would he then be the Preminator? Or perhaps the Terminier? You silly Canadians and your political terminology. Just give into to assimilation already. It feels sooo good.Darth Wong wrote:I wish we had our own Governator here in Ontario.

Moderators: Alyrium Denryle, Edi, K. A. Pital
would he then be the Preminator? Or perhaps the Terminier? You silly Canadians and your political terminology. Just give into to assimilation already. It feels sooo good.Darth Wong wrote:I wish we had our own Governator here in Ontario.
At least as well as anyone randomly selected from the phone book .....Castor Troy wrote:You know what, I'm against allowing foreign born people to be elected as president, but Arnold sounds like he could do the job pretty damn well.
From what I've been hearing he's been doing a very good job in California, what makes you think he isn't?Chmee wrote:At least as well as anyone randomly selected from the phone book .....Castor Troy wrote:You know what, I'm against allowing foreign born people to be elected as president, but Arnold sounds like he could do the job pretty damn well.
Stick to California, Arnold, it doesn't matter how screwed up you make that place, nobody will consider it unusual.
If you just read his press releases, I suppose you could get that impression ... the general impression I get is that his policies may produce short-term relief for California's budget mess, but at the cost of longer-term problems as a result of the deals he's made. But by then, it will be some other poor sucker's problem as Arnold as stepped on to something else.Captain Cyran wrote:From what I've been hearing he's been doing a very good job in California, what makes you think he isn't?Chmee wrote:At least as well as anyone randomly selected from the phone book .....Castor Troy wrote:You know what, I'm against allowing foreign born people to be elected as president, but Arnold sounds like he could do the job pretty damn well.
Stick to California, Arnold, it doesn't matter how screwed up you make that place, nobody will consider it unusual.
What sort of long-term problems do you think he's creating?Chmee wrote:If you just read his press releases, I suppose you could get that impression ... the general impression I get is that his policies may produce short-term relief for California's budget mess, but at the cost of longer-term problems as a result of the deals he's made. But by then, it will be some other poor sucker's problem as Arnold as stepped on to something else.
He's figured out how to use the referendum against the Legislature. Someone in California has finally figured out that if the legislature is fighting you on an issue popular with the public, in that state you can take it to the public directly. This infuriates the legislature to no end.Darth Wong wrote:What makes Arnold unique is that he doesn't seem to be interested in "playing the game" the way traditional politicians do.
Yeah, I do. It's obvious that good teachers do much better in the classroom than poor ones, and if we were able to fire off some of the deadweight and hire good teachers to replace them (for lower salaries, I might add), then we could free up funds for other things. Let me remind you that 40% of the state budget every year is spent on education. That's on top of all of the Federal funds that the state receives for education, and private donations which make up at least a fair portion of the operating budgets of many districts. The problem in California is not lack of funding--the problem is where and how it's being spent. You can blame that on administrations--and you'd be correct to hit them with some of the blame--but the fact of the matter is that teachers' unions do not help students and hurt districts through their ridiculous rules and regulations.The Yosemite Bear wrote:Fine, can those of us who are related to teachers, who get paid less then the janitors, and administrators, and who supply class "disposables" and many classroom computers out of their own pocket, because the admins won't fund it. can we now charge the amount of money spent by teacher's annually for overheads, pens, pencils, music supplies, books, disposable workbooks, etc. That our govenator and his predicesors refuse to pay for, along with the fact that the wages of teachers have been almost frozen for the last decade, to YOU who think they are standing in the way of reform?
WAAAH! Other things about the school system suck, too!The Yosemite Bear wrote:And since every Principal, Vice Principal*, Discipline administrator**, Secretary, Janitor, and Counseler*** makes more then the highest paid teachers outside of college or physical education.
fuck off
That's bullshit. I have friends who complain about the shitty teachers ALL THE TIME. They're right, too--some of these teachers are inexcusably bad. Moreover, there's no excuse for shielding shitty teachers--something you seem incapable of recognizing.In california the bloat is in administration, there aren't many deadwood teachers as those that are too lazy to really teach soon move into district jobs.
And? They should be dealt with, too. That doesn't change the fact that the teachers are wasting funds.Hell even some of the good teachers move into the the administrative jobs, because of the pay, and lack of employment opportunities.
*usually most k-12 schools have 3 to 7 vice principals to each school
In the district around where I live, the teachers actually DEMANDED that such guards be put into place following the Colombine tragedy. Had the teachers' union been dealt with earlier, all of that waste would've been eliminated preemptively.** strangely there's usually a whole discipline security branch to each school, composed of several rent-a-cops. Even in my day they were pretty loosely screened and were committing more campus rapes then the students....
No one who took a serious look at the CA education system could conclude that the lack of programs or funding is the primary problem. The issue is that funds are not being allocated efficiently. What percentage of funds are spent on special education children? What percentage of funds are spent on sports? What percentage of funds are spent on questionable after-school activities? I guarantee that it's not 2%, and I guarantee it's not proportional to the number of students who require such programs or their importance to the education system in general.*** STrangely enough since getting continuing employment is getting harder for teachers, we now have the extra teacher/salary counsoler for all these special programs that we can't fund. My step-mom is actually a Math counselor, or basically someone whose only job it is to act as a private math tutor for the district.
Of course. Being Arnie already gets him the influence/recognition most politicians have to "play the game" for their whole careers to build up.Darth Wong wrote:What makes Arnold unique is that he doesn't seem to be interested in "playing the game" the way traditional politicians do.