Tribun wrote:Oh God, again these "translation-suxx" people.
Oh please shut up...
I don't say that (most) translations are "tear your ears off" terrible, but the English version is the ORIGINAL version, and usually the voices have more meaning, and for me quite important, do have accents, which makes them more lifelike.
And then you have the many instances, where the translation butchers the meaning of a sentence. And then we aren't even talking about humour...
Ever watched ANY Austin Powers in German? It's horrid, painful...
I have seen the film in cinema in German, and it was fine. You only look for a reason to complain (how typically german). I think I know what the problem of you people is:
You ALWAYS think translation is bad, and you would never change this position, even if a tranlation (like Ep. III) is actually good.
Translation IS (in 99%) bad when you compare it to the original version, because it always will fail to convey the completer meaning and often have sub-par voices. I just prefer to actually see and hear a movie as it was meant to be, not some butchered version in German. The translation errors are everywhere, but if you close your ears and go "na na na" it won't help...
Just watch Babylon 5 in English and German... There are errors and ommisions by the truckload...
For information to other board members:
The people who always complain about the dubbing are the most annoying in German SW boards, many can't stand their whining anymore.
I'm on no other SW-related board, so again, shut up.
I for one can't stand people like you. I reckon it is mostly because you're not capable of following a original version or something...