I got to thinking about the Jedi Academy. Presumably your bulk standard adept is recruited after weaning. And then raised in the Jedi way.
How does the order deal with you know, sex.
You have all these males and females. And some species in the Star Wars universe are sexually compatible. They must all hit puberty at some stage. What happens when Padawan Jack suddenly gets the hots for Padawan Jill? If they segregate, how do they handle the emergance of homosexuality?
It can't be that behavioural science has developed in the Republic to such a level that they can control it or else the moronic pairing of Anakin, 18 to be Padme's, 24 protector would never of happened. There was no
"Oh Senator Palpy, they'll be shagging as soon they find a room, you're such a kidder. Here's I*lkhsi, he'll be a more competant protector and unless the senator has a thing for cilia there won't be any of that messy attachments stuff you know we hate."*
So what do the Jedi do?
*dworkin fully realises that Palpy wanted Anakin to form an attachment to the Sexy Senator from Naboo of Anakin's fantasies. The point is he got away with it in a room full of Jedi bigwigs and no-one engaged a brain cell even once the Senator had left. Hell, if the next scene had shown Palpy handing Anakin the Star Wars equivalent of a box of Durex I would not of been suprised. It could of been an inspired product placement!