Favorite Star Wars ship?

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Post by Cabwi Desco »

no, the guys who prefer a ship over ten times its size... :twisted:
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Post by McC »

Executor. Bar none.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

How can you have Just one favorite? Seriously...

Favorite Über ship:
A Sovereign Class Star Dreadnaught. ((Not as insanme or massive as an Eclipse, but still has a MegaLaser :D ))

Favorite Large Capital Ship:
Victory-SD ((because an ISD is just too big for me, no matter how powerful))

Favorite Small Capital Ship:
Carrack Cruiser ((Fast, Quick, and still heavily armed))

Favorite Light Ship:
Corellian Corevett ((Does one need to pick anything else?))

Favorite Freighter:
A Totally tricked out Bulk Action IV Frieghter... Ohhhh yeaaa...
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Post by weemadando »

Start with the LAAT - its just sooooo cool.

Then say the good ole ISD, followed quickly by the B-wing.
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Post by Gunhead »

Vangaard gyre class scout (Katarn's ship) this is my favorite in the fighter/personal ship scale.

Imperial Star Destroyer. Yeah... this is the one. Of the big ships, this one takes the cake.

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Post by Gorefiend »

My money is with the Moldy Crow as well. It is a Corellian Engineering Corporation HWK-290 light freighter, not a Vangaard scout, by the way.

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Post by wautd »

Just going by looks:

The Allegiance class star destroyer. It looks a normal ISD but with more balls.

An the Eclipse offcourse
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Post by Karza »

Winged Mon Calamari (Liberty, right?)
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Post by Stofsk »

I'm partial to Home One. It looks solid, while at the same time retaining an organic look with the curves and bumps. And most important: it looks like something an alien would build.

Someone already said it, but I actually find the VSD to look better than the ISD. I don't know why.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Stofsk wrote:Someone already said it, but I actually find the VSD to look better than the ISD. I don't know why.
Woot! I'm NOT The only one who thinks so!
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Post by Admiral Bravo »

In no perticular order: The Invisible Hand, The Eclipse, and a World Devestator, after all why have just one ship when you can have a whole fleet of them. :twisted:
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Post by Argosh »

Darth Maul's ship.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Super Capital - Star Defender

Capital - Imperator Mark 1, the original the best.

Fighter - Chiss Claw Craft

Frigate - Assault Frigate

Corvette - Corellian Gunship
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Post by Manus Celer Dei »

The Republic Gunship. Beautiful little thing. Awesome amount of firepower for such a small ship, and it looks great.

Also, the Death Star. But that goes without saying.
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Post by Vanas »


The Vengeance. It's so.... shiny. And pointy. And... well... nice looking.


The Victory I. I like the wings, though strimming off the observation things would make it nicer to look at.


The Lancer. HIMS Flyswatter

Small, expensive tinfoil thing, built to shoot at other small, expensive tinfoil things:

For no justifiable, decent and explorable reason, the Y-wing. It's basically a flying brick.
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Post by JediMaster415 »

I like Y-Wings with the original armor still on it. It looks rather nice (to me). There's a picture in the Incredible Cross-Sections.
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Post by Crown »

A World Devastator would do me nicely thank you very much ... it keeps growing along with my ego when I conquer and desimate opponents, which suits me fine. :wink:

Although from the films ... hmm I don't know, the Executor has a certain elegance in its design, a cold dagger to the heart, if you will.
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Post by Imperator Galacticus »

I must have a Death Star. Something about its size and pure destructive capabilities makes me most blissful (ironic, huh?).

And then there's the Eclipse. I like it more because it can easily overcome an Executor, yet fill a role only a Death Star or Galaxy Gun can fill, and it still has a type of emphasized beauty as if it's an Executor on steroids.

But for essentially normal lines, the good old ISD mark I and II will always hold my heart.
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Post by Thanas »

Capital ship: ISD. No contest here.
Fighter: Chiss clawcraft. Really beautiful lines.
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Post by Coalition »

World Devastator. Suitable for planetary conquest, and after the locals are defeated, you use your internal factories to rebuild everything.

Or, you sell manufactured goods to target populations.

Even more fun is that you have a ~1 mile long factory, under your control, that will turn out just about anything you want. No need to worry about supplies or raw materials, just hoover a few million tons up. Engineers would have fun on board. Want a fighter or small shuttle, just have the fctories build it. Larger ships - build them too.

Planetary disaster - build shelters
Famine - rely on regular transports to bring food (or build them), and construct droid farms to handle the next one
Water contamination - buid purification centers
Walking city run out of parts - build new ones

You'd be Mr Fix-it for the local sector.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Carrack cruiser and Lancer frigate. Anti-capship and anti-fighter. Booyah.
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Post by Sam Or I »

Overall favorite, the YT-2400.

For the Capital ships, I like the Dreadnought, for fighters, the E-wing.
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Better than the Death Star

Post by Highbacca »

Me if there ever was i would make a ship that is a sphere to get weapons shifted around so you can fire all around.
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Re: Better than the Death Star

Post by Lord Pounder »

Highbacca wrote:Me if there ever was i would make a ship that is a sphere to get weapons shifted around so you can fire all around.
I take it your not aware of either of the Death Stars.
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no its different

Post by Highbacca »

Not like the death star even though it was a good weapon but something like have ion cannons and laser destroyers that turn and shoot in . 5 seconds. and i have seen every star wars movie that was made and not the one with the transvestite robot that was making fun of it and im also 15 to let you know that i have been bussy
take it your not aware of either of the Death Stars.
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