Anyway, we're having a big breakfast after the movie (7:30am showing) and I'm jabbering about how cool it was here and there when she says "Aside from Padme can you think of any other women in that movie?"
I paused for a moment.
"Well there was Ayla Secura." I offered.
"The blue skinned Jedi woman."
"Oh, you mean the one that appeared for about 8 seconds and gets wasted while the other funky looking Jedi gets to at least put up a fight before dying? That one?"
I nodded weakly.
"and about Padme..." and she proceeded to complain about how Padme was just 'there." She didn't do much except look beautiful and be the reason for Anakin's fall. She complained that in her view it was uncomfortably close to the whole Eve storyline where the otherwise good Adam is led to sin by his love of woman. If not for Padme Anakin would not have fallen because he felt a need to 'save' his helpless woman.
"And wasn't she blasting stuff in the last two movies?"
"Uhh...she was pregnant?"
"So she was a walking womb in this movie?"
"Why do you bring me down bitch?" (Because we have it like that

Now she's no feminazi by any stretch but it clearly bothered her. It began to bother me when she started outlining it for me. I know I have a glaring weakness when it comes to recognizing woman issues both at work and in movies.
So I ask you, what are your views of the lack of women in the ROTS and frankly the prequels in general.