I know it would have ruined the symmetry with Padme, but does the regular Republic Life-Support-O-Suit come with cape and scary mask as standard? Why not put him in a some kind of general-issue medical-white minimalist one? Did the novelisation explain why Palpy somehow had the Vader suit ready on standby?
According to the novelisation, Palpatine has Anakin's body taken to, "the newly renamed Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center on Coruscant". The fact that this particular facility was
immediately renamed in Palpatine's honor suggests that he probably had some involvement with it's operation before declaring himself Emperor. In fact, the renaming might have only involved changing 'Chancellor Palpatine' to 'Emperor Palpatine'. It is quite common for politicians to have pet charities or causes. Medical research wouldn't be an unusual cause for a Senator, or Chancellor, to publicly support.
The existence of General Grievous also supports this idea. Grievous has clearly been created to do exactly what he is doing- commanding a droid army and exterminating Jedi. He is an advanced cyborg- only upper parts of his skull and a sack of organs remain of his original physical body. The novelisation speaks briefly of the fact that Grievous had once been a normal being with a family, but that his transformation had altered his perceptions. The novelisation also speaks of Anakin having a detached and altered perception as a result of his transformation.
Who had Grievous created? Since he seems so perfectly suited to play the role that he is playing, it seems likely that Palpatine/Sidious did. In many ways, Grievous is a prototype Vader. He is the remains of a living creature being kept alive inside a mostly mechanical body. The only real difference is that Anakin kept more of his original body, and he is the Chosen One. Imagine how imposing Grievous would have been if he had been a Force-user!
The similarities between the transformations of Grievous and Vader seem both to have been facilitaed by the same individual- Sidious. It may even be that the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center on Coruscant is the actual location where Grievous was altered as well, though probably many years before.
It is obvious that one of Sidious' greatest powers was the ability to see the future. However, he likely suffered from a lot of the same prophetic ambiguity that other Force users did. He probably often saw things that he didn't understand, or saw an end without seeing a means. This was likely the case with Vader. A Masked Darth Vader plays a large role in his Empire from it's beginning to it's end, so it seems likely that Sidious would have forseen this in visions. However, he clearly didn't see
how Anakin's disfigurement would take place. This is evidenced by the fact that he originally intends for Obi-Wan to die rescuing him in the beginning of the film. He tries to convince Anakin to leave him behind in the film, and the novelisation speaks directly to the fact that Dooku has specifically been instructed to kill him. Sidious didn't comprehend the role Obi-Wan would play in bringing about Anakin's transformation.
It seems likely to me that Sidious knew that Anakin would become the Masked Darth Vader, but didn't know how. However, he trusted in the Dark Side, and he prepared. He funded research, he created prototypes [Grievous], and he waited for the time that they would be needed.