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Post by Noble Ire »

I watched ROTS for a second time as well, and I liked it alot better (this is most likely due to the lower percentage of loud-mouthed idiots in the crowd.) I watched the Aayla scene carefully, and I noted several smaller burn marks, and a huge chunk of livid flesh that seemed to be blown out of her back. Its easily missed, but there nonetheless.

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Post by Cykeisme »

Saw it again, watching out for stuff that was mentioned.

That Death Star looks different from the final version, especially the superlaser dish. If Lucas asserts that it's the same one, then it had to have undergone some major rebuilding/rebuilding.

Mace looked like he really had Palpatine on the ropes.
Palp's lightsaber flew out the window, it was still ignited and obvious (though it was shutting off as it went out), and not up his sleeve as some people somehow figured.
I'm certain that Palpy could probably have gotten up and beaten Mace somehow even without Anakin's help though.. possibly by just lightning blasting the lightsaber out of Mace's hands the way he did to Yoda later. Mace was actually the one groaning and screaming while trying to block the lightning with his saber, while Palpy was busy talking to Anakin!
Look at how fast he stands up after frying Mace, he wasn't "so weak.." at all.
I agree that his meltiness was definitely not simple damage. It's a disguise falling away, or his inner Darkside-ishness revealing itself

I noticed after Palpy goes "henceforth, you shall me known as Darth... Vader. Riiiiiise!", the scene cuts to Yoda on Kashyyk. Yoda sensed Anakin's turning :o

Watch closely. Just before Yoda and Palpy get blown apart by the superpowered multiflavored yummy Force explosion, Palpy's face takes on a look of shock and disbelief at Yoda's ability to absorb the Force or somesuch. Palpy is left hanging on to the edge of his Senate pod, while Yoda falls because his back was to the edge. That little green guy sure did look funny bouncing off pods and floors when he fell at his defeat (ouch). :D
After seeing it again with that in mind, I assert that they were close enough in their knowledge of the Force that it could have gone either way.

There a complaint a few pages ago about Obi-Wan prying open Grievous' torso plating.
I just watched the movie again.. look how forcefully Obi-Wan slams the MagnaGuard staff into Grievous' chest when the cyborg is lying on the ground, it looks like it could almost break Grievous in half right there.
The plating was damaged and loosened, plus Obi-Wan might have been augmenting his ability with the Force when he pried it.
Revenge of the Sith script wrote:GENERAL GRIEVOUS's stomachplate is loose. OBI-WAN grabs it and rips it off, revealing the alien life form's guts encased in a bag in the Droid's chest. GENERAL GRIEVOUS grabs OBI-WAN, hoists him over his head, and tosses him across the platform.
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Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Vympel wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote: [*] 10MJ Clone rifles, barely singing Aayla's Back. Where was the smoke, the burnt craters?
Don't be absurd. Why would they be using a maximum power, wall cratering shot against a person?
For the same reason they'd go all blaster bukkake on her. Just because.

I maintain that she must have offened them or something, because they certainly didn't spam all the other jedi with hot, lasery overkill.

Maybe Twi'leks are just naturally tough and fire-retardant?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Just saw RotS again and lots of my critisms don't seem so bad whne you know their comming. I still feel most of the first half of the movie could be deleted and you'd have the same end result. A couple of notes the old fashioned cinema i saw it at had an amaing well timed break, between the 'show no mercy' scene and the order 66 scene.

Oddly enough my mum told me she missed the light releif and Jar-Jar in the film :shock:

Oh yeah, and my dad felt Obi-Wan should have finished Vader off...
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Post by wautd »

Saw it last night. Found it pretty good and by far the best of the new trilogy.

Things that I liked the most:
- Obi Wan. Kicked. Ass
- Execution of Order 66. Kicked. Ass
- No obvious plotholes regarding to the OT
- Anakins mutilation. Not because I hate him (he was far less annoying compared to EP 1 & 2) but because it was so gruesome. I was afraid it was going to be cheesy but luckely I was wrong
- Action, and lots of it
- Jar Jar, little of it

Things that bugged me the most:
- The droid voice acting in Grevious ship. And I tought they were bad in EP1. Even those heavy battledroids had the same silly voices, not to mention they got destroyed by fire (they could shrugg off a blaster bolt in EP2 ffs :roll: )
- Walkers, walkers everywhere. I loved the AT-AT, AT-ST and the AT-TE but in EP3 it was simply overdone. They put legs under almost everything. (kudos to the Juggernaut tank. I must say the design grown on me.) Where was the cool AAT?
- Battle on Wookie-planet. Lame. I expected a battle at least on par with the end battle of EP2. Instead we get a short, akward skirmisch. I can forgive the poor tactics used at Genosis since they had to move fast and forward and there was no cover. However, on Wookieplanet they were on the defence and they just_kept_standing_still in the open.

Minor things I liked the most:
- The visual evolution of the clonetrooper armor to stormtrooper armor. Well done
- Seeing Tarkin
- Seeing the DSI in construction (altough the disch looked odd imo)

Minor things I missed the most
- Seeing Anakin effortlessly beat a couple Jedi Padawans and a Knight
- More of the opening space battle. Nothing against following Ani and Obi but it would have been better if it was proceeded by countless nameless fighters duking it out and more capital ship combat. The ROTJ battle will stay the best
- Again: the AAT dammit
- Correlia
- only one spacebattle. The ROTJ spacebattle is still better than all NT spacebattles combined

Unlike the other 2, I'm probably going to see this for a second time
Last edited by wautd on 2005-06-01 07:08am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Vympel »

wautd wrote:Even those heavy battledroids had the same silly voices, not to mention they got destroyed by fire (they could shrugg off a blaster bolt in EP2 ffs :roll: )
This is a stupid criticism. Do you see flamethrowers and similar weapons being common weapons in Star Wars? How about the big flexible mid-section that is obviously not armor?
- Walkers, walkers everywhere. I loved the AT-AT, AT-ST and the AT-TE but in EP3 it was simply overdone. They put legs under almost everything. (kudos to the Juggernaut tank. I must say the design grown on me.) Where was the cool AAT?
There were three new walker designs in RotS- AT-RT, AT-AP, and an unindentified open-top APC. And there was also the Tank Droids.
- Battle on Wookie-planet. Lame. I expected a battle at least on par with the end battle of EP2. Instead we get a short, akward skirmisch. I can forgive the poor tactics used at Genosis since they had to move fast and forward and there was no cover. However, on Wookieplanet they were on the defence and they just_kept_standing_still in the open.
A battle like that in EP2, in EP3? Ummm, what would be the point? Do you have any idea the ground they needed to cover? What would you propose cutting to get your wish?
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Post by wautd »

I stand by my previous comments
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Post by Cykeisme »

Bob the Gunslinger wrote:For the same reason they'd go all blaster bukkake on her. Just because.

I maintain that she must have offened them or something, because they certainly didn't spam all the other jedi with hot, lasery overkill.
Will the suggestive jokes at poor Aayla's expense ever stop?!

Edit: Regarding the Super Battle Droid voices.. I was a bit peeved at first, considering they had made booming, commanding mechanical grunts in Republic Commando.
After thinking about it, though, there's no reason why they should sound any different from the B1 droids. They're supposed to share a lot of internal components with the B1s, save for better armor, weaponry and servos.
That still doesn't mean that voice is excusable for either type of droid, of course.
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator

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"It would just be Unicron with pew pew instead of nom nom". - Vendetta, explaining his justified disinterest in the idea of the movie Allspark affecting the Death Star
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Post by wautd »

VT-16 wrote:
3. Repubic armored vehicles

It's not just the AT-AP, AT-RT, and Juggernaut. Not only are there other walkers for which we don't have a name yet, there are Republic tanks. Yes, with treads. See the Mygeeto sequence, where Ki-Adi-Mundi bites the dust.
Oh, goody, now my longing for this film will only get worse! :D
Hmmm, interesting. I will pay attention for those when I go see a second time
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Post by VT-16 »

I loved the AT-AT, AT-ST and the AT-TE but in EP3 it was simply overdone. They put legs under almost everything. (kudos to the Juggernaut tank. I must say the design grown on me.)
To be fair, the only new walkers were an AT-ST predecessor, a mobile artillery and an APC, all of which needed to manouver over uneven terrain. In other words, ideal walker-ground.

Then there´s the Juggernaut, a couple of hover speeders and at least one traditional tank. In other words, alot more diverse military than what one might believe judging by the OT alone. (Am I the only one sick and tired of every other OT EU source jerking over the AT-AT/AT-ST combo like it´s the only thing worth mentioning? :P)
- Battle on Wookie-planet. Lame. I expected a battle at least on par with the end battle of EP2. Instead we get a short, akward skirmisch. I can forgive the poor tactics used at Genosis since they had to move fast and forward and there was no cover. However, on Wookieplanet they were on the defence and they just_kept_standing_still in the open.

They had plenty of trenches dug, as well at hiding behind those huge trees and launching airstrikes. Looked to me as though they let the Separatists in and surrounded them, picking them off. (The DVD supposedly will contain more scenes from this battle.)
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Post by wautd »

VT-16 wrote:
I loved the AT-AT, AT-ST and the AT-TE but in EP3 it was simply overdone. They put legs under almost everything. (kudos to the Juggernaut tank. I must say the design grown on me.)
To be fair, the only new walkers were an AT-ST predecessor, a mobile artillery and an APC, all of which needed to manouver over uneven terrain. In other words, ideal walker-ground.

Then there´s the Juggernaut, a couple of hover speeders and at least one traditional tank. In other words, alot more diverse military than what one might believe judging by the OT alone. (Am I the only one sick and tired of every other OT EU source jerking over the AT-AT/AT-ST combo like it´s the only thing worth mentioning? :P)
- Battle on Wookie-planet. Lame. I expected a battle at least on par with the end battle of EP2. Instead we get a short, akward skirmisch. I can forgive the poor tactics used at Genosis since they had to move fast and forward and there was no cover. However, on Wookieplanet they were on the defence and they just_kept_standing_still in the open.

They had plenty of trenches dug, as well at hiding behind those huge trees and launching airstrikes. Looked to me as though they let the Separatists in and surrounded them, picking them off. (The DVD supposedly will contain more scenes from this battle.)

Well, i missed a lot of details like the trenches, the tanks and all that other stuff. The battles were all just overwhelming.
Can't wait for the dvd to see it in slow-mo

Oh you know what sucked the most during the first half of the movie? I had a few beers and I really had to take a piss after the opening crawl already. I managed to sit it trough untill the break tough. No way I was going to miss even 2 minutes of the movie

Can you imagine there were a few people who came late and entered the theatre right after the crashlanding? What a bunch of suckers :lol:
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Post by VT-16 »

Don´t crucify me if it turns out to be bunk.

Btw. the AT-AP is my new favorite walker (to think I hated it from the first glimpse in the teaser).


The big gun is a projectile cannon, for artillery strikes. 8)
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Post by Cykeisme »

Yeah, the AT-AP looks pretty cool.

According to the databank the middle leg is retractable.. it's used to brace the vehicle while firing the artillery gun. It doesn't play a part in locomotion.
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Post by VT-16 »

Indeed. One of the things that made me change my opinion of it.
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Post by wautd »

VT-16 wrote:Indeed. One of the things that made me change my opinion of it.
hmm, i have to admit... it is a cool design.

/me slightly conceeds on the walker part

By the way, the most disturbing to me was not the killing of the children, nor seeing Anakin burning alive, nor the forcechoking of Padme, nor every other brutal scene.
For me it was Cody's betrayal to Obi Wan. Hell, during the movie I had the feeling like "hey, that guy seems allright for a clone" and he even has some kind of friendship with Obi Wan, when in a blink of an eye he orders his troops to kill Obi Wan. That was cold
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Post by VT-16 »

I love that scene for kickstarting the "Purge"-montage. The way the AT-TE just turns and fires like it´s the most natural thing in the world, Obi-Wan completely oblivious and plummeting like a rock (loved the camera following them down and bluntly stopping as they hit the water, then straight over to the next target, on Mygeeto). :cry:
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Post by Kuja »

That was indeed a fastastic bit of moviemaking. Lucas suckers the viewers into the same position as the Jedi: you start to think of them not as nameless, faceless soldiers, but as human beings who talk, make wisecracks, call for aid, and so on. Then a few words are spoken and that veneer of gentility drops away to reveal the cold, hard truth: these are NOT people, they are NOT human beings like you or me, they are weapons in a war, and like any other weapon, they can be turned on an ally under the right circumstances. No more fuss than pulling a trigger. It's a shocking scene and one of the best bits in the movie.
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Post by wautd »

Oh and thank god the room with the digital projector wasnt sold out. That was sharp. Too sharp :P
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Post by Srynerson »

This didn't seem worthy of starting an entirely new thread, so I thought I'd mention it here. Some posters have discounted the possibility that the Tantive IV was extensively rebuilt between RotS and ANH on the grounds that it would be too expensive. However, here is a real life news account of a cruiseship being cut in half and having a new center section added to it.

Most relevant parts:

As he strolled past the line's massive Enchantment of the Seas at the Keppel Verlome Shipyard in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Fetten described plans to simply cut the ship in two and add a new middle section to create space for 300 additional passengers.

"It's far faster than building a new ship," said Fetten. "We can react to market demands or popularity of new ships much faster."

* * * *

Enchantment of the Seas was launched in 1997. It measured 315 feet long, 105 feet wide and 12 stories tall. Enchantment weighed 74,000 tons. Fetten's plan would add 73 feet to the ship's length.
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Post by Kurgan »

Cykeisme wrote: Edit: Regarding the Super Battle Droid voices.. I was a bit peeved at first, considering they had made booming, commanding mechanical grunts in Republic Commando.
After thinking about it, though, there's no reason why they should sound any different from the B1 droids. They're supposed to share a lot of internal components with the B1s, save for better armor, weaponry and servos.
That still doesn't mean that voice is excusable for either type of droid, of course.
The voices sounded much higher pitched and squeaky this time around vs. Episodes 1 & 2. There's no excuse for that except to try to be cute and further pussify the useless droid fodder. :P One of the few things that annoyed me about the new movie upon each viewing.

Perhaps Lucas (or Ben Burt) just really really wanted to maximize the contrast between bully Grevious with his deep voice and accent and the mousey/munchkin lackies.

Pointless rant: the QC showcase cinema really bites hard lately (part of the cinemark chain IIRC). I really don't think they're THX certified (heh). The first time I saw ROTS the sound was too low, the second time it sounded like only the front speakers were on (no surround sound, just some bass boom). Crappy.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Well, the probe droid in ESB communicates in an equally high tone.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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not to get off topic, I'm not the only one to point this out

Post by Kurgan »

Irrelevant. These aren't probe droids speaking in code (a better example would be mouse droids that literally squeek).

The same model of droid suddenly gets a dose of helium, for crying out loud! :lol:
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Post by VT-16 »

I thought the droid voices were just plain ol´ fun. Gave them some personality. :P
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Post by Vympel »

VT-16 wrote:I thought the droid voices were just plain ol´ fun. Gave them some personality. :P
Still, Super Battle Droids shouldn't talk like pussies.
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Post by VT-16 »

They sounded like bodybuilders who take too many steroids and have their balls shrink. Made me chuckle. :P
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