A look at my bag and some aspects of greenhouse farming

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His Divine Shadow
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A look at my bag and some aspects of greenhouse farming

Post by His Divine Shadow »

OK, here's some pictures, not sure it deserved a thread but eh.

It's mainly just my boxing bag and this new stand that my dad welded together and some photos related to my parents jobs.

The bad is outside now in this warehouse like room we got, bolted to the cement floor next to two water tanks that hold more than 10,000 liters of water each.

Anyway here's the bag and the stand, still a bit left to fill it with as you can see, I tend to knock it out of it's hooks sometimes this way:

Here are the boxing gloves which came last Thursday, good fit, not as heavy as I thought though, 160z is not much.

Lookit all the pretty techy things on the walls by the way:
Image Image Image Image

All this is really just a bunch of equippment for enviromental controll, sensors and such, computers that start to water the plants when humidity drops below whatever level it might be set to, watering might start at preset times too, and using other sensors and tools we know what nutrients to add to the water, what to cut back on, what to add more of, etc, etc.
Temperature sensors tied to other systems open these large automated hatches at the top of the greenhouses and let in fresh air if it gets too warm and close if it gets too cold.
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who did not.
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