Think about it, Bender is the ideal candidate for a GTA game. He's the right type of criminal, considering how you end up doing everything in those games anyway. He's the callous, yet loveable asshole we all want to be.

Moderator: Thanas
The HW-Rogue Squadron idea is brilliant! Imagine flying a Hiigaran interceptor or even a Gunship. Or, for that matter, someone captures a Vaygr fighter, and you fly it on a black ops mission.Crossroads Inc. wrote:On the topic of Homeworld, you know what I would like? A Homeworlds meets Rouge Squadron type game!
Where you can actually fly out among the other ships, doing missions and what not. I mean who wouldn't love the chance to actually fly around and through a Bentus Tradeship or even the Harbour ship!
And for that matter, I would love another aspect to the game where you can actually be a 'captain' of various ships. Sure in the game you can move them around and tell them what to do. But it would be neat to not just be some overlord of the whole fleet, but also try and fight through missions actually in command of various ships.
Add in an option for new UFOs, new aliens, new trooper images, new weapons, etc. Maybe use the Spore engine to animate the troopers/aliens. Design your own interceptors, with appropriate costs (Interceptor with 2 wing systems plus a pair of nose systems?). Larger transports, or even air-dropped troops (lots more troops (30+), but all strung out over a line). Human traitors, the ability to retake governments conquered by aliens.1. A new X-COM, based on the first, with all the modern conveniences. Turn based, damnit!
Include the option to add in new weapons as well? Also, no auto-targeting (where the Mech automatically aims at the next enemy target), allowing vehicles to survive longer. Infantry hide in woods & similar, creating wonderful ambush opportunities.5. Any direct adaption of Turn-based Battletech... with 3D graphics. (Megamek 3D? )
That Idea rocks, but I've got a way to make it even better. You can also piolet ships. So you can go in and then be the one to control the ship you take over. You could also man a turret or take over a ship from the hangar if you choose. Also, the enemy could try and re take the ship so you could coordinate a defensive. And you could do like other's have said and have an online aspect where 2 or 3 people play it like regular homeworld, telling people what to do with their ships/making the AI ships do things/selecting ships for boarding while regular grunts do the take overs/control individual ships (but they'll get waypoints/attack orders from the guy in charge which they could choose to ignore if they felt like it or which they could follow). It would rely in lots of people working together. Oh a and you could have a command structure so that if they guy running the fleet from his super battle ship was forced to eject/flee or gets killed or for whatever other reason can't communicate with the fleet the next highest ranked player on that team takes over and runs the fleet. And you could have it like wolfenstien enemey territory (sort of) and have skills and ranks and that's how people would get to be in command/be able to piolet certain ships. It would really rock.Ra wrote:(2)
A totally new game, based on the Homeworld universe. You knew this was coming, since I'm the leader of the Sobani. I mean, rather than epic space combat, have it more down and dirty. Put a face on Homeworld.
Have it about the Hiigaran Marines. Ever since seeing a Marine Frigate, I've fanticized about what it would be like as those power-suited marines run down corridors, fighting for control of the ship. I mean, really. That would be an awesome idea. You're part of an elite Marine unit that is posted on these really dangerous missions, like retaking Hiigaran ships, freeing hostages, raiding research facilities, sabotage, Black Ops, etc. This is my idea of the ultimate HW-verse game.
And have dynamic characters. Squad corporals, platoon officers, intelligence hacks, that sort of thing. Not just some named soldier with certain stats, a real character, like Captain Soban.
Put it in the middle of the Dust Wars or something, fighting the Taiidani Imperialists and Turanic Raiders. Hell, let's even throw the Protectors of Kadesh in there. It's not all just shooting, but that's the bulk of it. Kinda like Rainbow Six in the HW universe, but not exactly.
Well, that's my two Hiigaran Credits.
- Ra
Excellent idea! Far more involving and dynamic than I imagined.darthdavid wrote:That Idea rocks, but I've got a way to make it even better. You can also piolet ships. So you can go in and then be the one to control the ship you take over. You could also man a turret or take over a ship from the hangar if you choose. Also, the enemy could try and re take the ship so you could coordinate a defensive. And you could do like other's have said and have an online aspect where 2 or 3 people play it like regular homeworld, telling people what to do with their ships/making the AI ships do things/selecting ships for boarding while regular grunts do the take overs/control individual ships (but they'll get waypoints/attack orders from the guy in charge which they could choose to ignore if they felt like it or which they could follow). It would rely in lots of people working together. Oh a and you could have a command structure so that if they guy running the fleet from his super battle ship was forced to eject/flee or gets killed or for whatever other reason can't communicate with the fleet the next highest ranked player on that team takes over and runs the fleet. And you could have it like wolfenstien enemey territory (sort of) and have skills and ranks and that's how people would get to be in command/be able to piolet certain ships. It would really rock.
You mean, like this?Losonti Tokash wrote:For about three seconds before about 20 ion cannons blow you to hell.Crossroads Inc. wrote:Yes... But set in the Homeworlds Universe.
All I know is give me a gamne where I can Pilot an interceptor to buzz the surface of a Bentuse Tradeship. yea, that would rock.
They've made games similar to what you're talking about, just not space-based. Seriously, if you'd like a game where you can command from the front lines, check out Battlezone 1 and 2, plus Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising. Hostile Waters is an especially sweet game that just didn't get enough support from the publisher, and it has the ability to allow either traditional overlord map style RTS gaming, or front lines lead your units to victory with a very intuitive command system.Crossroads Inc. wrote:On the topic of Homeworld, you know what I would like? A Homeworlds meets Rouge Squadron type game!
Where you can actually fly out among the other ships, doing missions and what not. I mean who wouldn't love the chance to actually fly around and through a Bentus Tradeship or even the Harbour ship!
And for that matter, I would love another aspect to the game where you can actually be a 'captain' of various ships. Sure in the game you can move them around and tell them what to do. But it would be neat to not just be some overlord of the whole fleet, but also try and fight through missions actually in command of various ships.
Duuuude Ra! That is seriously wicked Cool! You have put a lot of thought into all that! Get those ideas to a game desiginer PRONTO!Ra wrote:-snip-
Yea... Bu..But it's not with Homeworld! This about Dream Games you could make, with anything you wanted! Sure if I wanted a Rouge Squadron style game... I'd go get Rouge Squadron! But If I'm going to dream, I want my Homeworld!!!Hotfoot wrote:-snip-
Yes, but if you've not played those games yet, and you want to see a RTS with the features you've mentioned, I've just recommended not one, but three distinct games you should get your grubby little mitts on to tide you over until you do get what you want. Plus you can use those games as a basis for what works, what doesn't, and so on.Crossroads Inc. wrote:Yea... Bu..But it's not with Homeworld! This about Dream Games you could make, with anything you wanted! Sure if I wanted a Rouge Squadron style game... I'd go get Rouge Squadron! But If I'm going to dream, I want my Homeworld!!!