The Prophecy of the Chosen One(spoilers)

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The Prophecy of the Chosen One(spoilers)

Post by Rommie2006 »

I just realised someting:

1)Who first created the Prophecy of the "Chosen One" that will bring balance to the force? Why are all the Jedi (even Great Master Yoda) so obsessed and have so much faith in the prophecy? Isn't it a bit of superstitious of them? Come to think of it if they ignored the prophecy, anakin would not be trained, no Empire, etc.

2)So what is the real meaning of the prophecy now after seeing ROTS. What is exactly meant by achieving Balance of the Force. The most widely accepted "theory", is that the prophecy meant that all Jedi and Sith will be wiped out to create a New Jedi Order (literally as we see in EU). Do you agree with this interpretation?
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Re: The Prophecy of the Chosen One

Post by Ghost Rider »

Rommie2006 wrote:I just realised someting:

1)Who first created the Prophecy of the "Chosen One" that will bring balance to the force? Why are all the Jedi (even Great Master Yoda) so obsessed and have so much faith in the prophecy? Isn't it a bit of superstitious of them? Come to think of it if they ignored the prophecy, anakin would not be trained, no Empire, etc.
Actually Yoda was against Anakin's Training and was at times said to disregard the prophecy entirely...The Council overruled him.

And no Empire?

Ummm...what did Palpatine really need Anakin for other then being the bad ass. Literally Anakin's role has little on the creation of the Empire. It just gave Palpatine a incredible apprentice.
2)So what is the real meaning of the prophecy now after seeing ROTS. What is exactly meant by achieving Balance of the Force. The most widely accepted "theory", is that the prophecy meant that all Jedi and Sith will be wiped out to create a New Jedi Order (literally as we see in EU). Do you agree with this interpretation?
It was meant to destroy the Sith. That was the whole part of the prophecy. The Sith are not considered anything good by the Force, and as such. The creation of the New Jedi Order is because Luke thought that without such the New Republic would collaspe into anarchy.

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Post by Tribun »

How would the existance of the old, fucked-up Jedi order have ensured balance? It is clear, the order had to go also, because it in the end was only a burden for the force.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Tribun wrote:How would the existance of the old, fucked-up Jedi order have ensured balance? It is clear, the order had to go also, because it in the end was only a burden for the force.
Ummm, that was their arrogance in believing they were the only ones to interpret the will of the Force.

Nothing about needing to go, they would've died sooner or later.

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Post by PainRack »

Perhaps the Bendu created the prophecy.........
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Post by Vympel »

What are the precise words of the prophecy, anyway?
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Vympel wrote:What are the precise words of the prophecy, anyway?
Honestly I don't believe it's ever been written out.

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Post by AdmiralKanos »

I think the prophecy was left as an ambiguity on purpose. And Yoda further muddles it by admitting that the prophecy could have been misinterpreted.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

The "bring balance to the Force" part of the prophecy seems too vague. There was no telling if that meant the Chosen One would be a hero for the Jedi, or as I imagine, would help the Sith rise again and challenge the supremacy the Jedi had had for many years.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Also remember Obi Wan's last bit before Anakin goes flambe. He says that the prophecy of the Chosen One was that He, Anakin, was to destroy the Sith. Not saying it's definitive proof, but I'm betting a lot of Jedi read it that way.

Gives definitve credit that it was altered to whomever read the thing...whatever it was.

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Well, Anakin did destroy the Sith... it was just after he had already destroyed the Jedi.

I don't think the fellas knew that that was included in the deal.
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Post by Ravengrim »

Destruction of the Sith would only bring more imbalance to the force. True balance would mean that for every light side force user, there is a dark side user of equal power. I assumed that it was the Jedi arrogance that caused them to assume that they were the only true path to the force. I think that they should have used both sides and just taught the dangers associated with both sides. They way they did things is akin to having a gun in the house and hiding it from your kids. Its something mysterious and taboo, and sooner or later you are not going to be there to supervise......
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Post by Civil War Man »

Without hearing the literal wording of the prophecy (as opposed to merely the speculation of Jedi Masters about its meaning), it is difficult at best to determine the actual meaning.

Prophecies can be tricky. MacBeth, for instance, could be killed by no one born of woman, and the man who killed him was not born of woman. The Witch King of Angmar, to continue, could be killed by no man, and it was no man who killed him.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

CivilWarMan wrote:Prophecies can be tricky. MacBeth, for instance, could be killed by no one born of woman, and the man who killed him was not born of woman. The Witch King of Angmar, to continue, could be killed by no man, and it was no man who killed him.
I love those old type of Prophecies, the ones that think you will be invicable are always the ones that Screw you over...
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Post by Stravo »

What bugged me is that nowhere in the previous two movies is the Sith mentioned in the prophecy. It was always "He will bring balance to the Force." Simple and plain. Easily open to many interpretations thus ironic that the Jedi didn't realize what that might really mean.

If it was always a "He will destroy the Sith" prophecy then I would think a focus on some combat training and the like what would have been called for. Plus it sort of ignores some confusion and concern that the Jedi have for Sith interest in Anakin during the Clone Wars cartoon. If the guy is meant to destroy the Sith then OF COURSE they would be intrested in him, where's the confusion wise Jedi?

It just sounded like Lucas trying to make sure we 'get it' by adding the Sith clause to the prophecy in this film.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

My opinion of interpretation is that the Prophecy of the Chosen One meant a balance to the Force in terms of a complete reset, with the complete destruction of the old Sith and Jedi Orders, who were evil and had grown stagnant, respectively. The balance would be a clean slate for a new, uncorrupted Jedi Order to develop.

The Jedi figured that balance meant the destruction of the Sith. They didn't have a clue that it meant they all had to die, too.

Darth Vader completed one half of the prophecy with the destruction of the Jedi Order in RotS and later on in the rest of the Great Purge during the early years of the Empire. The other half of the prophecy was completed when Vader rebelled against Darth Sideous, with Anakin Skywalker sacrificing his life in order to save his son, thereby destroying the Sith.
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Post by LadyTevar »

I also think that the Jedi were misled into thinking "Balancing the Force" meant all Sith die, and only the Jedi remain... but actually the prophecy meant balancing the playing field so all sides were equal.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Stravo wrote:What bugged me is that nowhere in the previous two movies is the Sith mentioned in the prophecy. It was always "He will bring balance to the Force." Simple and plain. Easily open to many interpretations thus ironic that the Jedi didn't realize what that might really mean.
I swear that Mace in either TPM or AotC (I'm leaning toward the former) does mention destroying the Sith in relation to the Prophecy, but then that would be of course due to their misinterpretation.
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