this point in the negotiations, the third parties in the quadrapartite commission came into their own, with organizations like the ACIN, Sabai, and ERTC making their voices heard on the matter of the new Gorn constitution. It was clear that international support for one side or the other would play a critical role in the bargaining to come...


(Hint, hint, kiddies. Let's get this negotiation finished off.)

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Post by Dahak »

Stuart Space

After the crisis with the Black alliance, the Corporation had slowly settled back into normal status.
The Corporation was still not completely liking BLack Alliance ships in their territory, but the benefit of it was also taken into consideration, as was the general situation it posed to the alliance of theirs. Though it still remained wary of intruders and had taken steps to further increases its already formidable internal defenses. They wouldn't be surprised again. The network protocols had been changed to represent an even stricter security policies. Foreigners were observed and eyes suspiciously, though they only had access to Orbital One.

The Gate in Caladan had been completed and integrated into the 'Caster network, which allowed to move people even faster in the quickly expanding system, and allowed quick access to the important science station above the earth-like planet in the system.

Stuartian population was in the process of yet another genetic code change, as slowly the telepathic updates geneered some time ago was incorporated into the general code basis.

For the discussion of this Gorn situation with its allies, a note was sent to the Stuartian ambassador on Sabai to discuss it with them. The Corporation was inclined to ignore it, but it would listen to the Sabai and their opinion.


<<Initiate Raganrok>> the Fleet's consensus ordered. The Stuartian fleet had just finished a live maneuvre, to which Sabai officials had been invited. Now they were testing their firepower. From a safe distance, the fleet launched hundreds of missiles at the unsuspecting moon in an otherwise barren system in Stuartian territory. The gravitonic warheads ripped at it, tearing ever more larger chunks out of it, until it finally disintegrated.
<<Thank you,>> Fleet Consensus told the other ships. <<The new warheads should prove even more effective, though usage of them against shielded targets remains to be seen.>>
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Post by Kyle »

Two Parter.
consequences wrote:Klingon Occupied Territory
The situation was, to say the least, chaotic. Interruption of normal shipping, and the rapid departure of a large portion of the normal transport elements that dealt with Klingon worlds had opened up a vast field of opportunity. It was possible for an honest freighter to make a small fortune now if they played their cards right, and the amount of money available for the dishonest was enough to draw them from under every rock in the galaxy. The situation might have stabilised, if it weren't for the diversion of UTR forces to the Gorn.

In addition to this, vast portions of the galaxy had become much more unhealthy for the usually omnipresent pirate scum. The entire Eastern Rim had become a no mans land for the would-be buccaneers, and the news that the Black Alliance had returned only made it more important to find greener pastures.

So the fact that the UTR had taken custody of a large area of space, spreading their numbers thinner was encouraging. That there were an untold number of ships, many of which had no business being there, and wouldn't call for help if you payed them, attempting to quietly ply their trade there, made it practically a sure thing to relocate operations into the area. That a close ally of the Black Alliance's most bitter enemy was in charge of the region was just the icing on the cake.

If more than the ususal rumor mill was encouraging this trend, it certainly wasn't an obvious thing.
Marshall Halburton reviewed the reports of increasing pirate activity within the Occupation Zone. He'd been expecting this for sometime and his naval subordinates had told him that it would be a short lived event.

Some people thought that the events in Gorn space were stretching the UTRN too thin. Anyone who looked at the actual numbers involved could see that that wasn't true. The UTRN had sent its Fifth Fleet plus attached Free Star Alliance ships to Gorn Prime. Home Fleet, Second Fleet and Sixth Fleet were all still under Halburtons controls as Military Governor of the Occupation Zone. He'd already released the Federation forces that had been helping Sixth Fleet to return home.

Unfortunately the situation in Gorn Space had caused him to concentrate those forces so they could react to any additional military conflicts. But with the situation looking better adn a peaceful solution almsot in hand he was redeploying those ships to better patrol the Klingon Space.

The UTR had started this war to end depredations by Klingon Pirates and Privateers on Terran shipping. Halburton was goign to make sure that they accomplished this goal. He'd already ordered the fleets under his command to release there escorts and cruisers for anti-piracy operations, but to keep the cap ships concentrated as mobile reaction forces.
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News from Deneb

With the recent deadlock in the Gorn situation Senator Wellton, the UTRs representative to the summit, has proposed a new compromise draft constitution. Sources say that President Weeichman does not agree with the proposed constitution but that Wellton's political allies have forced him to support it.

Draft Constitutional Proposal

Legislative Branch:
The Legislative branch will be composed of two house of equal power and authority. These will be the Councils of Citizens and Elders.

Council of Citizens;
To be elected by all non-Elder Gorn over 25 cycles of age. Members will serve terms of six cycles and will be eligible to serve up to four terms. Elections will be staggered so as to occur every two cycles.

Council of Elders;
To be elected by all Gorn Elders. Members will serve terms of ten cycles and elections will be staggered to occur every five years, there will be no term limits for those elected to the Council of Elders.

Executive Branch:
The Executive Branch will be made up of a new reconstituted High Council made up of five members. This Council will be made up of a Speaker to be elected by the general populace and will serve a term of four cycles. It will also consist of a First Citizen to be elected and sent by the Council of Citizens. The Council of Elders will also select a High Elder to sit on this council. The High Justice of the Supreme Judiciary will have a seat as well. The Supreme Commander of the Gorn Military will fill the final seat.

Judicial Branch:
The High Judicary will be the highest court of the Gorn Federation. Its eight Justices will be appointed by both Councils in joint session. Justices will serve a life term, and the Justices will select the High Justice from among themselves.

Senator Wellton presented this proposal on Deneb earlier today.

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