Lets say the the recoil from a massless beam is X. And lets say the gun is mounted in such a way (through physical bracings, forcefields, etc) that it can handle up to X amount of force without shifting. When the gun initially fires, X force is applied, and so is Y from the release of gases and such in the barrel. X=Y is sufficient to make it rock back. But once the barrel explosion is done, it will slide back because now there is no excessive force pushing it back.SirNitram wrote:Ignoring, you know, recoil. As in there's no recoil. Whether this is better or worse than inconsistant recoil, that's another kettle of fish.Ender wrote:So long as you can also cite how long we've known a temperature at which an incandescent surface will glow green, sure.
The invisible beam theory is consistant with observations. I'm yet to see another theory that is.
No "warm up time" or anything.