General Grevious and lightsaber dueling

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Sriad wrote:
Matt Huang wrote:

(If any friendly mod happens to read the above post, could they tiny-ize the text or put in similar warnings, since Stravo said in the OP he's spoiler free?)
Clone Wars, not Ep III.
Ah, my bad. I haven't seen the last season of Clone Wars, and "Mace Windu force crushing" sounded pretty terminal. Complaints withdrawn.
No Problem. I editted to be slightly clearer.
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Post by consequences »

McC wrote:The thing everyone neglects is what else a lightsaber can be used for: deflecting/reflecting blaster bolts. This is what a non-Jedi would continually fail to do. Only Jedi have the precognitive reflexes necessary to achieve this feat. Anyone can duel with a lightsaber. Only Jedi can block blasters and thereby make a lightsaber an effective theater weapon rather than just a sport weapon. Super non-Jedi Swordsman with a lightsaber will be cut down in a matter of moments by Joe Average Blasterman. That's why only Jedi can use lightsabers to their full potential.
This is slightly untrue. Grievous is bad ass enough that he's killed blaster armed opponents before. The reason its only slightly untrue is that he's used speed to dodge, and has never been observed to parry blaster fire. But he's taken down opponents who are signifigantly better than Joe Average Blasterman, including 4 ARC troopers at one point.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

McC already hit the point directly on the nose. The main thing that makes a lightsaber viable in a theater battle is the one thing a non-force user can do, block blaster bolts. Therefore unless you have the advantages of being very fast and agile like Grievous, as well as the massive amount of lightsabers, you're going to get slaughtered against an enemy with a blaster.
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Post by Mark S »

Plus the force helps in not maiming yourself while using it. Not garuanteed to happen, true, but it could be an issue for non-Force users. Grievous would get around this because his computer enhanced brain would be able to track where every part of the blade was in relation to his limbs as it was whipping around.
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Post by Coalition »

We have here a robotic body with an organic brain able to control and organize lightsabers, and uses them to defeat Jedi. Could this be extrapolated to arguing that Commander Data from Star Trek could do the same thing?
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Post by Stark »

Except Data doesn't have an organic brain, of course.

If Data can learn kung fu he should be able to fight with a sabre: whether he'd be any good (since a stupid woman can beat him at CHESS) is a different matter.
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Post by jcow79 »

Well also isn't lightsabre crafting a jedi/sith secret? It's been my impression that it's a secret that jedi's hold close to their chest and the Sith even USE the force in the crafting of their sabres. So it's unlikely you would even end up with a lightsabre unless you recieved one from a jedi or killed him for it.
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