lordmakalpine wrote:I agree that Lucas had lost something over the years. The classic games like Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, and TIE Fighter/X-Wing were amazing games, and are still loads of fun to play now. Clone Wars, Jedi Outcast and Academy have really smashed the Star Wars gaming franchise around quite a bit.
Dark Forces (which I don't like, but eh) might be a good GAME, but it's a terrible STAR WARS game. And that's the point: Lucasarts churns out derivate genre-games like Dark FPS or Force RTS or Jedi Shooter. There is no honest effort to fit the games into the universe, or draw on the movies beyond 'Every game must have a Hoth level'. Frankly, if you changed the Stormies into something else, DF could be any kind of FPS, what with it's health bars and silly FPS guns. Excuse me while I'm unimpressed.
And the Force powers in the Jedi games! Sigh.
As an aside, Lucasarts games used to the really, really good. As SPOOFE mentions, Day of the Tentacle will remain a classic: it's good because it's CREATIVE and ORIGINAL and INTERESTING. Not 'SW FPS' or 'SW HW' or whatever.
Star Wars games, like Star Trek games, are in my opinon victims of fan loyalty. It's a shame, because both licenses have such scope.