Illuminatus Primus wrote:A lot of them are rejected for being too angry or impulsive, old, etc. You get the idea. One of the founding members of the Prophets of the Dark Side was in this catagory.

Where's that from
Dark Rendezvouz seems to have made it more into a power/ability issue than anything else.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Anyway, whats this nonsense about ready pools at Dantooine and Mace's homeworld?
Dathomir from
The Courtship of Princes Leia, might have spelled the name wrong (I've managed to burn three fingers on my right hand, so typing is slow and thus I can't be bothered finding out the proper name), and
Haruun Kal Mace's homeworld from
Shatterpoint, the natives of this planet are descended from murooned Jedi centuries ago, and they all have some Force power of some kind (one was
stronger than Mace, Anakin strong).
Look, I can get that some planets are too far outside the Republic (like Tattoine), but come on! Mace is
from the latter, and Yoda's
been to the former for crying out loud!

Η ζωή, η ζωή εδω τελειώνει!
"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka '
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
"So have I, and I'm going to do them all to you." - Sylar to Arthur '