hypernova wrote:in the empires height they had about 50,000 ISD's yes but the empire was in control of about 250,000 some odd systems thats 1 ISD per 5 systems if you dont include battle fleets such as vaders.
1 million important systems, 50 million colonies, outposts, settlements, etc.
25,000 Imperator class destroyers, unknown number of other types.
you have your cruisers, you frigates, your corvettes, and others
in places such as the outrim your flag ship for an entire sector might have been only a cruiser, and a few other frigates and corvettes to help patrol.
near the core you's have about 1 ISD per system or so with accomadating smaller ships.
I think the number is more like 24 from the Imperial Sourcebook.
fleets where made up an average of 4-5 ISD's with exception to when a grand moff, vader or the Emporer said otherwise. vaders fleet was about (im not sure) 12 ISD's with a SSD, and in ROTJ the FleetS with the DS was about say 80-100 ISD's.
33 Imperator types, one Tector type, one unidentified cruiser, 1 Executor class star dreadnaught.
in the NJO they talked fleets in numbers of, when in big battle that is, of 1000's of SD's and/or Destroyer Analogs
Which is perfectly correct. You do realize that until Revenge of the Sith, the Imperator was the smallest capital warship we had seen in the films, right?
Vong power is hard to estimate. Are we talking firepower? In SbS a whitehot plasma blast vapes a 10 meter chunk of yorik coral, which corresponds to about KT level. Magma missiles depend on how fast they go, but connor pointed out that the KE should be in the double digit MT range if we interperate the crap in the NEGVV the right way.
Hero's trial says they have 1000 of the world ships so far (it says capital ships, but the statement only really makes sense if we assume they are talking the smaller mobile base worldships and not the DS population movers). They have several multikm designs that pack an unknown number of plasma weapons that have an unknown yield. It should be noted that higher end plasma will start to approach cosmic rays in terms of penetration power, which gives them another asset. We have no idea how they generate power of course, so we can't estimate on that. They don't have to worry about refueling the engines, which is a pretty big advantage. They could lose 1000 capital ships and consider it a feint. So they have a sizable navy, but nothing on par with the Empire and probably less then the total size of the Republics forces.
Ground forces seem to be Vong officers, Chazrach NCOs, and those slave thralls as your basic ground troops. I sincerely think the Grand Army of the Republic could have mopped the floor with them.
In the end they tried to take too much too fast and unlike previous wars couldn't use left over infastructure, so they depleted themselves and got bitchslapped.