This image was taken from the Wizards of the Coast site. The caption reads "A Hutt in battle armor and wielding a force pike makes a formidable adversary." It actually makes sense (not every Hutt can be a fatass crime boss living in luxury), but still, the idea of an armored Hutt soldier never even entered my mind.
Spacefaring Krayt Dragon Jedi
I first found out about this after reading the recent Krayt Dragon threads that were around here. Wanting to learn more about Krayts, I went to the databank at the official site. Near the end of the databank entry for Krayt Dragons, it was said that "Some xenobiologists postulate that the krayt dragons are the degenerate descendents of the fabled Duinuogwuin Star Dragons." I searched for these Star Dragons at the Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia (which seems to cover almost everything from the EU), and got this (emphasis mine):
Serious what the fuckage.a Force-sensitive race of huge, snakelike creatures, the Duinuogwuin average 50 meters in length, with multiple pairs of legs on a scaled body. They also have gossamer wings and floppy, elephantine ears, and have earned the nickname 'Star Dragons.' Their homeworld is unknown, but they show up in almost any environment, even the vacuum of deep space. They are an honorable race, and there are rumors of the very ancient Duinuogwuin serving as Jedi Knights. It is rumored among the xeno-archaeologists who study them that a large percentage of young dragons are born as wild, vicious beasts. Each Duinuogwuin is monosexual, and the procreate by combining a haploid gamete with that from another dragon. No one knows where it is, but the Star Dragons maintain a hidden graveyard where they go to die. Several scientists have observed the Duinuogwuin expelling super-hot belches of gas that can scorch plastisteel.