It doesn't take a genius to see, there's nothing wrong with her, yet she's not fighting to live, ergo NO WILL TO LIVE. In fact she's going down so fast we've got to rip these children out of her.Pint0 Xtreme wrote:So says the droid. It's clear that droids are not fully competent in assessing reality, especially when it comes to things affected by the force. The weapon analysis droids in AOTC couldn't even fucking tell the saber dart was Kaminoan due to a couple changes in its shape. "If droids could think, there would be none of us, now would there?"Stravo wrote:Let's see...the droid EXPLICITLY states there is nothing physically wrong with her. She has simply lost the will to live. You want to try and spin out an explanation over a stated conclusion in the movie?
Once again I repeat the challenge. If Yoda can will himself to stay alive long enough to train luke why is it impossible to believe that she willed herself to die? Instead you have to construct a lame ass "Life Force Sucking Power"tm that Vader has never exhibit and does not exhibit ever again and would prove DAMN useful in trying to achieve immortality dontcha think?
The SAME Darth Sidious that told him his master taught him everything? The SAME Darth Sidious that faked his defeat at Windu's hands? The SAME Darth Sidious that lied to Anakin about knowing how to save people? I think I'll rely on medical droids for a medical diagnosis.Pint0 Xtreme wrote:Darth Sidious EXPLICITLY told Darth Vader that he killed her in his anger. You completely assumed that Padme committed suicide when it's not possible to commit suicide when you're fucking healthy while lying down on a medbed doing absolutely nothing harmful to yourself.She didn't want to live anymore, her body functions were failing despite the fact that there was nothing wrong with them ergo she willed herself to die. We can blieve that Yoda can will himself to live long enough to train Luke but the minute it makes Padme look like a selfish twat suddenly "That's imposdsible man." Its also impossible to move rocks by will alone yet I see it in every fucking movie set in that universe.
Speaking of which this same Yoda that could detect deaths across a galaxy couldn't detect the "Life Force Sucking Power"tm??Pint0 Xtreme wrote:While the nature of the manifestation Vader's anger is not stated, I thought it was rather clear that it ended up killing Padme. Whether it was supposedly "siphoning" her or not is irrelevant. Strong attachments to others can affect each other one way or another as observed by Yoda's pain when the Jedis were systematically eliminated by Order 66.There's absolutely no proof that Vader is siphoning anything off of her. You see a simple cinematic moment of juxtaposition and read into it an ability we have never seen before or since in the films and denied by Vader himself when he doesn't even know where the fuck Padme is or what her state of being is.
And you said it all - While the nature of the manifestation Vader's anger is not stated, It most certainly is - an entire room is crushed in his rage. No galaxy spanning life sucking power o' doom. A simple telekenetic wave of doom. A power we've seen used over and over not some nebulous half assed power that would prove to be the answer to Palpy's wet dreams.
If you don't like the conclusion drawn for Padme's characterization don't bitch to me. If she was dying because of internal injuries caused by Anakin's force choke then we have a tragedy. Right now as it stands we have a fighter that stormed her palace to take it back, that fought in an arena full of Jedi and lived lying on her back losing the will to live and dying leaving her helpless children on their own.