Do you want there to be another SW film?

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Do you want there to be another SW film?

Post by Stofsk »

Remember when you were young, and you kept hearing those rumours or whatever that there were originally going to be 9 Star Wars films? Well it turns out we have 6, but Lucas seems to be adament that the saga is complete. Fair enough, it's his call to make.

But just for a second, assume there is a possibility of an 'Episode VII' and on and on... do you want there to be another SW film?

For myself... in an ideal world... yes, I'd love there to be another SW film. Again, perfect world... I'd want it to tackle Dark Empire, and the New Jedi Order with the Solo children. Honestly I haven't thought much beyond "Gee whiz, new SW film = kewl" but I was curious what others feel. Because this question is really a half-assed, roundabout way of asking "Are you happy or sad that the SW saga is now over?"

Well, what do you think?
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Post by Gandalf »

Whilst the coolness factor would be persuasive, I say nay.

SW is sopposed to be the story of Anakin Skywalker. The circle is now complete.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

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Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

Hell no. All good things come to an end. And when they fail to do so, you run the risk of turning something remarkable into something old, stale and downright ugly. Case in point: DBZ. They should have left it at Frieza. It all went downhill after the introduction to Cell.
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Post by Mr. Sinister »

Well, what more is there to tell? The whole story is essentially “The Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker”, dealing with his rise, fall and redemption. At least that’s how I view the whole saga. I guess you could stretch it out into three more films if you tried, but it would no longer be Anakin’s saga.

Ideally, I would like there to be a new trilogy (nine is such a nice round number), but I think everything was rapped up nicely at the end of ROTJ. I just don’t think there is anymore story left to be told.
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Post by Lone_Prodigy »

Case in point: Star Trek. Voyager, Nemesis, etc. :?
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

I would like to see other writers, directors, etc get involved too. As much as i like Gegorge Lucas i think it owuld be cool to have Star Wars be like James Bond where every year or so a new group comes along and makes a new film set in that universe with those characters.

I'd LOVE to see Peter Jackson, or the Witchoski Bros (yes i liked the Matrix Trilogy, so suck it!), or Stephen Speilberg make their own Star Wars films, or maybe some great, up and coming unknown directors.

We have at least three eras to operate in--OT, movies set in the time of the Empire vs Rebel Alliance war; the PT, movies set during the Clone Wars; and the EU, movies set during the KOTOR or New Jedi Order timelines.

Ideally i'd love to see a companion movie for the Vong Wars, Dark Empire and original Knights of the Old Republic. And i'd also like to see a companion film, idealy animated, done to flesh out the Clone Wars cartoons.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

18-Till-I-Die wrote:*snip*
That post just destroyed my soul.
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Post by Mr. Sinister »

I think the Vong should be ignored as much as possible. There’s no room for biotech in the SW universe. We just saw what is arguably the best chapter in the series (I stress the word arguably). Let it go out with a bang instead of dragging out its zombified corpse for all eternity.
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Post by Mange »

No, and absolutely not a movie in which Lucas hasn't been involved with (which will never happen). I do look forward to see what'll happen with the TV series.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Fuck no. ROTJ ends the series. The Emperor is dead. The Rebellion is victorious. Luke is a Jedi, Vader is redeemed.

To do a Dark Empire movie would be horrific, because it would totally destroy the point of ROTJ and the other movies. The Emperor is dead...NO WAIT HE'S NOT!!! And look, even though Luke rejected the Dark Side in ROTJ and did not fall prey to the mistakes that Anakin made...HE TURNS TO THE DARK SIDE OMG! No. It would be lame.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Mr. Sinister wrote:I think the Vong should be ignored as much as possible. There’s no room for biotech in the SW universe.
Well...i disagree.
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Post by Petrosjko »

If done at all...

Wait like fifteen or twenty years, so the market environment is a bit different. Then, in a sort of neo-BSG fashion, do a trilogy set in the golden age of the Republic, or the KOTOR era.

Just nothing for a good while. Don't flog it into a cash cow any more than it already is. Don't make the movies just because fans will buy the tickets.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

That sounds about right.

I'd wait a shorter time though, there is nothing wrong with ridng the crest of excitement created by ROTS.

I think if the next movie is made (and by the way, i do beleive they will make another, probably another trilogy) it should be set in the KOTOR timeline. Go into detail about the original Sith Wars, and let us see just how evil the Sith are and why the Jedi fought so hard to defeat them, and explain that they hit first.

Or, failing that, an expansion of the Clone Wars perhaps going into deeper detaila bout the actual CLONES in the war, like theRepublic Commando game. Lets see huge battles, and the Outer Rim sieges in detail, and planets being BDZed, and huge fleet battles. Make it like Platoon or Saving Private Ryan, showing the bloody, grotesque horror of war.
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Post by Stofsk »

I don't like that idea. I'd rather they make sequels rather than another bunch of prequels. I also don't want anymore Sith, unless you go down the path of Dark Empire (hehehe).

BTW, I chose DE because of the locales we see in it: Coruscant under civil war (and how fucking cool would it be to show AT-ATs and Stormtroopers going at it?), Mon Calamari (with World Devastators), Pinaccle Base (purple crystaline spires and strange alien bats), Nar Shadda the Smuggler's Moon, and Byss.

In terms of story, you don't have to have cloned Palpatine. That part was pretty weak, but not as bad as some of the others here have suggested.

Part two of my question was 'Are you happy SW is at an end?' I have mixed feelings, obviously, as I authored this thread. I'm sad that it's over, but I'm also happy it's complete. Episodes VII, VIII and IX would be nice, but I don't see how it can be easily done. Or should be done, I leave that one unanswered. Afterall, the prequels did not have to be made. We were doing fine with the OT and the EU long before the PT came around, y'know.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

I'll miss the movies.

I've seen every one, since the re-release onward. It's become like a part of my childhood, and as anyone whose seen my fandom festoomed room, a HUGE part of my life.

But...if this is the end at least SW went out on the top of it's game unlike my #3 favorite series Star Trek.

It's like a pro athlete retiring on the top. Your the champ, your the game, you you can walk away as the champ forever. Other people will be champs too, some better than you, but everyone will always compare them to you; "Yeah Space Warriors kicked ass but it was no Star Wars!"

Still i'll miss that feeling sitting in the theatre when the title scroll begins, if they dont make any sequels that is.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

They wont.

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Post by Glimmervoid »

18-Till-I-Die wrote:That sounds about right.

I'd wait a shorter time though, there is nothing wrong with ridng the crest of excitement created by ROTS.

I think if the next movie is made (and by the way, i do beleive they will make another, probably another trilogy) it should be set in the KOTOR timeline. Go into detail about the original Sith Wars, and let us see just how evil the Sith are and why the Jedi fought so hard to defeat them, and explain that they hit first.

Or, failing that, an expansion of the Clone Wars perhaps going into deeper detaila bout the actual CLONES in the war, like theRepublic Commando game. Lets see huge battles, and the Outer Rim sieges in detail, and planets being BDZed, and huge fleet battles. Make it like Platoon or Saving Private Ryan, showing the bloody, grotesque horror of war.

I have the perfect idea set it in the past (KOTOR time ish) and make it about the lead up to the prophecy about Anakin. I.e. the sith trying to stop it being seen, and it could culminate in a giant vision were we hear what the prophecy actually is.

That way it can still be about Anakin.
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Post by Winston Blake »

Glimmervoid wrote:I have the perfect idea set it in the past (KOTOR time ish) and make it about the lead up to the prophecy about Anakin. I.e. the sith trying to stop it being seen, and it could culminate in a giant vision were we hear what the prophecy actually is.

That way it can still be about Anakin.
That would probably make a good movie, but i don't think it really feels like real Star Wars. We've had enough Sith and knowing-how-it's-going-to-end with ROTS. You could make a movie about an ewok stealing Vader's armour and auctioning it on nrBay and it would still be about Anakin.

I really don't think there's any way to make another movie or trilogy without going downhill from ROTS, unless there was some Troops-style mockumentary about some historically unimportant people living during some era (Clone Wars is ripe for it) and having the events we know touching tangentially on their lives.
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