Firefly - Can I expect more?

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Post by HemlockGrey »

The one thing that I didn't get about The Message was why Mal just didn't say "Tracy, you schmuck, put down the gun, we're not going to turn you in."

And yeah, the Rance dude in Heart of Gold is about as one-sided as they come. I liked the bit where the whore casually blew him away, though.

And good GOD, Whedon's Objects in Space commentary is horrific. I don't think there is a single thing you can say that would make existentialism interesting.

The commentaries are pretty hit-and-miss. The pilot commentary is good, the commentary on War Stories is so-so, the commentary on Shindig is borinig, the OiS commentary is excruciating.
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Post by Stofsk »

I found the commentary to be interestng. :P

I haven't listened to any of the others. But I like the commentaries that have just the writer talking about what he thought when he was writing the episode.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

That can be good, but in this case it was so godawfully boring, with Whedon going on and on and on about these obscure philosophical concepts for an hour.
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Post by McC »

HemlockGrey wrote:That can be good, but in this case it was so godawfully boring, with Whedon going on and on and on about these obscure philosophical concepts for an hour.
In his defense, I recall reading somewhere that he was profusely sorry for the "self-indulgent commentary" on OiS ;) So he at least admits the error of his ways. Though like Stofsk I also found it interesting.
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Post by Durandal »

Stravo wrote:Best laugh outloud moment - Jayne wakes up for a moment as he hears fighting and throws aside a blanket on the wall revealing an arsenal of weapons, the music surges heroically...and he promptly wraps himself in the blanket and goes back to sleep. Simply AWESOME.
That was certainly funny, but honestly, the best part was when Joss Whedon pissed all over the "human melding with computer" cliché that's so ridiculously overdone in sci-fi. Half-way through the episode, I was rolling my eyes because I thought it was yet another human-mating-with-computer wankfest. I was so surprised and relieved to see that Whedon was just making fun of it.
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Post by andrewgpaul »

As for 'The Message', I did like the scene at the beginning, when Jayne gets his hat, and his line "why did you order a dead guy?" :D
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

While I agree with most of what you say, Stravo, I'm afraid that over your opinions on The Message, I demand satisfaction! *slap!*
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Post by RedImperator »

McC wrote:The one thing about Objects that I never got, and still don't get, is why Jubal kept on mis-hearing things. "Are you alliance?" "Am I lion? I never really thought of myself as a lion. I suppose you could say that though. I do have a mighty roar." "I said are you alliance..." "Oh, I thought..." "No..." "...that's weird."

He does that a few other times too. What was up with that? Was it River "jamming" him?

But Objects is definitely the best capstone episode to a series I've ever seen. I have to differ with you on BSG1 and Andromeda1. Neither even remotely compares to Firefly, IMO.
I always just thought he was fucking with Simon when he did that.
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Post by Coyote »

Stravo wrote: In the final analysis this was a very good show, Not the second coming as some have touted it to be, for instance I think Neo BSG Season 1 as better as well as Andromeda Season 1 but it would have been great to see this show be allowed to evolve and grow.
Well, I think that's the thing about this show-- typically, a first season is awkward and clunky. Characters are not fleshed out, actors, writers, director and crew are still trying to find a groove, the over-arching plotline is not yet manifested or manifests in a clumsy manner... it is in later seasons when a lot of series' typically get their steam.

So my thought on this is, and it is just my opinion, but if this was how well the first season went overall, imagine how it could have gone had the rug not been pulled out from beneath it? I think Firefly represents a helluva lot of potential, and it was worth investing in before the studio asshats made their typical decision to pull the series.

Now it seems that anytime a good sci-fi series come to TV, no one wants to watch it and get involved because it is now a given that it will be pulled for some damnfool reality TV show or some such thing, but that's another rant.

Firefly was a contender.
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Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
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Post by Soulman »

Coyote wrote:
Stravo wrote: In the final analysis this was a very good show, Not the second coming as some have touted it to be, for instance I think Neo BSG Season 1 as better as well as Andromeda Season 1 but it would have been great to see this show be allowed to evolve and grow.
Well, I think that's the thing about this show-- typically, a first season is awkward and clunky. Characters are not fleshed out, actors, writers, director and crew are still trying to find a groove, the over-arching plotline is not yet manifested or manifests in a clumsy manner... it is in later seasons when a lot of series' typically get their steam.

So my thought on this is, and it is just my opinion, but if this was how well the first season went overall, imagine how it could have gone had the rug not been pulled out from beneath it? I think Firefly represents a helluva lot of potential, and it was worth investing in before the studio asshats made their typical decision to pull the series.

Now it seems that anytime a good sci-fi series come to TV, no one wants to watch it and get involved because it is now a given that it will be pulled for some damnfool reality TV show or some such thing, but that's another rant.

Firefly was a contender.
The studios aren't interested in the long term. Think about how much money Paramount has made out of Star Trek, if it had been cancelled after 14 episodes then they would be out of a lot of dollars. If allowed to develop they could have easily made a long lasting francise out of Firefly but they couldn't look beyond RIGHT NOW. They don't even seem to look year ahead and factor in probable DVD sales. The Firefly DVDs were in the top 30 in Tescos (a UK supermarket), if given more time they could've made a killing.
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Post by Thanas »

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Post by Hades »

I have no idea without reading the whole thread, if someones already mentiond it, but for those who were disapointed that they hyped up the Reavers and didnt show them we do get to see them in teh movie. and they look nasty!
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