Core tenents of Scientology?

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Post by Duckie »

Nephtys wrote:Travolta and the rest of the scientologist bunch need to sit down, get slapped in the face, and think. Science Fiction Writer + Science Fiction Religion has fiction in common. Quite obvious stuff, especailly with 'Space Emperor Xenu'. Oh well. They tell you the crazy Xenu Emperor part after you've already ditched $150,000 on them...
Not only that, Hubbard can't even decide if it's Xemu or Xenu in his writings. Now I suppose Galactese, Xenoan, or whatever may only have a single nasal sound, but somehow I doubt Hubbard thought this through that much. If Galactese really had one nasal sound, Hubbard would have picked a single one and stayed with it. If it didn't, the only way he could do that is to accidentally add an extra hump to his n, which is a purely Latin typological error.

Unless Xen/mu spoke a Latin-based language. :roll:

Have Travolta and Cruise and co. actually even heard this part? I can't imagine someone like them, even if they aren't geniuses, falling for "Space Emperor Xen/mu".
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Post by SeebianWurm »

They've also got Beck.
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Post by Duckie »

Actually, according to it looks like Cruise and Travolta are not to know they are barred from reading some print materials according to one past member under penalty of being "charged" with a "high crime".

I hate answering my own questions. You always find it right after you post for it.

And furthermore, Xenu's magical Latin Language needs to be precognative enough to get lower-case letters to make the n/m typo.
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Post by Lord Zentei »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Gah! Maybe I should've chose Raelianism instead! That Battlefield Earth was because of scientology? Holy crap...gah! :x
Raelianism is also crap. To tell you the truth, I think you should simply create your own fake religion. You can't do worse than Hubbard did.
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Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Gah! Maybe I should've chose Raelianism instead! That Battlefield Earth was because of scientology? Holy crap...gah! :x
Raelianism is just as kooky, but perhaps with fewer sinister overtones.

Oh, and look for a Philip K. Dick story based on an Earth where Scientology is the dominant religion. I forget the title, but it's hilarious and spooky at the same time.
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Re: Core tenents of Scientology?

Post by Molyneux »

Nephtys wrote:It's worse than that. I know a few people who were personally involved.. (anectotal, yeah. But there's other stuff, like a short book out on the matter that I read through). Falun Gong is pretty much a nutbar cult. Their leader is the uneducated charisma-guy like most cult leaders, and some tenents include that all things are powered by invisible wheels, and that if you're holy enough, you can see these wheels. Mankind today is the result of 42 generations of previous civilizations, all crushed and signs washed away by floods, storms, whatever. Also, computers are alien devices that control your mind, and a light-year is a measure of time. No, I'm most certainly NOT joking. It's not quite as evil as scientology mind you, but it's certainly crazy and with a political agenda and appeal to ignorant people.
42 generations? 42?!
Maybe he's on to something there, just from a purely Adamsian perspective... :twisted:

Seriously, I've got to read up on that now. All I knew about Falun Gong was that they were a new religious-martial-artsy-thing in Asia, and China had banned them for no (as far as I could tell) good reason...

And tai chi is freakin' awesome. It's not as hard on the body as, say, karate (though it is pretty hard if you're not in shape), and it's very good no-impact exercise...and it's very relaxing. I recommend that everyone try it at least once...if I didn't have conflicts this year, I'd be auditing the Tai Chi class on campus. Best class I ever signed up for, when I took it...
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Post by wolveraptor »

MRDOD wrote:
Nephtys wrote:Travolta and the rest of the scientologist bunch need to sit down, get slapped in the face, and think. Science Fiction Writer + Science Fiction Religion has fiction in common. Quite obvious stuff, especailly with 'Space Emperor Xenu'. Oh well. They tell you the crazy Xenu Emperor part after you've already ditched $150,000 on them...
Not only that, Hubbard can't even decide if it's Xemu or Xenu in his writings. Now I suppose Galactese, Xenoan, or whatever may only have a single nasal sound, but somehow I doubt Hubbard thought this through that much. If Galactese really had one nasal sound, Hubbard would have picked a single one and stayed with it. If it didn't, the only way he could do that is to accidentally add an extra hump to his n, which is a purely Latin typological error.

Unless Xen/mu spoke a Latin-based language. :roll:

Have Travolta and Cruise and co. actually even heard this part? I can't imagine someone like them, even if they aren't geniuses, falling for "Space Emperor Xen/mu".
What's this about a Space Emperor? I thought scientology was about some bonding of the souls between believers and transcending the material realm or some such bullshit. Basically stolen from Buddhism.
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Post by Nephtys »

wolveraptor wrote: What's this about a Space Emperor? I thought scientology was about some bonding of the souls between believers and transcending the material realm or some such bullshit. Basically stolen from Buddhism.
*puts on her exposition hat*

In scientology land, one billion years ago, there was a galactic empire. It had hundreds of worlds, each one having several hundred billion people inhabiting them, overcrowding each planet. The emperor of this nation was called Xenu/Xemu. He wanted more power, so he devised a sceme to stop the overpopulation of each planet. He used psychiatrists and other evil agents to use their pseudoscience to load up the 'excess' people into big space airplanes that are totally like normal airplanes, but with rockets and warp drive. He flew them all to our planet Earth, which was not called Earth at the time. It was a planet known then as TEEGEEACK. He shoved a lot of nuclear bombs into volcanoes as people were dumped over the Earth, and then detonated them all, covering the whole planet with Lava. The people all died horribly and the Galactic Senate was angry for having people mass-slaughtered, so they trapped Xenu/Xemu in an impenetrable force field, powered by an infinately regenerating battery and hid him in one of the volcanoes of Earth. He's still there. All those people meanwhile, died and their spirits called 'Thetans' inhabit the earth, possessing each one of us and causing us to generally feel bad, do bad, and suck. With the power of Scientology, you can exorcise these demons.

Know what's really, truely sad? All of that I just said is pretty much accurate to the high-level stuff in this 'religion'.
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Post by mr friendly guy »

history lesson

In the late 1940s, pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard declared:
"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion

Hubbard invented some type of mental health technique which he dubbed dianetics. Not surprisingly dianetics were faced with several legal problems dealing with health professionals and the practice of medicine.

So taking a leaf out of his own book, Hubbard with lawyers changed dianetics into a religion, and the Church of Scientology was born.

Now the disclaimer for dianetics
scientology wrote:
Scientology and its substudy, Dianetics, as practiced by the Church… does not wish to accept individuals who desire treatment of physical illness or insanity but refers these to qualified specialists of other organizations who deal in these matters
Dianetics is based on 1) the principle that health is achieved by abolishing (“clearing”) negative influences (“engrams”) from their minds.
This is done by going back (often to the womb ) on a “time track” while in a “dianetic reverie” in the presence of a listening “auditor”. In other words its their version of indoctrination.

These "engrams" are defined as definite and permanent trace left by a stimulus on the protoplasm of a tissue. Like the good pseudoscientist Hubbard is, he doesn't even care that he cannot observe these engrams and also on another note, to cure someone you must remove these "permanent" engrams. But Hubbard doesn't stop there.

To give you an idea of Hubbards retarded claim 1) abusive husband hits wife while pregnant => 2) Foetus gets an engram, which explains some psychological problems the child will have as an adult. But it gets better

While undergoing his own treatment, Hubbard found out about past lives while on this "time track". He also found out about the nasty Thetans which infest us and cause human suffering. He also found out about the evil Xenu who exiled us to Earth. He calculates the soul or thetans to be trillions of years old. Which is very interesting considering the universe is aged only in the billions of years.

Looking back at Hubbards own letters while serving in the military, it was strongly suggested that Hubbard was a paranoid schizophrenic (besides the obvious delusions others have mentioned, he also was paranoid that "communists" and others were out to get him). In fact Hubbard before he completely lost the plot wrote a letter requesting psychiatric help from the military. He was turned down.

A hilarious summary of scientology belief can be found here
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Post by Kuja »



Wow. I knew Scientology was wacked-out, but I never realized it was truly that freaky.
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Post by wolveraptor »

Nephtys wrote:
wolveraptor wrote: What's this about a Space Emperor? I thought scientology was about some bonding of the souls between believers and transcending the material realm or some such bullshit. Basically stolen from Buddhism.
*puts on her exposition hat*

In scientology land, one billion years ago, there was a galactic empire. It had hundreds of worlds, each one having several hundred billion people inhabiting them, overcrowding each planet. The emperor of this nation was called Xenu/Xemu. He wanted more power, so he devised a sceme to stop the overpopulation of each planet. He used psychiatrists and other evil agents to use their pseudoscience to load up the 'excess' people into big space airplanes that are totally like normal airplanes, but with rockets and warp drive. He flew them all to our planet Earth, which was not called Earth at the time. It was a planet known then as TEEGEEACK. He shoved a lot of nuclear bombs into volcanoes as people were dumped over the Earth, and then detonated them all, covering the whole planet with Lava. The people all died horribly and the Galactic Senate was angry for having people mass-slaughtered, so they trapped Xenu/Xemu in an impenetrable force field, powered by an infinately regenerating battery and hid him in one of the volcanoes of Earth. He's still there. All those people meanwhile, died and their spirits called 'Thetans' inhabit the earth, possessing each one of us and causing us to generally feel bad, do bad, and suck. With the power of Scientology, you can exorcise these demons.

Know what's really, truely sad? All of that I just said is pretty much accurate to the high-level stuff in this 'religion'.
...damn...that's so fucking ridiculous, it's almost cool...except for the pseudoscience shit. Do the followers even know this pile of sebum that constitutes the main body of their belief?

What the fuck is with you, Tom Cruise? You used to be cool, man.
"If one needed proof that a guitar was more than wood and string, that a song was more than notes and words, and that a man could be more than a name and a few faded pictures, then Robert Johnson’s recordings were all one could ask for."

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Post by Nephtys »

Most of em don't even know that part, until a phase called 'OT3', where they've been clearly brainwashed enough to accept other stuff, and pay a few hundred thousand dollars... that's when they learn about Space Emperor. When someone's that far gone, it might even make sense to them. Most scientologists apparently don't know, and are only vaguely aware of details regarding these Thetans and are told on a need-to-pay basis.
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Post by wolveraptor »

Man...if I was in charge, Hubbard would be lynched the first time he tried to sell this soft, steaming shit. It sounds like something I would've made up...when I was 9. :shock:
"If one needed proof that a guitar was more than wood and string, that a song was more than notes and words, and that a man could be more than a name and a few faded pictures, then Robert Johnson’s recordings were all one could ask for."

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Re: Core tenents of Scientology?

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Crown wrote:
Nephtys wrote:Cruise and Travolta and Kidman buy into this stuff for god knows what, but they get the 'nut-free' version and act as traveling PR people really for this garbage.
Very minor point, but I'm not sure that Kidman is part of the cult. I heard the reason why Cruise devocred her was because of his beliefs (that and he wasn't 100% sterile and basically thought Nicole cheated on him when she was pregnant, but turned out the unborn fetus was his)?
That was Penelope Pitstop.
I'd be REALLY crushed the Governator was buying into this stuff.
Ahnuld would call Tom a girlie man and proceed to disembowel all of them with a limb severed from Hubbard's corpse.
Raelianism is also crap. To tell you the truth, I think you should simply create your own fake religion. You can't do worse than Hubbard did.
Basically I just did. Took some Buddhist/Hindu crap, added some Tai Chi martial arts exercise, some charitable stuff, a few aliens, and slapped on the name 'Neo-Scientology'. Kool, huh?

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Re: Core tenents of Scientology?

Post by Crown »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:
Crown wrote:
Nephtys wrote:Cruise and Travolta and Kidman buy into this stuff for god knows what, but they get the 'nut-free' version and act as traveling PR people really for this garbage.
Very minor point, but I'm not sure that Kidman is part of the cult. I heard the reason why Cruise devocred her was because of his beliefs (that and he wasn't 100% sterile and basically thought Nicole cheated on him when she was pregnant, but turned out the unborn fetus was his)?
That was Penelope Pitstop.
Could have happened twice, I know Kidman had a miscarrage right before the divorce.
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Post by Xon »

Kuja wrote:O.o


Wow. I knew Scientology was wacked-out, but I never realized it was truly that freaky.
It gets worse when you read up on the brainwashing techniques they employed and probably still use.

I would say it makes the stuff done in guantanamo bay seem like nothing. And its mass produced and handled in a highly systematic way.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I'd be REALLY crushed the Governator was buying into this stuff.
Hah! The Governator would rip apart Xenu with his teeth and sleep with his harem of a thousand alien beauties!

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Post by CJvR »

Sir Sirius wrote:Read this in particular.
Huh? That was even worse than VOY, ENT & TPM rolled into one.

For some reason these freaks have shown up around here lately, perhaps they were exiled from Germany. They were declared a dangerous sect there IIRC.
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Post by PainRack »

Just as a seperate note, Tai-Chi is itself seperate from Falun Gong, even though Falun Gong use it to promote its agenda. So, those old folks doing Taichi exercises in the morning need not be part of Falun Gong, even though Falun Gong people may also do Tai Chi.

And for those not in the know, it advanced levels are very, very, exhausting. Its strange how moving slowly can tax you so much.
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Post by Duckie »

CJvR wrote: For some reason these freaks have shown up around here lately, perhaps they were exiled from Germany. They were declared a dangerous sect there IIRC.
This might be off topic since I don't want to hijack this into a discussion of German law, but if you're not using hyperbole can someone PM me and tell me how exactly Germany is able to outlaw religions like that? If it really works, why isn't everyone else doing it?


On topic, Hubbard really was a hack. I'm barely in High School and I can write more enjoyable and realistic Science Fiction. I mean, when you think about it the Xenu story alone violates:

Newton's Laws of Motion in conjunction with,
Fuel Space/Distance Ratios (barring supermegahyper-efficient rocket fuel),
Einsteinian Relativity,
Geology... the list goes on.

The first three assume those DC-8 Spaceplanes made it there before the occupants died of old age, and still had rocket motors the size of a DC-8's propellers. Hell, throw in whatever the science behind rudders, ailerons, and elevators since those DC-8s somehow can steer in space. (Fluid Dynamics?)

Damn, Now I want my own Cult of the Matrix. I can write a better story than Hubbard, and the Matrix really makes more sense. All I need now is a celebrity dupe. [Perhaps Keanu Reeves, just for irony.] We can charge millions to "Unplug" People. Actually, this is a really good charicature of Scientology.
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Post by Lord Zentei »

MRDOD wrote:
CJvR wrote: For some reason these freaks have shown up around here lately, perhaps they were exiled from Germany. They were declared a dangerous sect there IIRC.
This might be off topic since I don't want to hijack this into a discussion of German law, but if you're not using hyperbole can someone PM me and tell me how exactly Germany is able to outlaw religions like that? If it really works, why isn't everyone else doing it?
In Germany, Scientology is wisely defined not as a religion but as an abusive cult. In the US, they have a shitload of political leverage due to the number of rich celebrities who are members. I don't know about elsewhere, but the US authorities certainly need to grow a pair on this issue.
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Post by salm »

MRDOD wrote: This might be off topic since I don't want to hijack this into a discussion of German law, but if you're not using hyperbole can someone PM me and tell me how exactly Germany is able to outlaw religions like that? If it really works, why isn't everyone else doing it?
It´s very hard to gain official religious status here. They´re officially recognized as a commercial organistion and closely watched by the Verfassungsschutz (office responsible for defending the constitution) because of their "strive against the free and democratic order."
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Post by Lord Zentei »

salm wrote:
MRDOD wrote: This might be off topic since I don't want to hijack this into a discussion of German law, but if you're not using hyperbole can someone PM me and tell me how exactly Germany is able to outlaw religions like that? If it really works, why isn't everyone else doing it?
It´s very hard to gain official religious status here. They´re officially recognized as a commercial organistion and closely watched by the Verfassungsschutz (office responsible for defending the constitution) because of their "strive against the free and democratic order."
A commercial organization? Here I was thinking it was defined as a cult. Oddly enough, the "commercial organization that strives against the free and democratic order" label is even more appropriate... 8)
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Post by Morilore »

Verfassungsschutz (office responsible for defending the constitution)
Why can't America have one of those?
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Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Check out the Onion and its article on Fictionology.


LOS ANGELES—According to a report released Monday by the American Institute of Religions, the Church of Scientology, once one of the fastest-growing religious organizations in the U.S., is steadily losing members to the much newer religion Fictionology.

Above: The paperback that has already sold two million copies.
"Unlike Scientology, which is based on empirically verifiable scientific tenets, Fictionology's central principles are essentially fairy tales with no connection to reality," the AIR report read. "In short, Fictionology offers its followers a mythical belief system free from the cumbersome scientific method to which Scientology is hidebound."

Created in 2003 by self-proclaimed messiah Bud Don Ellroy, Fictionology's principles were first outlined in the self-help paperback Imaginetics: The New Pipe-Dream Of Modern Mental Make-Believe.

Fictionology's central belief, that any imaginary construct can be incorporated into the church's ever-growing set of official doctrines, continues to gain popularity. Believers in Santa Claus, his elves, or the Tooth Fairy are permitted—even encouraged—to view them as deities. Even corporate mascots like the Kool-Aid Man are valid objects of Fictionological worship.

"My personal savior is Batman," said Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Greg Jurgenson. "My wife chooses to follow the teachings of the Gilmore Girls. Of course, we are still beginners. Some advanced-level Fictionologists have total knowledge of every lifetime they have ever lived for the last 80 trillion years."

"Sure, it's total bullshit," Jurgenson added. "But that's Fictionology. Praise Batman!"

While the Church of Fictionology acknowledges that its purported worldwide membership of 450 billion is an invented number, the AIR report estimates that as many as 70 percent of the church's followers are former Scientologists.

Church of Scientology public-relations spokesman Al Kurz said he was "shocked" when he learned that Fictionology is approaching the popularity of his religion.

Above: A recent Fictionology rally in Clearwater, FL.
"Scientology is rooted in strict scientific principles, such as the measurement of engrams in the brain by the E-Meter," Kurz said. "Scientology uses strictly scientific methodologies to undo the damage done 75 million years ago by the Galactic Confederation's evil warlord Xenu—we offer our preclear followers procedures to erase overts in the reactive mind. Conversely, Fictionology is essentially just a bunch of make-believe nonsense."

Hollywood actor David McSavage, who converted to Fictionology last year, attempted to explain.

"Scientology can only offer data, such as how an Operating Thetan can control matter, energy, space, and time with pure thought alone," McSavage said. "But truly spiritual people don't care about data, especially those seeking an escape from very real physical, mental, or emotional problems."

McSavage added, "As a Fictionologist, I live in a world of pretend. It's liberating."

A tax-exempt organization, the Church of Fictionology stands poised to become a great moneymaking power if it continues to grow at its current rate—a situation Kurz called "outrageous."

"In recruiting new members, Fictionology preys on the gullible with fanciful stories and simple-minded solutions," Kurz said. "Fictionology is depriving legitimate churches of the revenue they need to carry out charitable works worldwide—important charitable works like clearing the planet of body-thetan implants."

This is my favorite part:
"Sure, it's total bullshit," Jurgenson added. "But that's Fictionology. Praise Batman!"
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