Mace is more likely to be alive than any of the other Jedi that we see die. He is also not likely to be alive at all.
However, I've noticed people putting a lot of subjectivity into Palpatines powers, so who knows.
Moderator: Vympel
AMEN TO THAT, BROTHER!Stofsk wrote:Do I want Windu to survive? Hell no. The only Jedi I wanted to survive was blue skinned and a d-cup.
I'm curious about why the strong dislike of Mace Windu?Stofsk wrote:As for Mace... yeah, he can fuck off and die.
He blundered the arena in so many ways it's hard NOT to hate him. Under him, many Jedi died. They could have escaped as quickly as possible, then come back in when Yoda arrived with the clones but instead they just kind of stand in the center and get hammered. Also, Windu had Dooku at the blade's edge, and lost him. He's a loser, pure and simple.Crom wrote:I'm curious about why the strong dislike of Mace Windu?Stofsk wrote:As for Mace... yeah, he can fuck off and die.
Sure, he lead a group of Jedi into what amounted to a death trap, but other than that I don't remember him doing that much.
[Lucas]MONEY!!! UNLIMITED MONEY!!![/Lucas]Galvatron wrote:I personally think Lucas left his death intentionally vague. Sure, things look bleak for Mace, but his survival could easily be written into the TV show (or a novel, comic, etc.).
My cynical side can imagine James Earl Jones and Samuel L. Jackson doing guest spots as Vader and Mace (w/artificial arm) squaring off in some major episode during May sweeps in a couple of years.
Well, they can either manage to maintain soul cohesion or not.Spartan wrote:I recall no reference to Jedi spirits disintegrating, but I take your meaning.
Help me. Still, the Whillis Process can't be that hard to learn. Qui-Gon somehow managed to learn it after he died and before he would have disintegrated without the technique. Don't those Padawans already know of some BS called Tyia, so they know how to manipulate the Force in some limited way?They became one with the force and disappeared ala Yoda and Obi-Wan. Its interesting in their case because: Ulric was blinded to the force, while Luke's padawan's had less than a month of training and still manage it....without having been taught!
Actually, we are closer to that than ever. In the OT, you can use the Force to choke people, be a better swordfighter and maybe throw a few objects around. Then Jedi powers became increasingly wank. Even the PT followed the trend in its search for "coolness", even if you don't Sid managing to jam a huge bunch of Jedi at once with his Dark Side Shroud. As your powers grow increasingly wank, it becomes closer to the above ideal.Heck remember when it took a Jedi to kill a Jedi?
I'm not sure if it was ever meant to be mystical. Even in the ANH novelization, it was explained as a knd of "energy field" and they have analyzed it partially. The scheme of it being partly scientific had gone on rather consistently for a long time. It is just that it is still not fully scientifized, and gained on a mythical air.and the Force was Mystical.
The Battle of Balmorra seemed like something for humor... lame humor.Some parts are decent volume 1 for instance the remainder is utter shit.
I see your point. Mace Windu really did botch the whole Arena situation.Stofsk wrote:He blundered the arena in so many ways it's hard NOT to hate him. Under him, many Jedi died. They could have escaped as quickly as possible, then come back in when Yoda arrived with the clones but instead they just kind of stand in the center and get hammered. Also, Windu had Dooku at the blade's edge, and lost him. He's a loser, pure and simple.
That was always a tough call for me. I always thought that Anakin spent most of his time with Obi-Wan, who while grating (God, how many times did he say, "My very young padawan?") always struck me as trustworthy and loyal. I never got the impression that Mace Windu interacted with Anakin much, and when he did Anakin was acting like a bitch.At the same time, he treats Anakin like shit and is explicitly hostile towards him and his training. He and the Jedi failed Anakin throughout his formative training and in the last days of the Republic, he didn't give Anakin a reason to trust him or the Jedi.