Seeing as Star Trek has had one for a long time, some plucky fans set out to make an exclusive SW wiki. I found this site some time ago, sorry for keeping anyone in the dark:
Feel free to contribute, but remember, see if the subject has been written about already. If it has, and you feel you have new/additional info please provide at your leisure.
VT-16 wrote:I think it´s unofficial name is Star Wars Wookiepedia.
Oh God! Thats perfect! its silly, doesn't take itself too seriously, it's JUST What StarWars needs as the name of it's glorious arhcives, I LOVE it!
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan Read "Tales From The Crossroads"! Read "One Wrong Turn"!
I think spanky has it right with holocron. Its a suitable equivalent to Star Trek's: memory alpha
Wookiepedia IS pant-wettingly funny, but once the novelty wears off, it'll just become a source of embarasement for Star Wars, and serve as ammo for rabid star trek fan boys.
Imagine if you will:
" Star Trek is for adults where as star wars is for kids. Just look at the names of their respective on-line enyclopedia. Memory Alpha versus Wookiepedia. ROFLMAO. Is that suppossed to be funny !!!!111lol !!!11one+shift!!!"
Is it possible to edit the article names? Some of the articles use colloquial names like "Assault Gunboat" instead of "XG-1 Star Wing" or are just plain wrong (the Missile Boat is called "Missile Gunboat").
They didn't even spell it right. Wookiee has TWO e's.
Its these damned hypothetical nonexistential potential trektards; they don't even bother to spell things right! I on the other hand have no excuse and are deeply ashamed by my misspelling of Wookee.
Still, my point stands, any fun name will no doubt add fuel to the trektard opinion that Starwars is for kids. If Holocron is taken what about something like 'Praxium' or 'Chu'unthor' or my personal favourate 'I.N.N' (Imperial news network)
Jim Raynor wrote:Is it possible to edit the article names? Some of the articles use colloquial names like "Assault Gunboat" instead of "XG-1 Star Wing" or are just plain wrong (the Missile Boat is called "Missile Gunboat").
Yes, "moving" an article is the same as renaming.
"Let's *spitting* the fun words for several *pieces* and then surprising things!!!"
Is it possible to edit the article names? Some of the articles use colloquial names like "Assault Gunboat" instead of "XG-1 Star Wing" or are just plain wrong (the Missile Boat is called "Missile Gunboat").
Unfortunately, I helped propegate the popular naming convention in the searchable names (though I tried to be very correct with the naming in the articles themselves. But, feel free to change it completely. Just be ready to justify it if anyone complains (not that it´s dead-certain they will, but...)
Wookieepedia is more original and clever than Holocron. And as I said before, the Holocron already exist as an official source, better to avoid mixing the two up.
And I don´t see why Trekkie-ridicule of the name would mean anything, as people here have said over and over they´re not as fickle as Trekkies.
And I don´t see why Trekkie-ridicule of the name would mean anything, as people here have said over and over they´re not as fickle as Trekkies.Wink
I already said that I approved of the name Wookeepedia. 'Pant-wettingly funny' or something to that effect. I was just pointing out what certain trek tards will say when they discover it. If that doesn't matter, then it does not matter.
Silly names and percieved target audience are strawmen anyways: It has nothing to do with fire power or technology.
its um terrrifying an such.
I'm not sure I like the abuse my Avatar is receiving. 'Tis only The Shat