The Original Nex wrote:
I assumed that there's no reason to believe only half a squadron would be launched. I believe it's be stated in the literature that only Vader's personal squadron was launched in the battle.
Fine, there were 10 TIEs dogfighting.
Speculation with no canon evidence.
Again, you're ignoring the thirty Rebel ships quote. And assuming that only half a TIE Squadron was launched, which is just plain illogical.
How many are in that squadron? How many of that particular squadron are mission capable at any given time? Again, speculation with no canon evidence.
Why call it Gold SQUADRON if there are only 4 ships?
See above.
So? It managed to survive the dogfighting, but the TIEs held it up so it never was able to make the trench run.
Or maybe it was optimal to only bring in three at a time. That's what the first X-Wing group did even though more than four were available. Those of us who in real life fly formation in tactical environments know the difficulties of leading multiple ships, and how those difficulties increase dramatically with every addition. Contrary to popular belief, flying on the wing is far far more easier than flying lead once you've mastered the monkey skills required to stay in position.
so the other 23 were destroyed by other means, and since the Rebels were said to "be able to evade our turbolasers," it suggests that a small force of 10 TIEs (exculding Vader and his wingmen) was able to take out, at the most, 22 Rebel Fighters. Makes the TIEs look superior to me. . .
The six shown on screen might have been only the tip of the iceberg, there could have been 60 total. We don't know the number, only a lower limit.
Once again, speculation without any canon evidence.
My speculation is more feasable that you disregarding anything that may have happened offscreen.
Again, you're thinking that you can simply tally the kills seen onscreen as an accurate representation of the whole battle.
Your speculation is not evidence. Why do you have such a hard time comprehending this? I'm not suggesting my numbers are all inclusive, but they paint a clear picture of Rebel superiority over two battles in two films. EU paints a similiar picture.
Speaking of which, are you going to say anything about Endor, or are you just going to continue to ignore it?