Conditions of Theatre/Audience For Revenge of the Sith...
Moderator: Vympel
Saw the 12:30pm show at one of the multi-plex theatres out in the boonies to avoid the crowds. The theatre was empty, there were at most 50-60 people, it was great. Sound and picture were typical of a multi-plex, which is to say mediocre, on stationary scenes I could see the picture shake back & forth several inches, the projector just ain't mounted solidly enough. Which is why I really want to see it in IMAX, no cheapass shaking projectors and much better sound.
I really miss our old style theatres, they had balconies and better acoustics, and they mounted their projectors on huge slabs of granite or concrete to keep the damn things from vibrating and ruining the picture.
I really miss our old style theatres, they had balconies and better acoustics, and they mounted their projectors on huge slabs of granite or concrete to keep the damn things from vibrating and ruining the picture.

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

I went to the Paramount theatre which is a Famous Players and probably the most popular theatre in Montreal. I bought tickets to the midnight show about a week and a half in advance.
My friend and I got there around 9:00. The line was already fucking huge, going almost all the way around the block. There were a few people dressed up, not as many as I would have thought.
The theatres were basically playing the movie in all 12 cinemas at around 12:05 AM, which meant a seating capacity of over 1,000, maybe even almost 2,000.
We managed to find good seats, after being told by several people that the ones we tried to take were reserved.
The crowd in the cinema I was in was pretty good. The trailer about the stupid movie with Martin Lawrence got a lot of boo's which I thought was pretty funny.
There was cheering and laughing at the expected scenes.
All in all, not a bad experience, although the waiting for three hours in line would have been torture if I had been alone.
My friend and I got there around 9:00. The line was already fucking huge, going almost all the way around the block. There were a few people dressed up, not as many as I would have thought.
The theatres were basically playing the movie in all 12 cinemas at around 12:05 AM, which meant a seating capacity of over 1,000, maybe even almost 2,000.
We managed to find good seats, after being told by several people that the ones we tried to take were reserved.
The crowd in the cinema I was in was pretty good. The trailer about the stupid movie with Martin Lawrence got a lot of boo's which I thought was pretty funny.
There was cheering and laughing at the expected scenes.
All in all, not a bad experience, although the waiting for three hours in line would have been torture if I had been alone.
- Fire Fly
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I went on Thursday hoping to catch the 8:30 showing to avoid the packed crowd but when I got there, there was already a line for the 8:30, the 9:00, and the 10:00 pm! Unfortunately, the 8:30 was sold out already and so I jumped trains and took the 8:30; it was relatively packed but not to the point where seats were scarce. I didn't get any popcorn or soda or any other food because I didn't wanted to be bother with having to attend the bathroom during the middle of the movie and having to jump over multiple people.
The air conditioner was on, so it wasn't warm but it wasn't cold either, just ambient. The cup holders were slightly slicky but nothing that bothered me. My trailers weren't too long, about 10 minutes perhaps and one of them (The Lion, the Winter, and the Wardrobe) had a very kick ass trailer with two huge opposing armies colliding.
When the movie began, my audience clapped and went into an uproar, for this would be the last time on the big screnes that you would see "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...." Overall, I loved every moment of it. The opening scene is spectacular and simply huge. What would've made this scene better was if it was on IMAX, then you would really feel as if you were in a ship turning and weaving this deadly web of fire.
I immensely enjoyed it. I loved it. And I probably will see it again.
The air conditioner was on, so it wasn't warm but it wasn't cold either, just ambient. The cup holders were slightly slicky but nothing that bothered me. My trailers weren't too long, about 10 minutes perhaps and one of them (The Lion, the Winter, and the Wardrobe) had a very kick ass trailer with two huge opposing armies colliding.
When the movie began, my audience clapped and went into an uproar, for this would be the last time on the big screnes that you would see "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...." Overall, I loved every moment of it. The opening scene is spectacular and simply huge. What would've made this scene better was if it was on IMAX, then you would really feel as if you were in a ship turning and weaving this deadly web of fire.
I immensely enjoyed it. I loved it. And I probably will see it again.
- Spanky The Dolphin
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The midnight show was sold out so I went to the 3:15 pm show on Thursday. I don't know how many people were there, but it wasn't crowded. There were quite a few kids (6-16) so I was worried that it would be a laughing/crying joke, but it wasn’t. It was nice to feel the air conditioning on my neck instead of people breathing. Did anyone else see the Revelations trailer? No one laughed at “War!” in the opening feed. The guy behind me explained who Grevious was to his girlfriend during the Obi-Wan/Grevious duel, but it didn’t bother me. The kids laughed when Yoda knocked the Red Guards against the wall. Overall it was an enjoyable experience. I need to see it again because my eyes were out of focus or something. The picture looked blurry in some scenes.
- Darth Mall
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I went to the midnight showing at my local AMC 30. Every single fucking screen was sold out. Fortunatly since I bought my tickets online within an hour of them coming online I had tickets, and in one of the big 4 screens there.
My theatre was filled with all the other people who bought the tickets way back when, so most were hardcore fans. Fortunatly that meant that apart from the few moments when everyone laughed, it was dead silent.
i got there about 11, and there was no line, but the theatre was filled up. I managed to get decent seats in the front. While we were waiting a couple of people in costumes went up and dueled with the SFX lightsabers. There was also some black guy, who had on a cape, that brought cheers of Lando! every time he moved.
Every screen did start about 20 mins late, nearly causing a riot in the theatre. But it finally did start.
After it was over it took me about 30 mins to get out of the parking lot. SOme people I know who were there it took over an hour to get out.
Over all it was worth it, and we saw quite a few people in costumes. I loved the movie and plan on going and seeing it at the digital screen near me.
My theatre was filled with all the other people who bought the tickets way back when, so most were hardcore fans. Fortunatly that meant that apart from the few moments when everyone laughed, it was dead silent.
i got there about 11, and there was no line, but the theatre was filled up. I managed to get decent seats in the front. While we were waiting a couple of people in costumes went up and dueled with the SFX lightsabers. There was also some black guy, who had on a cape, that brought cheers of Lando! every time he moved.

Every screen did start about 20 mins late, nearly causing a riot in the theatre. But it finally did start.
After it was over it took me about 30 mins to get out of the parking lot. SOme people I know who were there it took over an hour to get out.
Over all it was worth it, and we saw quite a few people in costumes. I loved the movie and plan on going and seeing it at the digital screen near me.
- Guardsman Bass
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Considering that I saw it in one of the old-style theatres, with only slightly tilted floors so the guy in front of you's big head can block part of the screen, we got off with good seats, near the back.
The audience wasn't too bad. They didn't laugh much, but they cheered madly when the opening Star Wars title came up. However, although I didn't notice it much, we were sitting between a family of all ages behind us on the back row, and a hispanic family of all ages in front of us(fortunately, not in front of us, just in the row in front of us). The mother from the hispanic family probably took her kids (one at a time) about five times in and out of the theatre to go to the bathroom. In addition, after the Jedi children were killed by Anakin, some little kid behind us started balling her eyes out, and it took the mother about 2-5 minutes to just take the kid out of the theatre.
Other than that, it went well.
The audience wasn't too bad. They didn't laugh much, but they cheered madly when the opening Star Wars title came up. However, although I didn't notice it much, we were sitting between a family of all ages behind us on the back row, and a hispanic family of all ages in front of us(fortunately, not in front of us, just in the row in front of us). The mother from the hispanic family probably took her kids (one at a time) about five times in and out of the theatre to go to the bathroom. In addition, after the Jedi children were killed by Anakin, some little kid behind us started balling her eyes out, and it took the mother about 2-5 minutes to just take the kid out of the theatre.
Other than that, it went well.
“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”
-Jean-Luc Picard
"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."
-Margaret Atwood
-Jean-Luc Picard
"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."
-Margaret Atwood
Our audience was a bit rowdy. There were cheers of applause when R2-D2 did anything cool. There was laughter at all the jokes. The worst part, though was that there was cringing during the lines between Anakin and Padme, which took me out of the movie momentarily. The audience was also laughing when Palpatine was doing his over-the-top Darth Vader schtick, which annoyed me (I found it over the top as well, but shut the fuck up!).
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The 12:01 screening was full of fans. Some were dressed up and many had lightsabres. There were no previews and the audience went nuts when it started.
The cinema decided to bring out a drinks cart for those of us who had been waiting for hours. Massively overpriced of course. They even brought it into the cinema, as they let us in 45 minutes early. I think that was because the lines were too hard to control.
The Yoda/Palpatine scene drew cheers and applause from the audience.
One brilliant night.
The cinema decided to bring out a drinks cart for those of us who had been waiting for hours. Massively overpriced of course. They even brought it into the cinema, as they let us in 45 minutes early. I think that was because the lines were too hard to control.
The Yoda/Palpatine scene drew cheers and applause from the audience.
One brilliant night.

"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"
- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist
"I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."
- George Carlin
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"
- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist
"I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."
- George Carlin
Last night (Friday) I went to the 2205 showing. The theater was mostly empty but there were enough people there that it still felt like there was an audience and I wasn't the only one in the theater (that's actually happend to me before). No one was dressed up, although one woman had a Spanish language Star Wars logo t-shirt on.
The sound and screen were good. The seating was the older cheap style of seating where everything is sloped. The seats did recline but there were kind of stiff and narrow with hard plastic cup holders on both arms.
There were a lot of trailers, all of which looked pretty good to a certain respect. FF, Stealth, Narnia, Batman, and Mr & Mrs. Smith. Stealth seems kind of lame as far as the plot goes but the effects for their high tech planes looked pretty cool. For FF I noticed they didn't dwell on the Thing much. Kind of makes it look like they don't think the makeup is quite up to snuff. Hopefully that's not the case (although I'm doubtful) and they are just trying to save some of the good stuff for the movie. Character wise they made the Human Torch seem interesting, which is pretty cool.
Before the movie I talked to a guy who was waiting to go in. He had gone to one of the midnight showings on opening day and got stuck sitting in the very front row. He was very tall so he said he couldn't see anything. He also said he couldn't hear a lot of what was going on because of all the "fools" screwing around during the movie. It sounded like some lightsaber fights and other asshattery actually broke out during the movie.
The sound and screen were good. The seating was the older cheap style of seating where everything is sloped. The seats did recline but there were kind of stiff and narrow with hard plastic cup holders on both arms.
There were a lot of trailers, all of which looked pretty good to a certain respect. FF, Stealth, Narnia, Batman, and Mr & Mrs. Smith. Stealth seems kind of lame as far as the plot goes but the effects for their high tech planes looked pretty cool. For FF I noticed they didn't dwell on the Thing much. Kind of makes it look like they don't think the makeup is quite up to snuff. Hopefully that's not the case (although I'm doubtful) and they are just trying to save some of the good stuff for the movie. Character wise they made the Human Torch seem interesting, which is pretty cool.
Before the movie I talked to a guy who was waiting to go in. He had gone to one of the midnight showings on opening day and got stuck sitting in the very front row. He was very tall so he said he couldn't see anything. He also said he couldn't hear a lot of what was going on because of all the "fools" screwing around during the movie. It sounded like some lightsaber fights and other asshattery actually broke out during the movie.
By the pricking of my thumb,
Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks.
Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks.
- Dahak
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But it was hilarious.Vympel wrote:The audience was also laughing when Palpatine was doing his over-the-top Darth Vader schtick, which annoyed me (I found it over the top as well, but shut the fuck up!).
The whole cinema laughed at that one, me included. If you do scenes like that, ione shouldn't be surprised when someone finds it as funny as it is

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
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- Dahak
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The one after Windu died and Palpatine talked to Anakin.Stofsk wrote:Which scene are you talking about?

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Dahak
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Because was funny, like the villains in those 50s sci-fi B-movies.Stofsk wrote:And why did people laugh?
[EDIT] Ugh, posted too soon. Yeah, I echo Vympel - it wasn't funny or a 'haha' moment. No one in the audience where I went to laughed.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

The audience I saw it with were pretty rowdy in line, and had a few beach balls they were spiking at each other. One of the ushers came down the aile, and the beach ball was given up to him, but he threw it back into the audience and the crowd cheered.
Cheers for "A long time ago...". No groaning that I could hear. (Especially since I saw nothing wrong with the Anakin/Padme scenes some are bitching about) Cheers in all the right places. Big cheers for Yoda when he kills the clonetrooper assasins, and takes care of the red guards. Gasps of surprise when Anakin answers the youngling's question by turning on his lightsaber.
You could hear a pin drop during the Anakin-Obi-Wan fight, all the way through Vader's birth.
Cheers for "A long time ago...". No groaning that I could hear. (Especially since I saw nothing wrong with the Anakin/Padme scenes some are bitching about) Cheers in all the right places. Big cheers for Yoda when he kills the clonetrooper assasins, and takes care of the red guards. Gasps of surprise when Anakin answers the youngling's question by turning on his lightsaber.
You could hear a pin drop during the Anakin-Obi-Wan fight, all the way through Vader's birth.
- GuppyShark
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