In Service of Chaos. (SW\B5)

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Post by Darth Fanboy »

I know its your fic and all, but i'm inclined to think that saying that sort of thing would have sent Vader into a rage and that Obi-Wan would have been a smear on the deck.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

excellant. *bad guitar music plays*

I'm wondering how there is room for an R5 and Kenobi to get in a TIE. Or how R5 got to the hatch on top. but very nice all the same.
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Post by NecronLord »

Darth Fanboy wrote:I know its your fic and all, but i'm inclined to think that saying that sort of thing would have sent Vader into a rage and that Obi-Wan would have been a smear on the deck.
It did. But it gave him pause first. By the time he got to the enraged phase, about a second later, he was lacking limbs again. If you get an umbrella or a stick or something and swing it in a fast arc, vertical then horizontal, that's about how long it took for Vader to go into evil Sith rage mode. You blink at the insolence, then go through an instant of denial, and then into rage.

Which is about when you hit the deck in five pieces.

Rots Novel: Vader knows this to be true. The first thing he tries to do after being put back together is kill Sidious.
I'm wondering how there is room for an R5 and Kenobi to get in a TIE. Or how R5 got to the hatch on top. but very nice all the same.
The inside of the cockpit of a Tie is actually more spacious than a conventional cockpit. With significant headroom. Getting in there with an astromech would be a singularly cramped experience, rather like trying to fit four people in a phone booth, but it can IMO be done.

As for how it got up there. It's an astromech. They can fly.
Last edited by NecronLord on 2005-04-21 11:28am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

NecronLord wrote: As for how it got up there. It's an astromech. They can fly.
I thought that was only in low gravity.
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Post by NecronLord »

Crazedwraith wrote:I thought that was only in low gravity.
Geonosis didn't seem low gravity to me *shrugs*. There's also the option of the Docking Bays on a starship being lower gravity, or Obi-Wan just giving it a shunt up with the force.

Or maybe R5s can just fly better than R2s. :wink:
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Post by NecronLord »

Another thing about the defeat of Vader there, is that in my opinion, the Dark Side is about wish fulfilment and gratification. Cutting loose and letting emotions off the leash.

Rage gives Vader power. If you can find a way to momenterily pause that power source, he's screwed. That's the difference between the light side and the dark side. The light side gives you control by surrendering to the guidance of the force. The dark side gives you greater power because you bend the force to your will, but if you let the reins slip, you're fucked.

That's the weakness the dark side has compared to the light side, that sometimes, if only rarely, compensates for its greater strength.
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Post by NecronLord »

Oh yes. I also considered having R5 cling on to the hull, but I figured Kenobi would rather endure being squashed inside the TIE than risk loosing the plans when he went to hyperspace.
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Post by Admiral Bravo »

Great job Necron.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

Okay, I've read the first three parts and I'm liking it so far.

My favorite bit is, oddly enough, the one about R2 thinking about taking his welder to 3PO. Gives me the grins.
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Post by NecronLord »

SylasGaunt wrote:Okay, I've read the first three parts and I'm liking it so far.
Wow. Threatening people to make them read my stuff actually works. :lol:
My favorite bit is, oddly enough, the one about R2 thinking about taking his welder to 3PO. Gives me the grins.
Glad someone liked that bit. I would probably do it if I were R2, damn if 3PO isn't annoying. :wink:
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Post by NecronLord »

Chapter Eight

High above the common herd of Coruscant, the most powerful man in the known universe brooded. Emperor Palpatine had not heard from either Lord Vader or Mara Jade for almost two weeks now. Neither had reported in, and Lord Vader had not arrived aboard the Death Star.

Kneeling at the feet of his throne were two black-robed dark side adepts. He turned from his view of the ageless city of Coruscant to look down upon them. Fallen Jedi Jerec, a fearsome Dark Jedi Master, whose powers were reputed to be the equal of Lord Vader’s, and ‘Inquisitor’ Rasavan, another fearsome Dark Side Adept, whose task in the Emperor’s service was to hunt down and kill Jedi Knights.

In all fairness, Jerec was not what he could have been. Fallen Jedi and Master of the dark side, he was, and he was close to the arcane teachings of Sith lore, but he was, in all fairness, not a match for Darth Vader. However, he was beyond most of the other Dark Side Adepts in the Emperor’s service.

Jerec was tall and thin to the point of emaciation, He kept his head shaved and black facial tattoos glowed on his brown skin. Empty eye sockets were hidden behind a band of black leather. His tunic, trousers and boots were black. Jerec wore no insignia other than the symbols visible on his blood red collar – and kept his Jedi abilities secret from all but the Emperor himself and his own acolytes.

Such was the nature of the man, however, and the power he commanded, that no signs of authority were every necessary. Jerec acted under the personal authority of the Emperor, and even the Inquistors like Rasavan were forbidden from interfering with Jerec’s… work. Jerec however, had even greater ambitions, and looked forward to the day when
all would kneel before him, but he was always careful to hide such ambitions behind a veneer of loyalty. It was the way of the Dark Side.

Lacking eyes, Jerec saw only through the force. But he saw better than any human. When Jerec looked at Palpatine could see webs of dark side power that seemed to radiate from him, and flow back to him. “Arise my servants,” he said, gesturing, and Jerec rose to his feet with a swish of perfumed robes. Rasavan rose with him.

“I have disturbing news which I want you to investigate. Lord Vader and one of my hands, Mara Jade,” he said, “have disappeared. I want you both to locate and apprehend them.” The Emperor smiled under his black cowel, dark-side-ravaged features moving in almost unnatural ways.

Jerec had a flash of a vision. Of his own lightsaber slashing across the air in front of him and being effortlessly deflected by a bar of blue energy – it was puzzling. His eyeless head continued to look at the Emperor, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Some strange fate was at work here.

“I shall not fail my Lord,” Jerec said, his voice was as soft as the flutter of bird’s wings, but still somehow loud enough to be heard.

“Ah, Admiral! How good to see you this fine day!”

Motti had come to dread these inevitable appearances of Morden. Stuck between a rock and an exceptionally hard place, he would have to endure it. “We’re aboard a battle station Morden,” he said, “one day is very much the same as another.”

“Quite so,” Morden replied, “but today is a very special day. Today, my associates have decided that you can be of help to them. And help you in the process. You can strike at your rival mister Tagge.”

Motti’s heckles were already up, “Oh?” he asked, trying for nonchalance, instead only achieving insincerity.

“Oh yes,” Morden said with a smile, “We want you to give some instructions to one of your ships.”

kind of instructions?”

“Send something small. Send a Victory class destroyer perhaps, to attack the Corporate Sector Authority.”

“Why?” asked Motti, “it’ll be destroyed.”

“Because my Associates tell you to,” Morden said, turning, “I would do as I am told if I were you.”

Aboard the Skilled Hunter, Gaeriel walked along the five hundred meter length of the flight deck slowly, still favouring one leg, and looked around with a mixture of rapt interest in the engineering marvels involved in warship design, and unease about the entire situation.

Kaan, for his part, walking beside her, had suggested the flight deck because it was the most impressive part of the ship, as well as being one of the few places one could walk out in anything resembling ‘the open’ aboard the ship. Doubtless the Kaminoans, always humourless at the best of times, would have greatly disapproved of the ‘abuse’ of his authority to actually wander around in such a restricted area with a civilian, but he didn’t much care these days.

“And this,” he gestured off toward one of the more advanced TIE fighters, “is the latest delivery. The Avenger, as it’s called. There’s not all that much to say about it other than that it’s very much more effective than the standard version, plus it has significantly greater range and combat capable shields.” He laughed slightly, “I can see I’m boring you,” he said.

“I know,” she replied, “It’s not that interesting a topic, but you present it well, and besides, we haven’t anything else to talk about,” she turned from the end of the flight deck and looked across at the numerous support crew going about their duties. A shuttle had landed, and they were servicing it even as its ramp descended. “How about that one?” she asked.

“Humm? It’s a Lambda class shuttle,” he said, “we get them all the time. Long range transport craft for dignitaries.”

A flame-haired woman in an unadorned purple cloak descended the ramp, followed by what Kaan assumed to be some kind of droid, which appeared to serve no obvious function. It was purple, with flowing gold trimmed robes of all things, and seemed to exude a sense of power and majesty to the pair, standing several yards away, beyond anything any droid should command. It became apparent that the ‘droid’ was no droid, but some alien enclosed in armour, or perhaps a life support suit. What was it, Kaan wondered, and why had it arrived by Imperial transport?

Ulkesh surveyed the interior of the hangar. It was impressive enough. The implementation of technology was crude, but the raw power made manifest in that technology was almost worthy of a modicum of respect. Almost. The Vorlon leader looked at the white armoured guards at each entrance and seemed to approve. Its suit’s head turned from side to side as it surveyed the hangar. Everything seemed to be in order but for the presence of nonconformity – another female human, evidently not part of their military. The Vorlon dismissed it as irrelevant, and continued to look around.

A decent showing, he decided. But there was room for much improvement. He mentally instructed Mara to take him to appropriate quarters, and followed the human. Kaan stared after Ulkesh, narrowing his eyes. There was something about the creature that he didn’t trust. Picking up on his mistrust, Gaeriel whispered, “Who was that?”

“I have no idea,” he said, “but I would very much like to know.”

Obi-Wan watched as Leia intercepted another three blaster bolts from the training drone in quick succession. She was exceeding his expectations. After only two days of training she was already learning the combat skills of a Jedi. He could only hope that the idea of beginning training at such an old age would have allowed her previous life to provide the wisdom to avoid the Dark Side with minimal instruction, because he knew, somehow, that what instruction he gave her would best be focussed on combat.

Anakin’s sabre slashed through the air as the blindfolded ex-senator turned, parrying another stun-shot. Leia abruptly backtracked, blocking a fifth shot, then a sixth before finally yelping as she missed a shot. She was not yet able to take the guidance of the force for extended periods of time, Kenobi noticed, easing slowly to his feet, exhaustion and sprained muscles had still not healed since his duel, almost two weeks ago.

Jerec too, was thinking of Vader. In the meditation chamber of his residence on Coruscant, there were no lights of any kind. He did not require them, and found the darkness comforting. He cast his mind into the force, seeking a point of control, a point in the force, or perhaps inside himself, he could take hold of and unravel to lead him to his goal.

Focussing on the flash of vision he had had spontaneously before, he found the place in the force’s depths where it had come from, and cast his senses to that place.

Lightning would crackle from dark clouds, and two figures would duel on a narrow causeway over an endless abyss. Both would be tall, clad only in black, but where one – Jerec was unsurprised to see that it was himself – would carry a crimson lightsaber, the other would carry a blazing sword of green light. They would fight, and it was clear that Jerec was not going to win. Another figure would emerge, shrouded in darkness, and would attack the green-armed figure with a blue lightsaber. The opponent would spin and parry the blows of the third fighter entirely effortlessly. Jerec however, would raise his weapon for a killing strike to the second figher’s unprotected back… the vision faded.

His confidence restored, he would after all, win the duel that the force had shown him, Jerec rose, sliding open the doors of his sanctum. “You,” he said to a twi’lek woman – a gift from one of his acolytes - carefully clearing the table of his dining room, “Inform my Star Destroyer that I wish to board at once.” She bowed deeply, cautious of offending him, and quickly flitted off.

‘Ah,’ he thought, ‘slavery. A wonderful institution, one I shall promote in my time.’

Two very important questions occupied the mind of the Emperor, Obi-Wan, and even Jerec at the same time;
Where has Vader gone? and more importantly, What is Vader doing?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Very nice but soemthing tells me that vision isn't gonna end nicely for Jerec when it happens.
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Post by NecronLord »

Crazedwraith wrote:Very nice but soemthing tells me that vision isn't gonna end nicely for Jerec when it happens.
It's an old Cliché ain't it? :P
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Post by Crazedwraith »

NecronLord wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:Very nice but soemthing tells me that vision isn't gonna end nicely for Jerec when it happens.
It's an old Cliché ain't it? :P
Yup. Shame on you.

Also is the Fighter you labeled the 'Avenger' Vader's TIE Advanced X1 or the TIE Advanced ala X-Wing games?
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Post by NecronLord »

It's the X-Wing one - SWTC is your friend.

IMO it goes Defender>Vader's Tie>Avenger&Interceptor>Standard TIE. The Avenger has warhead launchers and hyperdrive though. :mrgreen:
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Post by Crazedwraith »

NecronLord wrote:SWTC is your friend.

IMO it goes Defender>Vader's Tie>Avenger&Interceptor>Standard TIE. The Avenger has warhead launchers and hyperdrive though. :mrgreen:
I've thought that the Avenger would be above the Advanced X1 seeing as its faster and has more guns.

And also accordin to SWTC the Avenger shouldn't have been built yet.
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Post by NecronLord »

Crazedwraith wrote:I've thought that the Avenger would be above the Advanced X1 seeing as its faster and has more guns.
But it has far less reactor area, and less engines. I don't know why it'd be faster. The X-1's guns would also IMO be higher powered.

And also accordin to SWTC the Avenger shouldn't have been built yet.
In the OTL the Death Star was destroyed at least fifteen days ago. I'm being a bit generous having it out at this stage, but it's useful later on.
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Post by NecronLord »

Doublethink Time

As I've been informed that the Kaminoans are too inept to stop their clones acellerated growth, and consequently, Kaan could not be a Kaminoan clone, he is in fact from Cartao, the planet that invented the far superior Spaari cloning method used by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Chronologically, he is consequently around 23 years old, and biologically, 40, aged as a normal SW human, in our terms he'd be around late twenties early thirties.

The TIE Avenger, as a concession to 'reality,' though bearing the name Avenger, is an experimental cross between the Avenger we know and the TIE-X2 out on field trials, which it passed. It lacks shields.

These things have always been so. All future reprints will include these facts. Go about your business citizen. - The Ministry of Truth.

EDIT: Nope. Apparently the Kaminoans could pull that off, and thus, it is true that Kaan is from Kamino. It was never untrue - The Ministry of Truth.
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Post by NecronLord »

Weakest chapter yet in my opinion. I ask that you bear with me now that we've hit the middle. It will get better...

Chapter Nine

What had happened to Vader was more surprising, and terrifying than the darkest imaginings of Palpatine or Jerec could derive.

As Vader’s new arms were fused onto his torso by the two large medical droids that preformed his personal maintenance, he drifted in and out of consciousness. Rage and pride fuelled his every waking thought, but in his comatose state his mind focussed on the cause and meaning of his defeat. As the medical droids removed synthetic droid control fibres from his nervous system and began the long and painful task of replacing them, he could feel the alien presence that has spoken to him days before the duel return.

‘Who are you?’ it asked.

‘I am Darth Vader,’ he replied.

Who is Vader?’

He could not answer.

‘You are still an apprentice,’ the alien continued. ‘Your mastery never emerged.’

‘I am the match of any Jedi Master.’

‘You are not your own.’

Vader’s rage flared once again, and his curiosity was swept away, he reached out with the force to crush the creature that plagued him, but he could find nothing.

Vader ordered the Devastator’s communications systems to be locked down until further notice and had the massive vessel jump to random co-ordinates. The Emperor could not learn of this ignominious defeat he had experienced, not until Vader was ready to reveal it appropriately. He did not trust his Master, and with good reason.

Sidious thought of Vader as a ruined failure, the once mighty chosen one who had become nothing but a shell of his former self. Even Palpatine did not entirely disregard Bane’s rule of two, but there were others who the other Sith Lord valued greatly. Eventually, when Sidious found someone of sufficient talent, Lord Vader knew he would be replaced.

On the second day after his failure, Vader began construction of his replacement lightsaber. An intricate process, a masterwork of a weapon would take days to complete, but the initial construction was simple enough. This weapon would be different from the others however, and would not be so easily destroyed. Consisting of a tube of metal with two frameworks for internal components, the first was of dura-steel, the second was something different; unrefined Cortosis ore. The ore would interfere with the operation of any lightsaber blade it came into contact with, shutting it down.

It was easy enough to find an appropriate power cell aboard the devastator, and the more mundane components. Some specialist devices he also had in preparation for this day. He laid all the components out on a bench, and began the slow process of working upon the component mountings inside the cylinder. He liked creating things like this, they relieved his mind of anger, frustration, and fear.

‘Who are you,’ it asked, and Vader wondered why it ever bothered to say that question.

‘Who are you?’ Vader demanded.

‘I am who I always have been,’ the creature replied.

‘Enough nonsense, what is your name?’ he said.

‘Kosh,’ it replied.

‘And what do you want?’

It sounded offended, angered ‘never ask that question!’ it replied.

‘Why not?’ Vader growled, ‘It is the foundation of the Sith Order. Take what you want, as you want it.’

‘Yes,’ Kosh replied. ‘That is why you are ruined.’ The creature left, and Vader’s anger howled inside him like an enraged animal.

The next day, it came again. And Vader took the opportunity to seize the creature’s presence, hold the link in the force, and demand explanations.

‘Learn who you are and then consider your desires,’ Kosh said, and Vader ignored it.

‘I know who I am. What do you want with me?’ he demanded.

‘No,’ Kosh replied. The creature said nothing until Vader finally left the link.

On the fifth day, the crew of the ship around him finally began to become restless. Five days in deep space, sitting, engines off, was not good for morale. The becalmed ship’s captain had sent a lieutenant to ‘politely request’ that Vader explain their mission, but the Dark Lord had simply taken the opportunity to vent his immeasurable anger on the poor man – man no more.

Once more Kosh had come, and said something else hopelessly elusive. ‘To find meaning, return to the end of the beginning,’

‘I do not understand you,’ Vader had replied, his usual impatience with this entity flaring quickly.

‘No. But you will,’ it had answered.

Deep in meditation, he had remembered the first time he had touched the depths of the Dark Side. The Jedi had called it the inevitable result of his desire to possess. And he had left, taking a shuttle from the Devastator’s bay and forgetting the ship entirely. At the hip of his reconstructed body hung his almost completed lightsaber, the final act of completion – synthesising the perfect crystals – could be left until later.

Setting course for Tatooine, Vader left the Devastator and pulled back the hyperdrive leavers of the tri-winged shuttle. The stars blurred, and he shot into hyperspace.

It was a long time since Lord Vader had been to this world, but he navigated the Lambda shuttle over the dry plain without effort. He could fly such a ship while blind. As it was, he had no problems doing such, and finally put the vessel down outside a small homestead he had only once visited before. He could see another ship several kilometres away from the moisture farm of Cliegg Lars.

The odd ship was yellow-orange with brown markings, and rested on three protrusions, but seemed to be nothing to do with the moisture farm. Vader set the shuttle down and strode down its ramp. A boy, or a young man, in white stood nearby, gawping.

The presence was back, but now its voice was preceded by strange, alien sounds, rather than the clear, pure meaning-transfer of telepathy. The Dark Lord’s hatred for this creature grew by an order of magnitude simply because of the mental power it seemed to command. It said two words that hammered a nail through Darth Vader’s black soul.

“Your son…”
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Post by Crazedwraith »

I disagree. This is one of the better ones. Vader;s introspection rivals the duel scene in terms of writing.
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Post by CJvR »

You are to hard on yourself, it was quite good.

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Post by Robert Walper »

I've never really watched B5 NecronLord, but nevertheless, I find this particular fanfic interesting. In my limited judgement, you're focusing on the strength of B5 and applying it into the Star Wars universe. Pretty cool. 8)
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Post by NecronLord »

Robert Walper wrote:I've never really watched B5 NecronLord, but nevertheless, I find this particular fanfic interesting. In my limited judgement, you're focusing on the strength of B5 and applying it into the Star Wars universe. Pretty cool. 8)
This is true. At some stage however, you will see shiny First One ass get kicked.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Exceptional work Necron. I look forward to more.
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Post by Prozac the Robert »

NecronLord wrote:
This is true. At some stage however, you will see shiny First One ass get kicked.
I hope the first ones are making some sort of effort to build more powerful ships. If a single star destroyer whacks the entire shadow fleet I'll be a bit annoyed.

That asside, I really like this. The rate at which you are posting the chapters is pretty impressive as well.
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