John Podhoretz will rue the day he attacked Star Wars.

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John Podhoretz will rue the day he attacked Star Wars.

Post by Elfdart »

He is one dumb twat:

First, one of the Neo-Nazi -er, National Review's hacks slams ROTS based on a review by an ignorant schmuck who thinks the movie is anti-Bush :wtf: Then John Podhoretz (he is a second-rate version of his father, the infamous right-wing hack Norman Podhoretz -who is himself second rate come to think of it...) applies his pudgy fingers to his keyboard and as Han Solo says "This is where the fun begins!" :
Warren, it's all there, but believe me, the movie's plot is so confused that it doesn't really matter. At one point, Natalie Portman complains that "this war happened because of a failure to listen." But the war she's talking about was started by the good guys! It was the Jedi who secretly built the Clone army that appeared in the movie before this upcoming one. And, of course, the Rebellion that Luke Skywalker joined in the first trilogy was conducting a war against the Evil Empire which included blowing up Death Stars and arming Teddy Bears. Evidently 25 years into the Star Wars empire, George Lucas decided he just doesn't like war. Now he tells us. The whole confusion is reminiscent of the last Matrix movie, which is all about a noble truce between our heroes and the computers that have been using all of humanity as batteries. So that a few people could survive to have orgies in the underground city of Zion, billions of people had to remain in the Matrix. Inadvertently, both Lucas and the Wachowski brothers (who wrote and directed the Matrix movies) reveal with their brainless anti-Bushism the essential cowardly vapidity of pacifism.
There is more concentrated stupidity in this "review" than... Aw fuck it, I can't stop laughing long enough to start. Thanks to James Wolcott, I don't have to :twisted: :

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Two's a Crowd
Posted by James Wolcott

John Podhoretz has joined the posse of basket-weavers at NRO's The Corner, and he's already making a big splash. He's been embroiled in an epic fight with emailers who take umbrage as only conservative dweebs can at his interpretations of the Star Wars cosmology. Today he tore off his bib and make it clear he had had enough from these cyber gnats.

"I'm getting a lot of e-mails from obsessive fanboys who insist that the good guys in the Star Wars movies didn't start the wars in question but were tricked into it by a 'Dark Side of the Force' conspiracy. It's almost impossible to wade through all the nonsense on the Web to get to the bottom of this, and to be perfectly honest, I have no interest in doing so. The fact that George Lucas is such an incompetent storyteller that it's impossible to figure out who started what and when is Lucas's fault, not mine. Let's just agree to this: The Jedi know how to beat people up and how to slice their arms and hands off -- and they are not averse to blowing up a Death Star or two. Okay? Now move out of your parents's basements and join an Internet dating service before you lose all your hair."

You mean, like this? [see below -Elfdart]

I mean to cast no aspersions. We all wasted away our adolescence in different ways. But just because Pod Junior went bald in his parents' basement pretending to be a Jedi warrior with the maid's broom is no reason to douse the dreams of National Review's future generation of ideological goobers.

However, I question his very admittance into the Corner. Just as adding John Tierney to the NY Times op-ed page means that the paper now has two David Brooks, ushering in Podhoretz gives the group blog two Jonah Goldbergs, which I think we can agree makes for quite a wagonload.

Both are the sons of famed conservatives. Both pride themselves on their pop culture acumen. Both fancy themselves comedians. If I were Jonah I'd be quite miffed, having my distinctive niche duplicated.

But I suppose they know what they're doing over there. Though there seems something fishy about a site with banner ads from the Cato Institute holding a fundraiser for itself.


Here's the link to further Poddy's shame:

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Re: John Podhoretz will rue the day he attacked Star Wars.

Post by Praxis »

Elfdart wrote:He is one dumb twat:

First, one of the Neo-Nazi -er, National Review's hacks slams ROTS based on a review by an ignorant schmuck who thinks the movie is anti-Bush :wtf: Then John Podhoretz (he is a second-rate version of his father, the infamous right-wing hack Norman Podhoretz -who is himself second rate come to think of it...) applies his pudgy fingers to his keyboard and as Han Solo says "This is where the fun begins!" :
I was gaping in stunned shock at the sheer stupidity when I reached this point.
Warren, it's all there, but believe me, the movie's plot is so confused that it doesn't really matter. At one point, Natalie Portman complains that "this war happened because of a failure to listen." But the war she's talking about was started by the good guys! It was the Jedi who secretly built the Clone army that appeared in the movie before this upcoming one.

What a blithering idiot. It was PALPATINE that built the Clone Army, and then had the Seperatists to show up so he had an excuse to be able to use it! The Jedi only commanded it.
And, of course, the Rebellion that Luke Skywalker joined in the first trilogy was conducting a war against the Evil Empire which included blowing up Death Stars and arming Teddy Bears. Evidently 25 years into the Star Wars empire, George Lucas decided he just doesn't like war.
What the heck? Padme doesn't like war. This was obvious from her huge anti-military speech in AOTC. Why does this mean Lucas doesn't like war?
Now he tells us.
No, he told us in TPM when we found out that the people from Naboo were Pacifists...

What a blithering idiot. Great find though, we got someone to laugh at.
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Re: John Podhoretz will rue the day he attacked Star Wars.

Post by Jalinth »

He can't figure out the plot? Unlike the Matrix, Lucas is almost painfully clear. The only way he could have been clearer is by putting up "Power Hungry Demagogue who wants to become Emperor" behind Palpatine.

You don't have to like the movies, but he is reading way too much into it - especially when the end result (the Emperor) was written before Bush Senior was anything more than a blip on the political radar.
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Post by Noble Ire »

Incredible. Simply, mind-bogglingly incredible.

I should be used to lunatical crap like this by now, but it still amazes me just how stupid and misguided some people can be. :shock:
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Post by Quadlok »

Remember, anything that ever casts either a head of state or war in a bad light is anti-Bush. The way things are now, I think a World War II documentary that mentions that perhaps Hitler wasn't such a great guy and the Bataan death march wasn't nice would be seen as anti-Bush by some of these wackaloons.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

I find it funny that they seem to instinctively assume that Palpatine, the most evil man in the Galaxy, is a paralell for Bush. There are no obvious similarities between them. We never see Palpatine mangling words, we've never heard of him going AWOL from the Naboo Planetary Guard, or about him spending most of his time on his ranch rather than on Coruscant. What we do see him do is subvert democracy, embroil his people in a pointless war for his own ends, and destroy freedom throughout the Galaxy. The fact that these people instantly assume that he's a stand-in for Dubya says a lot about what they really think about the President.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

These fuckwits are hurting their own cause anyway. What better way to make people think of Bush in terms of Emperor Palpatine than to state as such? Jesus.
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Post by PainRack »

Drooling Iguana wrote:I find it funny that they seem to instinctively assume that Palpatine, the most evil man in the Galaxy, is a paralell for Bush. There are no obvious similarities between them. We never see Palpatine mangling words, we've never heard of him going AWOL from the Naboo Planetary Guard, or about him spending most of his time on his ranch rather than on Coruscant. What we do see him do is subvert democracy, embroil his people in a pointless war for his own ends, and destroy freedom throughout the Galaxy. The fact that these people instantly assume that he's a stand-in for Dubya says a lot about what they really think about the President.
That's kinda disturbing, but on the other hand, a lot of the pundits are calling Bush a neo-hitler, so.....
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

When the entire OT is a civil war of heavy cost for liberty, I think it would be in the revolutionary spirit of our founding, if anything. And it was no sterile or soft war; the losses for the military in the destruction of both Death Stars must have been heavy - the civilian cost maybe more in Alderaan and other cleansings.
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Post by Elfdart »

If anyone is Palpatine, it's Cheney. Bush is Jar Jar Binks in AOTC: a stupid, embarassing coward who mangles the English (er, Basic) language and is a tool for Cheney/ Sidious to carry out his fiendish schemes. Tony Blair is Anakin Skywalker, who was once a good man but threw in with the dark side. :P

The Looney Tunes Right's slip is showing. Lucas created a cautionary tale that warns against hatred, fear, aggression -and those who use them for political power. The only way Lucas could have had Numbnuts in mind is if his car was sideswiped back in the 1970s (when Lucas created Star Wars) when Dubya got liquored up for a joyride. Now the wankers at National Review squeal "How dare you say that about US!". If the shoe fits...

National Review hasn't had this much egg in its face since the Eichmann trial.
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Post by Kurgan »

Wait, I thought that the Empire were the good guys... so therefore if Palpatine's Empire = Bush Administration, then it's actually PRO BUSH, right?

So confused... somebody please wake me up when we have the correct political pundit interpretation of Star Wars for me to believe in...
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Re: John Podhoretz will rue the day he attacked Star Wars.

Post by Grasscutter »

"I'm getting a lot of e-mails from obsessive fanboys who insist that the good guys in the Star Wars movies didn't start the wars in question but were tricked into it by a 'Dark Side of the Force' conspiracy. It's almost impossible to wade through all the nonsense on the Web to get to the bottom of this, and to be perfectly honest, I have no interest in doing so. The fact that George Lucas is such an incompetent storyteller that it's impossible to figure out who started what and when is Lucas's fault, not mine. Let's just agree to this: The Jedi know how to beat people up and how to slice their arms and hands off -- and they are not averse to blowing up a Death Star or two. Okay? Now move out of your parents's basements and join an Internet dating service before you lose all your hair."
This is my favorite part of his little rant. Last time I checked REAL journalists liked to have their facts straight. ESPECIALLY when they're forming an argument around a statement :roll: .
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Post by JediMaster415 »

The moron actually claims that Palpatine cares about the people and peace, based on the act he put on to sway Amidala? :shock: That's almost Darkstar-brand stupidity.
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Post by Elfdart »

How dare you insult RSA like that! :P
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