If ordered to, he'd have accepted it, even as a demotion.Star Wars.com's character database wrote:A creature of pure evil, Maul had no personality beyond his ultimate devotion to his master, Darth Sidious.
Yes, Palpatine is patient. But he's also smart enough not to needlessly throw away an asset such as Maul. Maul was, if nothing else, a match for most Jedi. He would have made a valuable asset to the Seperatists in battle, and a usefull weapon against any Jedi who escaped the purge.LordShaithis wrote:Palpatine is nothing if not a patient man, willing to invest the time needed into each stage of his master plan.
Had he resisted being supplanted as Sideous' apprentice, I have no doubt the Tyranus/Maul fight would have happened, and (assuming both were at their peak and no outside interference) Tyranus would have won.
With the additional training he would have recieved in the intervening years, I hold that Maul could have defeated (and possibly killed) Anakin and Obi-Wan, though Yoda would have handed him his ass without question.[The attempted arrest of the Seperatist Leader would have] succeeded, unless you think some generic evil banker from the Trade Federation (or for that matter, his bodyguard Maul) was going to fight his way past Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda.
But what makes you think Sideous would have placed 'some generic banker' as the figurehead? He could have found an effective leader somewhere in the galaxy, or even still recruited Dooku (with or without Sith training, he would have been an effective leader)
Dooku left the Jedi Order not because of Sideous, but for his own reasons, as seen in the StarWars.com database: "After his departure from the Jedi order, Dooku was seduced to the dark side by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith." It's been noted that you don't have to be Sith to be Dark Side. Palpatine could have still tried to convince Dooku to lead the Seperatists.
Had this suceeded (as it did in the movies), Dooku would have led the Seperatists (possibly with Maul, probably without). On the off chance he did let Sideous send him a bodyguard, it is probable that Dooku would have sacraficed Maul to Obi-Wan and Anakin in order to escape, leading to his death by the hands of one of the three who would otherwise have fought Dooku.
Anyway, I will answer the next point (assuming for the moment Sideous was unable to convince Dooku to lead the Seperatists)
True, but had this leadership figure accepted Maul as a bodyguard, it is conceivable Maul would have slowed Obi-Wan and Anakin down long enough to allow the leadership figure to escape. Maul would still lose, owing to either Anakin's skill or Yoda's...Yoda-ness, but the leadership figure would not necessarily have been caught.Having his leadership figure arrested at the opening of the war would not have been helpful to Sidious.
I hold my previous position: Maul's death was not originally in Sideous' plan. Sideous was forced to alter his plans (or fall back onto a back-up plan) in response to it. This may (or may not) have changed the outcome, but it did change the plan (though I don't pretend to know if it was for better or worse).
Just an off-topic side note: I have not debated (even one so informal as this) before...one of the reasons I joined here was to learn and practice debate tactics. I do not believe I have made any logical fallicies or used any bad debate tactics thusfar (or if I have, I apologize), but if I do, please let me know?