One can still hope.Stofsk wrote:This is LucasArts. I don't think they've ever supported mods or modmakers.Captain tycho wrote:Yeah, let's hope they release some decent mod-tools for it.

Moderator: Thanas
IIRC, they set up Jedi Outcast for it to be easier to load up mods, what with the rampant modding that was going on with the predacessor - rather than use an external program to load the mods, players could just load it in a directory or something and choose it from a menu somewhere in the game.Stofsk wrote:This is LucasArts. I don't think they've ever supported mods or modmakers.
Actually, that was because Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy used the Quake 3 engine, which was designed that way.Sharpshooter wrote:IIRC, they set up Jedi Outcast for it to be easier to load up mods, what with the rampant modding that was going on with the predacessor - rather than use an external program to load the mods, players could just load it in a directory or something and choose it from a menu somewhere in the game.Stofsk wrote:This is LucasArts. I don't think they've ever supported mods or modmakers.
Course, that may have changed with Academy...
EU ships are a dime a dozen in these games. They've included buildable Victory SDs since Star Wars Rebellion. If I wanted to be impressed by the selection, they should have either made this game 4 years ago or include AT-HEs and Mandators.Praxis wrote:I know, ridiculous idea. But still cool to see EU stuff.
So? The Rebellion starts off as a guerrila organisation, conducting terrorism and eventually guerrila warfare. But it's ridiculous to continue using those tactics. Mao Zedong saw revolutionary war as starting off with terrorism, then progressing to guerrilla war, then finally ending up at conventional war - by the end the revolutionaries would have been building their own ships and guns and so on.White Haven wrote:...Meh. If you want a balanced game, set it during the Clone Wars, or set it during the NR-era or some such. This game is effectively large-scale conventional siege warfare applied to what was most definitely nothing of the sort. You don't begin guerilla warfare with an open, wide assault on a planetary system. Few, if any, revolutions are 'balanced' militarily, or even close to it.
I do. For a start, a good campaign allows a game to be enjoyed solo, and that's what I want to play. Sure multiplayer is fun, but there are times when I don't want to go through the hassle and bullshit of meeting strangers online and dicking around with a MP game. If I can enjoy it solo then I'm happy.Stark wrote:Who cares about the campaign?
YES, goddamit how many people DON'T know of Ground Control(1, not 2).Stark wrote:Are there RTSs that don't involve the 'you start with a HQ and a constructor, now defeat the huge enemy base full of idiots' cliche?
Um yes... Like, WTF? It's an interesting concept, but you totally loose all of the Trench mounted guns.Praxis wrote:WHAT THE HECK DID THEY DO TO THE ISD HANGAR?
What the fuck? That had better be a subclass. It's also begging for a broadside.Praxis wrote:WHAT THE HECK DID THEY DO TO THE ISD HANGAR?
Or you can get it free off Fileplanet.Ace Pace wrote:YES, goddamit how many people DON'T know of Ground Control(1, not 2).
Get Ground Control, should be 10-15$ by now.
I thought that required Subscriber acess?Duken wrote:What the fuck? That had better be a subclass. It's also begging for a broadside.Praxis wrote:WHAT THE HECK DID THEY DO TO THE ISD HANGAR?
Or you can get it free off Fileplanet.Ace Pace wrote:YES, goddamit how many people DON'T know of Ground Control(1, not 2).
Get Ground Control, should be 10-15$ by now.
I've only got the free subscription too. Unfortunentally, only the Ground Control 1 w/GC2 Demo seems to be on the server. The damn GC2 demo adds ~200MB to the file.3rd Impact wrote:Not sure whether this still applies, but I was able to download it and I've only got the free subscription.Ace Pace wrote: I thought that required Subscriber acess?
I played GC... for five minutes. The whole 'my squad of guys didn't bring any demo charges and destroying this building is taking five minutes' thing put me off. I think it was the demo?Ace Pace wrote:YES, goddamit how many people DON'T know of Ground Control(1, not 2).
Get Ground Control, should be 10-15$ by now.