Review and Notes by Mark K Sheppard
This is a book detailing the Elrood Sector, a backwater region of the Galaxy, there are
several gems here, which I am detailing forth for you:
NOTES: This is a very isolated sector, giving us a sense of scale for the forces found nearby by thePage 9 wrote:Elrood Sector is in a backwater corner of the Metharian Nebula
Territories region of the Empire. This sector has moderate wealth, and is for the most
part beyond the scope of galactic events. Elrood Sector has never been sufficiently
profitable or rebellious to merit complete Imperial domination, nor is it a particularly
tempting target for the Rebel Alliance.
The sector's isolation has discouraged large-scale investment by major galactic corporations.
Instead, the sector's trade depends upon a number of small, local companies that conduct trade
amongst the various worlds of the sector. However, the sector isn't totally free of Imperial influence.
To ensure compliance with Palpatine's regime, one planet, Derilyn, was placed under the yoke of
Imperial martial law.
When the Empire's space fleets arrived in orbit around Derilyn, few had any idea what was in store
for the world. The ensuing carnage was excessive, but served as a lesson to the rest of the worlds
in the sector: in quick order, the rest of Elrood Sector fell into line.
Empire and various planetary governments.
NOTES: It could be that ISDs are actually better equipped for patrolling isolated sectors, as they could carry aPage 11 wrote:Imperial Forces
The Empire maintains two Star Destroyers, the Thunderflare and the Stalker, and a Bayonet-class
light cruiser called the Rintonne's Flame, who patrol the whole of Elrood Sector.
The Empire also maintains a handful of smaller patrol ships, customs vessels, and Skipray Blastboats. There
are several TIE wings. The Empire has a small armed presence on most of the worlds in Elrood Sector, a full
military base on Derilyn, and an obscure observation post in the Tifnyl System.
large amount of fuel and supplies; reducing resupply runs needed, and with their huge capacity of carried vessels,
make it possible to do "flying blockades" of vital points in the sector.
NOTES: Shows how many patrol craft get assigned to a backwater sector.Page 14 wrote:Other Imperial Vessels
There are 12 hyperdrive equipped patrol craft assigned to Elrood Sector for patrolling trade routes, as well
as the defense of Derilyn system. These craft can be equipped with a "TIE Modular Hangar," which attaches
to the hull of the ship and can carry a pair of TIE fighters for additional firepower.
There are six system patrol craft assigned exclusively to Derilyn system. They patrol the entire system looking
for vessels trying to sneak through the Imperial blockade of the system. Note that these craft will only be
encountered in Derilyn system as they aren't equipped with hyperdrive.
Aside from the TIE fighters on the Star Destroyers, Derilyn itself has an orbiting space station, the Derilyn
Space Defense Platform, with two full wings of TIE/In fighters (144 fighters).
NOTES: Imperial view of the Elrood sector.Page 15 wrote:Imperial Observer's Report, Elrood Sector
Lieutenant Darvis Tret, Reporting.
I have spent the last six months of my tour of duty investigating Elrood Sector. All that I can say is that I am very
pleased that not a single drop of Imperial blood was shed to gain this sector. This region was not one of the
jewels in the Republic's crown.
Elrood Sector is devoted to agriculture, mining and manufacturing, although it excels at none of them. I have
found the inhabitants of the worlds to be unfailingly compliant. They are a simple folk who are ignorant about
everything save that they are at the bottom of the pecking order. The region of space has been settled for
thousands of years, and frankly, there's not much to show for it. The population is predominantly Human and
Gamorrean, with a smattering of other galactic species, as well as several native species, including the
Coynites, Orfites, Meris and Teltiors.
There are only a few worlds worthy of note. The sector capital is called Elrood (a testament to the originality
of the sector's denizens), a bureaucratic world that is also the headquarters of the sector's largest
corporation, Radell Mining.
Kidron is a refuge planet for those who have earned the animosity of the powerful, wealthy, or dangerous. At
first, I thought that this planet might prove to be a possible nest of Rebel sympathizers. I am happy to report
that Kidron's citizens are refugees from local law enforcers, bounty hunters, collection agents and gangsters.
This world poses no threat. Coyn is a planet populated by warriors who uphold a strict, archaic code of honor.
They excel as weapons makers. I am delighted to report that many Coynites willingly fight for the Empire.
Again, no presence is needed here.
Merisee is an agricultural planet that also boasts a rather extensive medical community. The people are peaceful
and typically compliant.
Derilyn is the last major planet, and the last stop on the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route. Of all the worlds, Derilyn is
the most valuable, since it has respectable natural resources and manufacturing complexes. It is my recommendation
that Derilyn be seized and occupied. This action would also have a chilling effect on those who might consider rebellion.
Establishing a naval base here would be ideal, as forces could easily patrol the rest of the sector from here. A pair of
Star Destroyers will be more than enough to handle any potential trouble in the sector.
There are many systems in this sector that have not yet been explored. The Republic wisely refused to allocate further
resources to an already mediocre region.
Historical Note: This report was filed shortly before the Empire seized Derilyn. Lt. Tret was promoted for his efforts
on behalf of the Empire.
NOTES: Shows the scale of Star Wars if a planet in a backwater sector is simply filled with scrapped vessels and craft.Page 18 wrote:These days, Korad has one prime business: salvage. The planet was originally settled in the
time of the Old Republic by a corporation called Renew, which specialized in metal reclamation and wreck salvage.
Korad was used as a dumping ground for old ships, vehicles, machinery and other wastes. Many years ago, Renew
went bankrupt, leaving the world independent. To this day, the world is a giant refuse yard — it is a place where just
about anything can be abandoned with no questions asked (since no one is in charge of the planet). Many criminals
use the planet as a good place to dump the bodies of beings who are "in the way."
Circling the planet's circumference like a natural space ring is a band of scrapped vessels, many dating back to the
Old Republic. The barren surface is littered with wrecks, ranging from starfighters, to freighters, to repulsorlift vehicles,
to old droids, to old landspeeders. The atmosphere is thick with the odor of leaking fluids from the wrecks,
spilled chemicals and the like. Korad's atmosphere requires a breather mask.
On Korad, a character can find the remains of practically every model of vessel or planetary vehicle. Naturally, most are
stripped. Finding a useful part is a Very Difficult search skill roll. The closest thing to a caretaker is a wheezy old public
relations droid named Emtee-Seventee. MT-7T is still functional, though its programming is incomplete, as parts of its
memory have been erased. The droid is left over from the days when Renew was still in business. When Renew went
bankrupt, the remaining staff evacuated quickly. There was only one vessel for evacuation purposes, and there was just
no room for the droid.
NOTES: mmm... imperial corruption. Also shows how big a small listening post is personnel wise, and how oftenPage 20 wrote:Tifnyl
Tifnyl System has no habitable planets. The largest moon of the fourth planet, a gas giant, has a thin atmosphere
and a primitive ecosystem. The Empire has set up a small listening post here. A crew of 10 technicians and 10
Imperial Navy troops man the station. One of the two Imperial Star Destroyers clocks here once a month to rotate
crew members and drop off supplies. The post's military value is negligible. It was established by Moff Villis Andal
as a ploy to get additional credits sent to his sector from the public dole, and so far the plan has worked remarkably
it must be resupplied.
NOTES: Shows how a sector can remain unexplored; due to navigational hazards,Pages 21 to 22 wrote:The Unexplored Systems
Due to the backward nature of the Elrood Sector and the many navigational hazards off the
established travel routes, there are many unexplored systems in Elrood Sector (these
unexplored systems are not shown on the sector map on page 10). Gamemasters are encouraged
to make exploration a prominent theme in Elrood Sector. While there aren't any undiscovered
space-faring civilizations in this area of space, there could be many information age or lower
tech-level planets out there that haven't made contact, as well as countless unregistered settlements,
lost cultures, alien artifacts and other elements that can be the focus of exploration adventures. For
more information on this type of adventure, see Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts.
Radell Mining Corporation
Radell Mining Corporation (RMC) was founded
on the planet Elrood centuries ago to handle the
anticipated flow of mineral wealth from Elrood
Sector. The company has never become a major
force in galactic mining, but enough revenue can
be wrung from the planets so that Radell makes
a respectable profit and continues to be the
largest company in the sector.
Kartell's main source of ore is in the Halbara
system, and it treats the route from Elrood to
Halbara as a vital "trade secret." Kadell has hold-
ings in several nearby sectors, but it isn't very
important to the galactic economy. Locally, work-
ing for Radell is a sign of prestige.
These days, Radell is interested in hiring ex-
ploration parties to find new sources of mineral
wealth in the sector. It also employs freelancers
to guard ships and facilities against corporate
sabotage, often perpetrated by its prime com-
petitor, Imperial Mining. Radell pays for reason-
able expenses, plus a base rate of between 75 and
300 credits per day.
If the characters seek employment through
Radell, their most likely contact is Devron Zal.
Though there are dozens of such executives who
hire adventurers, Devron is one of the best and
he is known for being able to quickly and accu-
rately assess recruits.
Imperial Mining, Ltd.
Founded on Derilyn a few years ago by retired
Imperial naval personnel, Imperial Mining, Ltd.
(IML) owes its success to the fact that the Empire
forcibly persuades some customers to use IML.
IML's chief source of ore is the Berea system,
a short jump from Derilyn and securely within
the bounds Imperial Interdicted Space. Many
Elrood citizens feel that IML is an active front for
the Empire. Whispered stories of espionage and
sabotage designed to promote the Empire's in-
terests abound.
IML has a sizable cargo fleet courtesy of the
Empire's navy — ships entering the Derilyn sys-
tem are often boarded and searched, and many
confiscated ships become the property of ÏML.
As one might expect, many of the ship seizures
are questionable (at best). Crew members aboard
such ships are quickly convicted of smuggling
and sent to work off their sentence as slave-
miners leased to IML. Individuals are paid 25
credits a day for their labors, but IML's charges
to "contract employees" for equipment, room
and board comes out to 23 credits a day, so a
worker can only reasonably expect to earn 736
credits "take home" pay per year.
and it seems to be that the biggest employers in most backwater sectors are mining
Page 34 wrote:
Elrood Prosperity Cruisers
Craft: Elrood StarYards Ltd. Prosperity-class Customs Cruiser
Type: Light cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 300 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Prosperity-class light cruiser
Crew: 100, gunners: 24, skeleton 35/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship shields 4D, sensors 5D
Passengers: 40
Cargo Capacity: 2,500 metric tons
Consumables: 6 weeks
Cost: 12 million (new), 7 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x16
Nav Computer Yes
Maneuverability: 3D
Space: 9
Atmosphere: 400; 1150 KMH
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 50/1D
Scan: 90/2D
Search: 200/3D
Focus: 10/4D
6 Heavy Turbolasers
Fire Arc: 3 Iront, 1 left, 1 right, 1 back
Crew: 2
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150KM
Damage: 4D
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 2 front
Crew: 6
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Kange: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Kange: 2-10/30/60KM
Damage: 4D
Capsule: The Prosperity-class Customs Cruisers, built by Elrood StarYards, Ltd., are popular amongst the
worlds of the sector. While not exceptional combat vehicles and incapable of holding their own against Imperial fleet
vessels, they are more than adequate for customs inspections, pirate actions and other common planetary defense
activities. Elrood itself has two dozen Prosperities, with one assigned specifically to each starport and the rest assigned
to patrol and outer orbit customs inspections.
Elrood Starports
The starport most likely to be used by the
characters will be Elrooden Starport. There are
four Imperial class starports on Elrood, located in
the megaplexes of Elrooden, Dinbar, Elraden and
Lodos. A fifth Imperial class starport, Radell Central,
is strictly for Radell Mining's ore carriers.
There are eight standard class ports to serve smaller
cities. All Imperial class starports are assigned a
Prosperity-class cruiser and several cloud cars.
Because Elrood is a peaceful world, there is no
need for extensive defenses, and thus there are no
weapon emplacements around these areas.
NOTES: Apparently a backwater sector HQ has 24 light cruisers
assigned to it for protection alone.
Pages 42 to 43 wrote:History
The planet Elrood was colonized by the Old
Republic thousands of years ago. The first set-
tlers found a world rich in basic natural resources
— plenty of flora and fauna, a breathable atmo-
sphere, good water, rich soils for crops, and
some mineral deposits for mining and construc-
tion. The name Elrood was chosen to recognize
the senator who had fought for the funding for
this colonization effort.
Slowly, settlements blossomed into towns and
cities, while more and more colony ships arrived
over the centuries. Elrood had little to offer the
machines of industry. However, for those who
wanted a simple life of hard work and a decent
place to raise a family, the world was ideal.
As Elrood's population grew, so did its power
and prestige. Eventually, a colony was estab-
lished on Derilyn, marking the first trade route in
this region. In short order, the Coynites, Orfites,
Meris and Teltiors were discovered, and diplo-
matic relations were established with these
worlds. In time, the E-D Run was pioneered and
Elrood became a sector capital, with full accep-
tance in the Republic.
Elrood, always keenly aware of its Republic
heritage, was a staunch supporter of the old
order. When Palpatine took power, many were
swept up in the emotions and promises of
Palpatine and hoped for the best. However, Elrood
changed little. The increased taxes were a burden,
but life went on much as it had for centuries before.
Now, Elrood is a world compliant in the hands
of the Empire. Many of the people, especially
those in industry, are dissatisfied with the Empire,
as it has favored the huge galaxy-spanning corporations
over smaller, regional companies such as Radell Mining.
However, the Elroodians are a pragmatic lot, and see the
Rebel Alliance as a dangerous entity — a bunch of foolhardy
revolutionaries who lack the ability to govern and cannot
foresee the consequences of their actions.
Elrood keeps a nervous eye on Derilyn, ever
fearful that the Empire may decide to crack down
on Elrood and impose martial law. Elrood has
several shipyards capable of producing military
vessels, which may someday be in service to the
Rebel Alliance.
NOTES: Shows how a sector is colonized, and that
even a backwater sector contains shipyards capable of
producing military vessels.
Pages 46 to 47 wrote:Coyn Starports
To handle the great volume of traffic passing
through the system, Coyn has five stellar class
starports. The prime starport is Skraj'Tais,
"Skyland." It is an orbiting space station capable
of hosting hundreds of ships at a time. It is similar
in design to Kwenn Space Station and is the major
starport for those who have no business on Coyn
The other four stellar class starports are on
the surface of the planet. They are En'Tra'Tais
("Kingland"), Im'Tra'Tais ("Princeland"),
Ah'Kra'Tais ("Common-craftersland"), and
Kroyn'Tais, "Warriorland." There is also a one
standard class starport, Kra'Tais ("Craftersland"),
which is a common destination for those purchasing
goods from Coyn. Each of these starports
is within major cities: EnTra'Tal, ImTra'Tal,
Ah'Kra, Kroyn'Tal and Kra.
Characters may be sent to any of the starports,
although if they make it clear that they are just
passing through, they will almost certainly dock
at Skraj'Tais. The main Imperial base on Coyn is
at Kroyn'Tais, although there is a minimal presence
in the system.
The starports are similar in design, but
En'Tra'Tais starport is the largest. The city of
Ah'Kra has excellent medical, repair and resupply
services. Im'Tra'Tais is the most luxurious
starport. Each starport has two Prosperity-class
defense ships, purchased from Elrood.
NOTES: Apparently a system rich from trade can
buy two cruisers to protect each of it's Stellar-class
starports; and that the Prosperity-class Cruisers are
defense ships manufactured in Elrood itself...
Page 60 wrote:Kidron System Defense (KSD)
Kidron has long been responsible for its own
defense. To address that, the High City Council
formed the Kidron System Defense, or KSD. The
forces include a Corellian Corvette (the KSD flagship),
four Prosperity-class defense ships bought
from Elrood shipyards, three system patrol craft,
one old TIE (bought as salvage and refurbished),
six refurbished Z-95s and a Skipray Blastboat.
KSD is always looking for new guests to crew the
The overwhelming percentage of crewmen on
KSD vessels are guests (only 10 percent of KSD
forces are Orfite).
NOTES: This is a small backwater world in a backwater
sector, homeworld to a insignificant race, and they have
the capacity to buy a Corellian Corvette and four Prosperity
class Cruisers....
NOTES: Shows the forces the Empire can send to a backwater sector.Pages 74 to 77 wrote:
Derilyn Space Defense Platform
Craft: Modified Rendili StarDrive Space Platform
Type: Orbiting Space Defense Platform
Scale: Capital
Length: 4,225 meters
Crew: 8,750, gunners: 320, skeleton 2.S60/+10
Crew Skill: Capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship shields 5D, communication 4D+2, sensors 5D+2, starship gunnery 5D
Passengers: 10,400, 4,500 (troops), 1,000 (prisoners)
Cargo Capacity: 15 million metric tons (including sealed dry docks)
Consumables: 5 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Space: Immobile; orbits Derilyn, but may not alter course
Hull: 7D+2
Shields: 5D+2
Passive: 150/1D
Scan: 300/2D
Search: 600/3D
Focus: 20/5D+2
80 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 20 front, 20 left, 20 right, 20 back
Crew. 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-12/75/150KM
Damage: 5D
40 Double Turbolaser Cannon
Fire Arc: 10 front, 10 left, 10 right, 10 back
Crew: 2
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 3-10/30/60
Atmosphere Range: 300-1/3/6KM
Damage: 5D+2
Capsule: In high orbit around Derilyn, the Derilyn
Space Defense Platform is an impressive guardian
against unauthorized intrusion. Aside from its weaponry,
the space station has two full wings of TIE fighters, plus
whatever patrol vessels happen to be docked there at the time.
The platform serves as the central communication and transportation
station for Imperial military forces on Derilyn, and by
extension, Elrood Sector. This is an Imperial space
fortress at its worst, capable of handling sustained
attacks with ease.
Before the fall of the Old Republic, Derilyn was
a planet much like Elrood. It had a mix of agricul-
ture, manufacturing, and natural resource extrac-
tion, and was the terminus of the Elrood to Derilyn
Run, making Derilyn a jewel in the rather modest
crown of Elrood Sector.
Then came the Empire. Derilyn's population
was outraged by Palaptine's power grab. The late
Senator Wuxod from Derilyn made his planet's
opinions abundantly clear; he disappeared. Some
in Imperial City whispered that Palpatine's security
forces were behind this. Derilyn's outrage grew—
and the Empire acted.
The Derilytes did not realize just how strong the
Empire was, or to what lengths Palpatine would go
to enforce order. On the first day of Fifthmonth,
Derilyn found out firsthand.
A huge invasion force, consisting of six Imperial
Star Destroyers, several wings of TIE fighters, and
a full sector army, smashed down on the vocal, but
unprepared, planet.
The city of Paran, Derilyn's third largest city and
birthplace of Senator Wuxod, was annihilated by
the concentrated gunfire of the orbiting Star Destroyers.
TIE bombers deliberately bombed the helpless civilian
Rather than surrender, the Derilytes fought on,
hardened by the horror of the attack. Despite the
outrage, the valor, and the sacrifice, the Empire
rolled over the Derilytes with the speed and ease of
a rancor stepping on a drunken Jawa. The planet
was secured in three days; the struggle is known as
the Sixty Hour War by the Derilytes.
With Derilyn's armed forces disarmed, the Empire
established a permanent presence. For the
next several months, the rest of the sector experienced
what is now called the Time of Panic. During
this time, the citizens of the rest of Elrood Sector
braced themselves for the worst, anticipating that
the Empire, having secured Derilyn, would enslave
the rest of the sector. For reasons unknown to all
but the Empire, this never happened.
The Empire got what it wanted—a proud world
subjugated and utterly humiliated. Palpatine knew
that the other worlds were watching Derilyn closely.
With this world defeated, the others would submit
to the Empire. To this day, it has remained so: the
other worlds of Elrood Sector are ever fearful that
they will share the same fate as Derilyn.
Derilyn Today
Martial law is in effect over the entire planet.
Derilyn's Martial Governor is General Afren Hul of
the Imperial Army. The people, sullen, bitter and
devoid of hope, live a difficult life. All goods are
rationed, strict curfews are in effect, and working
conditions are brutal. Only when the Derilytes get
behind the closed doors of their homes do their
emotional natures come forward. In some ways,
Derilyn is just as dead as if the Imperial fleet had
destroyed the planet.
NOTES: Shows the forces the Empire considers sufficient to quellPage 78 wrote:The Imperial Presence
The Imperial occupation force is the equivalent
of a Sector Army (see page 97 of the Imperial
Sourcebook). There is a total of 1,180,309 personnel,
including 774,576 troops (officially; actual numbers can
vary based on distribution of forces around
the sector, attrition, training, rotation and other
factors). There are over 66,000 repulsorcraft here,
as well as nearly 14,000 heavy repulsor tanks.
There are also three full wings of TIE fighters, split
among traditional TIE/In combat models, TIE bombers
and TIE/rc ships (modified to conduct detailed
observation of communication bandwidths, movement
of civilians and otherwise provide detailed
These fighters are at separate bases in Dorrak, Derilysa
and Tekar. While the forces may seem excessive, bear in
mind that part of the Empire's strategy is to maintain enough
troops to frighten the rest of the sector into submission —
the forces here are more than up to the task.
There are four major military bases on the
world, in addition to countless minor bases and
outposts for observation and occupation of the
planet. The largest of these is Base Derilysa, located
on the outskirts of the capital city. The next
largest is on the outskirts of Tekar, the city most
likely to be visited by off-worlders who have business here.
The final two major bases are in Dorrak and Palpatine.
There are considerable tensions between the
Navy pilots and the Imperial Army occupation
forces (one reason why the TIE fighters were not
assigned to the standard bases). The commanders
of the Star Destroyers do not like General Hul, who
they feel is not giving them enough credit in his
reports to the Empire. Hul, in turn, does not like
Lieutenant Borf, the head customs officer, and
feels that the Navy is not doing its part in keeping
out smugglers and pirates.
a backwater sector
NOTES: Shows how ruthless the Empire is.Page 83 wrote:The Ruins of Paran
The city of Paran had a population of 512,000
people. Less than 3,000 remained after the Imperial
bombardment and siege, and most of them
died from radiation or the effects of biological
warheads used in the shelling.
Today, the city is a ruin, with nothing but the
skeletal plassteel frames of burnt-out buildings
and great heaps of charred rubble. The only
inhabitants are the few outcasts who have some-
how managed to survive in this hellish place, or
those who would rather risk the dangers of a
destroyed city than slave under the Empire. Many
dangerous predators from Derilyn's wilderness
have taken up residence in the ruins of the city.
Locating the entrance to the underground
areas where the Friends of Paran are holed up
takes two hours of searching and is a Very Diffi-
cult search task. The rubble, most of it lightly
irradiated, provides an excellent cloak from sen-
sors. It is more likely that the resistance will spot
the characters long before they find an entrance
and confront them. The resistance members are
quite suspicious, and may require the characters
to prove their intentions or face execution as
Imperial spies. The resistance has not much to
lose here, and they have no reason to suspect
that someone may want to help them; they view
their survival as a grand and noble struggle against
the galaxy itself.
NOTES: This shows how a system can be unexplored in the SW Galaxy, the Probe wasPage 87 wrote:An Unknown World...
To: The Senate Committee on New World Discovery and
From: Bryn Shal, Head Scientist, Project: Wayfarer,
Republic Scout Service
Dear Senators:
Remote probe ZeX555-TR349 was destroyed in route
from Elrood Sector to Cegul Sector, while surveying previ-
ously unexplored systems.
It is proposed that a secondary automated probe, or
better yet, a manned mission, be sent to Elrood and Cegul
to complete the survey. With the number of sapient spe-
cies native to the region, this area of space seems to be a
rich spawning ground for new life forms. Further investiga-
tion seems warranted.
End Transmission
To: Bryn Shal, Head Scientist, Project: Wayfarer, Republic Scout Service
From: The Senate Committee on New World Discovery and Exploration
Your findings are noted and have been taken into con-
sideration by the committee.
However, as you are no doubt aware, funds for explora-
tion and survey are increasingly difficult to come -by. In
light of this constraint, there are many more promising
areas than this one in a backwater corner of the galaxy. At
this time, further exploration of Elrood and Cegul Sectors
is unwarranted.
Approval of replacement of destroyed probe will await
final recommendation by Republic Scout Service, Depart-
ment of Remote Exploration.
End Transmission
To: Bryn Shal, Head Scientist, Project: Wayfarer, Republic Scout Service
From: The Senate Committee on New World Discovery and Exploration
Your findings are noted and have been taken into consideration by the committee.
However, as you are no doubt aware, funds for explora-
tion and survey are increasingly difficult to come-by. In
light of this constraint, there are many more promising
areas than this one in a backwater corner of the galaxy. At
this time, further exploration of Elrood and Cegul Sectors
is unwarranted.
Approval of replacement of destroyed probe will await
final recommendation by Republic Scout Service, Depart-
ment of Remote Exploration.
End Transmission
Historical Footnote: The first report was but one of
thousands of similar reports that were filed and forgotten.
To this day, no further exploration of the Kuras system was
destroyed by a very violent asteroid field, and money was short for a second probe or
a manned mission, so it was never followed up.