Ep3 review thread SPOILERS

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Post by fgalkin »

Darksider wrote:I don't know what you're talking about fgalkin.

Hayden Christansen had evil Anakin nailed down.

What little romance stuff there was really didn't even seem cringe worthy.

To steal a phrase, that movie had UNLIMITED POWER!
Yes, he smites his enemies with his awesome frowning skillz.

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Post by Vympel »

Joe wrote:Did we watch a different movie?
Apparently so- the one we saw was longer. :lol:

Walking out during RotS, wtf?
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:*Force chokes Shroom*

It's Vald, Valdemar! Get it right, young fool!
*drops dead*

Vald: Apology accepted, Shroom.

Aaanyway, Jesus Christ, REVENGE OF THE SITH sucked?! REVENGE OF THE SITH sucked?! REVENGE OF THE SITH had UNLIMITED POWER!!! I should all go Zor at you for even breathing out such...such...blasphemy!!!
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Post by Vympel »

fgalkin wrote:
Yes, he smites his enemies with his awesome frowning skillz.

Have a very nice day.
Just what do you expect from an evil Anakin? A twirling moustache? Maybe he should've been happy? :?
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

I simple don't get how anyone can watch TPM and AotC and then have the audacity to say RotS sucks, when pretty much all the damn fans now are saying it's the best of the prequel trilogy by far. Seriously, if the love scenes in RotS overburdened you, have you mentally regressed to 8 years old when girls were icky and everything had to be explosions every second?

There was as much action, suspense and humour in this film as possible, I'm sorry, but criticism cannot be brought against the pacing without me laughing my Vitamin C deficient Limey arse off.
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Post by fgalkin »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:
fgalkin wrote:I was left distinctly unimpressed. There were a lot of awesomne stuff but the Padme stuff killed it all. My god, that shit was almost painful to watch.

As for the rest, Yoda saves the movie, anything he did was incredibly cool, Dark Side Anakin was just angst+10, the Clones sucked (that's what you get fior watching a movie with a bunch of military guys), and the fact that Jar Jar lives was a great crime. I rate the movie 6.5/10 overall, 8.5/10 if you ignore the whole Padme/Anikin crap.

Have a very nice day.
Obviously you watched a film no one else here did. I don't see how you can call some of the stuff in Episode III terrible when I've seen far more horrific stuff in B5 for example. There were some unintentionally funny scenes, but dammit, the film had barely no love stuff, was dark and had Palpatine fulfilling his legacy.
Anakin : The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.
Padme: Anakin, you're breaking my heart!

Stuff like that. The cheesiest, corniest crap you can come up with, rivalling the worst parts of B5.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Actually, that part was pretty good. Shit, when Anakin went batshit insane it was magnificent. What the heck's wrong with you man?!?!?! Too much vodka?!
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Post by Master of Ossus »

fgalkin wrote:Anakin : The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.
Padme: Anakin, you're breaking my heart!

Stuff like that. The cheesiest, corniest crap you can come up with, rivalling the worst parts of B5.

Have a very nice day.
Doesn't she have another line between those two that makes it more understandable?
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

fgalkin wrote:
Anakin : The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.
Padme: Anakin, you're breaking my heart!

Stuff like that. The cheesiest, corniest crap you can come up with, rivalling the worst parts of B5.

Have a very nice day.
How else should it have gone? Go on, recommend lines he could've said instead that wouldn't sound lovey-dovey. The romance is at a bare minimum as are the lines of expressive emotion. Any more snippage and you'd wonder why the hell Padmé and Anakin even shared the same building together.

Now, if you were talking about Vader's little Calculon "NOOOO!" at the end, I could agree. Because that was hilarious.
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Post by CaptJodan »

Since this is kind of the unofficial "first experience" thread as well, and most has been said, I'll just relate my rather unfortunate first showing.

Basically, while everyone else on the west coast was watching a flaw free movie, my little corner of the theater was watching the screen, and suddenly the lights would pop up, the curtin would close halfway, and the movie would stop, all near the beginning. My first showing had me barely able to keep up with the story, because we usually lost some of it when they turned it back on, and they wouldn't rewind it.

A wise note, for those who care. Never ever put yourself between the 12:01 showing of Star Wars, and Waries who want to see it. It wasn't pretty.

At least we got a free ticket out of the deal later, and I watched it again at 12 pm the same day. The first quarter made more sense then.
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Post by fgalkin »

Vympel wrote:
fgalkin wrote:
Yes, he smites his enemies with his awesome frowning skillz.

Have a very nice day.
Just what do you expect from an evil Anakin? A twirling moustache? Maybe he should've been happy? :?
The coldness of Vader, not this "I'm going to throw a temper tantrum" stuff.

I do belive this was better by leaps and bounds than the other 2 films, but it's nowhere near the Original Trilogy.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by PainRack »

Does anyone knows how long the events depicted were in ROTS? The pacing was so fast that it virtually seemed as if Padme was pregnant for a week before she gave birth.
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Post by Alex Moon »

Vympel wrote:
Joe wrote:Did we watch a different movie?
Apparently so- the one we saw was longer. :lol:

Walking out during RotS, wtf?
I said I walked out at one point. During the Anikin/Padme scenes after the battle. I came back in a few minutes later and watched the rest of the film. The rest of the movie was just as bad.
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Post by Alex Moon »

Vympel wrote:
Alex Moon wrote:I agree fgalkin. I was *very* unimpressed with the movie. In fact I had to leave at one point because it was simply awful. The dialogue and pacing were amature at best, and the battle scenes were hit and miss, emphasis on miss.

4 out of 10. This does not give me hope for the tv series.
Ok you're officially insane. If you left during RotS but stayed during TPM and AotC ....
Yes, I stayed through the other two. My tastes have grown up during the past few years.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Alex Moon wrote:
Yes, I stayed through the other two. My tastes have grown up during the past few years.
What does that mean? The whole saga is a kid's series, and here we have the darkest of the saga with the highest certificate of the lot. How can this be anything but to be expected?
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Post by Hardy »

fgalkin wrote:The coldness of Vader, not this "I'm going to throw a temper tantrum" stuff.
Did you forget about the massacre of the Separatist leaders or the Temple slaughter? Those were very cold.
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Post by J »

fgalkin wrote:There were a lot of awesomne stuff but the Padme stuff killed it all. My god, that shit was almost painful to watch.
I'd have to agree, it was like watching two middle school kids trying to have a relationship, except they're both adults. You'd think after so many years of growing up and being with each other that their relationship would grow and mature as well, but no. If anything it's regressed, by god I've probably heard twelve year olds hold more meaningful conversations. One of them's a Jedi who's out in the galaxy and I'd think he's interacting with people, and Padme's a public official who deals with people every day, how could they be so utterly clueless with each other? You'd think they have some kind of people skills? My god, what's wrong with them? Are they both mental cases or something?

Ok, I feel better now. Thankfully the Padme scenes were few and short, not enough to ruin the movie for me but enough to annoy me a bit. Overall I enjoyed the movie, but if those Padme scenes were fixed up I'd enjoy it a lot more.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

He killed kids. That's not the calling card of an Oxfam worker. It's what a Sith does.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

jmac wrote:Are they both mental cases or something?
Given one is a queen who wears the most insane gowns and the other is a guy who has started mastering the Light and Dark sides of the Force, I'd say they're not your usual kids. It's not like they were living in Orange County and partying all day long. Anakin was out massacring Separatists and Padmé was either doing politics or distressing over being pregnant.
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Post by Hardy »

PainRack wrote:Does anyone knows how long the events depicted were in ROTS?
About four nights on Coruscant passed in that film. So, possibly about four or five days.
The pacing was so fast that it virtually seemed as if Padme was pregnant for a week before she gave birth.
I think she was pregnant for quite some time before Anakin returned.

I agree that the pacing did take some getting used to.
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Post by The Wookiee »

I'll have to go against the grain and say that I didn't find the Padme/Anakin stuff awkward or painful at all to watch. In fact, I think they were better done overall than they were in AOTC. These are two people who have led very sheltered lives; of course their relationship is going to be awkward. Especially since, y'know, Anakin is the brooding, evil type.
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Post by McC »

The only weak romance scene is this one:
PADME: Ani, I want to have our baby back on Naboo. We can go to the Lake Country where no one will know, where we can be safe. I can go early and fix up the baby's room. I know the perfect spot. Right by the garden.

ANAKIN: You are so...beautiful.

PADME: That's only because I'm so in love.

ANAKIN: No. *chuckles* No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

PADME: So love has blinded you?

ANAKIN: *chuckles* That's not exactly what I meant

PADME: But it's probbaly true.
I bolded the lines that I think make it weak. I suspect it's the delivery coupled with Padme's awful make-up making the audience say, "Dude, she doesn't look beautiful right now." The rest of the scene works rather well, I'd say. I thought Anakin's content/pseudo-aroused gaze at Padme while she's talking in the beginning of the scene was particularly effective.

So :P to all you people who think this movie is remotely bad. Two lines do not kill a movie.

EDIT: Furthermore, I flatly refuse to believe any of you critiquing said lines don't say that sort of thing routinely to your own SO. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. We may not want to admit how silly our 'sweet nothings' in the bedroom are, but they are silly nevertheless.
Last edited by McC on 2005-05-19 09:42pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

The Wookiee wrote:I'll have to go against the grain and say that I didn't find the Padme/Anakin stuff awkward or painful at all to watch. In fact, I think they were better done overall than they were in AOTC. These are two people who have led very sheltered lives; of course their relationship is going to be awkward. Especially since, y'know, Anakin is the brooding, evil type.
Against the grain? You're only saying what everyone else I've talked to has been saying. The relationship was done well unlike the overdone stuff of AotC. The relationship wasn't normal either by the very nature of the two people in it. I honestly can't find fault here.
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Post by Vympel »

fgalkin wrote: The coldness of Vader, not this "I'm going to throw a temper tantrum" stuff.
I'm sorry, but you haven't been watching the same movies. Firstly, Sith *Are* angry. That's where they get their strength from. As for this coldness of Vader distortion- watch as Vader strangles Antilles on Tantive IV. Did he sound calm and collected then to you? How about when he was lecturing Leia after her capture? Or when he was beating the crap out of Luke in the last part of the Cloud City duel? Vader can be both, and Anakin showed both, both before and during the duel. His reaction at hearing of Padme's death is to be expected, and anyone who thinks he should be cold is just being absurd.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Indeed. You have to remember he's still human (uh, well, mostly) and when he finally became Darth Vader he had just had a terrible loss. He was irrational and angry at Obi-Wan among other things, but he still felt for his significant other and their child (or children as was later found).
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