you guys need a reality check [Kelly_Donald]

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Pompous Pedophile Bitch
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you guys need a reality check [Kelly_Donald]

Post by Kelly_Donald »

[Yes, I'm proud to be a Bitch]

I was searching the web for starwars stuff and look what I found I have to agree with Pat Kelly

as a so called survivor of sexual abuse I would just like to say that if you have a violent forceful sexual encounter than it was abuse but not sexual you need to separate the two
I am 21 now and I have had a sexual encounter with a adult from the time of 8yr old till I was 13 yrs old. I must say I enjoyed it very much as a matter of fact I kept it going till he moved. he always respected me he was never violent to me or ever harmed me in anyway. I think that much of the damage felt by people is a morality issue more than the act it's self sex does not harm us violence harms us and once we understand that we can move on to better understanding of adult/child relationships I think it is a very important part of my life that I had that experience and as a female I feel that it has given me a better out look on sex now. religion and morality has nothing to do with sex as a matter of fact we are sexual almost from day one I remember playing with myself as a child because it felt good and I also remember my parents telling me it was dirty to do that but the gentleman that taught me about my sexuality and that it was not dirty but natural and for this I will always love him I have yet to find a relationship as loving and full of kindness as that one I hope one day I will

there may have been some pleasure in what you experienced and it was the system that made you feel dirty and not the act it's self I under stand that people out there have had violence used on them and my heart goes out to the victims of violence but when it is not violent than we should not feel like victims the system is made to make us feel like victims and I have a friend was a victim of the system in her experience but if no harm is done than we should not feel like victims I myself am not a pedophile and have no interest in children other than giving birth one day to my own children I just want people to know that sometimes were not victims in adult/child sexual relationships but a victim of the system who makes us feel dirty for enjoying our selves those who get the chance to find some one who will lovingly show them about sex with out causing harm should feel good about it again my heart goes out to victims of violence but sex is a beautiful thing

I think that people are wrong in that it can be a beautiful experience as it was for me I think the system rapes are minds into believing that it is wrong there for we feel like victims I am not talking violent here I'm talking consensual sex as a child I think there is a difference and once we see that even as children it's not wrong to explore our sexuality with who ever we please and as a child we have sexual needs too then the witch hunt can stop against those who have not hurt us sexually did you know in many cultures in the past this was practiced an elder would teach the child about sex first hand I have been doing a lot of research on this because there need to be a separation of sexual abuse and sex I do not need a wedding band to have sex with some one I care about or love and I should not need the permission of a system to tell me what is right and wrong I am very free about my sexuality I believe that every time I have shared myself with someone it has had meaning I enjoy my sexual freedom and I owe it to my adult friend that taught me what sexual freedom was all about as a child and chastity and virginity is over rated when I was 17 I met a guy I loved him but I would never have married him but I give my virginity to him because I wanted to be close to him as a friend and feel him as a part of me I have shared my self at least once with most of my male friends because I wanted to share my love and friendship with them and some I still share myself with some times just for sexual release others times for closeness but none to spend the rest of my life with I am still in my sexual exploration stage of my life and I welcome new friends to share them selves with me I have also shared myself with some of my girlfriends not because I am Lesbian but because I love them sex is a expression of love and should be shared openly and freely with someone you love now if and when I find that man to spend the rest of my life with then I will be with him and him only but till that time I will feel free to love every one in my life that I choose to and have no tie ups on whether or not it is wrong because it is not wrong to express myself sexually and it is not wrong of others to express them selves sexually as long as it is consentual

The adult that I had a relationship with as a child expressed his love to me sexually and I consented if I did not like something all I had to do is say no and he would stop that is not abuse that is love

I am not trying to downplay any body's suffering what I am trying to say is that some people are a victim of the system and the moralities they try to push on people and then they push to make you feel like a victim because they say it is wrong or dirty thus making you feel like it was a violation when it may not have been as for Priests they are sexual being forced to not have sex this in it's self is wrong and my be one of the reasons these things happen because God made us able to show love through sex and making any one repress thoughts feelings is wrong at any age maybe the priest was trying to express his love for a child and due to the morality of today's society and the brain washing of religious cults like Christianity and Catholics who have raped our minds into believing what is moral and what is not will never control nature and nature runs the world and even our sexuality from the day were conceived maybe you should visit this web site and read it its about the sexual life of a child
it's a study done by doctors maybe you will see that it's the brain washing of the system and religion that has made a lot of people victims and not the sexual experience shared between adults and children on a consensual level

and as for having trouble defining my own experience I don't think so what I am trying to do is make it clear that it's not always the adult that is the predator but the system is just as guilty and then the adult and the child become the victim of the system who exploits them to enforce there own views of morality I will let you in on a little secret I work with children that are victims of sexual abuse and about 90% of all children of non violent sexual contact that I have had to counsel are more a victim of the system than they ever were victims of the adults that they had contact with

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Post by haas mark »

Hmmm....another denizen of patkelly's board, I think. What say you guys?

And I don't think you're WORTHY of the normal poke. n00b. You siocken me. | lunar sun |

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Post by Faram »

Just break out your HOS flame on that dumbass.

Prob just Patfool under a different name.


"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus

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Post by aerius »

Thank you for sharing your story, blah, blah blah, I'm glad you enjoyed your childhood sex experience, good for you. Problem is your experience means nothing in the bigger picture, I'm sure I can find someone who enjoyed being raped by the family pet to share his/her story with us. :roll:
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Cry me a fucking river :cry:
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:I hate pedophiles. You know WHY?! Because nice Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans people (such as myself) get lumped in with the Pedophiles and sexual mutilators (COUGH*RayCav*COUGH) of the world in order to justify bullshit like the Matt Sheppard killing (YES I'm STILL sore about that except for the part about the dickwads who did it are now getting anally raped; talk about Karma coming back around to bite you in the ass! :D) It should have been a baby rapist (hmm like you) tied to that fence, not a normal gay man, but NOOO!! You gotta throw pedophilia in people's face!! And WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION talkin about taking everyone's guns away?!!? I FIRMLY stand behind the Second Amendment, and it means this: The Right of INDIVIDUALS to Keep and Bear Arms shall Never be infringed! You Baby-Raping, Murder-Enabling, Ultralibby, Gungrabbing FILTHY SUBHUMAN WASTE OF DNA! There's a REASON we say "Rapists LOVE Gun Control!" And you have the NERVE to suddenly come trolling our board out of nowhere, not a "Hi", no "Let's talk about Star Wars", not even a "DUMBASSES! A GALAXY CLASS STARSHIP CAN KILL 600 IMPERIAL STARDESTROYERS!" No, you hafta come on preaching about petty bullshit and come across like a blowhard! A Perverted Babyfucking Rape-Enabling Gungrabbing Anti-American blowhard! See you in HELL.
I said this to Patkelly and I'll say it to you... Buh-bye!
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Post by Lagmonster »

Patkelly...Kelly Donald....only one post, and that one to agree with patkelly...

Naw, I'm not fooled. Fuck off. Even if you're not the same twinkie, or one of his minions, your message and your ideas are just as mockable, and you'll recieve roughly the same response.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Reality sucks

Post by Kelly_Donald »

as a matter of fact I never heard of Pat Kelly till I came onto this site and thank you for showing me were Logical reality is as I have never heard of that site ether as for the guy that said cry me a river well I am not crying at all because no harm was done to me and calling me a Pedophile is also wrong as I have no interest in having sex with children and also I never said anything about RAPE rape is wrong and it means hurting some one for your own gratification I was talking about consentual sex before you start calling me names and stuff the reason I posted this was because you all wanted proof of what Pat Kelly was saying and now I give it to you and you put me down so what you are really saying is even when proof shows it's face you will not listen to it I just happen to have the same first name as Pats last name that just happens to be a fluke as I use my real name
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Post by Darth Wong »

In other words, "I personally thought it was OK therefore it's always OK".

There are also people out there who thank their parents for viciously beating them when they were children because it gave them discipline and taught them respect for authority. So what? Do you recognize the problem with these kinds of anecdote-based arguments?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness

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Re: Reality sucks

Post by Darth Wong »

Kelly_Donald wrote:as a matter of fact I never heard of Pat Kelly till I came onto this site
... immediately after Pat Kelly's views were held up and skewered. Neat coincidence.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness

"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Hall of Shame please
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Nice one Wong! I suspect a...
Sock Puppet!
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Hall of Shame please
Yes please, this belongs in the Sewer...
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Re: Reality sucks

Post by aerius »

Kelly_Donald wrote:as a matter of fact I never heard of Pat Kelly till I came onto this site
1. Learn proper sentence structure and puntuation you dork

2. From my handy Troll handbook
-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 2: Create another account, and log on pretending to be someone else, in order to show support for the Troll in Question (TiQ). These puppet accounts sometimes claim to be disinterested third parties. At other times they pretend to be "friends" of the TiQ.
We believe you Kelly, really, we do. We believe you as much as we believe Bill Clinton regarding his "I did not have sex with that woman" statement. Fuck off you lying twat.

3. I'm glad you have a vivid imaginary life. Too bad it has no correlation at all to reality.

4. Fuck Off already.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by Stormbringer »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Hall of Shame please
Yeah. Another shit head too skewer.
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we need to look at the bigger picture

Post by Kelly_Donald »

as a matter of fact I do own guns and stand behind Gay rights too as for me coming after the other guy there I don't know if it's coincidence or not but if you say so I don't know how long that post has been here

There are also people out there who thank their parents for viciously beating them when they were children because it gave them discipline

no this is wrong and form of violence is wrong unless it's self defense but to hurt anyone for personal gain is wrong


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Re: Reality sucks

Post by Faram »

Kelly_Donald wrote:I was talking about consentuall sex
Twist’s and turns
Kelly_Donald wrote:I have had a sexual encounter with a adult from the time of 8yr old till I was 13 yrs old
Dumbfuck a 8yr can’t have consensual sex.
A eight year old is not sexually mature.
Now you want us to say you where abused so it’s ok for you to abuse others.


"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus

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Re: we need to look at the bigger picture

Post by Stormbringer »

Kelly_Donald wrote:as a matter of fact I do own guns and stand behind Gay rights too as for me coming after the other guy there I don't know if it's coincidence or not but if you say so I don't know how long that post has been here

There are also people out there who thank their parents for viciously beating them when they were children because it gave them discipline

no this is wrong and form of violence is wrong unless it's self defense but to hurt anyone for personal gain is wrong

And it's equally wrong to hurt children by sexually molesting themfor your own pleasure as well.

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Re: we need to look at the bigger picture

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Kelly_Donald wrote:as a matter of fact I do own guns and stand behind Gay rights too as for me coming after the other guy there I don't know if it's coincidence or not but if you say so I don't know how long that post has been here
You own guns? Patkelly won't like that at all...
As for Gay Rights, ALL I WANT IS EQUALITY! NO FUCKING PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT! I don't like either form of discrimination.
There are also people out there who thank their parents for viciously beating them when they were children because it gave them discipline
no this is wrong and form of violence is wrong unless it's self defense but to hurt anyone for personal gain is wrong
As in Pat? See you in Hell, Sock Puppet!
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The Salem Witch Hunt

Post by Kelly_Donald »

I have no Idea what a troll had book is all I did was see something and make my own reply as for all that you are blaming me for being I have no Idea why all I wanted to do was reply to what the other form was saying about Pat Kelly now it would be nice to be questioned rather than put down from my experiences as a female I have views too and wanted and hoped there would be a little open mindedness about this I do understand when you said what you said to pat Kelly with out the view of some other person that may have been through what he was talking about that is that only reason I replied to this was to give you better understanding from a females point of view but I guess the world only likes to put people down and torture them it kind of reminds me of the Salem Witch Hunts pass judgement no mater what is the real truth is or no matter what peoples views maybe


Use some fucking Punctuation, bitch! - Stormbringer
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Post by aerius »

Shut the fuck up and learn how to write a sentence that's actually readable you dumb fuck.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Re: The Salem Witch Hunt

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Kelly_Donald wrote:I have no Idea what a troll had book is all I did was see something and make my own reply as for all that you are blaming me for being I have no Idea why all I wanted to do was reply to what the other form was saying about Pat Kelly now it would be nice to be questioned rather than put down from my experiences as a female I have views too and wanted and hoped there would be a little open mindedness about this I do understand when you said what you said to pat Kelly with out the view of some other person that may have been through what he was talking about that is that only reason I replied to this was to give you better understanding from a females point of view but I guess the world only likes to put people down and torture them it kind of reminds me of the Salem Witch Hunts pass judgement no mater what is the real truth is or no matter what peoples views maybe

Here's an idea:
LEARN TO FUCKING USE PUNCTUATION!!! They don't fucking teach it in school for nothing! Besides HOW THE FUCK CAN WE BELIEVE YOU'RE NOT ANOTHER PERVERTED GUY LIKE PATKELLY IS?!!!? We Can't! We don't like being lied to either, and besides HE ATTACKED US FIRST ANYWAY!!! Buh-Bye

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read what I say before you reply thank you

Post by Kelly_Donald »

Again I will repeat my self I am not a Pedophile I had a experience when I was a Child and I was giving you my views based on that experience

(There are also people out there who thank their parents for viciously beating them when they were children because it gave them discipline) that quote come from somebody else and I was just making comment on it by saying (no this is wrong and form of violence is wrong unless it's self defense but to hurt anyone for personal gain is wrong )

as in being Pat Kelly I am not and I will swear to this also as for being part of his site I have never posted there yet or see the site till today after reading this site

ok what you must understand is that I never had intercourse it was only touching I did not have intercourse till I was 17 so yes even a 8yrs old I can give my consent to sexual touching and that is all that happened was sexual touching no penetration sexual does not always me intercourse

Kelly Donald NOT PAT KELLY

{Use proper gramar you stupid cunt-monkey! Fucking retard....}
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Post by Lagmonster »

Donnie, kid, look. No one cares what you actually experienced. You're agreeing with someone who says that pedophilia is okay. Therefore you are going to get skewered on the same shis-k-bob as patkelly. If you can't deal with that fact, then don't come here. No one here will ever sympathize with you or agree with you and, in fact, you will come to great verbal taunting if you try to stick around.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Re: read what I say before you reply thank you

Post by Faram »

Kelly_Donald wrote:Again I will repeat my self I am not a Pedophile I had a experience when I was a Child and I was giving you my views based on that experience
You where raped No go and kill that rapist.
Kelly_Donald wrote: (There are also people out there who thank their parents for viciously beating them when they were children because it gave them discipline)
The are to scared to say Fuck off dumbass to thir parents. Dicepline is not administrated thro viciously beatings dumbfuck.
Kelly_Donald wrote: as in being Pat Kelly I am not and I will swear to this also as for being part of his site I have never posted there yet or see the site till today after reading this site
Lie detector just exploded. Probebilyty calculated at -1
Kelly_Donald wrote: ok what you must understand is that I never had intercourse it was only touching I did not have intercourse till I was 17 so yes even a 8yrs old I can give my consent to sexual touching and that is all that happened was sexual touching no penetration sexual does not always me intercourse
Rape is rape Kill that asshole. Sexual encounters with an 8y is rape get it throu your head dumbfuck.

"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus

Fear is the mother of all gods.

Nature does all things spontaneously, by herself, without the meddling of the gods. -Lucretius