Damn it! That was my theory since Episode One when Palpy mentions "we'll keep a close on his career" (Anakin's). I want to know for sure!
Probably just faking it. He likes to use himself as bait at crucial events (Battle of Coruscant, Battle of Endor etc.).
That's my thought too. He was probably just waiting for Anakin to show up so that he could say Mace was attacking him. Then Anakin would become more confused and become ripe for manipulation. Yeah, that definately falls in line with old Palpy's techniques.
In the early drafts, Palpatine was more up-front with Anakin´s parentage. Then Lucas decided to make things less obvious so it´s all came down to this line, which can be read in different ways. But, the thought was there, at least in the beginning of writing the film, so you might make a case that he or his master manipulated the midis and Anakin was the result. I wouldn´t be surprised if the whole prophesy was a Sith invention, which ultimately bit them in the ass. How´s that for irony?
Palpatine being Anakin's father would help explain (potentially) why Palpatine showed so much regard not just for Anakin, but look at the movie. Palpatine senses he is in danger and rushes to Mustafar, "Darth Vader will be more powerful than either of us" to Yoda, this isn't just about having a strong apprentice, its about the legacy of his bloodline, and of the order he now controls. Ever the master manipulator.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." -George Carlin (1937-2008)
"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting." -Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
Well, at least we know now why C 3PO doesn't remember anything beyond ROTS. I think we kinda had that one figured out though...
One reason I think this movie worked so well was because of the character development, mainly Anakin and Palpatine. I know everyone was disapointed about the space battle, but I didn't really miss it much. I think this movie sort of captured the feeling seen in Empire Strikes Back, and it was mostly because of the characters.
This movie was MUCH better than Episodes one and two, in my opinion, and I think it will change most of the critics minds who say the newer films are shit. I really didn't care for episodes one and two, but this one definately put it all together. Great movie.
Darth Fanboy wrote:Palpatine being Anakin's father would help explain (potentially) why Palpatine showed so much regard not just for Anakin, but look at the movie. Palpatine senses he is in danger and rushes to Mustafar, "Darth Vader will be more powerful than either of us" to Yoda, this isn't just about having a strong apprentice, its about the legacy of his bloodline, and of the order he now controls. Ever the master manipulator.
Yeah, and really he would be his father only through manipulation of the force. Plus the whole "immaculate conception" thing is dumb.
You know the one thing that I really liked in ROTS was the fact that Anakin was actually a likeable character. He was completely whiny and annoying in AOTC but I actually liked him in this movie. Given the fact that I would have slapped him for being ungrateful for the position in the Jedi Council, he definitely matured, which made this film so much more 'tragic' rather than 'dark'.
Also, personally, I thought Vader's inquiry on Padme's well being fit nicely. I'm sorry but there's no way in hell you're going to make me believe that right after all the sacrifices he made for the sole purpose of saving Padme is he going to become completely cold with no regard to his wife whatsoever. The scene where he broke his chains off was beautiful.
Darth Fanboy wrote:Palpatine being Anakin's father would help explain (potentially) why Palpatine showed so much regard not just for Anakin, but look at the movie. Palpatine senses he is in danger and rushes to Mustafar, "Darth Vader will be more powerful than either of us" to Yoda, this isn't just about having a strong apprentice, its about the legacy of his bloodline, and of the order he now controls. Ever the master manipulator.
Yeah, and really he would be his father only through manipulation of the force. Plus the whole "immaculate conception" thing is dumb.
Whether you do or don't accept it, it still makes you look at the Vader/Luke rematch in ROTJ differently, at seeing Palpy urging his son and grandson to kill each other (even if not so, Palpy is still Anakin's "father" from the master/apprentice = father/son relationship and thus, Luke can be seen as a grandson).
Whether you do or don't accept it, it still makes you look at the Vader/Luke rematch in ROTJ differently, at seeing Palpy urging his son and grandson to kill each other (even if not so, Palpy is still Anakin's "father" from the master/apprentice = father/son relationship and thus, Luke can be seen as a grandson).
And don't forget that Vader tried to get Luke to join HIM, and then overthrow the Emperor so that they could rule the galaxy as father and son.
Whether you do or don't accept it, it still makes you look at the Vader/Luke rematch in ROTJ differently, at seeing Palpy urging his son and grandson to kill each other (even if not so, Palpy is still Anakin's "father" from the master/apprentice = father/son relationship and thus, Luke can be seen as a grandson).
And don't forget that Vader tried to get Luke to join HIM, and then overthrow the Emperor so that they could rule the galaxy as father and son.
Yep. BTW, I loved that little bit on Mustafar when Anakin makes the same pitch to Padme...
With Empress Amidala.... man that would have been one hell of an Empire I think.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." -George Carlin (1937-2008)
"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting." -Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:
Also, personally, I thought Vader's inquiry on Padme's well being fit nicely. I'm sorry but there's no way in hell you're going to make me believe that right after all the sacrifices he made for the sole purpose of saving Padme is he going to become completely cold with no regard to his wife whatsoever. The scene where he broke his chains off was beautiful.
I and others noted that he looked like Frankenstein when breaks free.
Also, after Palpatine's rescue and crash landing, while the small transport is flying towards the Senate, I noticed in a corner a ship that looked like the Millennium Falcon: was I hallucinating?
Anyway, this is the movie we were waiting for.
We can forgive George Lucas for Jar Jar Binks, now.
"This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!" - Bender (Futurama)
"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" - Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
"It's all about context!" - Vince Noir (The Mighty Boosh)
I got home a little over an hour ago from seeing the midnight showing, and even though I have to be a work in a couple hours (not going to bed at all tonight because I have to get up in 10 minutes anyway ) and will be an evil ass all day....it was worth it. The movie was incredible, for reasons people have already covered. Order 66 was done very well, it was more tragic and moving than I expected. I honestly don't have any real gripes about the movie, other than I wish the Battle of Coruscant would have been more detailed.
I didn't mind the "War!" bit in the opening crawl either. SW has always been campy in its own way, so for me this fit in. And a couple of the love scene bits were a bit awkward, but I can picture someone out there actually saying the same things, so I didn't mind it terribly either.
The only part that did kind of bug me now that I think about it, was Padme's death. I wish they had left it more open-ended, rather than the "she's lost the will to live", or whatever the exact quote was. It just felt a little off to me.
I don't think I can add all that much that hasn't already been said despite seeing the film half a day ago (damn exam), though it was easily the best of the prequels by far (the previos two should get 3 and 4 stars out of 5 respectively and this one a solid 5).
Palpatine stole the show (the duel with him and Windu and then Yoda was simply amazing cinematrography), there were amazing scenes where there was no cheesy dialogue and I felt actual emotion for the characters (Vader's defeat and the Order 66 scenes) and the homages to the OT such as the way Yoda is defeated and escapes similar to Luke in ESB was cool as was all the humour with the droids.
I was somewhat disappointed in hiw easy Dooku was dealt with and then Gen. Grievous, but Palpatine's rise easily made up for that.
One scene near the end that did ruin it for me was Vader's "NOOO!" yell which I could only snicker at as it reminded me and my bro of a certain Calculon scene in Futurama. And no one laughed at the "War!" opening to the scroll, I don't see why it's so weird. I also wanted more female Twi'lek Jedi shots, dammit!
The final images with a younger Grand Moff Tarkin, barely started Death Star and Imperial grey former Republic ships is chilling, as was the excellent music by Williams using cues from the OT and NT films like Episode I and II.
Truly, aside from the opening space battle which I knew wouldn't be like most expected (story people, watching numerous ships just slug it out does nothing and it was funny seeing them so like ships of the line from years back and ejecting shell casings) it was a perfect end to the saga. I await the two TV series to delve into the galaxy as it nears this fall from grace.
Just saw Star Wars and I just wanted to say...AWE-FUCKING-SOME! Palpatine was AWESOME! Zapped Mace Windu while going "UNLIMITED POWER!" after Annie sliced off Shaft's hand, and then Windu got blasted off of the window and died like a bitch! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I was laughing, laughing my ass off. Shit man, Palpatine was so awesome, I always wanted to do that - laugh like a maniac while shooting evil Sith lightning right after my face melted off. And shit, Annie was awesome! He killed EVERYONE!!! The men, the women, even the children! That's right, he slaughtered the Younglings after marching into the Jedi temple with a shitload of Clone Troopers! THE REPUBLIC SHALL BE REORGANIZED INTO THE FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE!!! DO WHAT MUST BE DONE, DO NOT HESITATE, SHOW NO MERCY!!!
That's all I have to say about that.
Proceed with the reviews.
Just saw it. And let me describe it in the simplest way possible:
Screw you naysayers, REVENGE OF THE SITH had, to quote Palpatine as he murdered Mace Windu after getting his own face melted off by his own Sith lightning, "ULTIMATE POWER!!!!"
Anakin was a cold ass bastard, like Jesus with a lightsaber. And Obi-Wan was the mackdaddy. Everything kicked ass. Anakin killed everyone. Everyone died. Palpatine owned everyone. Everyone, except Palpatine and Obi, got owned. Everything exploded. WAR KICKS ASS! Lesbians rock ass! Sith revenge ass! ULTIMATE POWER!!! HOLY JESUS FRICKIN CRAP!!! Like I said, it raped lesbian b*tch tits.
Crap, REVENGE OF THE SITH was so frickin' awesome that it practically made me rethink my whole life, question my sexual orientation and all that.
And when Palpatine was cackling and screaming "ULTIMATE POWER" as he murdered the living undulating sh*t out of Mace Windu, I laughed. Laughed my ass off and nearly cried at what awesomeness I beheld in front of me. I always wanted to shoot out lightning from my fingertips, after having my face deformed, in order to murder Samuel L. Jackson - not that I ever had anything against him. I always wanted to cackle like a madman as the darkside of the force coursed throughout my entire being and expelled itself as Sith lightning. And REVENGE OF THE SITH made all those dreams come to a reality. And it made lots of things explode and die and lightsabre-d.
I'm confused though. Is it ULTIMATE POWER or UNLIMITED POWER?
"DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source) shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN! Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people - PeZook Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
My primary question about becoming a force ghost is if it takes training to manage to do it then how does Anakin manage to become one at the end of ROTJ? Does the novel shed any light on this perhaps?
Admiral Valdemar wrote:"Unlimited power" is what Palpie shouts when he finally stops the feint and kicks Windu's badass out the window.
Ah, great. I loved that part. I laughed and cried, because it was so goddamn awesome that it made me question my own sexuality.
@spidey: Maybe that force ghost teknik also teaches you how to transform other guys into ghosts. Or Vader stmbled into it in his studies. Or something.
"DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source) shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN! Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people - PeZook Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
I got back from the midnight showing of RotS at 3:40 last night (thanks in part to 25 god-damned minutes of commercials and trailers!). The best way that one could describe my feelings is a mixture of absolute elation and genuine sadness. The movie was absolutely everything that I wanted it to be, but the ending was just so depressing. I really felt bad for Anakin. I mean, the guy just lost the rest of his limbs to his former friend, he just killed his wife that he effectively sold his soul to save, his child is dead (as far as he knows), and he has to live the rest of his life as a walking iron lung.
I really liked how Lucas depicted Anakin's decent to the dark side. It wasn't like a switch was thrown and he was suddenly cackling madly and twirling his moustache. I am a firm believer that Anakin truly felt like he was doing the right thing until the bitter end. The whole theme of "from a certain point of view" was really hammered home in this film. I could see why Anakin was frustrated after being rebuffed, marginalized, and mistrusted by the very order that he had dedicated his life to. The true tragedy was that the only person who ever seemed to genuinely care about Anakin was Palpatine, the villain of the entire saga!
Because I pretty much knew the general plot of the movie, I found watching it to be like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I knew what was going to happen to these characters, and I felt myself hoping that they would see the disaster that they were headed for and save themselves. The perfect example would be when Obi Wan stowed away on Padme's ship. I distinctly remember thinking "No you fool! Anakin is going to flip when he sees you." Another was Padme's emotional plea to Anakin to come away with her, raise their child, and leave everything bad behind. My heart broke when we saw how far Anakin had fallen: his lust for power and the desire to control not only the lives of those he loves, but the entire galaxy was driving his wife away.
I am also not ashamed to say that I almost cried when I saw the necklace wrapped around Padme's wrist during her funeral.
I cannot wait to see this movie again at 7:00pm tonight. (Yes I know that that makes it twice in less than 24 hrs. I'm an uber-geek. Sue me )
"If brute force is not solving your problems, you are obviously not using enough"
-Common Imperial Guard saying
"Scripture also says 'Render unto Caesar what Caesar demands.' And right now, Caesar demands a building permit,"
-County Commisioner Mike Whitehead to Dr. Dino
Though the main saga is finished, there are still the two TV series being made and numerous games in the OT and NT as well as books to look forward to.
Man, I just want to say again that it's been one hell of a ride. Jesus Christ, it was amazing.
I love you all, guys! Somehow, you guys have helped, indirectly, enhance the experience of watching REVENGE OF THE SITH.
"DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source) shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN! Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people - PeZook Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
I gave up morning basketball to see this movie at midnight. My thoughts below:
The sissy helium-filled voices of the SBDs struck me as being rather off. Those are big hulking droids. Big hulking droids breathing pure helium, apparently. It was entirely silly.
Why do droids need comlinks? I wouldn't think it would be too difficult to wire that little tiny radio directly into them. But nooo, R2-D2 gets to hold a really, really loud comlink . . . hilarity ensues.
The exchange between Anakin and Obi-Wan about springing the trap set for them reminded me of the exchange between Crichton and D'Argo in Farscape: "How do we deal with traps?" "Walk right into them."
And now an ode to Dooku:
Oh poor Count Dooku
'Twas owned like a little bitch.
His head's, over there.
If I were Anakin, I would've wondered at Palpatine the moment he asked him to leave Obi-Wan behind.
What sort of ship can you take into the atmosphere in Star Wars? Any ship you'd like . . . even if it's half a ship . . . with holes shot in it.
I winced at some of the Padme/Anakin dialogue. But only because I've used similarly bad zingers in talking to my girlfriend. You'd think that two people who were clearly fucking like rabbits would've gotten past the awkward stage by now. Though, with Anakin zipping around the galaxy and Padme playing senator, they'd have very little time together, but sheesh! And Anakin's reaction to Padme's pregnancy? Struck me like he wanted to say: "Okay, who forgot their birth control?"
Palpatine's manipulations were most clever. He maneuvered Anakin onto the Jedi Council, probably knowing full-well that they weren't going to make a master of him just like that. Of course, since he knew they were suspicious of him, it would only serve to put Anakin deeper into a bind. I especially liked how he used Anakin's impending fatherhood and disturbing future visions against him later on.
Ascetic virtues suck. Poor Anakin, being told to ditch all the wordly things he cares about. I wanted to strangle Yoda at that point. It made it harder to remain sympathetic to the Jedi, and made it more believable how Anakin could be turned. Especially with Palpatine reminding him of how much the Jedi are snubbing him, and the Jedi repeatedly snubbing him.
Where can I get a giant, fast-moving, entirely fearless, perfecly loyal, and nigh-on-indestructible lizard like the one Obi-Wan was riding?
Grevious. Most awesomely gruesome death ever. Toasted alive with blaster bolts.
The Wookies were absolute psychopaths. Sortof like new-style Klingons, only they didn't drop their guns. No wonder they needed the Republic's help.
Mace Windu was an enormous penis. He needed an ego check . . . thinking he could take on a Sith Lord with only some token backup. He should've brought a bigger posse. The one he had was completely useless and died inside five seconds. I especially liked how he was being toyed with by Palpatine the whole time. Palpatine: "I'm weak, save me, Anakin," *Anakin checks Windu's ego by removing his hands.* Palpatine: "Psych, muthafucka! Watch me get all old Sparky on yo' bitch ass!" And apparently, if you're good, you can block Force Lightning with a lightsaber. If you're really good, you block it with your bare hands.
Order 66 was sad to watch. Poor Jedi. The good familiar ones were owned in seconds. Except Yoda. Yoda ruled, letting them sneak up behind him before removing both their heads without even breaking a sweat. And the one Padawan who killed five clonetroopers while trying to reach Senator Organa. And apparently, Kashyyk comes with escape pods.
Was it just me, or were the clones assigned to kill Obi-Wan not even trying all that hard? "Uh huh, we've seen him survive shit that would have gotten us all killed 1000 times over. Yet, we killed him by shooting at him once and knocking him off his lizard for a pansy-ass fall. Yep, we're that good." Not quite like the gross overkill exhibited by the other clones. I mean, one of the Jedi suffered the fate of having a squad of clonetroopers set their weapons on full-auto and emptying their clips into her when she was already down and out.
Palpatine sure got the red-suited guards really quickly after becoming Emperor. Pity they were entirely useless, being smashed by Yoda. The Yoda-Palpatine fight made it really clear the the late, lamented Mace Windu didn't even stand a chance. It was sad seeing Yoda leave his robes and lightsabre behind at the end of that fight.
Obi-Wan's a manipulative sonofagun. He introduces enough doubt in Padme's mind that she decides to go fly to where Anakin is. And then he smuggles himself aboard her ship, he's that cool. He also manipulates Anakin into doing something brash and stupid at the end of their long fight. Though I immediately wanted to dig up my copy of ANH and watch the difference between their flashy, over-the-top fight of their youth, and the careful, measured way they fought as old masters aboard the Death Star.
It was strange seeing Palpatine show so much concern for Vader. He immediately flies to his aid when he senses Vader's in trouble, and it's was touching, in a strange way, to see him kneel over Vader's burned body and reassuringly caress his forehead like a father would do for his injured or sick kid.
The birth of the twins was sad to watch. Especially with poor Padme feeling so completely betrayed by Anakin that she decided to just shut down and let herself die.
Vader's tantrum at the end was well-played. All that trouble to save his beloved wife from a death by childbirth . . . only to have been responsible for it. That guilt for Force choking her and killing her, only fuels his anger and hatred. And stays with him all his life, given that his favorite way to express his anger is to crush the hell out of things and people.
It was sobering to see Alderaan in all it's glory, when one already knew that it would be blown up.
The Emperor doesn't like gaudy paint-jobs, clearly. And hah, so those fighters aren't Jedi-only, like some would like to believe. Since they were screaming around that Venator in the end. The Imperial uniforms were a bit jarring, except I saw that the rank badges and other markings were carried over straight from the Republic. And now we see why Tarkin and Vader become friends . . . working together for all those years.
The Binary Sunset theme always leaves me a bit misty-eyed, and this time was no exception. There were people actually crying in that theatre. I wanted to cry too, but that was because I sat in the second row and getting up was quite painful, especially with two less-than-good knees.
Overall . . . see this movie. Now. And then get in line and see it again.
Oh yeah. I didn't like that Qui-Gon Jinn thing mentioned at the end. If he learned how to transcend using the Force, it begs the obvious question of why we didn't see his ghost as well. Though Yoda makes reference to having to teach Obi-Wan to commune with him, and perhaps he and Yoda improved upon Qui-Gon's technique. And how did Anakin learn to do it?
I cheered when Yoda smashed Sidious back across his own desk and into his chair and said, "Your reign is at an end, Emperor, and too long it was."
Alas, it wasn't to be.
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"We believe in the systematic understanding of the physical world through observation and experimentation, argument and debate and most of all freedom of will." ~ Stargate: The Ark of Truth