Sorry in advance if someone already came up with this / too crazy for discussion / is blatently obvious

Moderator: Vympel
That was the implication I got, as well.Grasscutter wrote:Saw RotS for the second time and a crazy thought popped into my head. Palpatine told Anakin that Darth Plagueis can influence midichlorians to produce life. Anakin was supposedly a "virgin" birth caused by the Force ... what if Anakin was created by Plagueis as part of a massive plot to destroy the Jedi?
Sorry in advance if someone already came up with this / too crazy for discussion / is blatently obvious.
Palps didn’t reveal he was the Sith at that point in the movie he probably threw it in there so he wouldn’t sound suspicious.Crown wrote:The thing I found funny was that Palpatine refered to it as 'the legend of Darth Plagueis' ... how can it be a legend if it is at most an event that happened only 1 generation before? But then again, I guess I could be wrong after all as the Great Lesley said; 'Greatness is a term endowed upon a man already dead' (or words to that affect). Or you know, Lucas could have slipped up a little; parsec's anyone?
because it makes it impossible for Anakin to realize that Sidious is talking about his own master (and that he's a Sith lord) before it's too late.Crown wrote:The thing I found funny was that Palpatine refered to it as 'the legend of Darth Plagueis' ... how can it be a legend if it is at most an event that happened only 1 generation before? But then again, I guess I could be wrong after all as the Great Lesley said; 'Greatness is a term endowed upon a man already dead' (or words to that affect). Or you know, Lucas could have slipped up a little; parsec's anyone?
Or his use of the phrase 'it's a Sith legend' was just meant to impress Anakin.Crown wrote:The thing I found funny was that Palpatine refered to it as 'the legend of Darth Plagueis' ... how can it be a legend if it is at most an event that happened only 1 generation before? But then again, I guess I could be wrong after all as the Great Lesley said; 'Greatness is a term endowed upon a man already dead' (or words to that affect). Or you know, Lucas could have slipped up a little; parsec's anyone?
Of course earlier drafts of the script had a line of dialogue that Sidious simply FORGOT that ability because he had no use for a power that kept loved ones alive. Thankfully that did not make it on screen as it is a laughable excuse.Connor MacLeod wrote:Didn't Palpy say that Plaggy taught his apprentice all he knew, and then the apprentice killed him? And then later on, after anakin becomes Palpy's apprentice, he says that only together could they discover the secret?
Basically, its almost certain Palpy was telling Anakin what he wanted to hear, desperate as he was to save Padme, just so he would side with Sidious.
Of course the other explaination could simply be that Darth Plagueis wasn't Darth Sidious' master after all. I mean, most of us are basing the assumption that the former was the later's master off the look Palpy has when telling the story to Anakin. If it's not somewhere else (like the novelisation, VD, etc), then there is no reason to believe that Darth Plagueis was Darth Sidious' master at all, and that look could have been just the general smirk when an apprentice kills a master, you know; the Sith way.Stravo wrote:Of course earlier drafts of the script had a line of dialogue that Sidious simply FORGOT that ability because he had no use for a power that kept loved ones alive. Thankfully that did not make it on screen as it is a laughable excuse.Connor MacLeod wrote:Didn't Palpy say that Plaggy taught his apprentice all he knew, and then the apprentice killed him? And then later on, after anakin becomes Palpy's apprentice, he says that only together could they discover the secret?
Basically, its almost certain Palpy was telling Anakin what he wanted to hear, desperate as he was to save Padme, just so he would side with Sidious.
It now becomes the much more believable Palpy pulling shit out of his ass to trap Anakin.
Yes it is stated explicitly somewhere else dumbass. In LoE Dooku's inner monologue reveals unequivocably that Darth Plagueis was Darth Sidious' Master, I wish cock-goblins like you would fucking read up on what they are talking about first rather than sprouting their big mouths off!Crown wrote:Of course if it is explicitly stated somewhere, then the above is wrong (obviously). I just feel that we need to keep things in perspective.
Well, since Palpatine, at that point, represented the entire Sith Order, he pretty much got to decide which stories get to be legends anyway.Kuja wrote:Or his use of the phrase 'it's a Sith legend' was just meant to impress Anakin.Crown wrote:The thing I found funny was that Palpatine refered to it as 'the legend of Darth Plagueis' ... how can it be a legend if it is at most an event that happened only 1 generation before? But then again, I guess I could be wrong after all as the Great Lesley said; 'Greatness is a term endowed upon a man already dead' (or words to that affect). Or you know, Lucas could have slipped up a little; parsec's anyone?
not that difficult to figure really. the jedi probably misunderstood in a moment of hubris that bringing balance to the force meant getting rid of all the sith. they probably didn't seem to realize that with all the jedi there were, the force was already imbalanced, except to the light side. so anakin killing off all the jedi but two balanced it out.Lusankya wrote:I figured that the prophecy was misunderstood becuase the Jedi assumed that the Chosen One would get rid of the Sith. I found that rather odd, because there were thousands of Jedi, but only two Sith.
At the end of the movie, there were only two Jedi and two Sith, which sounds a lot more even.