This is all reminding me of the fuckers in Genoa last year. The cop who is trapped in the back of a van with a masked rioter about to throw a fire extinguisher at him shoots the rioter. "Oh no! Brutal repression by the police! It was unneccessary!" People forget that law enforcement officers have the right to defend themselves if they feel threatened. Its a priviledge provided by their position.IG-88E wrote:Please remove yourself from your soap box and place yourself in the shoes of the guards. You've been tormented for over 50 hours straight by people "only" armed with rocks, bricks, BAGS OF SHIT, and molotov cocktails. Suddenly, you're a member of a group of roughly 20 (yes, that's all that were involved in the actual massacre), cut off from support (which is halfway across campus), surrounded by screaming students who might not hesitate to beat you to a pulp, and CERTINLY don't hesitate to throw heavy objects at you. Then, a student approaches your group, one hand behind hit back like he's holding a gun (it turned out he had a brick) and screaming "shoot me, motherfuckers!" Attempts to pacify people like this in the past few days have mostly ended in violence, and if the students choose to attack your group, thye have enough that they WILL overrun you.
What do you do, Patrick?
Also look at the september 11 protests (year 2000, not THAT september 11) in Melbourne. People are complaining of police brutality. Yes, the riot police were going hard, but only because they were under constant bombardment from the fucking arsehole demonstrators.