As recording in this thread... here
The Media is ConservativeThe media is owned by conservative operatives and corporations.
Conservatives all follow the Rush Limbia PlaybookConservatives don't want to watch out for wrongdoing. Nearly all of them (if you don't count some libertarians) are rank and file Rushbots.
People can get Collage Degrees despite being IllterateConsidering that many people are getting degrees and can't read, the possibility that Bush had his degree bought doesn't sound to far fetched.
FYI: This was in refence to my comment about I'd take Stalin over Clinton and then he turned it around and accused Bush of Being like HitlerClinton was nothing like Stalin. Bush and his administration bear striking resemblances to Hitler and his regime.
Conseratives think of nothing but ClintonOh, I almost forgot : you conservatives cared more about cuffing Clinton's cock than you did about anything else, including terrorist activities.
9/11 was Meaningless and the only Reason we are doing anything is Because Conservatives Never do anything unless they have a man in power so they can claim creditTry doing anything about terrorist activities when conservatives are funding these same terrorists, and diverting the congress, the senate, the judiciary, the media, and everyone else to bring you down over a blowjob.
You conservatives didn't care about terrorists during Clinton's term. Now you do, since you have a president that's in it for the oil.
In Referance to a Question on me Asking him how 40,000 Men without Resupply or airsupport can Win a War aginst 1 Million Men with Resupply and Air Support
Apprently he things I can do it! j/kAnd you're some legendary military tactician?
This is a personal Refenced One, He thinks I'm Darkstar(IE I'm lieing, I'm ignoring what he's saying and I'm spewing forth Bullshit, that fits Darkstar to a T don't you think)There is no logic error. I have seen you call yourself a conservative before. And if that weren't enough, all your ignorant rants point to this. Connect the dots. You conservatives have ignored all the evidence I have provided of a conservative bias in the media, among other things.
He Belives Bush is a FundmentlistBush himself is a young earth creationist fucktard. Practicly his whole administration is fundie. He receives funding from a fundie cult leader. He pushes vouchers, which favor fundie schools. Same with xtian 'charities'.
And this is a funnny one in a section where I paint my views as Being Anti-Evil and Anti-Idiot he says
Conservatives are defined as Anti-Evil, Anti-IdiotIf you aren't a conservative then you're fooling everyone here.
His Views on GunsI don't see these reports. I do see, however, gun nuts advocating people carring uzis around for their enjoyment.
Conseratives are Stupied(Despite being Anti Idiot! Guess they hate themsleves in his views)Well, peabrained conservatives, but we know how illogical they are anyway.
His views on the rejected School Voucher Program...Sorry, don't want my tax dollars supporting the nazi youth for christ schools, which is where voucher $$$ would go.
Higly amusing to say the least