Lord Revan wrote:Pure Sabacc wrote:You could have two movies: One up to the Revelation, and Bastilla's capture. And the other after that point. Its a clear and workable cut-off. ESB-esque.

there's still hell a lot stuff there (most of the game to exact). I'd say either per planet or up to Dantooine (film 1) from dantooine to the revelation (film 2) and the the end game (film 3)
True, this might work better.
Maybe something like this:
Movie One
Endar Spire
Taris Upper levels (focus on the search for the escape pods, perhaps something related more strongly to the Dueling Arena.)
Taris Undercity (focus more on the gang war, intoduce Bastilla, Zalaabar, and Mission obviously)
Escape from Taris (rather than attacking the Sith Garrison, moving more directly to the Exchange manuvering and Canderous for pacing concerns)
BDZing of Taris (establishes Malak.)
Dantooine (obviously focuses on training and the beginnings of the Star Forge search, but Juhani should be built up as more an antagonist, although she is redeemed and at the end accompanies the group.)
Movie Two
Kashyyyk (Wookiee rebellion, introduces Jolee, who adds a new element to main character's newfound Jedi hood. Around this time, a relationship with Bastilla should also begin to form.)
Manaan (can be marginalized, perhaps Sunray trial included for Jolee's development. Perhaps point for Calo Nord confrontation)
Tatooine (Serves as development for Bastilla, introduces HK-47)
Leviathan (Same as game, ends upon escape.)
Movie Three
Korriban (Delves into character's flirtation with the dark side caused by the Revelation, this is encouraged in part by HK)
Rataka (focuses on Bastilla Duel, where Character comes the closest to the darks side, but is pulled through by Juhani and Jolee.)
Star Forge (Bastilla is redeemed by Character's love, Malak is defeat and Star Forge destroyed.)