- Kit Fisto: killed by Darth Sidious
- Saesee Tinn: killed by Darth Sidious
- Agen Kolar: killed by Darth Sidious
- Shaak Ti: killed by Darth Vader
- Luminara Unduli: killed by her Clone Troopers (AT-TE)
- Bariss Offee: killed by her Clone Troopers (surrounded and shot)
- Ki-Adi-Mundi: killed by his Clone Troopers (shot)
- Aayla Secura: killed by her Clone Troopers (shot in the back)
- Quinlan Vos: killed by his Clone Troopers (Juggernaut in his platoon destroys the one he is standing on)
- Adi Gallia: killed by her Clone Troopers (piloting a BARC Speeder, gets killed by Clone speeder bikers)
- Plo Koon: killed by Clonepilots (ARC-170s pull in behind him and destroy his Eta-2)
- Cin Drallig: killed by Darth Vader (previously unseen lightsabre master, played by Nic Gillard- get it?

Are there any named Jedi I'm missing from RotS?