ROTS Revelations page for main site
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- The Silence and I
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Things I noticed that I didn't see mentioned:
General Grevious's cough--he can survive vacuum without difficulty, has no apparent lungs I saw inside his chest cavity and does not appear to expell air while speaking; why does he cough?
The Invisible Hand's gravity, just what was happening here? I am thinking currently that internal gravity was disabled/shutoff and planetary gravity was used exclusivly (For this to be possible the ship must hover above the planet's surface rather than orbit), explaning why the occupants fell toward the nose of the ship when it took a dive (again, this requires that the ship not enter free fall, it may have been slowed by the repulsors holding it up). I am thinking this because AFAIK there was no moment of transition between controlled gravity and natural gravity while the generators died or what have you, no moment of weightlessness or anything. The other thing I was wondering is whether the occupants fell toward the front or the rear of the ship; editing seems to suggest they fell to the front, but if they actually fell to the rear then it is possible the ship was accelerating downward at near one 'g'. Perhaps I'll look for screen caps sometime soon.
During the capital ship battle it seemed like shields played a rather small role*, at least by the time we start watching, instead it seemed like full batteries of smaller calibre weapons were blasted into the bare hull of the opposing ship, much like warfrigates from earlier centuries here on earth. This seemed at odds with ROTJ where we see a single heavy direct hit to an poorly shielded ISD blast a gargantuum crater into its hull before making the reactor go critical. Why not fire a heavy turbolaser into the bare hull and blast your opponent to kingdom come? Or if the heavies were firing, then why not see such devestation?
*I say shields on many ships appear to be down because we see no evidence for them during many weapon impacts--even in the old trilogy the special effects showed us shield impacts, in the new trilogy shield impacts are far more obvious and we do not see them.
General Grevious dents the hull of The Invisible Hand during his foray into the vacuum when he lands after swinging around a bit. This was a bridge area and not the armor belt of course, but it suggests the materials used for command structures have drastically weaker mechanical properties than perhaps the rest of the ship does. What I mean is the hull plates were not merely thinner, they were of a weaker material too. Clearly the material's thermal properties are excellent though as the command structure is intact after landing.
Not only Artoo but C3P0 seem to move quite a bit faster than previously seen, I am curious to know if a CGI C3P0 was used for some scenes with the droid in the distance because it seems like he runs along quite a bit faster than the suited actor can, particularly while climbing the ramp into Amidala's ship. He seems to shuffle up almost unnaturally, and too fast.
The Twileck (spelling?) Jedi killed by the clone troopers was unmarked by blaster fire despite being shot repeatedly. Perhaps she was hit with some form of stun setting? If all the present troopers were set to stun then that may explain why they shot her repeatedly--essentially stun her to death.
Well that's all for now.
General Grevious's cough--he can survive vacuum without difficulty, has no apparent lungs I saw inside his chest cavity and does not appear to expell air while speaking; why does he cough?
The Invisible Hand's gravity, just what was happening here? I am thinking currently that internal gravity was disabled/shutoff and planetary gravity was used exclusivly (For this to be possible the ship must hover above the planet's surface rather than orbit), explaning why the occupants fell toward the nose of the ship when it took a dive (again, this requires that the ship not enter free fall, it may have been slowed by the repulsors holding it up). I am thinking this because AFAIK there was no moment of transition between controlled gravity and natural gravity while the generators died or what have you, no moment of weightlessness or anything. The other thing I was wondering is whether the occupants fell toward the front or the rear of the ship; editing seems to suggest they fell to the front, but if they actually fell to the rear then it is possible the ship was accelerating downward at near one 'g'. Perhaps I'll look for screen caps sometime soon.
During the capital ship battle it seemed like shields played a rather small role*, at least by the time we start watching, instead it seemed like full batteries of smaller calibre weapons were blasted into the bare hull of the opposing ship, much like warfrigates from earlier centuries here on earth. This seemed at odds with ROTJ where we see a single heavy direct hit to an poorly shielded ISD blast a gargantuum crater into its hull before making the reactor go critical. Why not fire a heavy turbolaser into the bare hull and blast your opponent to kingdom come? Or if the heavies were firing, then why not see such devestation?
*I say shields on many ships appear to be down because we see no evidence for them during many weapon impacts--even in the old trilogy the special effects showed us shield impacts, in the new trilogy shield impacts are far more obvious and we do not see them.
General Grevious dents the hull of The Invisible Hand during his foray into the vacuum when he lands after swinging around a bit. This was a bridge area and not the armor belt of course, but it suggests the materials used for command structures have drastically weaker mechanical properties than perhaps the rest of the ship does. What I mean is the hull plates were not merely thinner, they were of a weaker material too. Clearly the material's thermal properties are excellent though as the command structure is intact after landing.
Not only Artoo but C3P0 seem to move quite a bit faster than previously seen, I am curious to know if a CGI C3P0 was used for some scenes with the droid in the distance because it seems like he runs along quite a bit faster than the suited actor can, particularly while climbing the ramp into Amidala's ship. He seems to shuffle up almost unnaturally, and too fast.
The Twileck (spelling?) Jedi killed by the clone troopers was unmarked by blaster fire despite being shot repeatedly. Perhaps she was hit with some form of stun setting? If all the present troopers were set to stun then that may explain why they shot her repeatedly--essentially stun her to death.
Well that's all for now.
"Do not worry, I have prepared something for just such an emergency."
"You're prepared for a giant monster made entirely of nulls stomping around Mainframe?!"
"That is correct!"
"How do you plan for that?"
"Uh... lucky guess?"
"You're prepared for a giant monster made entirely of nulls stomping around Mainframe?!"
"That is correct!"
"How do you plan for that?"
"Uh... lucky guess?"
- The Invisible Hand (or the piece of it that landed) was able to withstand its own mass crashing from orbit in a somewhat controlled deceleration without the structure collapsing on impact. On that note, I'm not sure what the wording was in the movie but I would think that where they landed was a cleared docking field rather than an actual take-off/landing strip, since no ship seen in the movies has needed one.
- For whatever reason, the SBD did not simply blast R2. Perhaps they are programmed to capture enemy droids for reuse?
- Palpatine has no life outside of work and even goes to the opera with his aides. Unless he was taking the office out on the town? What a nice guy.
- Either Palpatine's Order 66 signal was relayed through a communication center or it was picked up from across the galaxy by the personal devices on the clones.
- Ki-Adi-Mundi doesn't mind being in a cold climate with only the normal robes he wears at the temple (unless I'm miss-remembering).
- For some reason Wookiees have Yoda-sized escape pods hidden in the wilderness. I don't remember this being explained too well in the novelization or the movie. Maybe I forgot something.
- Perhaps in ROTJ when Leia says she remembers 'images mostly' of her real mother, she is referring to actual still photos shown to her by the Organas?
- Anakins eyes became yellow while he was slaughtering the Seperatist leaders, confirming the fact that the Dark Side does indeed give you a raging case of 'Intergalactic Pink Eye'. The yellow colour is not just Maul and Sidious' natural pigment. Did we ever see Tyrannus with yellow eyes?
- Neither Obi Wan nor Yoda were shot down while leaving orbit in their respective escapes.
- Vader was not shown at Amidala's funeral. It didn't look like it was private. Had he forsaken Anakin Skywalker already enough to not go to his wife's funeral? Was there another 'State' funeral for her?
- For whatever reason, the SBD did not simply blast R2. Perhaps they are programmed to capture enemy droids for reuse?
- Palpatine has no life outside of work and even goes to the opera with his aides. Unless he was taking the office out on the town? What a nice guy.

- Either Palpatine's Order 66 signal was relayed through a communication center or it was picked up from across the galaxy by the personal devices on the clones.
- Ki-Adi-Mundi doesn't mind being in a cold climate with only the normal robes he wears at the temple (unless I'm miss-remembering).
- For some reason Wookiees have Yoda-sized escape pods hidden in the wilderness. I don't remember this being explained too well in the novelization or the movie. Maybe I forgot something.
- Perhaps in ROTJ when Leia says she remembers 'images mostly' of her real mother, she is referring to actual still photos shown to her by the Organas?
- Anakins eyes became yellow while he was slaughtering the Seperatist leaders, confirming the fact that the Dark Side does indeed give you a raging case of 'Intergalactic Pink Eye'. The yellow colour is not just Maul and Sidious' natural pigment. Did we ever see Tyrannus with yellow eyes?
- Neither Obi Wan nor Yoda were shot down while leaving orbit in their respective escapes.
- Vader was not shown at Amidala's funeral. It didn't look like it was private. Had he forsaken Anakin Skywalker already enough to not go to his wife's funeral? Was there another 'State' funeral for her?
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
The ROTS:ICS shows that the escape pod is actually built for wookiees, and Yoda is extremely tiny in it.- For some reason Wookiees have Yoda-sized escape pods hidden in the wilderness. I don't remember this being explained too well in the novelization or the movie. Maybe I forgot something.
The Rift
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
There is a large military port on Coruscant probabely with a lot of facilites (like armories and barracks) close by.
Question is, are there more of those ports on the surface, were they there in the peaceful years before the wars, if not, how long did it take to build them?
They also appear to be specially being built to service Venators, what suggest that for new and larger vessels new facilities have to be built. Either the later empire thought they are going to keep those babies for a long time OR they are sure to be able to adapt their facilities with little costs and effort.
Question is, are there more of those ports on the surface, were they there in the peaceful years before the wars, if not, how long did it take to build them?
They also appear to be specially being built to service Venators, what suggest that for new and larger vessels new facilities have to be built. Either the later empire thought they are going to keep those babies for a long time OR they are sure to be able to adapt their facilities with little costs and effort.
The optimist thinks, that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist is afraid, that this is true.
"Don't ask, what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country." Mao Tse-Tung.
"Don't ask, what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country." Mao Tse-Tung.
That is supposed to be a SPHA-T mounted in the hangar bay to increase ventral firepower, from the ICS. One reason it might not have been used later on is that you are exposing the vulnerable hangar to fire the weapon. If all your weapons are on the dorsal half of the ship, and the hangar/vulnerable areas on the ventral half, a quick pitch down will easily bring your guns to bear, while protecting your softer underbelly (ISD).1. The super gun that came outta the Venator hold, I’d put money that it was a variant model of SD with a prototype weapon. i.e. They subbed in that gun in place of the hanger to see how well it would work and if it was worth equipping on others. Same with the Longbow modifications to Apaches. Test it on a small number under battlefield conditions before you spent the money to do it on all. This especially given the extremely limited firing arc it would get coming outta the hanger combined with the hold being the largest open space in one of the ships that is still protected.
As for why it didn’t get adopted on later ISDs, who knows.
One option is that since Yoda is known to the Wookies, Yoda was there to ease tensions. Essentially you have a large Separatist force arriving to set up a base there, and the Wookies are having trouble removing them. Suddenly, a large force of clone troopers arrives on Kashyyk and starts making their battle plans. The Wookies might have gotten a little angry, as the clones might have been insinuating that the Wookies are not capable of their own defense. Yoda would have gotten between the two sides, keeping them from attacking each other.4. Kashyyk is one damn valuable piece of real estate since the top Jedi was willing to leave the capital to ensure its defense even as things are really starting to come to a head in the Capital and that he was not immediately called back from when the Chancellor was confirmed named a Sith. Given the travel times it would have been trivial to wait the extra hour or 2 for Yoda to return.
What the Separatists could have done is used a theater shield to protect their forces, and the Republic forces were there to drop under the shields, and engage the ground forces (like ESB). As for the location, the Separatists could have been trying to drive out the Republic forces at one of the entry points under the shield, and figured this one was the weak point (except for Yoda).
For this, I will disagree. The Republic has to be strategically offensive. The Separatist forces need room to build more of their automated factories on uncharted worlds, so they have the forces in a few months to engager the Republic with. If the Republic gives them that room, the factories will deliver automated death by the planetfull.5. The Republic was on the strategic defensive, they are forced to respond to whatever moves the Seperatists make. During the battle of Kashyyk the Seperatists were able to amass a large mobile force that was employing combined arms (note all the vehicles). However, the Republic was rushing in the equivalent of a Ranger regiment to defend the place given the lack of combined arms present and fighting purely on the defensive (fixed defensive with no visible mobile reaction force). I say rangers because all those troops present were obviously specialized units denoted by the special, non standard equipment they were using.
I see the Separatist forces as having four goals:
1) Build more automated factories
2) Transport resources to those factories
3) Destroy Republic communications/supply lines
4) Engage the Republic forces
- The automated factories are the Separatists' lifeline. Without their factories, they are little more than a bunch of arrogant jerks, but without any real force. With their automated factories, they can build hordes of combat droids, vehicles, and warships. Also, the Republic is likely hunting down those factories, to deny their use. So the Separatist have to be constantly building new factories, supplying the existing, and possibly moving/hiding the ones that have been spotted.
- Those factories need resources, obviously. The large transports full of materials could be tracked to the factories, so those transports have to be routed carefully. If someone reports in that several large transports have been arriving at a certain planet, the Republic will investigate it.
- Republic communications and supplies can be disrupted by taking out holonet relays, or attacking enemy supply centers. This keeps the Republic off-balance, and out of touch with its fleets. This could be used by the Separatist forces to convince worlds that the Republic is losing, and to join the Separatist forces. Without supplies, obviously the Republic forces cannot continue fighting.
- Engage Republic forces. In order to have a war, they have to be fighting. This keeps the Republic from destroying the automated factories, and gives them a chance to actually win.
Movie observations:
- Droidekas can walk with shields up. Not sure if this is a special upgrade for the flagship (TPM one had shields down while moving away from Anakin’s fighter), or a later upgrade for tactical usefulness.
- Banking Clan frigate guns can fire at variable yields. We saw one frigate in the movie firing 2 shots with ~1 second between them. The shots were similar in size (need DVD screencaps to make sure) so at most, they could vaporize a 793 meter wide moon (the full power blast could handle a 1000 meter moon, IIRC).
- Droid troops don’t run their power plants at full power 24/7. We heard one clone troop alert Yoda that they saw the Droids warming up their primary plants.
- General Grievous makes a handy TV antenna (whoops, this is from “Revenge of the Brick”.)
(Note. For the Banking Clan frigates, with the uber-guns in front, we did see them firing repeatedly during the Coruscant battle. The purpose of the frigates might have been to jump in, and fire their main gun at full power at one target, likely destroying it. After that, they use standard firing levels for the fleet battle. This would make them excellent raiders, able to jump in and destroy any convoy escorts, then engage the transports to capture them.)
(For life siphon, it could have required an amount of familiarization time. Anakin was able to siphon from Padme because they had been close for around a decade. Emperor was able to transfer to his clones because they were identical. For Emperor to baby Anakin, the baby could have been impressionable, plus the Emperor was going to be around him.)
-One with the Force: The ability to remain as a "ghost" was not known to the Old Republic era Jedi, and it was seemingly discovered by Qui Gon Jin who, somehow, managed to survive his own demise. This, I belive, matches with the fact that Obi-Wan warns Vader that, upon death, he will become more powereful than Vader can imagine, and also that Vader was suprised at Obi-Wan vanishing after being hit with the saber.
-Grievious: Apparently he had a secondary air supply of sorts in his cyber-body, also, whatever species he was from, his eyes seemed quite resilient (Exposed to hard vaccum, a living body will survive as long as it has an air supply, but any liquids will instantly boil and evaporate due to the lower pressure, thus indicating that Grievious' eyes can work properly even when dried up).
Given the ease with wich it was damaged, his body did not seem to be well armored (Obi-Wan pulled the plates with his bare hands), probably to grant greater agility.
-R2 Droids: Apparently, sound emitters, and maybe some "brain" functions of an Astromech droid are housed in the top dome, or so it seems considering R4's head still beeps while drifting away after being pulled off by Buzz Droids. Also of notice is that while it is being pulled off, it appears to contain, primarily, wires. There seems to be little room for all the gadgets that R2D2 pulls out, so maybe he is special not only because of extra gadgets, but because of his internal structure, wich could ALSO account for his resiliance to damage (Greatly exemplified by him surviving a direct hit from Vader's Tie)
-One with the Force: Maybe, once he returned to the Light, Anakin was taught how to become One with the Force by ObiWan, or Yoda, or both... Or maybe by QuiGonJinn himself, pretty much as Yoda was taught by QuiGon, with the detail that Anakin was already dead... But considering QuiGon's feat at learning this technique AFTER death, it is not unreasonable to think so.
-Use of the Force: It has been speculated about wich powers are stronger... Light or Dark? As this is specifically being discussed of the Telekinetik powers, I'd like to suggest that the difference here is not the power itself. Both Sith and Jedi use the very same "TK Power", only difference is what they fuel it with, so the real question should be who is stronger.
On regard of strengths... ObiWan defeats an apparently superior Anakin by using the height advantage, on the other hand, Yoda, even when confronted with a terrible height disadvantage when facing Palpatine, does not only resist, but manages to get up to him and match him. Had the battle been completely even (like, for example, Palpatine not having an army coming to his aid), Yoda would have probably won (Maybe the reason Palpatine was so eager to leave at first, until Yoda tickled his pride).
-Vader's Wounds and The Suit: Vader could have perfectly received wounds to his vertebrae during his fight with ObiWan. It could have been that he was lucky enough that the broken vertebrae stood in place, not severing the nerve, but were later fixed by the medical droids. I've personally seen this in real life, it's possible (the vertebrae staying in place, I mean
). An alternative option could be that the apparent fix is actually an interface for some of the suit's functions.
As for why Palpatine has the suit ready. it occurs to me that he could have it for HIMSELF, just in case something goes wrong.
-One with the Force: The ability to remain as a "ghost" was not known to the Old Republic era Jedi, and it was seemingly discovered by Qui Gon Jin who, somehow, managed to survive his own demise. This, I belive, matches with the fact that Obi-Wan warns Vader that, upon death, he will become more powereful than Vader can imagine, and also that Vader was suprised at Obi-Wan vanishing after being hit with the saber.
-Grievious: Apparently he had a secondary air supply of sorts in his cyber-body, also, whatever species he was from, his eyes seemed quite resilient (Exposed to hard vaccum, a living body will survive as long as it has an air supply, but any liquids will instantly boil and evaporate due to the lower pressure, thus indicating that Grievious' eyes can work properly even when dried up).
Given the ease with wich it was damaged, his body did not seem to be well armored (Obi-Wan pulled the plates with his bare hands), probably to grant greater agility.
-R2 Droids: Apparently, sound emitters, and maybe some "brain" functions of an Astromech droid are housed in the top dome, or so it seems considering R4's head still beeps while drifting away after being pulled off by Buzz Droids. Also of notice is that while it is being pulled off, it appears to contain, primarily, wires. There seems to be little room for all the gadgets that R2D2 pulls out, so maybe he is special not only because of extra gadgets, but because of his internal structure, wich could ALSO account for his resiliance to damage (Greatly exemplified by him surviving a direct hit from Vader's Tie)
-One with the Force: Maybe, once he returned to the Light, Anakin was taught how to become One with the Force by ObiWan, or Yoda, or both... Or maybe by QuiGonJinn himself, pretty much as Yoda was taught by QuiGon, with the detail that Anakin was already dead... But considering QuiGon's feat at learning this technique AFTER death, it is not unreasonable to think so.
-Use of the Force: It has been speculated about wich powers are stronger... Light or Dark? As this is specifically being discussed of the Telekinetik powers, I'd like to suggest that the difference here is not the power itself. Both Sith and Jedi use the very same "TK Power", only difference is what they fuel it with, so the real question should be who is stronger.
On regard of strengths... ObiWan defeats an apparently superior Anakin by using the height advantage, on the other hand, Yoda, even when confronted with a terrible height disadvantage when facing Palpatine, does not only resist, but manages to get up to him and match him. Had the battle been completely even (like, for example, Palpatine not having an army coming to his aid), Yoda would have probably won (Maybe the reason Palpatine was so eager to leave at first, until Yoda tickled his pride).
-Vader's Wounds and The Suit: Vader could have perfectly received wounds to his vertebrae during his fight with ObiWan. It could have been that he was lucky enough that the broken vertebrae stood in place, not severing the nerve, but were later fixed by the medical droids. I've personally seen this in real life, it's possible (the vertebrae staying in place, I mean

As for why Palpatine has the suit ready. it occurs to me that he could have it for HIMSELF, just in case something goes wrong.
More Revelations:
-Jedi Combat: It is further shown on ROTS that the core of Jedi combat is their Precognitive abilities. As QuiGon stated, they see things before they happen, that's why they seem to have such good reflexes. All throughout the Star Wars saga (OT and PT) the precognitive skills of the Force Users have been the base of their power. In ROTS, this Precog dependency is shown to be a weakness, as it is exploited by Palpatine through his Order 66. It is also shown to be powerful, as Obi Wan matches Grievious in lightsaber combat, even when Obi Wan cannot possibly emulate Grievious' physical skills.
Another point where I consider this is shown, is in the arrest scene, where Palpatine, whose Dark Shroud nullifies precognitive abilites, suprises and cuts down several Jedi Masters with little to no opposition.
-Mace Windu: He is often praised as one of the best warriors of the order. It might be reasonable to think that, unlike most Jedi, Mace Windu was skilled in lightsaber-combat regardless of precognitive ability, and as such did not suffer so much from that flaw. This is my interpretation of all the other Jedi masters being cut down in seconds, but Mace Windu managing to survive (Regardless of Palpatine's intentions).
-Jedi Combat: It is further shown on ROTS that the core of Jedi combat is their Precognitive abilities. As QuiGon stated, they see things before they happen, that's why they seem to have such good reflexes. All throughout the Star Wars saga (OT and PT) the precognitive skills of the Force Users have been the base of their power. In ROTS, this Precog dependency is shown to be a weakness, as it is exploited by Palpatine through his Order 66. It is also shown to be powerful, as Obi Wan matches Grievious in lightsaber combat, even when Obi Wan cannot possibly emulate Grievious' physical skills.
Another point where I consider this is shown, is in the arrest scene, where Palpatine, whose Dark Shroud nullifies precognitive abilites, suprises and cuts down several Jedi Masters with little to no opposition.
-Mace Windu: He is often praised as one of the best warriors of the order. It might be reasonable to think that, unlike most Jedi, Mace Windu was skilled in lightsaber-combat regardless of precognitive ability, and as such did not suffer so much from that flaw. This is my interpretation of all the other Jedi masters being cut down in seconds, but Mace Windu managing to survive (Regardless of Palpatine's intentions).
You can't really equate the job they did on Grievous to what they did to Vader. With Grievous, he's just an organ bag with a brain and eyes. With Vader, he's still human except his lungs are damaged, he's horribly scarred, and he's lost his three remaining limbs. In reality, there's no reason for Vader to not be able to move as fast as he did prior to his injuries. If anything, his new cyborg limbs would've made him superior in that regard.Stravo wrote: Vader on the other hand was brute strength and power with a reasonable amount if agility. With the Jedi gone there was no real need to make Vader greased lightning fast and more importantly it jibed more with Anakin's 'style' in the sense that he now relied on strength and power over acrobatics. Greavious' style was more snake like rapid strikes and contortions.
I don't see him as flawed, he simply represents a different design philosophy.
The whole "old man vs a cripple" and "untrained boy vs a cripple" thing is bullshit anyway, we all know that if Lucas had Nic Gillard and cool CGI tech at his disposal almost 3 decades ago Obi-Wan would've moved like Count Dooku does in his duel (remember, Obi-Wan is 58 in ANH compared to Count Dooku's 80/83 in AotC/RotS), and Vader would've been just as fast. Same with the other duels.
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True, but it can be explained with the "Force Wall" stuff that we heard about in the AOTC novelization and which was also described in some of the early script treatments for the original ANH movie. Powerful Jedi like to use the Force to slow their opponents' movements, and if one Jedi uses that technique against the other, the other will be forced to retaliate in kind.Vympel wrote:The whole "old man vs a cripple" and "untrained boy vs a cripple" thing is bullshit anyway, we all know that if Lucas had Nic Gillard and cool CGI tech at his disposal almost 3 decades ago Obi-Wan would've moved like Count Dooku does in his duel (remember, Obi-Wan is 58 in ANH compared to Count Dooku's 80/83 in AotC/RotS), and Vader would've been just as fast. Same with the other duels.

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
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Well, their style has changed a lot- you will never see Vader do what Anakin did in terms of flahsyness, though Obi-Wan at one point in the ANH fight still does a little twirl. Mike had it right- I remember when I was discussing with Crown the ANH novelization's account of the duel between Obi-Wan and Vader, that the Force is being used- at the outset Obi-Wan's sweaty, his eyes are watering, his eyelids are fluttering, and he's dizzy. In the novel, this brings on the "your powers are weak, old man." line from Vader, and it's in the film too (though at a different point, the issue behind it is the same). Vader also notes in the duel in the novelization that while Obi-Wan has retained his skill, his power fades.HemlockGrey wrote:I heard somewhere that the difference between prequel duels and OT duels could be explained as a result of Vader and Obi/Yoda adopting different, more conservative fighting styles in the 20 intervening years. I don't remember if it was a canon source or just some post on this board, though.
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Watching the film the second time, it appears the heavy turrets on the Venator may be capable of a rate of fire of <1 sec, putting to bed old claims of slow firing heavy weaponry.
Regarding the broadside battle between grievous flagship and the Republic Venator, did anyone notice any shield effects?
Given the battering the other opposing ships shields appeared to be sustaining (e.g. from the hanger view) is it likely that both ships shields had collapsed prior to the broadside exchange? Or, is it possible that at such close range there was some kind of interaction between the shields allowing weapons fire through?
Regarding the broadside battle between grievous flagship and the Republic Venator, did anyone notice any shield effects?
Given the battering the other opposing ships shields appeared to be sustaining (e.g. from the hanger view) is it likely that both ships shields had collapsed prior to the broadside exchange? Or, is it possible that at such close range there was some kind of interaction between the shields allowing weapons fire through?
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what I think about the difference of Anakin's and Luke's arm is that Luke's arm is civilian version mean to look and function like your real arm, were Anakin's arm is military version that functions like a real arm (apart of the fact that pain sensors are optional), but it's build for easy maintanence unlike Luke's
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
- Lord Revan
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BTW I don't if this already said (or correct) but.
The Senate Building has a landing pads big enough to fit a 145-155 meter starship (the Tantive IV), yet the structure is almost invisible in all longrdistance views (the ring in top part of the "mushroom")
The Senate Building has a landing pads big enough to fit a 145-155 meter starship (the Tantive IV), yet the structure is almost invisible in all longrdistance views (the ring in top part of the "mushroom")
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
More quick observations I forgot to mention:
-The Wookiees fire green bolts fired out of their bowcastors and rapid fire, AND have a "bowstring" that stays "strung" (see the Wook firing out of an ornithopter 'Nam style).
So it looks like some game conventions snuck in and are now G-Level, at least for this period!
-The Jedi we see "killed" (not inside a vehicle) take multiple hits. So either they're really tough or else the Stormtroopers weren't going to take any chances.
-We hear the Tarzan yell being used by Wookiees again.
I wonder if it was Chewie doing it in ROTS? Guess we'll have to wait for the DVD to be sure...
-The Wookiees fire green bolts fired out of their bowcastors and rapid fire, AND have a "bowstring" that stays "strung" (see the Wook firing out of an ornithopter 'Nam style).
So it looks like some game conventions snuck in and are now G-Level, at least for this period!

-The Jedi we see "killed" (not inside a vehicle) take multiple hits. So either they're really tough or else the Stormtroopers weren't going to take any chances.
-We hear the Tarzan yell being used by Wookiees again.

Last edited by Kurgan on 2005-06-04 05:38pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Spanky The Dolphin
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No, it's just a fuck up, plain and simple. In my opinion the times where there is a lack of a droid body on the underside of the fighter should be ignored as the error and oversight that it plainly is. No need to reconcile a screw up.Kurgan wrote:Telescoping droid bodies?

I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
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- Cal Wright
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These are revelations from the novel as I read it. Hardcover of course.
As a note, some of this stuff might have previously appeared in the EU, but is now high tier cannon so it bears mentioning.
pg. 1
Coruscant has orbital mirrors.
Palpatine of Naboo is the most admired man in the galaxy, and loved
General Grievous has slaughtered billions, burned whole planets.
Kenobi and Skywalker are household names. Held in high regard, and are actually sought for the biggest crisis that arrive.
'Adults' suspect that Jedi cannot be trusted anymore.
ch 1
Droids can develop bad habits, and other droids can pick them up. Evident from Obi Wan's thoughts on his exhange with the astromech R4-P17 after being in prolonged contact with R2-D2.
Anakin is the most powerful Jedi of his generation and possibly of any. Described as being the best ever.
Obi Wan makes a reference that even Buzz Droids are getting smaller
The Royal Engineers of Naboo install sophisticated upgrades to thier droids, in which Anakin has added an astonishing amount to Rd-D2.
Big Jump
Darth Plagueis was master to Sidious, and Sidious killed him.
pg 294
Obi Wan used lightsabre form Soresu, which was most common.
Soresu is founded on basic deflection principles and is taught to all Padawans.
The clones follow orders. Withough malic, hatred or ill will the Jedi do not perceive thier intent. This coupled with the darkness clouding the Force.
As a note, some of this stuff might have previously appeared in the EU, but is now high tier cannon so it bears mentioning.
pg. 1
Coruscant has orbital mirrors.
Palpatine of Naboo is the most admired man in the galaxy, and loved
General Grievous has slaughtered billions, burned whole planets.
Kenobi and Skywalker are household names. Held in high regard, and are actually sought for the biggest crisis that arrive.
'Adults' suspect that Jedi cannot be trusted anymore.
ch 1
Droids can develop bad habits, and other droids can pick them up. Evident from Obi Wan's thoughts on his exhange with the astromech R4-P17 after being in prolonged contact with R2-D2.
Anakin is the most powerful Jedi of his generation and possibly of any. Described as being the best ever.
Obi Wan makes a reference that even Buzz Droids are getting smaller
The Royal Engineers of Naboo install sophisticated upgrades to thier droids, in which Anakin has added an astonishing amount to Rd-D2.
Big Jump
Darth Plagueis was master to Sidious, and Sidious killed him.
pg 294
Obi Wan used lightsabre form Soresu, which was most common.
Soresu is founded on basic deflection principles and is taught to all Padawans.
The clones follow orders. Withough malic, hatred or ill will the Jedi do not perceive thier intent. This coupled with the darkness clouding the Force.
Were you born with out a sense of humor or did you lose it in a tragic whoppy cushion accident? -Stormbringer
"We are well and truly forked." -Mace Windu Shatterpoint
"Either way KJA is now Dune's problem. Why can't he stop tormenting me and start writting fucking Star Trek books." -Lord Pounder
The Dark Guard Fleet
Post 1500 acheived on Thu Jan 23, 2003 at 2:48 am
Good observation... Well, an ordinary person could stay conscious for about 10 seconds in a complete vacuum, less if there's a rapid decompression. Perhaps the Jedi has some kind of survival technique.Petrosjko wrote:Another one that occurred to me recently-
Jedi obviously are big on going down with their ships. No Jedi that we've seen yet wears any kind of a flight suit, and obviously could not eject from their craft outside of the atmosphere as a result.
- Darth Servo
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I don't know if this has been pointed out yet but another piece of tech for hyperdrive: Obi-wan is hunting down General Greious, he sends R2 and hsi starfighter back to the clones to let them know he has located the Sepratists, then goes to confront Grevious. The clones arive within minutes.
"everytime a person is born the Earth weighs just a little more."--DMJ on
"You see now you are using your thinking and that is not a good thing!" DMJay on
"Watching Sarli argue with Vympel, Stas, Schatten and the others is as bizarre as the idea of the 40-year-old Virgin telling Hugh Hefner that Hef knows nothing about pussy, and that he is the expert."--Elfdart
"You see now you are using your thinking and that is not a good thing!" DMJay on
"Watching Sarli argue with Vympel, Stas, Schatten and the others is as bizarre as the idea of the 40-year-old Virgin telling Hugh Hefner that Hef knows nothing about pussy, and that he is the expert."--Elfdart
- Sharpshooter
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How's that so big? Maybe he parked his fleet a few seconds away from the planet, just outside of the range of any sensors the base had. Or are you bringing this up with the 100 (IIRC) lightyear sensor range in mind?Darth Servo wrote:I don't know if this has been pointed out yet but another piece of tech for hyperdrive: Obi-wan is hunting down General Greious, he sends R2 and hsi starfighter back to the clones to let them know he has located the Sepratists, then goes to confront Grevious. The clones arive within minutes.
EDIT: Nevermind, my error.
Last edited by Sharpshooter on 2005-06-05 09:27pm, edited 1 time in total.
This has been another blunder by you friendly local idiot.
- LaserRifleofDoom
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Would it be acceptable to just post my general reply to everything right here, since I seem to be breaking up a discussion... oh well, I'll do it anyway.
On Anakin's artificial arm, it's been my opinion that he could have gotte a realistic one, it wouldn't have been a technological leap. However, when I watched it, I was under the impression that the Jedi wouldn't allow it. They're a monastic order, and there might be rules about having a realistic artificial hand, or other jewelries. Some sort of vow of poverty perhaps? This would go along with the fact that every single Jedi dresses practically the same way, except Anakin, who's not completely trusted/respected.
Also, since R2D2 doesn't recognize Yoda, whom he's met in I, II, and III, when Luke lands on Degobah, we can assume that he's had his memory wiped too. Presumably at the same time as C3P0. I say at the same time, because it would be standard procedure to wipe a droid right as he is aquired, rather than later on and risk losing personal information. Since the emphasis was to wipe the protocal droid, we can probably assume that he had seen something that Organa wanted to be kept secret, leading into my next point.
Obviously, Anakin thinks that Padme died. And everything the characters do in the last sequences seems to support this. But do we actually see her die? Does anybody in a position to know say "she's dead"? Since we have evidence of her surviving in the next trilogy, Lea's memories, I think they saved her. Her funeral was an attempt by the Obi-Wan and Yoda, with the help a few people they can trust, to keep Vader from lookinh further into the matter. If he is curious or 'relapses' and feels the need to visit her body, there is both a tomb and a planet full of people who were at the funeral. This eliminates the conflict between the trilogies (though I admit I haven't read the book for RotS). Losing the 'will' to live doesn't mean they can't sustain her life until she's regained it, and this eliminates the need for all the messy "force connection with Anakin" stuff. Also, judging be the hands, this is a specialized birthing droid, probably not a particular expert on anything else.
Also, apparently the Rebellion is using older medical droids, since we see the same type, though almost certainly nto the same one, used in this film being used by them. On the subject of droids and the Rebellion, I think that since R2D2 was owned by Organa, an active member of the Rebellion's diplomatic wing, we can account for him losing many of his cool features between trilogies. Since he's owned by a diplomat, not a warrior, it is only logical that any of his 'combat' features have been stripped and used as replacement parts for front-line astromechs.
On the fact that therre is apparently a landing strip in Coruscant, which some members have taken as an indication of non-VTOl craft. When I saw this, I decided on two possible explainations: that this is a emergency strip just for such a purpopse, seemingly supported by the proximity of the firefighting ships. Or that this is a berth for an even larger vessel to take off and land vertically. We see Venators landed on Corusant at the end of EpII, so we know that large craft can go in-atmosphere. A city-world like Coruscant would probably need very large craft to land on a regular basis to unlaod supplies, as it seems inefficient to ferry them down in smaller vehicles.
Also, though this isn't very important, I thought Palpatine said Darth Pelagus was the one who had discovered the secret to life. I'm sure I heard a vowel between the "P" and the "l".
On Anakin's artificial arm, it's been my opinion that he could have gotte a realistic one, it wouldn't have been a technological leap. However, when I watched it, I was under the impression that the Jedi wouldn't allow it. They're a monastic order, and there might be rules about having a realistic artificial hand, or other jewelries. Some sort of vow of poverty perhaps? This would go along with the fact that every single Jedi dresses practically the same way, except Anakin, who's not completely trusted/respected.
Also, since R2D2 doesn't recognize Yoda, whom he's met in I, II, and III, when Luke lands on Degobah, we can assume that he's had his memory wiped too. Presumably at the same time as C3P0. I say at the same time, because it would be standard procedure to wipe a droid right as he is aquired, rather than later on and risk losing personal information. Since the emphasis was to wipe the protocal droid, we can probably assume that he had seen something that Organa wanted to be kept secret, leading into my next point.
Obviously, Anakin thinks that Padme died. And everything the characters do in the last sequences seems to support this. But do we actually see her die? Does anybody in a position to know say "she's dead"? Since we have evidence of her surviving in the next trilogy, Lea's memories, I think they saved her. Her funeral was an attempt by the Obi-Wan and Yoda, with the help a few people they can trust, to keep Vader from lookinh further into the matter. If he is curious or 'relapses' and feels the need to visit her body, there is both a tomb and a planet full of people who were at the funeral. This eliminates the conflict between the trilogies (though I admit I haven't read the book for RotS). Losing the 'will' to live doesn't mean they can't sustain her life until she's regained it, and this eliminates the need for all the messy "force connection with Anakin" stuff. Also, judging be the hands, this is a specialized birthing droid, probably not a particular expert on anything else.
Also, apparently the Rebellion is using older medical droids, since we see the same type, though almost certainly nto the same one, used in this film being used by them. On the subject of droids and the Rebellion, I think that since R2D2 was owned by Organa, an active member of the Rebellion's diplomatic wing, we can account for him losing many of his cool features between trilogies. Since he's owned by a diplomat, not a warrior, it is only logical that any of his 'combat' features have been stripped and used as replacement parts for front-line astromechs.
On the fact that therre is apparently a landing strip in Coruscant, which some members have taken as an indication of non-VTOl craft. When I saw this, I decided on two possible explainations: that this is a emergency strip just for such a purpopse, seemingly supported by the proximity of the firefighting ships. Or that this is a berth for an even larger vessel to take off and land vertically. We see Venators landed on Corusant at the end of EpII, so we know that large craft can go in-atmosphere. A city-world like Coruscant would probably need very large craft to land on a regular basis to unlaod supplies, as it seems inefficient to ferry them down in smaller vehicles.
Also, though this isn't very important, I thought Palpatine said Darth Pelagus was the one who had discovered the secret to life. I'm sure I heard a vowel between the "P" and the "l".
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