Take a ride...on the Dark Side?

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Who would you ride with?

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
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Han Solo
Princess Leia
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Other (Mace, Lando, Mara Jade, Qui-Gon)
No thanks, I'll watch the movie
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Take a ride...on the Dark Side?

Post by Medicus »

So your favorite magic sky pixie appears and gives you an interesting offer. You get to join with a Star Wars character on the journey of their life. How it works: You will see through their eyes, hear through their ears, feel their emotions, sense their thoughts, etc... You can even act as an "inner voice" to some extent, questioning their motives and actions. The character will continue their actions as depicted in canon no matter what you "say" to them.

You will join with them in early childhood, and stay will them until a couple years after the end of RoTJ. If they die and become a force ghost you will stay with them. Once this is over you return to your normal life with no time passed.

So who do you pick? Would it change if this was extended into the post RoTJ EU?

1) Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Know the intimate details concerning his turn to the dark side. Know what is going through his head as he learns he has a living son.

2) Yoda. You get to live with Yoda for centuries and experience the world of Star Wars through an extremely powerful Jedi Master. The last decades are going to be painful as friends are slaughtered and an institution you have protected for centuries is destroyed.

3) Luke Skywalker. Live a tough life as a moisture farmer, experience the thrills of becoming a Jedi. If extended to the EU you would share in the rebuilding of the Jedi order.

4) Han Solo. Live through the eyes of the galaxy's most lovable smuggler. You get the girl at the end, you get to see the seedy underbelly of the galaxy, all in all probably an interesting experience.

5) Palpatine. Find out his history. From Naboo? Some backwater outer rim planet? What did he really feel about Anakin? When did he start his plans for a takeover of the Republic? Obviously a very dark choice.

For me, I think I would go with Han Solo. An interesting and varied life, lots of action, and I might even pick up some skills applicable to real life!
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Qui-Gon. I'd like to see the events that shaped him into the Jedi that learned to secret to immortality.
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Post by Dangermouse »


I enjoy mystery, and intrigue and I want more details in to how the puppetmaster was able to place and eventually manipulate the strings. I am curious as to when Palpatine's plot was first conceived and how it has been modified over the years. Was it simply for power and the Sith's quest to rule the galaxy? How much did Palpatine's dislike of the corruption and bureacracy in the Republic come into play? To what extent does the new Emperor care for his subjects under his rule?

What were his thoughts when he betrayed his master? What events led to his adoption of the Dark Side and transformed him into a very calculating but patient individual who shows little hesitation and remorse for both betraying his cohorts as well as killing civilians? What sort of horrific mindset leads someone to orchestrate a civil war and play both sides simply as a means to gain absolute power?

In ROTS, we see Palpatine adopt Anakin as his new apprentice. However, there are hints that their relationship goes beyond one of master and apprentice, and that at times, Palpatine becomes almost a father figure to Anakin. I am interested to see how this relationship develops over the years leading up to ROTJ, and whether or not Palpatine suspected Vader's intentions in ESB. I am also curious to know exactly how Palpatine felt about Anakin. Was his main motivation regarding Anakin simply to corrupt and adopt a new apprentice? To what extent does the Emperior care about Anakin and Anakin's acheivements?

I like the complexity that is added to Palpatine from ESB / ROTJ and I am curious to learn more.
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Post by Noble Ire »


Not only do you get the thrill of being a General of the Rebellion, fly the MF against the DS ll, go toe to toe with a fleet of pirate vessels at the battle of Tanaab, etc. but you'd also get the advantage of seeing a master gambler in action..... and a ladies man. :wink:

And non of that pesky force business either, it always ends in tears.
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Post by Lancer »

Since being an inner voice won't change anything, I'd probably go with Han Solo.

If being an inner voice actually did allow you to change the outcome of events though, I'd go tag along in Anakin's head.
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Post by Mr. B »

Id like to get my monies worth, and an 800 year old jedi master would do it. I say Yoda.
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Post by Robert Walper »

The pervert in me says Padme...eye candy anyone? ;)

But honestly, I voted watching the movie. Watching the world through someone else's eyes would be much too like a prison, especially since the option of being the inner voice doesn't change a thing. May as well not be there. Like...watching the movie.
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Post by xcr »

The inner voice changes nothing? or nothing covered in 'cannon'?
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Post by Thirdfain »

Robert Walper wrote:The pervert in me says Padme...eye candy anyone? ;)
You'd find out what it's like to be penetrated by Hayden Christiansen... :?

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Post by The Cleric »

Thirdfain wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:The pervert in me says Padme...eye candy anyone? ;)
You'd find out what it's like to be penetrated by Hayden Christiansen... :?
Just wait till Einy finds this thread....
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Post by Robert Walper »

Thirdfain wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:The pervert in me says Padme...eye candy anyone? ;)
You'd find out what it's like to be penetrated by Hayden Christiansen... :?
:shock: I was so engrossed in the idea of the mirror...I forgot that part.
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Post by Srynerson »

Thirdfain wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:The pervert in me says Padme...eye candy anyone? ;)
You'd find out what it's like to be penetrated by Hayden Christiansen... :?
Yes, but are a few rounds of that worse than 900 years of Yoda dealing with personal hygiene issues? :P
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Post by Solauren »


With him, you get it all, the highs, the lows, all over the entire galaxy, a nice rest period, marry the princess, have a mess of kids, and even go through having to lose your best friend and your son, and yet finding the inner strength to kick some serious scared headed ass
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