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Post by PainRack »

I have mixed feelings about the movie.

On one hand, 2 hours just flew right by! That means that for two hours, I was totally immersed into the film, and I didn't even realise the passage of time. It was smooth, it was engaging and wow!

On the other hand, everything felt so anti-climax. The SB? Build up then ended abruptly. Dooku? Same. Grevious escape? Same. Windu? Same. Palpy vs Yoda? Same..... The only scene that escaped this sort of sudden death was Anakin vs Obiwan......... although I guess this does fit with the Star Wars story being about Anakin.

But cool notes: Millenium Falcon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else saw the YT-1300 transport coming in to dock when Obiwan, Anakin and Palpatine enter for their triumphant return to the Senate?
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Post by NecronLord »

GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:Mace Windu was an enormous penis. He needed an ego check . . . thinking he could take on a Sith Lord with only some token backup.
Kit Fisto is token backup? What are you smoking, and where can I get it? Sure, he died quickly, but he is an extremely capable jedi. It would have been better to recall Yoda from Kashyyk, but still.
Palpatine sure got the red-suited guards really quickly after becoming Emperor.
They have been thre since Ep 2.

The Emperor doesn't like gaudy paint-jobs, clearly.
The Purple-Red colour is used on the Republic ship in TPM. It symbolises galactic unity and the Republic. No wonder he had it scrubbed off.

And hah, so those fighters aren't Jedi-only, like some would like to believe. Since they were screaming around that Venator in the end.
Those were V-wings, the basic model.
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Post by Vympel »

GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
If I were Anakin, I would've wondered at Palpatine the moment he asked him to leave Obi-Wan behind.
He did. (Novelization). You can't really put that in a film though.
The Wookies were absolute psychopaths. Sortof like new-style Klingons, only they didn't drop their guns. No wonder they needed the Republic's help.
This is what I was thinking. They were psycho. They also had air support though.
Mace Windu was an enormous penis. He needed an ego check . . . thinking he could take on a Sith Lord with only some token backup. He should've brought a bigger posse. The one he had was completely useless and died inside five seconds. I especially liked how he was being toyed with by Palpatine the whole time. Palpatine: "I'm weak, save me, Anakin," *Anakin checks Windu's ego by removing his hands.* Palpatine: "Psych, muthafucka! Watch me get all old Sparky on yo' bitch ass!" And apparently, if you're good, you can block Force Lightning with a lightsaber. If you're really good, you block it with your bare hands.
Remember, this posse of his was made up entirely of Jedi Council members- masters. That's how good Palpatine is, not how sucky his posse was. Agen Kolar and one of the others (Saesee Tinn?) are described as being a pair of the greatest "bladesbeings" in the Order.

The thing that made Windu a dick was that he didn't bring Anakin long, and confirmed that no, he doesn't trust him, just like Palpatine was saying ALL ALONG. Hence the "you will have earned my trust"- in fiture tense.
Was it just me, or were the clones assigned to kill Obi-Wan not even trying all that hard? "Uh huh, we've seen him survive shit that would have gotten us all killed 1000 times over. Yet, we killed him by shooting at him once and knocking him off his lizard for a pansy-ass fall. Yep, we're that good."
It was a very long fall, but they didn't give up after that. They searched for him, hence the seeker droids at the bottom of the sinkhole. They didn't find him though, and so gave up.
Palpatine sure got the red-suited guards really quickly after becoming Emperor. Pity they were entirely useless, being smashed by Yoda. The Yoda-Palpatine fight made it really clear the the late, lamented Mace Windu didn't even stand a chance. It was sad seeing Yoda leave his robes and lightsabre behind at the end of that fight.
Hrm? The Red Guard were in AotC. Do pay attention. :)

Also notice the Blue Guard have a new improved helmet, with the crest eliminated and the open face replaced with a visor.
Obi-Wan's a manipulative sonofagun. He introduces enough doubt in Padme's mind that she decides to go fly to where Anakin is. And then he smuggles himself aboard her ship, he's that cool. He also manipulates Anakin into doing something brash and stupid at the end of their long fight. Though I immediately wanted to dig up my copy of ANH and watch the difference between their flashy, over-the-top fight of their youth, and the careful, measured way they fought as old masters aboard the Death Star.
Obi-Wan wasn't really in his youth when he fought Anakin, he was 38 (RotS novelization). However, that Obi-Wan manipulated Anakin into doign something so foolish is an interesting idea. He told him flat out, it's over, don't try it. Maybe Obi-Wan saying that was all the incentive Anakin needed to do something so ill-advised.
It was strange seeing Palpatine show so much concern for Vader. He immediately flies to his aid when he senses Vader's in trouble, and it's was touching, in a strange way, to see him kneel over Vader's burned body and reassuringly caress his forehead like a father would do for his injured or sick kid.
Because Palpatine really does care about him- he's "the greatest treasure of the Sith"- the corrupted Chosen One- just listen to him talking to Yoda during their duel- his triumphant declaration: "Darth Vader will be more powerful than either of us!" He relished the thought.
The Emperor doesn't like gaudy paint-jobs, clearly. And hah, so those fighters aren't Jedi-only, like some would like to believe. Since they were screaming around that Venator in the end.
No, those were V-Wings, not Eta-2s at the end.
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Post by Il Saggiatore »

PainRack wrote: But cool notes: Millenium Falcon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else saw the YT-1300 transport coming in to dock when Obiwan, Anakin and Palpatine enter for their triumphant return to the Senate?
Il Saggiatore wrote:...I noticed in a corner a ship that looked like the Millennium Falcon: was I hallucinating?
Apparently I was not. :D 8)

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Post by Ace Pace »

Another thing before I go and watch it again with Faqa, the music was kinda differant from the soundtrack, but it was the BEST SW MUSIC EVER.
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Post by irishmick79 »

This really was a fantastic movie. Watching Anakin burn after attacking Obi-Wan was jarring, as it epitomized his fall. Watching him suffer as the droids worked on his shattered body was also a jarring moment, as was the moment when the mask was lowered and his eyes went wide with fear. The whole transformation was just....jarring.
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

VT-16 wrote:
Was the idea that he (Palp) created Anakin via this power and was just holding out on what he knows, or was this just something that was never explained?
That will be debated till the end of time.
I don't see why. There's no indication at all that Palpatine created Anakin. As far as Palpatine is concerned he didn't know about Anakin till The Phantom Menace. Only people who like to stretch theories based off vague similarities will be debating this issue till the end of time, for me there is no debate at all.

Honestly, it's a lame theory.
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Post by Executor32 »

I loved it! I know it's blasphemy, but I think it's replacing ESB as my favorite SW movie. ESB is still a close second, though. :D

Minor nitpicks: Sidious's voice during the Vader coronation bugged the hell out of me. I know he's just been blasted with his own Force lightning, but couldn't they have just made him sound like the RotJ Emperor rather than jumping around between that and the cheesy deep voice?

Also, Temuera Morrison's head jumping around a bit when used on a CGI clone. Most noticeable when Obi-Wan is talking to Cody on Utapau.
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Post by Xuenay »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:"Unlimited power" is what Palpie shouts when he finally stops the feint and kicks Windu's badass out the window.
Damn, if it'd been "ultimate power" we could've gotten all sorts of Real Ultimate Power jokes.

The Sith are totally sweet!
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Post by JME2 »

Wel, now that I'm awake, I'll give my review.

I…even eight hours later after getting out, I still have mixed feelings about this film. Despite the fact that I’ve been in disagreement with some of his opinions regarding the PT, I find myself falling into Stravo’s
camp on certain issues, but who can blame me? As the final film of this new trilogy, a trilogy whose purpose is to set up the original films, you’re damm well going to have thoughts and expectations about what needs to be seen, both from spoilers and from having seen the OT. So, let’s begin:

* The Battle of Coruscant -- Decent, but could have focused if only a little more on some areas of the battlefield (though since some of that in CW: Vol. II, I shouldn’t be complaining too much). I’m also a little annoyed having listened to score and finding it different. So, if I had to choose between Coruscant and Endor, I still choose Endor. One of the best part, though, was seeing the ANH targeting scanners on Anakin and Obi-Wan‘s fighters.

* General Grevious: This is what happens when you follow the EU to the extent that I do. From the Clone Wars comics, I had preconceptions about what the good General could do and wasn’t happy to see how certain things translated onto the big screen (such as his voice; give me Richard McGonagle from Vol. II or Matthew Wood’s Russian-esque accent any day -- though I could warm up to it on future showings. However, when I saw Grevious do the lightsaber spinning technique from the end of CW: Vol. 1, I shut up.

* Anakin/Obi-wan vs. Dooku Rematch -- While I at first had hoped that it would be longer, I understand the two necessary points of it. 1.Anakin who, while he lasted longer than Obi-Wan in AOTC, still got his ass whooped by the Count. What better way to demonstrate how powerful he has grown then by killing Dooku. 2. Treachery is the way of the Sith and now that Anakin had passed his second-to-last test, it was time for Tyrannus to go; I loved the look on his face as he realizes that he got screwed.

* Anakin/Padme: It was handled fine in my opinion, better than AOTC -- though the courtship is over, truth be told. Anakin’s turn was very nicely handled and very classical, too -- the hero making the deal with the devil to save those he loves, but the time he realizes that maybe it wasn’t a good idea, it’s too late. All of his emotional flaws that have been built up over TPM and AOTC finally screw everyone, including himself, over. It was also nice to see the pendant from TPM resurface and it’s final fate revealed (though several members of the parade of mourners don‘t mean anything unless you‘ve seen the AOTC deleted scenes).

* Palpy/Sidious: Ian McDiarmid did fine over all, wonderfully manipulating and plotting. I got giddy when we saw him announce the formation of the Galactic Empire in one of the previews and it happened again.

* Sidious vs. Mace: Well, Mace went out like a BMF, as requested by Samuel L. Jackson. And the best part was finally seeing how Palpy receives his infamous, scarred, visage (Did anyone else think of Yuschenko during the first Senate scene?)

* Politics and the Senate: Okay, this is where I started to get a little annoyed. I can understand why certain scenes involving the Senate and its members got cut, but it is still annoying. I’m especially surprised given that, according to the spoilers, Palpatine announces the creation of the Regional Governors. Given how Lucas set up the political situation in ANH by focusing on the Moffs, I was a little surprised that it got the axe; same with the initial formation of the Rebellion.

* Wookies: This was really not needed, all things considered. Yes, I understand that you have to get Yoda off Coruscant, but it wasn’t needed. It was still funny as hell, though, seeing Yoda ride on Chewbacca’s shoulder.

* The Jedi Purge: Wow. After all these years of reading of the Purge in the EU, we finally get to see it happen. And I will not lie -- I almost pissed in my pants during the youngling scene when Anakin ignited his saber.

* Sidious vs. Yoda: Kicked ass; nuff said. And I think this was the best use in the PT of Duel of the Fates.

* Anakin vs. Obi-Wan: Overall, decent. Obi-Wan’s statements about having been proud of him and then having failed in training actually gave it more meaning (especially given the complaints made towards them in AOTC); it certainly causes you to look differently at him in ANH when he‘s speaking about Luke‘s father. And then Anakin on the lava field burning -- oh wow. I was dead-silent and almost pissed in my pants a second time. I can’t wait to see the reactions of little kids and fan-girls alike…

* The Birth of Vader: Heh, the third time I almost pissed in my pants; I loved the Frankenstein-esque scene as well as hearing Vader sound pleasant and caring (the only time outside the end of ROTJ). Loved how the height difference between Anakin and Vader is addressed due to his prosthetic legs.

* Luke and Leia -- I was not happy with this scene. True, one part of me was delighted that my hero-to-be Luke Skywalker was born first, but at the same time, preconceptions and expectations come into play. Leia’s being born first would have made more sense considering the revelations in ROTJ, but it was alright.

* Qui-Gon: I was even more pissed at this. All we needed was Qui-Gon’s disembodied voice, just as the spoilers stated. It would have explained the Force Ghost as well as why we never saw Qui-Gon in the OT. This getting the axe was inexcusable, even more so than the cuts to the political scene. I have a feeling though, since he added little bits here and there to TPM/AOTC, it would be done for the ROTS DVD, deleted or otherwise.

* Bridge of the Venator: The fourth and final time I neatly pissed in my pants. Just seeing the familiar Star Destroyer bridge, the Imperial naval officers -- I again fell silent, yet giddy. And for everybody still complaining about the Death Star’s presence and the apparent 20-year build time, I ask you to think. Consider -- would Palpy really build such a structure without knowing whether or not it worked. What we saw, I continue to believe, was the prototype. Add into the fact that the galaxy’s just gone through a major civil war and you can imagine that the flow of resources and manpower isn’t going to be in tip-top shape.

* The ending: Wow, we finally get to see Alderaan. Having seen it, I suspect I and others won’t be able to look at Tarkin blowing it to high heaven in ANH the same way again. And the Lars Homestead scenes were handled fine; great way to end on the Binary sunset.

So, was it worth the wait of six years (or 22 in the case of some) to find out the backstory of the OT? Yes and no. Either way, my final opinion on the saga will wait until the release of the ROTS DVD, when my friends and I can sit down and watch from start to finish the complete tale of a galaxy far, far away…
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Post by Haminal10 »

Another thing that I really like was how much fun Palpatine was having. The look of maniacal glee when he was tossing sanate pods at Yoda was chilling.
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Post by MKSheppard »


Take that Kevin J Anderson!

Your entire Jedi Academy Series has been obliterated by Episode III's
closing scenes with the Death Star under construction 20 years before
ANH, and without the Maw in the background!
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Haminal10 wrote:Another thing that I really like was how much fun Palpatine was having. The look of maniacal glee when he was tossing sanate pods at Yoda was chilling.
He was having so much fun, he was almost taken out by Yoda's Enormous Frisbee of DOOM. That amused me greatly. And it did show that Yoda has a bit more finesse than Palpatine does. Palpatine just threw platforms at Yoda. Yoda took the time to spin the platform up so Palpatine couldn't do the same thing Yoda was doing (i.e. hopping on the platforms being thrown at him.)
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Post by VT-16 »

Was there a planet of somekind at all where the DS prototype was being built? It was in the production art.
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Post by Executor32 »

Oh, and I swear I saw an airliner flying in the background during one of the scenes in Padme's apartment. It had the same side profile, at least, with a white body and blue tail.
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Post by Tyrian2000 »

I liked it. Better than Episode I and II.

I think the goofiest part of the movie was Obi-Wan´s "I can´t see this anymore" or something like that when he sees Anakin killing everybody in the temple. The acting there was so flat that it was like seeing most of the performances of Episode I, II and III in a nutshell.

Ah, and the Geriatric duel between Palpatine and Yoda was pretty lame too.

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Post by JME2 »

MKSheppard wrote:FUCKING YES!

Take that Kevin J Anderson!

Your entire Jedi Academy Series has been obliterated by Episode III's
closing scenes with the Death Star under construction 20 years before
ANH, and without the Maw in the background!
Heh, indeed. Just as with AOTC, I'm both curious and interested to see how the EU retconns this one... :twisted: :wink:
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Post by The Spartan »

I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already. I loved every seen Yoda was in. I didn't mind having Kashyyyk as much as some of the others, but I'm a huge Wookiee fan so I *am* a little biased. And the scene(s) of Anakin's fall, particular the destruction of his body: fucking brilliant. I was weak in the knees and could hardly stand when the credits rolled.

Having said that, the only part of the movie that really annoyed me was the whole NOOOOOOOOOO part. It wasn't so much the dialogue itself as much as the physical acting on HC's part; IOW, I think that the line could have been made to work with different body language.

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Post by McC »

Did anyone notice how no one actually said "Kashyyyk"? It still remains pronounced only in EU stuff (notably, the game X-wing and possibly a few of the audio books). I was both amused and annoyed by this.
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Post by Superman »

Kamakazie Sith wrote:
VT-16 wrote:
Was the idea that he (Palp) created Anakin via this power and was just holding out on what he knows, or was this just something that was never explained?
That will be debated till the end of time.
I don't see why. There's no indication at all that Palpatine created Anakin. As far as Palpatine is concerned he didn't know about Anakin till The Phantom Menace. Only people who like to stretch theories based off vague similarities will be debating this issue till the end of time, for me there is no debate at all.

Honestly, it's a lame theory.
Nah, you're lame. The clues are all there. Boy has no father, Palpy seems to be watching him since Ep 1 and Palpy mentions to Anakin later that there is a power that can create life... CREATE life through mitochloreans (sp). How the hell was Anakin made? This could explain it. Paply is the master at pulling strings behind the scenes, he could have had this planned since day one.
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Post by Joe »

I don't see what's wrong with the theory. It's certainly far superior than any other theory I've yet heard presented.

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Caught a 12:10 midnight showing. Thursday morning.

As a person who didn't have any major complaints about the previous installments of the PT, I LOVED this movie. All in all the PT blew away my expectations by far.

The Fights/Action: As usual they were all great. I didn't mind too much that the opening battle was short. The Duels were all good. The Battles sequences were all on point. I have no complaints or nitpicks at all.

The Acting/Dialog: Like the others, it was great in some areas and not on par in some others. At it weakest the acting isn't as bad as some ppl say. (ppl just overreact way too much when they judge the acting in Star Wars) The Love aspects (which I liked for the most part int AOTC) worked even better in ROTS. There were a few cheesy lines and unfortunately Natalie Portman got the shaft this time around. (In most of the movies PT and OT there is always one actor stuck with cheesy lines, IMO) Hayden Had a few of his own, but overall did great. All other actors did a decent to great job with what they had.

The Story: Very well done Star Wars storyline. (it like the other PT has futher repulsed me from EU, which I used to like) I was surprised that the movie got to me, even emotionally. I really can't even describe it but it was truly bittersweet.

I give it a 10/10. No I will not rank any of the movies, b/c I like all of them for different reasons.
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McC wrote:Did anyone notice how no one actually said "Kashyyyk"? It still remains pronounced only in EU stuff (notably, the game X-wing and possibly a few of the audio books). I was both amused and annoyed by this.
Wrong! Mace Windu says it.
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Post by Luke Starkiller »

McC wrote:Did anyone notice how no one actually said "Kashyyyk"? It still remains pronounced only in EU stuff (notably, the game X-wing and possibly a few of the audio books). I was both amused and annoyed by this.
Um...Either Mace or Yoda (I forget which) clearly says Kashyyyk, it sounds like Cah-Sheek
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Post by Superman »

It was Mace. I remember that part.
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